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  1. #101
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    Default Re: Pulse Nightclub in Orlando Attack

    While there are several million Muslims already in the US, there's no point in allowing any additional Muslims to settle here, the cultural differences create risks that are simply too great.

    Example: I live in California, and I don't know of any immigrant group that clings to their native garb (like hijabs) as Muslims. If they wanted to fit in, they would dress like the natives. If they wanted to fit in, the would become fully secular, like most educated people in the US and Western Europe. If they wanted to fit in, they wouldn't send their kids (in such high numbers) to religious schools.

    He need to further cut our ties with the Middle East, Arab Countries, and Muslims countries in general. Westerners shouldn;t travel to the Middle East, and Middle-Easterns shouldn't travel to the West.

    Simply, we shouldn't be in contact with people who belong to such a barbaric/savage/backwards religion, and we sure as hell shouldn't allow them to live among us.

    Look Marge, I'm reading The Economist, did you know Indonesia is at a crossroads?

  2. #102
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    Default Re: Pulse Nightclub in Orlando Attack

    He need to further cut our ties with the Middle East, Arab Countries, and Muslims countries in general. Westerners shouldn;t travel to the Middle East, and Middle-Easterns shouldn't travel to the West.

    Osama bin Laden's dream lives on...

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  3. #103
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    Default Re: Pulse Nightclub in Orlando Attack

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavros View Post
    He need to further cut our ties with the Middle East, Arab Countries, and Muslims countries in general. Westerners shouldn;t travel to the Middle East, and Middle-Easterns shouldn't travel to the West.

    Osama bin Laden's dream lives on...
    If his dream was for Westerners to be aware of the cultural divide between the West and Muslims, its mission accomplished.

    Look Marge, I'm reading The Economist, did you know Indonesia is at a crossroads?

  4. #104
    Verified account Silver Poster Ben in LA's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pulse Nightclub in Orlando Attack

    Quote Originally Posted by dc_guy_75 View Post
    I live in California, and I don't know of any immigrant group that clings to their native garb (like hijabs) as Muslims. If they wanted to fit in, they would dress like the natives. If they wanted to fit in, the would become fully secular, like most educated people in the US and Western Europe. If they wanted to fit in, they wouldn't send their kids (in such high numbers) to religious schools.
    You obviously haven't been to the city of Artesia, where a lot of folks from India do business. Funny how many of them still wear their traditional dress and aren't Muslim.

    And if a Catholic nun can be covered up (at her discretion), why can't Muslims?

    It's amazing how last week we were mourning Muhammad Ali, a devout Muslim, and now we're back to bashing them again. America!

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  5. #105
    Hung Angel Platinum Poster trish's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pulse Nightclub in Orlando Attack

    Quote Originally Posted by MrFanti View Post
    I hope to see you defend Christian mayors in the same way....
    I do applaud Mayor Buddy Dyer for setting up the OneOrlando fund and accepting contributions to it from the Council on American Islamic Relations. He did it as the Democratic Mayor of Orlando, but if you wish, it is also an act commensurate with his Christian faith just as the contribution from CAIR is a humane act commensurate with the Islamic faith.

    Last edited by trish; 06-17-2016 at 05:37 PM.
    "...I no longer believe that people's secrets are defined and communicable, or their feelings full-blown and easy to recognize."_Alice Munro, Chaddeleys and Flemings.

    "...the order in creation which you see is that which you have put there, like a string in a maze, so that you shall not lose your way". _Judge Holden, Cormac McCarthy's, BLOOD MERIDIAN.

  6. #106
    so you're cute, now what? Junior Poster
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    Default Re: Pulse Nightclub in Orlando Attack

    Quote Originally Posted by Ben in LA View Post
    if a Catholic nun can be covered up (at her discretion), why can't Muslims?

    I take it you've never seen a woman covered by full Hijab in a shopping mall while her husband wears jeans and a t-shirt? I agree that any religious based shame of women is stupid but to equate the covering of catholic nuns to the insane nature of the Islamic dress code for women is a wee bit regressive.

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  7. #107
    Silver Poster fred41's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pulse Nightclub in Orlando Attack

    Lots of stuff in this thread to comment on.
    (if some of this sounds loopy - I Just had an endoscopy done as routine procedure -and I'm still coming down from the drugs)
    There is nothing wrong with weapons regulation.
    I would never, ever be for getting rid of all guns, this is a rather large country and guns are an absolute necessity in some areas of the country for survival. Guns are also a necessity in some lines of work and people in need of protection, etc...but to be able to buy an assault rifle just because people think they are cool is ludicrous. If people want the absolute freedom to own these, then they are going to have to be willing to put up with some draconian practices in the future such as: all schools, clubs, malls,movie theaters, large office buildings...anywhere masses of people congregate will have magnetometers and a well trained and armed security staff.
    The more powerful weapons you allow your citizens to own, the more powerful the weapons your policing organizations are going to need to carry.
    I simply don't see the personal argument for owning one of them. Personally I know quite a few gun collectors. I can never get a realistic response from them as to why they need some of their high powered, over the top weapons, other than.."because the constitution allows it". But often they just come across as the type of collectors that cross the line into the hoarding category...and people like that can never be rationally talked out of a 'collection'.
    But you can't use the Constitution to vociferously argue the right to have any gun you're jonesing to own, but then disregard the Constitution when it comes to freedom of religion.That's hypocritical.
    I own and sometimes carry. But nothing over the top (there's no bears roaming the streets of NYC)..and neverwhen I'm going out to drink.
    ..and there are plenty of religions that have been allowed to exist in the USA that still wear untraditional western garb ...unless the Jewish Orthodox, Amish, Mennonites, etc. are a figment of my imagination.
    You don't have to like them, you shouldn't ever cater to them at the expense of your own laws...but you do have to allow them.

    But the State Dept. also needs to be diligent in reenforcing tight standards , background checks, do all our bodies of law enforcement. They need to be able to do their jobs without being handcuffed by any ideological administrators, who may unintentionally grant people untouchable status based on 'imaginary' constitutional rights or false perceptions of racism. That's just common sense to protect the well being of the nations populace.

    On a separate note...I never understand the Jesus and Guns crowd. I see their posts on Facebook all the time . Do Christians honestly believe that Jesus Christ would condone owning an assault rifle? Jesus didn't condone people killing each other. What are those people protecting themselves against? If you lead a good Christian life, then this mortal shell you live in now doesn't need protection because you are headed for eternal life.
    Unless of course they don't really believe all that and only use the scriptures to lend cover to their own petty, hateful judgements of others.

    and for the record, I don't follow any particular religion,...but at the very least, they do seem to be used quite often to support acts of extreme Misoginy.

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    Last edited by fred41; 06-17-2016 at 07:38 PM.

  8. #108
    Veteran Poster EZWind's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pulse Nightclub in Orlando Attack

    Quote Originally Posted by fred41 View Post
    There is nothing wrong with weapons regulation.
    ...there ya go....that's the crux of the matter right there fact, what are the very first words of the 2nd amendment?....A well regulated militia...

    Quote Originally Posted by fred41 View Post
    I would never, ever be for getting rid of all guns,
    ....of course not. This is what enrages me about the fanatics and the NRA ...nobody is plotting to come and take away all your guns

    Quote Originally Posted by fred41 View Post
    I simply don't see the personal argument for owning one of them. Personally I know quite a few gun collectors. I can never get a realistic response from them as to why they need some of their high powered, over the top weapons,
    ...that's b/c they don't really NEED them. I don't hunt and have never owned a gun, but I know a great many friends and family who do and none of them own any military style weaponry. Anyone who needs an AK-47 to kill Daffy or Bullwinkle or Smokie is one damn lousy sportsman as far as I'm concerned....and I've taken a load of abuse over the years from 2nd amendment zealots for pointing that out. Sorry, I just don't get it

    Quote Originally Posted by fred41 View Post
    But the State Dept. also needs to be diligent in reenforcing tight standards , background checks, do all our bodies of law enforcement. They need to be able to do their jobs without being handcuffed by any ideological administrators, who may unintentionally grant people untouchable status based on 'imaginary' constitutional rights or false perceptions of racism. That's just common sense to protect the well being of the nations populace.
    ...yeah, good luck w/ that. Common sense is one glaring thing that is sadly lacking these days among our elected Congressional legislators

    Quote Originally Posted by Ben in LA View Post
    It's like talking to a brick wall.
    ....not exactly....the brick wall has more common sense

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    the Meek shall inherit the Earth....the Rest of Us will go to the Stars

  9. #109
    Verified account Silver Poster Ben in LA's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pulse Nightclub in Orlando Attack

    Quote Originally Posted by peacheater View Post
    I take it you've never seen a woman covered by full Hijab in a shopping mall while her husband wears jeans and a t-shirt? I agree that any religious based shame of women is stupid but to equate the covering of catholic nuns to the insane nature of the Islamic dress code for women is a wee bit regressive.
    Um...maybe that's her choice? That's why I put in parenthesis "AT HER DISCRETION".

    As one who has Muslims as friends AND family, not everyone follows every rule. Many actually DO assimilate into western culture...just as some Catholic nuns do. I went to a Catholic school from K-12; by the time I was in the eight grade, many of the nuns were basically wearing just business suits with their hair uncovered; a couple of the older ones still wore the traditional outfit.

    As I stated over on Facebook, Trump called for a "total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on".

    So why can't we U.S. citizens call for a "total and complete shutdown of assault weapons sales in the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on"? Because we obviously have NOT figured it out. Not after Sandy Hook. Not after Aurora. And damn sure not after Orlando.

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    Last edited by Ben in LA; 06-18-2016 at 05:16 AM.

  10. #110
    Veteran Poster EZWind's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pulse Nightclub in Orlando Attack

    Quote Originally Posted by Ben in LA View Post
    ....So why can't we U.S. citizens call for a "total and complete shutdown of assault weapons sales .... well as high capacity magazines, and also call for closing all the sales loopholes and stringent enforcement of background checks. Fact is, we DO call , as poll after poll has shown. The majority of Americans, including a majority of NRA members are in favor of these measures.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ben in LA View Post
    .... until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on"?
    ....sad thing is...they HAVE figured out what's going on....what's going on is the NRA lobbyists, along with the arms dealers and weapons manufacturers are more than happy to line the pockets of Congress with obscene amounts of cash for precisely NOT enacting any of these common sense safety measures which might cut into their bottom line
    ....and, as my buddy Sergio likes to say...that's what's up

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    the Meek shall inherit the Earth....the Rest of Us will go to the Stars

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