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  1. #701
    Senior Member Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Thought for the Day

    Tonight's Lament....
    I still have a couple Newspapers from when Kennedy was shot. One is the Washington Star, a newspaper delivered in the afternoon by paperboys. Long time ago, Kimosabe.
    If Mueller can prove Putin had Trump over a barrel, and Trump actually gave up State Secrets, or covered for him in Syria, did favors, anything, ...that newspaper I would save.

    World Class Asshole

  2. #702
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    Default Re: Thought for the Day

    Quote Originally Posted by buttslinger View Post
    Tonight's Lament....
    I still have a couple Newspapers from when Kennedy was shot. One is the Washington Star, a newspaper delivered in the afternoon by paperboys. Long time ago, Kimosabe.
    If Mueller can prove Putin had Trump over a barrel, and Trump actually gave up State Secrets, or covered for him in Syria, did favors, anything, ...that newspaper I would save.
    You are assuming that the report of the Special Counsel will see the light of day. This is what an article in Vox stated in July:

    Mueller is only required by law to deliver a confidential report to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who oversees the investigation. And Rosensteinhas no obligation to send the report to Congress or tell the public about it. Which means much of what Mueller uncovers may remain a secret.

    In the last 11 hours (ie, overnight in the UK), the President's lawyer Rudolph Giuliani has not only endorsed the view that the report may remain secret but argued the President could cite 'Executive Privilege' as the reason. But, this being Giuliani, he also said the President is preparing a rebuttal report which is already 58 pages long.

    It also comes days after Giuliani told the Daily Beast that Trump's legal team is almost finished with a “voluminous” report aimed at discrediting Mueller.
    “The first half of it is 58 pages, and second half isn't done yet. … It needs an executive summary if it goes over a hundred,” Giuliani told the Beast.

    But surely that cannot be published either as it would reveal to the public what it is in the Mueller report the President doesn't want you to see! Makes you wonder how much Giuliani is charging his client and whether or not he is going to advise him to keep his own report secret.

    The details that the President wants out of the public view relate to his financial history, with regard to the flow of money from Russia to the US, and the tax paid on that income-or not paid, as the case might be. If we know one thing, it is that the President has an obsession with his money that may be more important than anything in his life other than his phenomenal belief in himself as the greatest and most popular President in history. The closer anyone gets to the truth about his money, the further away those irritating things called 'the people' will be from learning the truth about their glorious President. And you can be sure Mitch McConnell will defend the President in his attempt to turn the whole of the Mueller investigation into a non-event. The primary aim right now is to confirm Brett Kavanaugh as the new Justice on the Supreme Court.

  3. #703
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    Default Re: Thought for the Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavros View Post
    You are assuming that the report of the Special Counsel will see the light of day....
    It seems nobody is really sure what the rules are, we're plowing some new legal ground here. If you listen to Rudy on any particular day, you here different stories, one is that Rosenstein or whoever could just take the report from Mueller and lock it in a safe. Or just end the Investigation. In which case that night at 9PM the entire Mueller team would be on Rachel Maddow's show spilling their guts, which would be even worse for Trump in the Court of Public Opinion. Trump is large and in charge, holds all the cards, but as every President has found in the past, that is a made-up reality they write for job descriptions. Hitler said it best, in a Democracy, FDR fights with one hand tied behind his back. It made no sense to Hitler, and it makes no sense to Trump.

    We really don't know what's going on, which gives every voter a chance to use his or her imagination to fill in the blanks. If Mueller truly found out that Putin had compromised Trump, all these failsafes would probably occur that very day, limiting what Trump was told, in case he passes a thumb drive to Putin when they're alone for two hours at Helsinki. Maybe all of Trump's daily briefings are fake news. Who knows?

    He who laughs last laughs best, after Mueller comes St Peter, but first we have to find out what Kavanaugh thinks about all this. Oy!

    You would think Trump would be cracking up by now, acting squirrely or giving himself away in falsehoods. I wonder how many people outside his family he's told the truth to? Is Mike Pence even curious? There are tons of open questions and possible outcomes. And then there's the problem of the 50 million people who voted for Trump. They knew he was an asshole when they voted for him.

    World Class Asshole

  4. #704
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    Default Re: Thought for the Day

    Quote Originally Posted by buttslinger View Post
    Trump is large and in charge, holds all the cards, but as every President has found in the past, that is a made-up reality they write for job descriptions. Hitler said it best, in a Democracy, FDR fights with one hand tied behind his back. It made no sense to Hitler, and it makes no sense to Trump.
    I don't know why Hitler has to get into every discussion we have on politics, and his comment is nonsense anyway. It is up to a President to create a working relationship with Congress so they can produce the legislation that Americans want and need, it does not have to be a confrontational relationship at all. In other words, two hands shaking others not one hand tied behind the back.

    As for the President, he does not hold all the cards, as he is not an Autocrat or a dictator. Congress can make demands, and change the rules if it can to ensure no President can hide behind 'Executive Privilege' if that means breaking the law and getting away with it, for the simple reason that nobody is above the law in the USA.

    What you need is an opposition that works, rather than barks. Or whines, in the case of Dianne Feinstein who on today's evidence has as much impact as a paper bag falling to the floor. Pathetic really.

  5. #705
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    Citing Hitler is usually goes with a losing argument, but I am a loser, so I can say Hitler made the USA a Superpower and England a Tourist Destination. No Offence, Mate. The Democrat's Face is Pelosi, Schumer, maybe Clinton and Biden. All Yesterday's Papers. They should run Mark Warner and get back on the Obama trail, this time with a better economy. Trump is going down, Pence is a wimp, but Conservative Media calls the shots, it is fantastically great that they've hitched their wagon to a Traitor. Could a Shemale Fap Site with zero women back an ugly Woman President? Maybe Lysistrata will run. If Women started their own Party, they'd win everything.

    World Class Asshole

  6. #706
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    Default Re: Thought for the Day

    Should the President of the USA have the right to not only tell a private company how to run its business, but threaten it if it does not do as he says? And in the case of Apple, is the President right to claim that if Apple moves all of its production to the it will pay 'zero tax'? Does that apply to all private companies, or is it in the gift of the President to make those decisions?

    Well, at least it proves yet again that this President does not believe in markets, or maybe just doesn't understand how they work, and that government knows best. Hang on, why not take over Apple and make it a Federally owned company? Then the President can make all the decisions, because he is making American great again -right?

  7. #707
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    In the comments to the FT article I linked above is another link, to an interview with Tim Cook which gives an important and different perspective on Apple in China from what is often thought to be the basis of the relationship: cheap labour. This is what Cook says:

    "The number one reason why we like to be in China is the people. China has extraordinary skills. And the part that's the most unknown is there's almost 2 million application developers in China that write apps for the iOS App Store. These are some of the most innovative mobile apps in the world, and the entrepreneurs that run them are some of the most inspiring and entrepreneurial in the world. Those are sold not only here but exported around the world."
    Highly skilled software developers developing apps for the App Store are one reason Apple likes to be in China. But the depth of highly skilled labor in the manufacturing space is why Apple makes its iPhones there:

    "China has moved into very advanced manufacturing, so you find in China the intersection of craftsman kind of skill, and sophisticated robotics and the computer science world. That intersection, which is very rare to find anywhere, that kind of skill, is very important to our business because of the precision and quality level that we like. The thing that most people focus on if they're a foreigner coming to China is the size of the market, and obviously it's the biggest market in the world in so many areas. But for us, the number one attraction is the quality of the people."

    Another prompt to policy makers in the USA: education is your future. Your future prosperity depends on the education you provide for your people, of all ages.

  8. #708
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    Default Re: Thought for the Day

    I don't know who this weirdo is or how he got into the White House, but I think he is in urgent need of help. And no, I am not referring to the President...

  9. #709
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Thought for the Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavros View Post
    I don't know who this weirdo is or how he got into the White House
    Because he's a useful idiot - "See, how can I be a racist when this famous black guy loves me?". Trump never tires of hearing people praise him, but you can virtually see him thinking - "How long am I going to have to sit here feigning interest in this drivel?"

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  10. #710
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    There is a nexus between Trump's rhetoric and the shooting at the synagogue in Pittsburgh that is very strong. There have always been conspiracy theorists and neo-nazis who have occupied small corners of the internet and fantasized about harming minorities but on some level they're aware of their own crankiness and I believe even embarrassed by how disgusting they are.

    The conspiracy theorist usually knows at some deep level that they're ridiculous. It's why Alex Jones claimed to merely be an entertainer in court. It's why part of the David Irving trial involved proving that he deliberately distorted the record. They really harbor doubts about their own bullshit that they rarely admit to.

    When you have a President spreading conspiracy theories about Jews trafficking people in Central America and a rich Jew magically influencing events, some of that doubt is bound to vanish. If you asked me whether the deadliest anti-semitic attack would have occurred without Donald Trump and the Republicans rhetoric, I am surprised that I think the answer is no. And I say this in spite of the fact that hateful attacks are occasionally pereptrated against every community even without a racist president.

    The man who committed this attack held the same worldview as Trump, with this ridiculous and artificial distinction between globalist and nationalist and the toxic Soros rhetoric. He only believed Trump wasn't extreme enough. But I think it was important for him to see someone whose worldview was somewhat made him hopeful that all of the garbage he believed could have a grain of truth.

    This comes on the heels of a white supremacist attack on two African-Americans in a Kroger and an attempted terrorist attack against influential Democrats. The danger is to validate the delusions of sick people. There is something to be said about a man in power who has made it clear that if you're a racist, he is not your enemy and will not oppose you except in the vaguest and most general terms.

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