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  1. #651
    Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Thought for the Day

    alex jones is having just a little too much fun reporting about tommy robinson in this segment

  2. #652
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: Thought for the Day

    The usual worthless rubbish from Alex Jones, the man who claims Sandy Hook was a Hoax, because he really is that desperate.

    Tommy Robinson/Stephen Yaxley-Lennon has not been sentenced to death, this is plain stupid as we don't have capital punishment in the UK, and if Prison is a rough place to be, is that a surprise?

    Leicester is a Category B prison, not a Category A prison.

    Tommy Robinson/Stephen Yaxley-Lennon broke the law, and deliberately broke the law knowing it would result in a custodial sentence.

    Robinson's supporters are Neo-Nazis, they give the Nazi salute openly at demonstrations and attack the police. They have also received public support from UKIP leader Gerard Batten, former UKIP leadership candidate Ann-Marie Waters, Dutch nationalist Geert Wilders, and American nationalist Steven Bannon, while associates of Yaxley-Lennon include Jayda Fransen, the criminal fascist whose videos of hate were approved of by the President of the USA when he re-tweeted them to prove how much contempt he has for the UK and its democratic political system.

    As for Caolan Robertson, this ridiculous little squirt may be on Alex Jone's speed dial, but he has no other claim to fame.

    1 out of 1 members liked this post.

  3. #653
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    Default Re: Thought for the Day

    Reading about the way in which the US Attorney General is vetting candidates for senior positions in the law to prevent anyone with even a hint of liberal tendencies from becoming Judges or even working as a clerk in his Department, makes me wonder if there is a transformation taking place in both the political and the legal system, a trend taking place not just in the USA, but in a different format in the UK, Hungary and Poland where 'Identity politics' is being challenged by a crude Nationalism.

    The core problem is that the President was written off during the campaign as a loser, based on his lack of intelligence, his vulgarity and the zeal with which he insulted and abused a diverse group of Americans, from its women and veterans to the disabled. Far from the record suggesting he is a one-term wonder, the evidence may show that his support has strengthened to the extent that candidates who approve of him are being selected to run in the mid-terms. What is interesting about this is that instead of being the man who broke the back of the two-party system and led to a re-alignment, what the President and his supporters have realised is that they don't need to break anything, just take over the existing institutions they have ridiculed for so long, and make them their own.

    A good case is Abortion, for while they would love the Supreme Court to repeal Roe-v-Wade, they realise now they don't need to, just use the power in the States they control to strip Planned Parenthood centres of their funds, and impose term limits on abortion so strict it is, in effect, impossible for a woman to get one in the State. Similarly, the infusion of alt-right candidates in the justice system, which will affect the Supreme Court as Justices Kennedy and Ginsberg retire, will lead to a firm bias in the Supreme and Circuit Courts, as well as in States, which will make law on the basis of the Bible rather than the Constitution, which will be in practice a dead letter as the new Court simply rejects every appeal made to it that does not fit with their preferred source of law, ie the Bible.

    I sense a transformation that is bloodless, silent, and effective unless the Republican Party of T can be defeated. But in those States where the RPOT holds office, a different USA will emerge, the wet dream of the Confederates who always hated the America of Major Lindsay and Martin Luther King, of JFK and Clinton, of anyone born who is Black, Latino, Muslim and Jewish. There is a similar pattern in the UK where a fringe element now want to abolish the House of Lords, that want to see the EU fall apart, that are obsessed with the fantasy of free trade, and opposed to all kinds of immigration.

    It is hard to know if this is an experiment that will fail, but if it succeeds, our countries will be even more divided now than they were 25 years ago, and I see no good emerging from such a change.

  4. #654
    Senior Member Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Thought for the Day

    Mick Jagger said it didn't matter what they said about you on page 67, as long as your face is on the cover of the magazine.
    Give the Devil his due, Trump is a Rock Star.
    How could the framers of the Constitution forsee that a future President might take the office not to serve, but to be served?
    With a served subpoena and impeachment.
    I'm sure Mueller sailed past page 67 of his report long ago.
    And what Trump calls "fighting back" they call "resisting" in the hood.
    After Mueller is through mopping the floor with these wannabe patriots, I hope the Democratic Party grows a backbone and destroys what's left of the Republicans once and for all. Whatever lofty ambitions they had once have been overtaken by time.
    Check these Commandments. Killing a guy outside the White House is the only sin this prick HASN'T done! SAD!

    World Class Asshole

  5. #655
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    Default Re: Thought for the Day

    On the one hand, Buttslinger, you might be right, but on the other hand, you can't assume either Mueller or the mid-terms will rescue you from this destructive Presidency. Even though a majority of Americans may disapprove of him, the President and his Republican Party can probably hold on to numerous states where the resurrection of a Confederate mentality has been emboldened by a man who declares his fellow Americans 'liars' and 'traitors' and is an open racist who now shreds immigrant families locking up children in cages reminiscent of Guantanamo Bay. Critically, the take-over of the justice system is designed to reverse every liberal law passed since 1965 when possible, and prevent any new ones reaching the statute books of the State or the Union, the legacy of the worst President in history will be with you for some time.

    From an international perspective, it may be even worse, as this sombre but well argued article in the New York Times presents the vision-

    At a summit in Canada, the president of the United States rejected associating the country with “the rules-based international order” that America had built after World War II, and threatened the country’s closest allies with a trade war. He insulted the Canadian prime minister, and then, just a few days later, lavished praise on Kim Jong-un, the world’s most repressive dictator. Without consulting America’s allies in the region, he even reiterated his desire to withdraw American troops from South Korea.
    Such reckless disregard for the security concerns of America’s allies, hostility to mutually beneficial trade and willful isolation of the United States is unprecedented. Yet this is the foreign policy of the Trump administration. Quite explicitly, the leader of the free world wants to destroy the alliances, trading relationships and international institutions that have characterized the American-led order for 70 years.
    The administration’s alternative vision for the international order is a bare-knuckled assertion of unilateral power that some call America First; more colorfully, a White House official characterized it to The Atlantic as the “We’re America, Bitch” doctrine. This aggressive disregard for the interests of like-minded countries, indifference to democracy and human rights and cultivation of dictators is the new world Mr. Trump is creating. He and his closest advisers would pull down the liberal order, with America at its helm, that remains the best guarantor of world peace humanity has ever known. We are entering a new, terrifying era.

    Just as critical is the apparent inability of the defenders of the post-war system to resist this maniac, least of all here in the UK where Theresa May has made so many promises to the man who insults her openly, that it would be hard for her now to do the right thing and tell the President he is not welcome in the UK. Indeed, shadow Foreign Secretary, Labour's Emily Thornberry has now said she will not only meet the President if invited to do so, but accept the invitation to 'tell him to his face' what she thinks of him on the flimsy basis that the UK still has friends in the US, friends the President has already dismissed as 'liars' and 'traitors', where in fact, Emily Thornberry is a disgrace to the Labour movement and an embarrassment to the rest of this country. How can anyone have any effect on a man who knows he is right all of the time, and, like the President's Men who have been exposed as chronic liars who break the law and co-ordinated election issues with the Russians, simply doesn't care what people think.

    This is the new politics: I am right, I will do what I want, I don't care what you think and you can get lost.

  6. #656
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    Default Re: Thought for the Day

    so- melania trump went to visit detained immigrant children held at the border wearing a jacket that had the words "i really don't care. do u?"

    somehow i find that very punk- i'd have just advised her to wear it at mar-a-largo instead. also, a spokesperson for her doesn't get why everyone is focused on that because it has no hidden message whatsoever.

  7. #657
    Senior Member Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Thought for the Day

    Riddle me this-
    I'm Rod Rosenstein and Mueller just came over and showed me proof Trump colluded with the Russians. What do I do?

    Immediately file charges?
    What if TREASON is like the second or third worst thing they found?
    Call all my girlfriends?
    Finish the Report like it was the most important report the world has ever seen
    Call Mitch for a drink?

    World Class Asshole

  8. #658
    Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Thought for the Day

    couldn't she just moon the cameras?

  9. #659
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: Thought for the Day

    Free speech must apply to all if it is to work, so I wonder about the Red Hen restaurant in Lexington Virginia asking Sarah H. Sanders to leave. I assume the management can ask anyone to leave; but by making this not only public but using her White House twitter feed to do so, did Sanders violate a basic ethical rule on not using official stationary to make a personal remark that could have damaging commercial repercussions on a business? The point being that another restaurant called the Red Hen, but in New Jersey was inundated with over 600 abusive phone calls and negative reviews online even if those Americans can't tell the difference between New Jersey and Virginia, which may not come as a surprise to some. In addition to the President describing a restaurant he has never been to as 'filthy' -is this not a personal comment that could damage a business and itself unethical?- online reviews expose the limits of free speech when one can say of the Lexington restaurant “Fit for a Nazi, this restaurant is perfect for serving hatred and bitter spirits to its liberal customers."

    The President has been photographed with a McDonald's meal but that chain doesn't seem to have suffered because of it, but more generally I think that confronting politicians you don't like in public is a risky thing to do if they are not on official business. Would it be fair to confront a Senator of Congressional Representative if he or she were in the Mall with their children? It works all ways regardless of party, but if invisible lines are crossed, the political sphere merges with the personal to a degree that may actually damage even further the discourse on politics in our societies, be it the US, the UK, Europe or wherever. We have already had one MP murdered while doing her job, just as someone attempted to murder Gabrielle Gifford in 2011.

    But leadership on this should come from the top, so it is maybe not surprising if by lowering the tone of politics and attacking people in vulgar language the President bears some responsibility for this. But I guess its never too late to do the right thing, right?

  10. #660
    Senior Member Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Thought for the Day

    Even though Trump has the Oval Office and Majorities in the Senate, House, Supreme Court, State Governors, .....he continues to operate in campaign mode and paint himself, his base, and the USA as victims. The first house I ever lived in was a couple blocks from the baseball field where House members were shot last year, so watch out Maxine Waters, don't scream fire in a burning building just yet. In the USA we have this sanity clause in our Constitution called IMPEACHMENT, and it's been in the Conversation since two seconds after Trump was elected.

    World Class Asshole

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