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  1. #1
    Silver Poster
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    Default Everbeen so stressed out that you are not even turned on by porn?

    Ever been just so stressed out by life that
    1) you are not even turned on by porn
    2) when you do go just lack the spark to flirt with women at the bars?

    If so how did you ever get out of this funk?
    I got my hormones tested...and for a guy who goes to the gym three days a week...holy hell my T levels were i got on the injections regiment....but.....still..... cross 35 and all of a sudden your life can go to shit if you are out in the burbs....all your friends start having one wants to go out....your dating pool starts getting saggy skin around the arms and fuzz on their chin and still think they should be pulling 6 figure guys with flat guts and nice cars........and before you know it it's 11pm on a Saturday night and you are at home...doing work because no one is going out....and if they are...its with the wife and they will use you as the buffer for their arguments.

    shit i can't be the only dick in this crack? anyone else kind of fucked like me?

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  2. #2
    Veteran Poster Infern0's Avatar
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    Default Re: Everbeen so stressed out that you are not even turned on by porn?


    After breakup with my ex who had borderline personality disorder

    I loved her so much (still do truth be told) but she could not get past her demons and put me to hell and back

    At the end i had a nervous breakdown and my dick died for like a month, no joke. Took a girl home after like 3 weeks to try take my mind of things and i was limp biscuit styles

    Only way back from that level of stress is healthy living, and getting your life in balance

    for me, clean eating, getting proper rest and a strict gym routine worked, but it's a hard thing.

    Look into test freak or other test suppliments, maybe try horny goat weed, these things work, but even at 35 lifestyle changes should increase your test levels

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    Last edited by Infern0; 11-08-2015 at 06:55 AM.
    Deal Wit It!

  3. #3
    Senior Member Platinum Poster giovanni_hotel's Avatar
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    Default Re: Everbeen so stressed out that you are not even turned on by porn?

    Death of loved ones can kill the libido too.

    Find something you enjoy doing non-sexual. Once you start feeling happy and content emotionally, your dingaling will find its purpose again.

    And get OUT of the bar scene. Not saying don't go out, but find other venues and events besides hanging out at a bar. That entire scene isn't the best for your sex drive.

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  4. #4
    Verified account Silver Poster Ben in LA's Avatar
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    Default Re: Everbeen so stressed out that you are not even turned on by porn?

    Being drugged up on cold medicine (due to a cold obviously) killed my libido as well one time. I happened to be at The Oxwood one Saturday when there were quite a few hot nubile babes there visiting. I STILL couldn't get it up. It actually took me about four days to get a quality hard on...and when I did finally get it I had a lot of pent up energy to expel (and I did).

    Stress from worrying about other things in life also can kill the boner. Fortunately for me that doesn't happen too often. I can still pop wood easily. I'm hitting 40 next year so that may change gradually.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Silver Poster MrFanti's Avatar
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    Default Re: Everbeen so stressed out that you are not even turned on by porn?

    Quote Originally Posted by SXFX View Post cross 35 and all of a sudden your life can go to shit if you are out in the burbs....all your friends start having one wants to go out....your dating pool starts getting saggy skin around the arms and fuzz on their chin and still think they should be pulling 6 figure guys with flat guts and nice cars........and before you know it it's 11pm on a Saturday night and you are at home...doing work because no one is going out....and if they are...its with the wife and they will use you as the buffer for their arguments.

    shit i can't be the only dick in this crack? anyone else kind of fucked like me?
    Being over 35 myself,
    I've found that the dating pool has exponentially increased for me...The "games" played during the 20s are over. The women are more aggressive and often make the first moves...

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  6. #6
    Senior Member Gold Poster christianxxx's Avatar
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    Default Re: Everbeen so stressed out that you are not even turned on by porn?

    stress is the number 1 thing that kills boners - that's true. whenever a male performer fails in a scene, I can usually tell that it's because he is stressed out about money, girls, or both.

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  7. #7
    Newish Veteran Poster
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    Default Re: Everbeen so stressed out that you are not even turned on by porn?

    Coke and/or alcohol occasionally, but fortunately those are the only things that have ever interfered with my sex life.

  8. #8
    Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Everbeen so stressed out that you are not even turned on by porn?

    Quote Originally Posted by MrFanti View Post
    Being over 35 myself,
    I've found that the dating pool has exponentially increased for me...The "games" played during the 20s are over. The women are more aggressive and often make the first moves...
    yeah i think i fucked up something special.....i'm living in the burbs of NJ....about 40/50 miles out from the tunnel/bridge....and what i have out here is what PA threw up! went on a date with this one girl.....holy fuck she said she was 30 but the skin on her face look 65+ the women out here smoke and drink hard...and tan deep so the resulting product is add to it that NJ is a blue collar state and we have about 1.5 guys for every 1 girl more or that adds to the stress.....

    And then all of my fucking friends are either married or married with kids and though i fucking love them to death....ever been a single guy who got invited out to dinner or drinks with your married friends and they are fighting....holy fuck.....i mean shit here i am working 12 hour a fucking day at my job as the lead and i just want to get out and flirt and wingmen are nonexistent and what i have are these two fine friends......who are angry at each other because...she's not giving him enough head and he forgot to put away the spoons.....


    I hit the gym three days a week for an hour and a half of weights, i try to eat well if i had an apatite, i don't drink more than a beer or three a week......and still....fuck....

    it was funny as hell i went to the endocrinologist to get my hormones tested out thinking the situational stress was somewhat hormonal...he had to test my blood twice to get any readings.....then looks at me, i'm in good shape 5'7" 200lbs and i bench 200 and i can squat 300 and i rock climb and i skydive and i ski and use to ride a sport bike and the Dr do you do have the testosterone levels of a 70yo man! And i'm like dude...i have to do "it" or i would die of a heart attack..... to bring everyone down from the plethora of tits and asses....but how do you pull out when you social network is shrinking, your work load is expanding and your dating pool is shallow......

    what new hobbies did you pick up to meet new folks so you didn't feel like such an alien?
    I mean other than the usual hobby of hookers and blow! =)

    "How you doin!"

  9. #9
    Senior Member Junior Poster bimale69's Avatar
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    Default Re: Everbeen so stressed out that you are not even turned on by porn?

    More times than I can remember, mostly from dealing with people whose laziness or incompetence piss me off or just plain assholes who drive me nuts when trying to get shit done, whether it's shippers, receivers, DOT, brokers, etc. it's a bit hard to get myself relaxed sometimes after the end of the day enough to view a bit of porn and get a quick wank out of the way.

    I don't need anger management. I just need some people to manage their stupidity.

  10. #10
    Bella Doll Platinum Poster BellaBellucci's Avatar
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    Default Re: Everbeen so stressed out that you are not even turned on by porn?

    Even pornstars get the blues.


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