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  1. #51
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    Default Re: The Curious Case of Alexander Litvinenko

    Further to my post earlier, Mark Urban on BBC-2's Newsnight claims the luggage theory is weak because traces of the nerve agent were not found in the Skripal house -making the family car the primary source- though that cannot rule out a package in the luggage, say a gift not being opened in the house -? Also 46 people were treated in hospitals in the area with the symptoms of nerve agent poisoning and police think over 100 may have been subjected to mild doses, so there is clearly more to come from the investigations.

  2. #52
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    Default Re: The Curious Case of Alexander Litvinenko

    Quote Originally Posted by filghy2 View Post
    Yeah right! You've made 11 posts in the last 2 days on this topic alone. You keep saying you are not going to waste time arguing with him, so why not just do it?
    There you go again! Mr Finger waver...who the fuck are you? Apart from Stavros' fucking poodle. I know your the one ticking all of his postings, you got nothing better to do?
    I'd love to come face to face with you.

  3. #53
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    Default Re: The Curious Case of Alexander Litvinenko

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavros View Post
    Welcome back, Comrade. I don't know why Mrs May said what she said, I suspect she was under pressure to make a statement and take active measures before the various medical and forensic teams have completed their work,, which may take months.

    Intelligence now believe the nerve agent may have been planted in Russia-
    Senior sources have told the Telegraph that they are convinced the Novichok nerve agent was hidden in the luggage of Yulia Skripal, the double agent’s 33-year-old daughter.

    They are working on the theory that the toxin was impregnated in an item of clothing or cosmetics or else in a gift that was opened in his house in Salisbury, meaning Miss Skripal was deliberately targeted to get at her father.
    FUCK ME! You mean there's something out there you DON'T actually have the answer to?
    There's a first time for everything. I mean you've even tried to educate me on my hobby of 35 years, you gunna tell me how to brew beer next?
    It's understandable why you throw stones at Putin everyday.
    I mean..... LOOK at our Leader & look at him. You must be so jealous? Speak to Russian people and ask them what they want. A STRONG leader is what they reply.
    As I say, look at ours, fucks sake!
    I will sign off for good now, I will leave you and your little poodle to educate & insult the great unwashed & gullible on here.

  4. #54
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    Default Re: The Curious Case of Alexander Litvinenko

    Quote Originally Posted by broncofan View Post
    Mate, who are the others? Are there a lot of people who agree with you on this? Your hypotheses just seem far-fetched.
    Bronco; You would have to live over here to understand fully what I mean. Jeremy Corbyn will not be allowed to govern this country. If it looks like he's sweeping to power just before the General Election he will be "took out" by the Intelligence service! Russia is just another thorn in their side! Taking out a Russian & his daughter is nothing to what they WOULD do! They knew how Corbyn would react to it.

  5. #55
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    Default Re: The Curious Case of Alexander Litvinenko


    [I]It's understandable why you throw stones at Putin everyday[/I].
    --Hmm let's see...rigged elections; Alexander Litvinenko; Boris Nemstov; Alexei Navalny; Mikhail Khodorskovsky; the Crimea; eastern Ukraine and the bombing of Malaysian Airlines 17; Chechnya; Georgia and the fake republics of Abkhazia and Transnistria; Syria and the indiscriminate bombing of schools, hospitals and residential districts; money laundering; interfering in foreign elections- and that's just for starters...
    He doesn't inspire respect in me, sorry about that.

    I mean..... LOOK at our Leader & look at him. You must be so jealous?
    Theresa May is not our leader, we don't have leaders in the UK. We have a head of state, and a Prime Minister and a Parliament. I am not a supporter of the Tories or Mrs May, but if you look at the party forming our government, the choice after her is substantially worse, unless you want your Brexit pals to 'lead us' into the sunlit uplands of 'independence'.
    Jealousy is an infantile emotion.

    Speak to Russian people and ask them what they want. A STRONG leader is what they reply
    -The last time I was in Russia, in 2013, I did speak to Russians and the Russians I spoke to loathed and detested Putin, and that was in his 'home city' of St Petersburg.

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  6. #56
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    Default Re: The Curious Case of Alexander Litvinenko

    Quote Originally Posted by peejaye View Post
    Bronco; You would have to live over here to understand fully what I mean. Jeremy Corbyn will not be allowed to govern this country. If it looks like he's sweeping to power just before the General Election he will be "took out" by the Intelligence service! Russia is just another thorn in their side! Taking out a Russian & his daughter is nothing to what they WOULD do! They knew how Corbyn would react to it.
    What hysterical rubbish. I would not be surprised if Corbyn did become Prime Minister, the Murdoch Press and the Mail failed to make any impression in the last election, and as most people in the UK are more concerned with domestic issues than, for example, Brexit or Russia, Labour is in a strong position. Corbyn's primary enemy is himself. He came across in the Commons debate as someone who preferred to criticize the government rather than express solidarity with it, because he can't stomach the thought, let alone the expression of solidarity the occasion required, he really is that narrow-minded. He was right about the impact of austerity and cuts to the diplomatic service, but he will never stand aside a Tory unless he is forced to, as happened in Batley and Spen when he was standing next to Cameron and looked as if he had been, well, poisoned...the irony is that Theresa May's position, for the time being has been strengthened by the Russian attack, but when that subsides and we get back to Brexit, she will be looking over her shoulder with some anxiety as the maniacs reach for their blades. Hard to know who is most vulnerable -May or Corbyn?

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  7. #57
    Eurotrash! Platinum Poster Jericho's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Curious Case of Alexander Litvinenko

    Quote Originally Posted by peejaye;1828202

    It's understandable why you throw stones at Putin everyday[/I].
    --Hmm let's see...rigged elections; Alexander Litvinenko; Boris Nemstov; Alexei Navalny; Mikhail Khodorskovsky; the Crimea; eastern Ukraine and the bombing of Malaysian Airlines 17; Chechnya; Georgia and the fake republics of Abkhazia and Transnistria; Syria and the indiscriminate bombing of schools, hospitals and residential districts; money laundering; interfering in foreign elections- and that's just for starters...
    He doesn't inspire respect in me, sorry about that..
    Billy Joel should have left it alone.
    I don't much care for the, "We didn't start the fire", reboot!

    This thread's turning into a bit of a wild ride!

    I hate being bipolar...It's fucking ace!

  8. #58
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    Default Re: The Curious Case of Alexander Litvinenko

    Breaking news: Another false flag, compressed upon Nikolai Glushkov's neck. The Russian government are the unluckiest victims of serial framing in the history of the world.

    I listened to Jeremy Corbyn in the Commons and here's the issue I have. He is careful not to say what his supporters are saying, for instance, the false flag hypotheses or the claim by Seumas Milne that the intelligence services' failures during Iraq cast doubt on any conclusion they make. But Jeremy's statements are always conspicuous by what they don't say. It is the tone and the gestalt that paints a very different picture from what is going on.

    Here's the test: if one were completely unaware of what has gone on in the last fifteen years and listened to both Corbyn and May, whose speech would have better informed them about the nature and seriousness of what Russia has done? I would probably disagree with most of May's domestic policy proposals, but Jeremy seemed to need to find some way to distinguish himself from her by planting subtle little strawmen. For instance, the claim that there is a McCarthyite intolerance of dissent, or the idea that the west is looking for confrontation with Putin.

    Corbyn's supporters will often post excerpts of his speeches and say, "what is wrong with that. Why is the Tory press attacking him?" It's because the picture he paints is not consistent with reality, in a hundred different ways. Then you look at people who have historically supported him or been allies of his, like Livingstone, going on RT to insinuate there was maybe a false flag, and it makes one wonder what motivates Corbyn's slightly peculiar responses.

    And Peejaye, I have nothing against you, but not everyone who dislikes Corbyn is a liar or has some special interest. That assumption makes his movement look a bit cult-like.

  9. #59
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    Default Re: The Curious Case of Alexander Litvinenko

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavros View Post
    I don't much care for the, "We didn't start the fire", reboot!
    Very funny. I now can't read that post w/o that tune. No truth to the rumor Jeremy wanted to call it "they didn't start the fire."

  10. #60
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    Default Re: The Curious Case of Alexander Litvinenko

    Quote Originally Posted by Jericho View Post
    Very funny. I now can't read that post w/o that tune.
    My work here is Done!

    I hate being bipolar...It's fucking ace!

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