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Thread: Kaitlyn Gender

  1. #41
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: Kaitlyn Gender

    As there are now no less than 13 threads dedicated to Caitlyn Jenner on Hungangels, I must assume she is a hugely important figure.

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  2. #42
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    Default Re: Kaitlyn Gender

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavros View Post
    As there are now no less than 13 threads dedicated to Caitlyn Jenner on Hungangels, I must assume she is a hugely important figure.
    I dont think so..girls have been doing what jenner did for along time with no awards..what the hell is so special about jenner?

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  3. #43
    Platinum Poster natina's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Re: Kaitlyn Gender

    I loved the video NAILING PALIN and the palin disney movies that was matt damon night mare.

    DISNEY MAKES Matt Damon's NIGHT MARE COME TRUE Matt Damon: Sarah Palin Presidency Would Be Like a 'Really Bad Disney Movie'


    Matt Damon: Sarah Palin Presidency Would Be Like a 'Really Bad Disney Movie',2933,420621,00.html

    Mayor In Russia Says He Can See Sarah Palin Showering From His House

    her experience includes

    the bride to know where

    the proximity of her home to Russia
    and many other wacky things

    PALIN DISNEY MOVIE Sarah Palin Disney Trailers

    Sarah Palin Family Meeting

    An Alaskan hockey mom becomes Vice President Sound familiar?

    Quote Originally Posted by WendyWilliams View Post
    As far as fictional or not. Lisa Ann was a big hit as Sarah Palin so it's not like it hasn't been done.

    Last edited by natina; 07-31-2015 at 06:29 AM.

  4. #44
    Senior Member Silver Poster MrFanti's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kaitlyn Gender

    Quote Originally Posted by christianxxx View Post
    my two favorite things about this thread

    1. the OP started the topic, said he would be back, and then disappeared hahaha
    Funniest post in this thread yet!

    1 out of 1 members liked this post.
    "I am, a SIGMA Male...

  5. #45
    DeadGirl-Productions Junior Poster DeadGirl-Productions's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kaitlyn Gender


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  6. #46
    Verified account Silver Poster Ben in LA's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kaitlyn Gender

    I SAID I'd reply after I read other replies...and some of you already know where I stand. I even asked Steven if I should post this or not (it's his board), so I already knew how he would feel.

    Porn parodies are making lots of money. Hell, I look forward to seeing parodies of my favorite TV shows and movies. The difference is they're parodies of fictional characters. Caitlyn Jenner is a real person (and no, I don't care what anyone thinks about the Kardashian/Jenner clan).

    Trans folks are already ridiculed in real life; just go check out some of the threads on Caitlyn and of the Mia Isabella/Tyga drama. Now, obviously I haven't seen the parody, so I can't comment on the content of it. Considering who's in the movie, I'm sure there are some scolding hot scenes in it. But ridiculing someone's transition - whoever they are - is something that rubs me the wrong way. We already get that from the so-called "mainstream"; why have it from within?

    Of course folks will watch the movie because it may be fulfilling a fantasy for them; that's how it is with all porn (and non-porn in some cases). I might view it out of curiosity. But the possibility that the community is making fun of someone else transitioning turns me off.

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  7. #47
    Gold Poster WendyWilliams's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kaitlyn Gender

    Ridiculing , making fun? Without seeing it then you are jumping to a conclusion?

    And Mia really ? Leaking nude photos for fame and not expecting backlash is naive.

    Sarah Palin and countless others have Parodies.

    So until you see it stop with the ridiculing nonsense. The crew was very sensitive to steer away from mocking the transition or struggles and stick to a parody of the story and having hot scenes. The ending is only time it's really addressed. I would never be part of something making fun of my struggle as a Trans woman.

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    Last edited by WendyWilliams; 07-31-2015 at 07:59 AM.

  8. #48
    DeadGirl-Productions Junior Poster DeadGirl-Productions's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kaitlyn Gender


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  9. #49
    Regulator Professional Poster JenniferParisHusband's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kaitlyn Gender

    I said this in another thread, but porn parodies are generally pretty awful. As a someone who watches porn, I'm not seeing Caitlyn Jenner, I'm seeing Jonelle Brooks. Usually the "story" is incredibly weak, and barely meets any definition of "parody." I love that someone thought "Hey, let's make the Avengers fuck." Because over 40+ years, that was never in any story in the comics. I value intellectual property. I have some which if "porn-parodied" would definitely diminish their value. To me, it is the same thing as posting links to my IP when it's stolen. But I also get the argument for parody, and think it's valuable. I've just yet to see a porn-parody that ever meets that description. But my work is fictional, it's not harming a person, it might affect commercial value, which is different.

    There is a difference between putting yourself out in the world for publicity, and being drawn out unwillingly. Every time you see a Kardashians skit on SNL, fine, that's actual parody, almost to the definition, but it's also fair game because they willingly put themselves on a craptastic tv show. I don't really think that is fair to compare though with Caitlyn Jenner going through a transition. Ok, yes, she's been public about it, but before she made any announcements or any public proclamations, she disappeared. It was third party outlets, the scum like TMZ, and Perez Hilton that were posting photos, spreading gossip about her. Hell, it was on here in a thread over a year before she finally said something publicly. I think if she could have disappeared from the spotlight and transitioned, she would have. And to me that's really the big difference here. I know some ladies on here who had some seriously hard times in their transitions, would anyone really want that pain made fun of? (I say that having not seen the movie, so I can't say if that's part of the subject matter being "parodied") I can't imagine that would be something anyone would really enjoy, even if they got someone as hot as Jonelle Brooks to play them, and even make them look good in doing so. Plus, what is being "parodied?" "Parody - an imitation of the style of a particular writer, artist, or genre with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect."

    Fictional characters, fine, I get it. I even get it when it comes to people who willingly throw themselves into the public spotlight. Sarah Palin, that one seemed a little harsh, but I even get that based on some of the political stances she took. I get the point Wendy makes when she says "Yet we as stars will stick objects up her ass, let people cum on our face, escort, and every other thing in the world..." But I can't imagine there were media outlets publishing stories about your personal life that kind of forced your into that direction. That had to involve you taking some sort of willing step in that direction. I don't think Ms. Jenner had that option. This seems, and again not having seen the movie, like an undeserved attack. Sorry for hurting anyone's feelings with that. Maybe when I know more about the "story" or have heard more from people who have seen it to know what is approached and how, maybe then my feelings will change. But the ethics of this is up there with making a Christy Mack / War Machine porn-parody, pretty much non-existent.

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    Jus wookin puh nub.

  10. #50
    DeadGirl-Productions Junior Poster DeadGirl-Productions's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kaitlyn Gender

    If this were ok, threads/tweets/etc. like this wouldn't exist in this instance. Nuff said. (not really, me and mine are going to keep going until we get Jenner's stance on this - who I'm certain was never told about this before hand.)


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