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  1. #21
    A Very Grooby Guy Platinum Poster GroobySteven's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Strange Story of Veronica Bolina

    Quote Originally Posted by gaysian71 View Post
    Hey, let's not all jump on the "She's guilty" bandwagon. I don't really know the facts of what happened and I doubt that anyone here knows either. And just because Christian mentioned steroid use and Louie says she admitted doing crack, does not make her a ticking time bomb.

    The only thing I know is what I read in the Brazilian news media. But in the article I read, they referred to her as Transvestite, him and he. Granted I had to convert the article from Portuguese to English so maybe there was something lost in the translation. But it led me to believe that perhaps transgender people don't really get the best treatment in Brazil. I don't know about the rest of you, but I wish her well and hope she is ok. She looks like she took a beating. Maybe she was the victim here. And let's not forget she is innocent until proven guilty. Although I don't know the justice system in Brazil. Maybe you are guilty until proven innocent down there.
    Jesus Christ - some of you would do or say anything, just because she is trans. No wonder so many of you become victims to some trans women who know exactly how to manipulate you our of your money or emotions. Would you be so forgiving of any other group?

    While it's sad to hear about things like this, or Sheeba Starr's death - they've put themselves in these positions and committed crimes which in this case may lead to a death of an older lady and in Sheeba's led to the death of an innocent driver.

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  2. #22
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    Default Re: The Strange Story of Veronica Bolina

    Well she got what she deserved, and no she shouldn't be put in a women prison for sure, she might have great tits but yet she is more masculine than most of the normal guys, and going Mike Tyson on a police officer after beating the shit out of an elderly woman is just retarded and must be punished accordingly. btw any new scene with her bottoming to a guy?

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  3. #23
    A Very Grooby Guy Platinum Poster GroobySteven's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Strange Story of Veronica Bolina

    Quote Originally Posted by nooneknowsme89 View Post
    Well she got what she deserved, and no she shouldn't be put in a women prison for sure, she might have great tits but yet she is more masculine than most of the normal guys, and going Mike Tyson on a police officer after beating the shit out of an elderly woman is just retarded and must be punished accordingly. btw any new scene with her bottoming to a guy?
    Oh dear, just as bad.
    If she's a transgender woman then of course she should go into a female prison. There are plenty of masculine type females, trans or otherwise.

    4 out of 4 members liked this post.

  4. #24
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    Default Re: The Strange Story of Veronica Bolina

    Quote Originally Posted by GroobySteven View Post
    Oh dear, just as bad.
    If she's a transgender woman then of course she should go into a female prison. There are plenty of masculine type females, trans or otherwise.
    While she should go to female prison, unfortunately, that's not what always happens. There was a story on here a few weeks ago about a transgender woman who had spent several years in a male prison, and that was here in the United States.

  5. #25
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    Default Re: The Strange Story of Veronica Bolina

    Wow,Very Sad Situtation.

    Last edited by knighthawk; 04-16-2015 at 12:22 AM.

  6. #26
    Senior Member Professional Poster gaysian71's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Strange Story of Veronica Bolina

    Jesus Fucking Christ man. How does not saying a trans woman is guilty of a crime equate to being taken advantage of financially by a trans woman? Better think that one through again.

    All I said is that I'm not willing to say she is guilty because an article in the paper said so. Remember Michael Brown? The cop that shot him was tried and publicly convicted because of the press. But once the facts came out, Michael Brown changed from a victim to a perpetrator pretty damn quick.

    Yes I am a fan of Veronica and she looked pretty beat up in the pictures I saw of her. So I'm not willing to say she is guilty just because the news media said so. If you have more facts than the rest of us do, then spit it out.

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  7. #27
    Veteran Poster Instrumental's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Strange Story of Veronica Bolina

    I like how the first pic in the original post tries to act like she was wronged. Then you get the full story and she pretty much deserved it.

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  8. #28
    Veteran Poster red-cyberman's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Strange Story of Veronica Bolina

    Well it's a sad story whatever happens in the end. I am not saying she's guilty or innocent. I am not a judge or a jury. I feel sorry for her if what's been said is real. Being on crack or steroid or maybe a combination of both is very dangerous. She's a victim of herself to begin with cause she didn't ask for help and a victim of the ones close to her who didn't give her the hand of help. If someone close to me is a drug addict or a heavy steroid user I will act and I did with many of my friends cause life is dear and short for our loved ones. What I find extremely strange is the way they humiliated her by cutting her hair and exposing her torso. Her face is beat up because of the fight with the police and I've seen a lot of police brutality last week especially in Oklahoma. What she did with the old lady is a crime and she should be punished for it and of course assaulting a police officer while execution of his duty. It's a tricky job for any judge but She/Veronica can't blame others. She had a tantrum and she's now paying the price. It's difficult for trans women to have every day life. I am dating a trans woman right now and it's difficult for her but couples and friends must help each others. Veronica is a trans woman and that life alone is difficult and combining drugs and steroids and also being in the porn industry. the porn industry is tough for guys, girls and trans women and that's why many can't handle it and leave it. I think that what made her break and she needed help and didn't get. She needed someone to talk to like a friend or a psychologist. All I am saying is Veronica as a person did a bad choice maybe because of friends or the area where she lived or the drugs and her actions were wrong and now she's paying the price.

    Last edited by red-cyberman; 04-16-2015 at 07:40 AM.
    revenge is a sweet little bitch

  9. #29
    Platinum Poster natina's Avatar
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    Post Re: The Strange Story of Veronica Bolina

    read this article and tell me what you think.

    why people don't live very long

    Criminal activity

    Men who live a life of crime may increase their risk of dying from an altercation, homicide or other risky, unlawful venture. Throughout history and across all societies, men commit more crimes in nearly every crime category, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics. “It’s difficult to know why, although it’s probably due to genetics and sociocultural expectations regarding gender roles,” says Dr. Donald W. Black, professor of psychiatry at the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine and a consultant for the Iowa prison system. “The observation holds true worldwide. Men are also more likely to die by suicide, accidents and homicides.” Staying on the right side of the law may help you stick around longer

    Quote Originally Posted by GroobySteven View Post
    Jesus Christ - some of you would do or say anything, just because she is trans. No wonder so many of you become victims to some trans women who know exactly how to manipulate you our of your money or emotions. Would you be so forgiving of any other group?

    While it's sad to hear about things like this, or Sheeba Starr's death - they've put themselves in these positions and committed crimes which in this case may lead to a death of an older lady and in Sheeba's led to the death of an innocent driver.

  10. #30
    Platinum Poster natina's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Strange Story of Veronica Bolina

    here is the story in English

    The travesty was at the station when assaulted the jailer
    Foto: R7
    Photo: R7
    São Paulo - Um travesti mordeu e arrancou parte da orelha de um carcereiro dentro de uma delegacia, na região central da cidade, no momento em que seria transferido da cela onde estava detido para outra.
    São Paulo - A transvestite bit off part of the ear of a jailer in a police station in the central area of the city, at the time would be transferred from the cell where he was held for another.
    Um policial ainda atirou três vezes para tentar conter o ataque, mas ninguém foi atingido.
    A police officer also fired three times to try to contain the attack, but no one was hit.
    A agressão aconteceu na manhã do último domingo, 12, no 2º Distrito Policial (Bom Retiro).
    The attack happened on the morning of Sunday, 12 in the 2nd Police District (Bom Retiro).
    Por volta das 8h, Charleston Alves Francisco, de 25 anos, atacou o carcereiro de 36 anos, responsável por transferi-lo para outra sala de detenção.
    Around 8 am, Charleston Francisco Alves, 25, attacked the jailer 36, responsible for transferring it to another detention room.
    Segundo a Polícia Civil, os dois travaram uma luta corporal e o travesti conseguiu morder a orelha direita da vítima.
    According to the Civil Police, the two fought a close fight and the transvestite managed to bite the right ear of the victim.
    Ele ainda teria ameaçado e ferido outro policial de 54 anos.
    He would still threatened and wounded another officer of 54 years.
    Os policiais afirmam que Alves passou mais de uma hora com o pedaço da orelha arrancado dentro da boca.
    The police claim that Alves spent over an hour with the ear piece ripped into his mouth.
    Segundo relatam, ele morava com outros dois travestis em um apartamento na região da Bela Vista, também no centro, e havia sido preso em flagrante por tentativa de homicídio, após um desentendimento.
    According to report, he lived with two other transvestites in an apartment in the region of Bela Vista, also in the center, and had been caught red-handed for attempted murder after a disagreement.
    Inicialmente, foi conduzido para o 78º Distrito Policial (Jardins) e depois transferido para a carceragem do 2º DP.
    Initially, it was driven to the 78th Police District (Gardens) and then transferred to the jail of the 2nd DP.
    Após o confronto na delegacia, o preso e os agentes de segurança foram levados para o Hospital das Clínicas, onde o carcereiro foi internado e passou por cirurgia, e Hospital do Servidor Público.
    After the confrontation at the police station, the prisoner and the security officers were taken to the University Hospital, where the jailer was hospitalized and underwent surgery, and the Civil Servants Hospital.
    Os policiais recolheram a parte da orelha e a encaminharam ao hospital.
    The police collected the part of the ear and sent it to the hospital.
    Foram requisitados exames de corpo de delito para os três envolvidos e a arma usada pelo policial foi apreendida.
    Forensic tests were ordered for the three involved and the weapon used by the police was seized.
    O travesti continua detido no 2º DP.
    The transvestite still detained in the 2nd DP.

    another papers story in English

    Stuck starts ear jailer in SP and photos circulating on the Internet
    Travesti atacou agente de segurança no 2º DP, Bom Retiro, na capital. Transsexual attacked security officer in the 2nd DP, Bom Retiro, in the capital.
    Fotos da vítima ferida e do agressor circulam no Facebook e WhatsApp. Photos of the injured victim and the aggressor circulating on Facebook and WhatsApp.

    Kleber Tomaz Do G1 São Paulo Kleber Tomaz G1 Sao Paulo

    Carcereiro que teve pedação da orelha arrancada Jailer had torn chunk of ear
    (Foto: Reprodução/Facebook) (Photo: Playback / Facebook)
    Um preso mordeu e arrancou parte da orelha de um carcereiro em uma delegacia na região central de São Paulo neste domingo (12). An inmate bit off part of the ear of a jailer in a police station in central Sao Paulo on Sunday (12). De acordo com policiais civis ouvidos pelo G1 , um travesti atacou o agente de segurança quando era transferido de uma cela para outra na carceragem do 2ª Distrito Policial (DP), no bairro do Bom Retiro. According to police officers heard by G1, a transvestite attacked the security guard when he was transferred from one cell to another jail in the 2nd Police District (PD), in the Bom Retiro district.
    Fotos da vítima ferida e do agressor, que não tiveram os nomes divulgados, circulam no Facebook e WhatsApp. Photos of the injured victim and the aggressor, who did not have the names released, circulating on Facebook and WhatsApp. Três imagens compartilhadas nas redes sociais mostram: o carcereiro sem a parte superior da orelha direita; Three images shared on social networks show: the jailer without the top of the right ear; a orelha arrancada num copo; ear torn off in a cup; e o preso detido por policiais. and the prisoner detained by police.
    saiba mais know more

    A equipe de reportagem apurou que o travesti havia sido preso em flagrante por policiais militares por suspeita de agredir uma idosa em um prédio na região da Bela Vista. The reporting team found that the transvestite had been caught red-handed by military police on suspicion of assaulting an elderly in a building on the Bela Vista district. Segundo os agentes, o travesti discutia com um transexual em um apartamento. According to the agents, the transvestite argued with a transsexual in an apartment. Uma vizinha ficou incomodada e foi reclamar do barulho. A neighbor was upset and was complaining about the noise. Houve discussão e a mulher foi agredida pelo travesti. There was discussion and the woman was assaulted by transvestite.
    Segundo policiais, o travesti foi detido e levado ao 78º DP, Jardins, onde teria sido indiciado por tentativa de assassinato. According to police, the transvestite was arrested and taken to the 78th Precinct, Gardens, where he was charged with attempted murder. Os agentes ainda relataram que, dentro da delegacia, ele tentou agredir os PMs que fizeram sua prisão. The agents also reported that within the police station, he tried to attack the PMs that made his arrest. Em seguida, ele foi levado à carceragem do 2ºDP, no Bom Retiro, onde atacou o carcereiro após mudança de cela. Then he was taken to jail the 2ºDP in Bom Retiro, which attacked the jailer after changing cell.
    Carceragem do 2º DP, Bom Retiro, onde preso Incarceration of the 2nd DP, Bom Retiro, where arrested
    arrancou parte da orelha de carcereiro tore off part of the ear jailer
    (Foto: Kleber Tomaz / G1) (Photo: Kleber Tomaz / G1)
    Quando mordeu a orelha do agente de segurança, o preso ficou com a parte que arrancou dentro da boca e só liberou depois de cerca uma hora, disseram os agentes. When he bit the ear of the security guard, the prisoner got the part which started inside the mouth and only released after about an hour, said the agents.
    Por agredir o carcereiro, o travesti irá responder também por lesão corporal grave. For assaulting the jailer, the transvestite will also account for grievous bodily harm. O G1 não conseguiu localizar o preso para comentar o assunto. The G1 can not find the prisoner for comment. Ele continua detido no 2º DP. He continues to be held on the 2nd DP. Não há confirmação se tem advogado defendendo-o. There is no confirmation has lawyer defending him.
    O carcereiro que perdeu parte da orelha também não foi localizado para falar. The jailer who lost part of the ear was also not found to speak. Ele foi levado ao Hospital das Clínicas, onde passaria por cirurgia. He was taken to University Hospital, where would undergo surgery. Os colegas dele levaram à unidade médica o que sobrou da orelha, para saber se seria possível um reimplante. His colleagues led to the medical unit that's left ear, to see if it would be possible for a reimplantation.
    O G1 procurou a Secretaria da Segurança Pública para comentar o assunto, mas a pasta não havia respondido aos questionamentos até a publicação desta matéria. The G1 searched the Secretariat of Public Security for comment, but the case had not answered the questions until the publication of this material.

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