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  1. #61
    Senior Member Gold Poster christianxxx's Avatar
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    Default Re: Christy Mack severely beaten by War Machine

    Quote Originally Posted by giovanni_hotel View Post
    Dating isn't analogous to being in a live fire war zone where you know going in your life is in danger.

    If everyone is telling you the guy you think is hott beats women and has an anger management problem, if you still choose to date him you absolutely need to take personal responsibility when he knocks you out.

    No it's not your fault he hit you, but knowingly putting yourself in harm's way reflects poor judgement.

    When a vicious dog bites a stranger we don't ask 'why'??
    It's what mad dogs do, so whenever possible it would be prudent to AVOID them.

    Christy Mack seems to be either very naive or extremely damaged emotionally to be attracted to a guy who might physically assault her.

    And yes she knew beforehand.
    go with #2 on that one

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  2. #62
    Senior Member Gold Poster christianxxx's Avatar
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    Default Re: Christy Mack severely beaten by War Machine

    Quote Originally Posted by Ben View Post
    Point is War Machine committed a crime. (Albeit there should or will be a trial.)
    Jenna Jameson referred to War Machine as a "monster." One could hardly call Christy Mack a monster.
    I've got a Manichean mindset on this one: the world being divided into good and evil. His intention was evil.
    OK, let's use an analogy. Say a soldier steps into a war zone and gets his or her legs blown off.... Do we then say: well, you showed poor judgement by joining the military. Again, this is merely an analogy.
    1. jenna jameson lost custody of her own children, so lets not start thinking her judgement is hand of god.

    2. that's a fucking terrible analogy. if you join the military then you fully understand that there is a distinct possibility that you might be maimed or killed. So if you get maimed or killed, you really can't complain can you?

    3. But again, if you get maimed or killed in action, we can all still feel sympathy for your plight and help you in any way you can moving forward.

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  3. #63
    Silver Poster fred41's Avatar
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    Default Re: Christy Mack severely beaten by War Machine

    Quote Originally Posted by EZWind View Post
    ...well, in a way, yes. Mind you, I am in no way denigrating those honorable people who decide to serve their country in that way, but unless you're drafted or otherwise coerced into joining the military, you have voluntarily decided to place yourself at high physical risk by entering into combat situations. Hmm, ya know, I think I'll become a coal miner, it's a good steady job w/ union benefits and everything. Well, looky here, I seem to have contracted black lung disease. Imagine that.
    The worse thing a certified public accountant gets is a fat ass or maybe a little carpal join the infantry you run the risk of stepping on an IED. Poor judgement or not...whatever the semantics of it may make a conscious decision to enter into risky behavior, you should be prepared to accept the possible consequences. Just ask John Holmes
    I'm not in complete disagreement here, but..
    It's still a bad analogy though. Lot's of people join the military because, out of all the job choices available to them...that's the best one. If you're lucky...maybe you travel a bit and never see a day in combat (that's changed a bit over the last few decades though, hasn't it ?). I'm not saying that's the right reason for joining, but sometimes people do what they have to do. Yes, a conscious decision was made to engage in dangerous employment but it was a decision maybe based on how to put food on your table...or maybe getting out of your social climate and staying out of jail. In other words, the decision wasn't necessarily a dopey one.
    She could have probably dated a ton of tough guys...Lot's of tough guys don't have domestic violence issues (or at least ones that you are not made aware of...yet)..plenty of MMA guys never hit women...but she chose the guy who already broke the skin and crossed the line with women (there's a reason they kill wild animals once they try to eat a person)..I don't think he really has a problem making that distinction anymore once the anger sets in.

    I feel really bad for her...she took a horrendous beating and could've been killed.No one deserves that. He should now be caged like the animal he's shown himself to be. Ultimately he's responsible for his own actions here...she was the victim of that action. Again, I think we all agree on this...she was the victim. That's not the debate.
    I think the debate is , whether or not , after all is said and done, you get to call her dopey or not....on a forum she will never see.
    I think you can.

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  4. #64
    Veteran Poster EZWind's Avatar
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    Default Re: Christy Mack severely beaten by War Machine

    Quote Originally Posted by fred41 View Post
    I think the debate is , whether or not , after all is said and done, you get to call her dopey or not....I think we all agree on this...she was the victim. That's not the debate.
    Absolutely not....she's clearly the victim here, no denying it...I'm certainly not taking his side in this
    It may be a common cliche, but it's true....Love is indeed blind. I've known plenty of people who were in destructive or abusive relationships and no amount of logic or cajoling could convince them that the smartest thing for them would be to cut loose and bail outta there. Not sure "dopey" is the word I would use....perhaps reckless or careless might be more polite

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    the Meek shall inherit the Earth....the Rest of Us will go to the Stars

  5. #65
    Silver Poster fred41's Avatar
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    Default Re: Christy Mack severely beaten by War Machine

    Quote Originally Posted by EZWind View Post
    Absolutely not....she's clearly the victim here, no denying it...I'm certainly not taking his side in this
    It may be a common cliche, but it's true....Love is indeed blind. I've known plenty of people who were in destructive or abusive relationships and no amount of logic or cajoling could convince them that the smartest thing for them would be to cut loose and bail outta there. Not sure "dopey" is the word I would use....perhaps reckless or careless might be more polite
    Okay...reckless it is then...

  6. #66
    Platinum Poster Ben's Avatar
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    Default Re: Christy Mack severely beaten by War Machine

    Prosecutors Charge MMA Fighter War Machine With Attempted Murder:

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  7. #67
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    Default Re: Christy Mack severely beaten by War Machine

    That's one less "ASSHOLE" in the world!

  8. #68
    Regulator Professional Poster JenniferParisHusband's Avatar
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    Default Re: Christy Mack severely beaten by War Machine

    Wow, some of the comments in here... just wow.

    Look, people make bad decisions for a lot of reasons. I don't know her's I don't think anyone else on here does either. I've had many clients who have been battered wives, I've never understood the desire to stick around, and never will. There is something, something you can't really know unless you've been there, that keeps these people with the person who hurts them, and makes it hard to leave. I know from my clients, it was mostly control and fear, but there was something deeper that I could never explain. It's not just Christy Mack, Rihanna and Chris Brown were the same way. She kept going back and going back. Drawing any kind of analogy to joining the Army is just silly. There is no fear that comes from NOT joining the Army, there is no Control over you by the Army that makes you join, and do what they say. (The do what they say comes later, if you join though). The facts of this are simple to me.

    1.) No one deserves to have a hand raised to them in anger, especially when its done under the veil of "love."

    2.) No one deserves to be so emotionally controlled and afraid that they cannot leave a douchebag who harms them.

    3.) You can think what you want of her personally, or professionally, but the moment someone beat the living hell out of her, she was a victim. Nothing else matters, nothing else is relevant. Someone made her a victim, she deserves support and respect, just as any other human being deserves.

    4.) Finally, people like Chris Brown, and "War Machine," they should be prevented from ever reproducing. They should be jailed for long periods of time where hopefully a large group of people do the same thing to them as they did to their victims. And they should have "Wife-Beater" tattooed across their foreheads for the rest of their lives, as a warning to others.

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    Jus wookin puh nub.

  9. #69
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    Default Re: Christy Mack severely beaten by War Machine

    Quote Originally Posted by Ben View Post
    Prosecutors Charge MMA Fighter War Machine With Attempted Murder:
    nothing says "doing alpha male shit" like doing life in prison

  10. #70
    Hey! Get off my lawn. 5 Star Poster Odelay's Avatar
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    Default Re: Christy Mack severely beaten by War Machine

    Looks like someone was feeling a bit sorry for himself while sitting in a jail cell.

    Can't tell if this deadspin depiction of a handwritten letter is real, or not. I'd say TMZ isn't a very reliable source of news, but then I can't think of a source of news that is any more reliable than TMZ, these days. If it is real, I have to say that the grammar was far better than expected. The spelling looked pretty much dead on correct. And nice block-ish print style was very readable. This ain't Iron Mike penning a suicide note.

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