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Thread: drunk driving

  1. #61
    Verified account Silver Poster Ben in LA's Avatar
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    Default Re: drunk driving

    Drunk driving isn't cool at all. When I used to work for the LACMTA, I recall LOTS of accidents due to drunk drivers (especially in Hollywood and parts of Glendale and Pasadena). Sad, really...

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  2. #62
    Hung Angel Platinum Poster trish's Avatar
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    Default Re: drunk driving

    Free Idea for a new sort of car lock: Before it unlocks the door, you have to blow into the key fob. If you had too many, it refuses entry.

    Happy Birthday Erika. BTW, I'm going to say, "Goodbye...Nice knowin' ya" now 'cause your chances of making it to 36 are somewhat diminished by your behavior.

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    "...I no longer believe that people's secrets are defined and communicable, or their feelings full-blown and easy to recognize."_Alice Munro, Chaddeleys and Flemings.

    "...the order in creation which you see is that which you have put there, like a string in a maze, so that you shall not lose your way". _Judge Holden, Cormac McCarthy's, BLOOD MERIDIAN.

  3. #63
    A Very Grooby Guy Platinum Poster GroobySteven's Avatar
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    Default Re: drunk driving

    Quote Originally Posted by danthepoetman View Post
    I didn't think I'd go that far in words, here, and I even promised myself I wouldn't. Yet, I just can't help myself on this. I truly find your attitude outraging. You are amazingly full of it, full of yourself, and basically full of crap, Steven. Do you have any idea how most people judge you? You're a pornocrat, for god's sake? Who the fuck do you think you are? and what? are you a priest? a catholic sister of mercy? are you a follower of Mother Theresa? Who gives YOU the right to judge anyone? Realize that you're not only casting the first stone, here, you're organizing the stoning! Erika should rather die, you say?? Mmm??!? The "trans-cause"??! What?!!... Going to such lenght of hypocrisy is beyond me. EVERY ONE DOES WRONG IN HIS OR HER LIFE. EVERY ONE! And if you pretend never to have, you're even more full of it than you show yourself to be, here!! You might fool weak minds, with that kind of self-righteous, republican, big guy talk, but do you really think you can convince anyone with a least bit of intelligence and conscience?
    Get off your moral podium, man! it suits you as little as possible!
    Oh boo-fucking-hoo - now Dan is showing his true colours?
    Who am I? I'm a father, a husband, a son, and a friend amongst other things. I'm not casting any stones, when this arse says she drink drives, then that's it - she's made her statement and perhaps you can condone it, I cannot. Yes, I'd rather see her kill herself than drunkenly kill someone else.
    I've no idea what you're "weak mind" rant is about. I'd say the weak mind is he who decides to condone someone basically because they've a cock in panties for YOU. Get off your high horse, you clown.

    Quote Originally Posted by danthepoetman View Post
    And don't bullshit me either on the rest! It has to be you that decided, as a mannegerial move, to cut on some of the funny relationships that were reigning here among members (useless, business wise), and/or maybe to cut off these members themselves. The place is empty; it's a fucking desert! There's nothing left of what it once was. You're trying to make me think that it's not at all your doing? If it was to be so, you would be even more disapointing, Steven, you would be, as oppose to what even I used to think, totally clueless and powerless as to what happens in your own place. Unless it was only to be attributed to your charming personality, which I admit is a strong possibility! I can't explain how so many nice, intelligent people would on their own, for no reason, abandon ship, here, captain. You must have had some life boat shortages!
    Jesus Christ. This is why I leave this content on here, to show what a total meltdown someone like you can have. Why do you care so much about how I run my business, clearly it's working for us. If this place is so empty, then how about you fuck off as well as you promised to previously, or is your life so empty that you have to come back here?

    Quote Originally Posted by danthepoetman View Post
    As to your rationality, you just kept on proving me right with each of your answers -I was amazed at each one. You talk blindly out of your inflated ego and there is no way to entertain anything real in terms of conversational understanding with you, even for someone who agrees with you on the principle!!!!
    More meltdown. Really, "inflated ego" for having an opinion and standing my ground on something that you don't agree with? Maybe you need to take a look at your own fragile ego and grow some backbone, so you can get off your knees and look someone in the eye to see how they really are, instead of sucking any cock that comes along and condoning how that person really is.

    Quote Originally Posted by danthepoetman View Post
    I'm not contributing anything to this place, you say? Is that right? That's funny. That's how your tickled pride react to get back at me? This one made me laugh a while. Hey! frankly, NO PROBLEM! This place is about as fun as funerals anyways, nowadays. You feel you're better strictly with this endless succession of "biggest cocks", and "biggest balls search" and "dicks hanging out" and so on? Suit yourself!
    I'll admit it was a terrible mistake on my part to come back here, if you insist! I can say for myself that there was no way for me to envision what it had turned into.
    Yeah, your choice. Leave or don't - just don't continue to be a dick if you're going to stay, or complain about freedom of speech, you've been allowed your say.

    Quote Originally Posted by danthepoetman View Post
    As to this: "I actually expected you'd reply differently and I'm a little sad that you didn't. So basically, anyone who is a girl (or is it trans only?) is ok in your book as long as they titilate you here, no matter what they might say or do?" Man, are you real? This is so ridiculous it seems out of Barnum and Bailey circus. Another reply of tickled ego? Steven, is there too many young people here? Is it influencing you?
    I cannot even believe that you generally have so little comprehension for what I'm saying to you. I was sure it was out of pride shadow and bad faith. Are you trying to convince me with all of this that it wasn't?
    I completely sure what it's about Dan. I thought that you'd be better but this total meltdown and petulance shows who you really are, I was mistaken. The "Capt.Save-A-Ho" title seems to fit you - and that wasn't what I expected.

    Quote Originally Posted by danthepoetman View Post
    To end this, I'd finally encourage you to ban me. I now have a whole different opinion on you than when we started talking here. And I'm affraid it's not exactly positive. It's not that it's necessary, on the other hand, as voluntarely depriving myself of such wild fun probably won't be that much of a sacrifice.
    Again, you can fuck off for all I care but you haven't done anything to warrant a ban, so like most misguided posters, or those that just have nothing really to say, I'll respond to you to a point and give you the right to reply, then you can't go crying about being banned.

    Quote Originally Posted by danthepoetman View Post
    I'd encourage you to re-read the whole of the conversation, but you are obviously incapable of seeing anything out of this gigantic, ridiculous and blinding ego, which inspires anything comming out of you, apparently.
    Re-read. I'd encourage you to do the same and see where I am coming from. You took exception at my criticizing of someone whom I believe is a very dangerous person and who is a danger to other, do I want her dead? No. I stated, I'd rather see her change her ways but if it's the choice of her or someone innocent being killed on the roads because of her, then yes, that choice is easy.
    You'd prefer to defend her simply because she's a trans and from what I can see, no other reason.

    Quote Originally Posted by danthepoetman View Post
    I'm in your place. Thanks anyways for your hospitality for while it lasted, Steven. And for a while, it really was fun. But when you're in such terms with the host, you have to have the politeness to leave, which is what I'm doing, and for good this time. I feel like appologizing here, and I do, somewhat, as indeed, a guest shouldn't make such a fuzz where he's received. But I felt shocked by what you replied, even frankly disgusted, as I still do.
    As I stated, I'd have responded the same before it was my place. You've made "the terms" with me and I think your responses have upset other people also - it just beggars belief that you'd condone this behavior. Believe me, the shock and disgust is mutual.

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  4. #64

    Default Re: drunk driving

    what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.

    At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought.

    Everyone on the internet is now dumber for having listened to it.

    You've made no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

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  5. #65
    Senior Member Professional Poster
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    Default Re: drunk driving

    I believe that I am a safe driver, for fuck's sake I have a CDL license. I do admit to drinking a little to much from time to time, but most of my drinking is beer spread out over time. Driving under the influence is not the smartest thing to do, but it has become a necessary evil when you live in a rural community and are an alcoholic. Some of you have said I should seek help, but I despise. AA it is for the weak and feeble minded. I see a therapist bi-weekly and she is all the help I need.

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  6. #66
    A Very Grooby Guy Platinum Poster GroobySteven's Avatar
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    Default Re: drunk driving

    Quote Originally Posted by Erika1487 View Post
    I believe that I am a safe driver, for fuck's sake I have a CDL license. I do admit to drinking a little to much from time to time, but most of my drinking is beer spread out over time. Driving under the influence is not the smartest thing to do, but it has become a necessary evil when you live in a rural community and are an alcoholic. Some of you have said I should seek help, but I despise. AA it is for the weak and feeble minded. I see a therapist bi-weekly and she is all the help I need.
    Clearly not all the help you need, if you're continuing to drink 8 shots and drive. You have a choice, either don't live in a rural community or get a driver, or pay for a taxi, or drink at home, or potentially kill someone (or yourself). Even if you think you're sober after 8 shots, could you honestly live with yourself if you caused an accident that seriously hurt or killed someone?
    You cannot believe you are a safe driver, if you're drinking that much and driving.

    It could be said that any alcoholic is "weak and feebled minded" but at least those who go to AA recognize their problem and act on it, unlike yourself.

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  7. #67
    Junior Member Rookie Poster
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    Default Re: drunk driving

    I suggest willingly give up your CDL License then. You are not a safe driver if you drink and drive. I just hope you do not hit anyone out and about when you have been drinking. In the UK and believe most of the EU, there are hashish sentences although not enough though.

    Why are things like AA or similar systems for the Weak and feeble minded? They might not be the best way to help people, but they certainly do. At least in the UK there is a lot of help out there for people.

    Even living in a rural area is no excuse, but then what rural is in the UK, is not similar to the USA. As I can pretty much get a taxi back home without much extra cost for me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Erika1487 View Post
    I believe that I am a safe driver, for fuck's sake I have a CDL license. I do admit to drinking a little to much from time to time, but most of my drinking is beer spread out over time. Driving under the influence is not the smartest thing to do, but it has become a necessary evil when you live in a rural community and are an alcoholic. Some of you have said I should seek help, but I despise. AA it is for the weak and feeble minded. I see a therapist bi-weekly and she is all the help I need.

  8. #68
    Senior Member Veteran Poster Rusty Eldora's Avatar
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    Default Re: drunk driving

    Quote Originally Posted by GroobySteven View Post
    You cannot believe you are a safe driver, if you're drinking that much and driving.

    It could be said that any alcoholic is "weak and feebled minded" but at least those who go to AA recognize their problem and act on it, unlike yourself.
    I second that.

    Usually those in AA or other form of recovery are not a problem, even though society outcasts them. It is the ones that deny the problem or haven't been caught (yet) we should be worried about.

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  9. #69

    Default Re: drunk driving

    AA is a cult. I dont think the UK has something like it

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  10. #70
    Junior Poster Pelheckitt's Avatar
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    Default Re: drunk driving

    Quote Originally Posted by Erika1487 View Post
    I believe that I am a safe driver, for fuck's sake I have a CDL license. I do admit to drinking a little to much from time to time, but most of my drinking is beer spread out over time. Driving under the influence is not the smartest thing to do, but it has become a necessary evil when you live in a rural community and are an alcoholic. Some of you have said I should seek help, but I despise. AA it is for the weak and feeble minded. I see a therapist bi-weekly and she is all the help I need.
    Im not sure what the BAC is for someone possessing a CDL in Ohio is but where I live it's .04 that's maybe a beer. I know guys that wont have a drop because of the fear of losing their license and hence their livelihood.

    I do understand the rural area thing their are no cabs or city buses so that is not an option, a person could sit at home alone and drink by themselves or invite friends over but then they are drinking and driving unless they spend the night. Also local bars are sometimes the only place to hang out after 9pm or so.

    Quitting drinking or slow down can be difficult but not impossible to do on your own even though you said you have a therapist.

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