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Thread: T-Dating Sites

  1. #31
    Senior Member Professional Poster up_for_it's Avatar
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    Default Re: T-Dating Sites

    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbiteyes View Post
    Like I said when they first brought it up.... if you want to attract non sex working trans women (or those who dress up just for kink), then you need to make the site look "normal" and not overly sexualized.

    Trans woman grow extremely tired with the creepy types of guys who just want to have sex. If they wanted that, they would go be escorts and make some money off it at least. They want a site that promotes actual decent dating behaviour (like normal hello message...or being asked on dates, instead of asking to "hang out" at their place).
    I agree with all of this, I was actually put off trying TSDating for awhile because of the cheesecake presentation on the front pages. So, I'm sure it attracts its fair share of douchebags just because of that. That being said, I don't really find much of a difference between TSDating and a more mainstream site such as OKCupid- they both are chock full of people with incomplete, half ass profiles and tons of people 7,000 miles away that just want to wank off by getting attention from people by sending messages and not following through.

    I actually cancelled by subscription yesterday since the only person of quality I met lives two states away. My city is small and doesn't half much of a scene in term of transgendered ladies, but at this point I think I'm better off going back to the clubs.

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  2. #32
    your fantasy Veteran Poster Ts RedVeX's Avatar
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    Default Re: T-Dating Sites

    Badoo doesn't look like a sex oriented site and I would still get morons wanting to get laid... Some of them would also feel touched when I'd give a positive answer with a price lol. That is what you get when you put a ts tag in the profile name no mater what the site is. It's just useless. Then again, maybe my expectations are simply too high;p


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  3. #33
    Senior Member Professional Poster AshlynCreamher's Avatar
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    Default Re: T-Dating Sites

    Sorry for bring this thread back from the dead

    I found the TSDating Admins profile to be interesting enough to share with this thread. I'm not bad mouthing his like or dislikes. Just kina thought that the Amin for TSDating would be more professional and use more respectful nouns and pronouns. I guess this only further proves my previous point...

  4. #34
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    Default Re: T-Dating Sites

    I think they all kinda suck! I have my pic on there and everyone just wants a hook up. I have had moderate success at TG friendly bars. Why is it so damm hard to find a nice girl and hang out. If I do find one I like, they only seem to want material things.

  5. #35
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    Default Re: T-Dating Sites

    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbiteyes View Post
    Okcupid and transgenderdate seem to be the best IMO.

    Transgenderdate is pretty bad though....most guys don't even fill out their profile (which means I don't bother replying).

    I think I tend to run into more guys I would more likely date just through networking for work though (facebook or other places like that).

    Well said...OKCupid and TGD seem to be the best sites for those who *actually* are looking for a meaningful relationship...though my luck on either has been faaaaar less than stellar, as of late(note implied sarcasm lol...groan)

    TSDating seems to be a haven for the socially maladapted and those who simply are out solely for sex and/or escorts, I don't both keeping a profile on there anymore.

    Last edited by Novelusername; 06-10-2014 at 10:07 PM.

  6. #36
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    Default Re: T-Dating Sites

    As a point of reference, I have a fairly well written profile on TGD...buuut meh, online dating as a wole is exhausting, my profile doesn't exactly generate interest from the sort of woman wom I would be interested in dating....or,at best, the woman I talk to on occasion are a time zone removed.

    My TGD profile, for those who maaay be interested, can be found at this link:

  7. #37
    Junior Member Rookie Poster ripped4urpleasure's Avatar
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    Default Re: T-Dating Sites

    i find that most girls on sites either blow you off or are working girls. I understand why they would blow someone off because most of them probably get spammed with messages all day. What works for me is I visit SF or San Diego often and just post a craigslist ad that doesnt look like im looking for sex. Normally post something like lets get together for dinner wine or something. Im not really looking for a booty call. Then just get to know them from there see what happens.

    Most posts i see online are guys wanting to suck me off which gets annoying so i can understand where a sexy TS will get annoyed by tons of "hey sexy hows it going"

  8. #38
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    Default Re: T-Dating Sites

    Try Fab Swingers

  9. #39
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    Default Re: T-Dating Sites

    I'll be honest i don't know a single girl who has had a positive time in okcupid.
    I'm a guy whos on there and i've had a good number of dates and they always start the same
    1) Wow you look like your profile photo. So many guys don't use a real photo.
    2) So you are not married? Or dating? So many married guys on there. It's free and so they can get on there and not have to pay for it so there is no paper trail.
    3) I'm amazed you are articulate. So many guys from the fucked up IT side in there fucking shit up bad! They read the Game but lack the balls to go outside and talk to women so they go into OKcupid with some serious attitude or really bad pick up lines.

    All the above really make it a truly toxic place for women and even worse for guys who don't have their thumbs shoved up their asses.

    So long story short? I guess you are kind of fucked. Both the guys looking for the women and the TS women looking for the guys. And if you go on facebook odds are the TS girl's hobby is a performer and then you have to deal with that shit while on date know her walking to and from the bathroom every 5 min looking and waving as if she is Ms. America....

    So how fucked are we? I would say very fucked. You are basically just relying on chance and hope that you meet the right girl at the right place at the right time.

    Sadly guys i doubt that the shows in NYC would be a good place as well.

    "How you doin!"

  10. #40
    Junior Poster
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    Default Re: T-Dating Sites - met my wonderful wife there and I know others similar too...

    Tgirl lover

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