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  1. #1
    Rookie Poster
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    Jun 2006

    Default The Life Of Sara - Chapter 1: Meet Sara!

    Here is the first ever shemale story I've written. I have posted it on another forum and now, I'm posting it here as well:

    The Life Of Sara

    Chapter 1: Meet Sara

    Welcome to the city of Montreal! It was the beginning of July and this summer was a scorcher. Many people and places call Montreal their home: The Bell Center, the Montreal Alouettes, the Olympic Stadium (with no Expos) and many other wonderful sights. But most importantly, it is also called home by the lovely and sexy Sara.

    Sara is a 25-year-old girl who graduated with a degree in Journalism some years ago. Her parents before her had attended university and she gave some consideration to following in their footsteps in this regard, but ultimately decided against it. She had been avid to become a journalist since her early teenage years and could scarcely wait a moment longer. She had to have a job in the field now! And so she set out to begin her work and soon found a new slice of home at a downtown newspaper as a columnist. She excelled at her job and her colleagues were very impressed with her work. Five months ago, Sara determined to find a home closer to work. The daily commute grew tiresome. After some intense searching, she found a beautiful second floor apartment nestled in a lively corner of downtown Montreal. Life was great it seemed. Everything was going her way. But just two months later…disaster! The growing popularity of internet news had lead to a steady drop in sales and the company had to make several budget cuts. This, of course, meant lay-offs, and things around the office were edgy for the next few days. Despite her remarkable ability for writing impassioned columns that could resonate with the readers, columns were just not considered a priority. When people opened their newspapers, they looked for the latest sensational news, the sports figures, the lottery numbers, and the funny papers. They could find their gossip and advice from friends and neighbours. Her work was her joy in life and it had now been stripped from her. Thus Sara was left saddened and unemployed.

    Fortunately, she had money saved and could hold on for a while. But there went her trip, and she had so desperately wanted to visit her parents. It had been more than a year since she had seen them and she found herself even more unhappy. They were peacefully living out and enjoying the remainder of their days in Toronto and she loved them very much. And they loved her very much as well, even though she had changed…

    Two weeks had now passed since her last job interview and she was certain that she had been denied another opportunity. Interview after interview, one hope after another, she had been turned away. Her failure became routine. She sometimes travelled far to seek a job in other cities, queried internet news groups, but it all was to no avail. It had been months and her financial reserves lessened day by day and though she collected unemployment, it simply was not enough. Depression was settling in.

    It was 9 o’clock this morning when Sara awoke to bands of sunlight filtering in through the blinds. With nowhere to go, she often slept in these days taking comfort in her pillow. After a long stretch and a loud yawn, she slowly pulled herself out of bed and drifted to the bathroom. The taut white t-shirt and cotton panties she wore prominently displayed her striking figure. She stood an astonishing six feet tall and weighed around 145 pounds. This frame lent itself to an extremely attractive body with legs of a goddess and large, pert breasts. She had long, flowing brown hair, vivid blue eyes, a cute nose and flush red lips with a smile so radiant that it could make the men of Greece forget there ever was a Helen in someplace they no longer had the presence of mind to remember. She had the most amazing beauty that could be imagined. Yet despite this she lived alone. She had no one to call her lover.

    She entered the bathroom and closed the door. Though it really did not matter since she lived alone, she preferred to shut the door anyway. She took a couple steps to the sink and proceeded to splash water on her face. It still was not enough to help her awake fully, but it would have to do. She turned off the faucet and began to undress first removing her t-shirt unveiling her sumptuous breasts. She followed this with her cotton panties revealing something unique…

    She had a member of the opposite sex! And one that would make any man jealous at that!

    She turned on the shower and began to soap herself off in a perfunctory fashion. And then she began to question the loss of her job for the thousandth time. “Maybe it didn’t have anything to do with budget cuts. Maybe my boss found out that I am a dickgirl and used the cutbacks as the perfect opportunity to get rid of me! No, it couldn’t be. I mean, there were two lesbians working there that everyone knew about and they kept their jobs. But then again, lesbians are lesbians and dickgirls are a whole other thing… No! Not a chance in hell! My boss wasn’t that kind of guy. What am I thinking? He would never have fired me for that even if he did know. And no one knew anyway. I’m just being paranoid again.”

    Though Sara entered the world with a vagina, she decided later in life that she wanted a dick instead. The decision came after an experience of a chance meeting with a dickgirl. This girl had been born with a penis and wished to be rid of it. They had talked for a bit that night and at one point, the girl jokingly remarked that she would have her dick transplanted onto Sara. Though it was only a joke in passing, the comment struck her in a very different fashion. They exchanged numbers at the end of the night so they could hang out later and returned to their homes. For the next several days Sara could not stop thinking about the idea of having a dick. Finally, much to the girl’s shock, Sara called her and told her that she would like to do it. It was difficult for her to summon up enough courage to tell her parents about this decision. “How would they react?” she had wondered. When she finally managed to get it out, they said that they were fine with it. As long as she was happy, that’s all they cared about.

    Why did she decide to get a dick? Was it because she wanted to become a man? Was it to incite a desire for sex she previously had little interest in? Or, was there, perhaps, another reason for her sudden change in sexual parts? She did not know. All that she could be sure of was that she definitely wanted it and it made her happy.

    She had tried several times to start relationships with men she met but was completely unable to manage it try as she might. Whenever it came time to take the relationship “further,” she froze. She could not do it. “What man would ever want to be with a dickgirl?” she would question silently.

    As she climbed out of her shower, she realized it was Friday. Friday had become her regular day to go out and relieve some of the stress and tension from losing her job. She went back to her room and crossed over to her dresser. She pulled out a lacy pair of black panties and a bra to match. “Girl’s gotta feel sexy sometime, right?” she thought to herself. Then she took out a tight pair of dark jeans and her favourite t-shirt from a concert she had been to a few years back. After getting dressed and making sure her make-up was just so, she grabbed her handbag and her keys and headed out the front door stopping only to slip her shoes on before going outside…

    She arrived at the mall she always went to on Fridays and worked her way over to the food court to the same restaurant she always ate breakfast at on these days. The wait was a little long today but she finally made it to the head of the line and purchased her meal: two slices of toast slathered in jam, one croissant, some butter and a glass of orange juice. This was her favourite morning meal and she usually had the same breakfast at her home but somehow it had become routine for her to eat it here on the Fridays she spent out. She never took more than this for breakfast afraid she would grow fat.

    After paying the cashier, she roamed towards a free table. As she made her way through the crowds of cheerful diners, a sale sign outside a nearby shoe store caught her attention and distracted her for a moment. That moment was all it took to run into someone. “Great, Sara, way to be graceful,” she muttered contemptuously to herself.

    “I’m sorry,” a deep, yet soft and smooth voice said to her.

    “No, it’s my fault! I was not… looking…,” Her words were lost in throat as she gazed at the man she bumped into. Her heart skipped three beats and the doldrums that had plagued her became a vague memory.

    She could not believe her eyes. She had not collided with an ordinary man. He was not even a good-looking man. He was a perfect man. The most handsome and well-built man she had ever seen. She judged him to be in his early twenties, about the same height as her. He had short black hair, intense green eyes, clean-shaven, and a snappy dresser too! “Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit!...” her mind repeated to her endlessly. She must have died and gone to heaven. Her mind began to wander into a space all its own.

    “Is everything all right?” the man asked, bringing her back to reality.

    “Err…yeah. Of course! Sorry! I was…elsewhere,” she said still amazed by the sight that was in front of her.

    He smiled and said a bit nervously, “Glad to hear that! Well then, if you would excuse me, I have to get going. Bye!” and with a wave he was gone.

    She continued to stare at him until he was out of sight. Her mind began to drift. She wanted so badly to grab him firmly, embrace in a long, passionate kiss, and take him straight to bed. There he would start from her lips and begin to kiss his way down her body. First he would stop at her ear, whispering sweetly into it with his hot breath arousing her senses. Then he would move to her neck where he would gently nibble for a moment before biting in as she gave a scream of pleasure. Then further down to her breast flicking his tongue lightly at first, then sucking alternating between a near-invisible touch and a hard clasp and all the while she moaned at sensation of it. And still further down stopping to tease her navel while she giggled at the ticklish touch then continuing lower where…the thought snapped her back to reality and she sat down to eat.

    Still, she could not stop thinking about the man she just saw. Then it hit her. “I should have asked him his name, damn it! Spectacular, I’m clumsy and stupid this morning.” Yet despite her anger, the sexual thoughts about him pervaded her mind and she felt a tug at her jeans. “This is terrible! I can’t get a hard-on here!” She desperately tried to think of anything else that might help it go away and after some time it finally faded.

    As she stood up to leave, she felt a strong push inside of her. She really had to pee and though she hated using public restrooms there was no way she would be able to hold it all the way home. After checking a map of the mall, she found her way to the restroom.

    Inside there was not a soul to be found. Unusual that it should be empty but perfect for her. She scanned the stalls and took the one that looked the most clean. Peeing standing up was something she had never quite gotten used to but she was certainly not going to plant her ass on that seat! She lifted the seat, pulled out her phallus, and with a little sigh let go.

    “What a relief!” she said to herself. She had really needed to go. After a minute or two, she shook off the last drops, put the lid down, and flushed.

    She started to put herself away when she again thought about that man. She began to feel hot and developed an uncontrollable urge to masturbate. “I can’t here!” she said to herself. “What if someone catches me?” But she was unable to resist. She took her cock in hand and began stroking.

    She started slowly, gently, skilfully working her hand up and down and up again, back and forth, feeling the pleasure of it. She loved this, and so, too, did her growing member that became harder with each slight, gasping breath she took. Opaque beads dripped from the tip as each stroke grew firmer, faster. She fantasized about him more and more her excitement steadily growing. She placed her hand on her breast and kneaded the soft flesh, squeezing the erect nipple sending a rush of enjoyment through her body. She felt incredibly hot. Becoming so turned-on and entranced by this man it felt like she was doing this for the very first time, though, in reality, she had done this many times before. She knew she could be caught but it didn’t matter anymore. She longed for release, longed for him to come to her and make love to her. To fuck her.

    Her hand was flying rapidly across her erection and she thought that she could cum at any moment.

    She could feel it! She was going to climax! And with a start she heard the door open. Now, what had been so close to the edge, limped slightly in her hand. Two women walked in and started talking about guys in front of the mirror. They were probably fixing their make-up. She was furious. “God, damn it! Hurry up and get the hell out of here so I can finish!” her mind roared, while she still held her partially erect dick in her hand and her breast with the other. Her crotch began to ache with a strong need to orgasm. She had to cum soon! She could not hold out much longer! When it seemed that they would never leave, they finally vacated and left her to herself again. She began again and, to her surprise, discovered that nearly being caught gave her a little thrill that resulted in her being even hornier than before. With renewed vigour, her cock sprang to full mast almost instantly.

    This time she reached orgasm and as she did, let out a soft scream of ecstasy as she exploded coating the wall in front of her with an enormous amount of cum. Standing there panting she thought to herself, “That was good. Hell, that was amazing!” After resting a moment she grabbed a few handfuls of toilet paper and cleaned her mess then put herself away and zipped up her jeans. On her way out, she stopped a moment at the mirror to ensure that she was not too mussed and still looked okay. Not only did she look okay, the intense orgasm augmented her mood in such a way that her skin now held a joyous luminescent glow that made her all the more attractive. With a quick adjustment of her bra, she walked out feeling confident and relaxed.

    She left the mall and decided to check out a new store she had heard about at another mall on the other side of town. As she drove she continued to go over his features again and again in her mind. She had no idea how to possibly find him, but she had to see him again. Nor did she have any idea of what would happen if they did meet. But one thing she knew for certain: She would not forget him or what happened today.

    End of Chapter 1!

    This story was written by David Drysdale and Lilyana

    All rights reserved!

    2 out of 2 members liked this post.
    Writer of The Life Of Sara!

    Chapter 1 to 9 (posted)
    Chapter 10 (to be posted in the futur)

  2. #2

    Default Great Story!

    Love this story!
    Please keeping on writing!

  3. #3
    Rookie Poster
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Default Glad you liked it!

    I am glad you liked it!

    Writer of The Life Of Sara!

    Chapter 1 to 9 (posted)
    Chapter 10 (to be posted in the futur)

  4. #4
    Rookie Poster
    Join Date
    Jun 2006


    Just posted a rewrite of Chapter 1

    Writer of The Life Of Sara!

    Chapter 1 to 9 (posted)
    Chapter 10 (to be posted in the futur)

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