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  1. #61
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    Default Re: Roots and consequences of Ukraine's violence

    Quote Originally Posted by envivision View Post
    I don't know the guy. But since he is from Denver, and since CO legalized doping , I am just making a connection.
    Since you were born in an outhouse, you must be a piece of shit. Connect dot one and dot two.

    P.S I'm not from Denver, nor have I ever said I am from Denver, nor have I been to Denver, nor am I from Colorado (which means I can't be from Denver).

  2. #62
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    Default Re: Roots and consequences of Ukraine's violence

    Quote Originally Posted by Prospero View Post have a gift for understatement." make yourself liable to look like a fool. "

    I love it...
    And right when you say that, I accuse him of being born in an outhouse. My timing is terrible.

  3. #63
    Marjorie Taylor Greene Is A Nice Lady Platinum Poster Dino Velvet's Avatar
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    Default Re: Roots and consequences of Ukraine's violence

    Quote Originally Posted by broncofan View Post
    P.S I'm not from Denver, nor have I ever said I am from Denver, nor have I been to Denver, nor am I from Colorado (which means I can't be from Denver).
    Aren't you from here anyway?

  4. #64
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    Default Re: Roots and consequences of Ukraine's violence

    Originally Dino. I am in D.C now.

  5. #65
    Marjorie Taylor Greene Is A Nice Lady Platinum Poster Dino Velvet's Avatar
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    Default Re: Roots and consequences of Ukraine's violence

    Hey Prospero, I'm having problems posting my Russian Propaganda videos. You have any idea why the videos don't post? I have no idea if it's here or YouTube.

  6. #66
    Professional Poster runningdownthatdream's Avatar
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    Default Re: Roots and consequences of Ukraine's violence

    Quote Originally Posted by envivision View Post
    You see, that's why I am against the legalization of pot in the US..

    What are you stating, Cheech & Chong? We should appease Tzar Putin?. Yes, just give him Crimea. He will go away. You know liberal idiots like you said the same thing 70 years... Give Poland to Hitler.... He will go away.

    The US puts its legal signature on a piece of paper pledging it will uphold the territorial integrity of Ukraine in case they give up their nukes. Go ask Clinton, he signed it himself. Well, here we are now. Will the US keeps its words or not?

    If your Obama does NOT have the balls to defend the honor of the US, then maybe he ought to resign and be replaced but somebody who will.

    FYI, China is watching. Iran is watching. A mentally retarded butcher in N. Korea is watching to see what your Obama will do...

    You do know that China has a score to settle with Japan, please tell me you do! We left the Japs defenseless after WW 2 - promising them again that we will defend them against China.... Sorry Japan, but the doped up liberals of America wants to appease DICTATORS and INVADORS.

    What would stop China from invading Taiwan, genius? It is part of China , ain't it?. And the people there all speak chinese.

    Your ignorant naive ball-less Obama is about to start WW3 without even knowing . Too bad, he just told the Pentagon he is cutting the size of the army in half.

    RIP Ronald Reagan. You defeated the evil Soviet Union. Obama revived it.
    You got it America-Man! Way to go......mobilize the army, the navy, the air force and go on over to Europe and show them stupid Russians who is boss. But just a few things to consider while on the boat over:

    1) Russia isn't Korea, Vietnam, Grenada, Iraq, Panama, Afghanistan, or Libya. You might be surprised to learn Russia is a modern nation with an enormous well-trained military, a nuclear stockpile, and an almost 1000 year old history of warfare and especially all-out war. This means you will engage with a nation rife with nationalist fervour with the means and history to back it up. No America-Man you will not be fighting a small, poor, militarily weak foe - and with all due respect look how you've fared against those countries?

    2) Where will you get the money to wage a war on the scale of the one you will need to wage against Russia? Ask China? Sell more near worthless bonds?

    3) Who of your European allies have the enormous balls needed to take on Russia in their own backyard? Germany won't lift a finger. Nor France or Britain. Perhaps the Ukrainians, Poles, and Georgians? Maybe you'll offer some cash incentives to the Spanish, Portuguese, Greeks, and Italians?

    4) Russia isn't Korea, Iraq, blah blah blah

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  7. #67
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    Default Re: Roots and consequences of Ukraine's violence

    Quote Originally Posted by runningdownthatdream View Post
    No America-Man you will not be fighting a small, poor, militarily weak foe - and with all due respect look how you've fared against those countries?
    This is a good point, but you may hit his ego in the wrong spot. I personally think we are tough enough that we can fight Russia to a near stalemate and destroy the planet for a good xxx thousand years (what's the half life of uranium?).

    Actually, I think we should fight them during the summer months. We invade in May, and then we adjourn in September when it starts to get colder. It will take a while but eventually we can accomplish nothing.

    But we'll look tougher than hell in the process. It'll teach Putin not to ride around on horseback without his shirt on. In fact, that's what we should aim for when we negotiate a truce after ten years of fighting. By that time, Putin will look even worse without a shirt, so it will be worth it.

  8. #68
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    Default Re: Roots and consequences of Ukraine's violence

    Quote Originally Posted by envivision View Post
    So, according to the liberal elitist media that you excel in reading , the world should:

    1.Turn a blind eye and let China invades and annexes Taiwan.
    2.Turn a blind eye and let N. Korea fires nukes at S. Korea.
    3. Turn a blind eye and let Argentina recaptures the Falklands islands.

    What else, Rev. Al sharpton? . Maybe Mexico should take back California , too?. It is historically mexican territories and it is full of Mexicans.
    I don't understand your points:
    1. China doesn't have a proposal to invade Taiwan, it has always believed in 're-unification' but that is not the same thing -cf Hong Kong.

    2. North Korea's missile capability, if you follow the news, has tended to begin with a launch closely followed by a plop into the sea, and I don't know the North has ever intended to 'nuke' the south, but that the nuclear weapons are there to intimidate the US and Japan.

    3. When Argentina did invade the Falkland Islands a military campaign followed and Argentina lost -for all her bluster, Ms Kirchner has no real plan to try that again.

    Diplomacy might look like weakness to you, but I think you will find that most of the military campaigns you seem to yearn for, have ended in diplomatic agreements. If the diplomacy works, it removes the need for military action, and that, at the moment is what we should aim for, and it is not a liberal or conservative position, but a rational one.

    I am not Al Sharpton, I don't like him, and I am not much of a reverend either.

  9. #69
    Professional Poster runningdownthatdream's Avatar
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    Default Re: Roots and consequences of Ukraine's violence

    Quote Originally Posted by broncofan View Post
    This is a good point, but you may hit his ego in the wrong spot. I personally think we are tough enough that we can fight Russia to a near stalemate and destroy the planet for a good xxx thousand years (what's the half life of uranium?).

    Actually, I think we should fight them during the summer months. We invade in May, and then we adjourn in September when it starts to get colder. It will take a while but eventually we can accomplish nothing.

    But we'll look tougher than hell in the process. It'll teach Putin not to ride around on horseback without his shirt on. In fact, that's what we should aim for when we negotiate a truce after ten years of fighting. By that time, Putin will look even worse without a shirt, so it will be worth it.
    don't get me wrong i believe if nukes were involved, the US has the capability to destroy the earth, much less Russia but that's exactly what gives Russia the edge right now - knowing that conventional war is off the table and that no-one wants a nuclear confrontation. Certainly Europe countries cannot engage in a conventional war in its backyard without considerable long-term damage. And while some European governments MAY put up some big talk, none of their respective populations will back it. No way will the US go it alone against Russia, if only from a logistics perspective. Putin and his people have surely considered all of it and know that the only recourse for 'the West' is to impose economic sanctions. And clearly they believe that risk is manageable.

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  10. #70
    Professional Poster runningdownthatdream's Avatar
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    Default Re: Roots and consequences of Ukraine's violence

    Quote Originally Posted by Prospero View Post
    Fairly clumsy russian propaganda. There is a radical right wing element, but in the Kremlin they are talking about a genocide against Russians in the Kraine. Arrant rabble rousing nonsense.
    How's this? Clumsy too?

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