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  1. #11
    party animal Rookie Poster
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    Default Re: Why is media so anti- Putin ?

    Apart from the homophobic stuff in Russia Putin seems fairly well in control of his world politics. Makes me laugh how much stuff has come out about America tapping officials etc and then they get caught out with this Ukrainian tap making themselves look like disrespectful fools.

    I'm sure most of the countries do tapping but US are such hypocrites its nice to see it blow up a bit and leave them redfaced and having to readdress their attitudes and conduct in the world.

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  2. #12
    Platinum Poster Ben's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why is media so anti- Putin ?

    Russia Applauds America's Efforts To Exclude Gay Athletes From Professional Sports:

  3. #13
    party animal Rookie Poster
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    Default Re: Why is media so anti- Putin ?

    haha too true was just talking about the american issues with their lgbt society part of the reason so many of its actors remain closeted.

    But the UK isnt without fault as the bbc often highlights that no top level gay player has come out because of fears of the repurcussions from the stands would make it impossible for a player to carry on. London in my experiance is very accepting of most people and their beliefs but there are always pockets of discrimination. Being Catholic I've seen how far that goes to causing problems for men and women that don't follow the perscribed path. Religion certainly has a lot to answer for in my eyes.

    Im not say that Russia is the only offender but from the research i have done on the subject it does appear there is a serious issue and lack of policing support for lgbt crimes over there.

    TS lover for life

  4. #14
    5 Star Poster dderek123's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why is media so anti- Putin ?

    Putin the gays in the Olympic Village

  5. #15
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: Why is media so anti- Putin ?

    A serious answer to the OP would be to look at Putin as a 'strong leader' but one who has used his power to, in a manner of speaking, 're-instate the state'. He now looks like he is occupying a position somewhere between Gorbachev and Yeltsin -he believes in free markets but thinks the wholesale sale of assets that took place under Yeltsin gave too much power to the 'oligarchs'; but he also believes the state in Russia must play a leading role in society and the economy. So far he has been able to use revenues from oil and gas to motor the Russian economy, yet it is still the case that in spite of its vast size as a state, the Russian economy is barely larger than the Netherlands.

    Putin is distrusted in the UK because it is believed the Russian successor to the KGB, the FSB was responsible for the death of Alexander Litvinenko in London, and Putin used to be a member of the KGB indeed Putin and Litvinenko knew each other, but Litvinenko worked for Boris Berezovsky who fell out with Putin and left Russia in fear of his life.

    He is also distrusted because of Russia's perceived influence in Syria; and because of the attempt by Russia to manipulate politics in the Ukraine.

    Putin is the butt of many jokes because of his vanity but the truth is that Russia has not produced another politician of any credibility or popularity capable of challenging him. The few people I spoke to in Russia last year despised Putin and believed him to sit at the apex of a systematically corrupt government, yet were just as mournful of the lack of alternatives. I do not know how influential the Orthodox Church is in Russia, but its attitude to social policy is a few continents to the right of the Roman Catholic Church and I do not doubt it played some role in the attempt to prevent Russia's youth from being corrupted by homosexuality. This is a country which still officially disputes the claim that Tchaikovsky was gay.

    In short, it seems to me the West looks at Putin and thinks -He is not on our side.

  6. #16
    Senior Member Professional Poster AshlynCreamher's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why is media so anti- Putin ?

    Facts about ukraine - top headlines

    October 7, 2013
    The World Bank cut its 2013 growth forecast for Ukraine's economy to zero on Monday and warned of economic risks in coming years if the government does not quickly implement structural reforms.

    December 1st, 2013
    The protest crowds in Kiev, Ukraine reach around 300,000, the biggest anti-government turn out since the Orange Revolution of 2004.

    December 17, 2013
    Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, says that Moscow will buy $15 billion of Ukrainian bonds, in what is widely seen as a blandishment for Ukraine to remain in the Kremlin's sphere of influence.

    December 18, 2013
    krainian anti-government protesters demanded to know what PresidentViktor Yanukovychhad ceded to $15 billion of Russian financial aid and a one-third discount on energy imports.

    January 22, 2014
    Two protesters are shot dead and a third killed in a fall as clashes between protesters and police claim their first fatalities.

    February 16, 2014
    An occupation of Kiev's city hall comes to an end after the government offers protesters an amnesty

    February 18, 2014
    At least 25 people die as police attempt to break up the protesters' main camp in downtown Kiev. It is the worst political violence to hit the country since it became independent in 1991.

    March 01, 2014
    Russian parliament allows Putin to use military in Ukraine

    Headlines from multiple sources

    Last edited by AshlynCreamher; 03-16-2014 at 05:13 PM.

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