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  1. #11
    5 Star Poster TSPornFan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Is Mia Isabella Retired?

    I would be surprised if she came back soon. Read her story about her ex.

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  2. #12
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    Default Re: Is Mia Isabella Retired?

    Quote Originally Posted by FRANKLIN View Post
    I would be surprised if she came back soon. Read her story about her ex.
    I really wish psychology was a mandatory course. Let me pull a few excerpts that speak bounds about the current ailments plaguing Miss Isabella. This is in no way meant to be offensive, simply enlightening for those who enjoy psychology, and perhaps draw a few comments from those who have a formal education in the field.

    Some of the immediate red flags popping out at me...

    "It seems almost as if he had the face of an angel the moment I met him it was like he was meant to save me and I was meant to save him"

    "a young man struggling on his own fighting addiction"

    "He called me everyday all day long and I little girl fell in love with his charms"

    "two weeks later I was in his arms again he proposed to me"

    "his request was that I retire from adult public life because I was his future wife my place was in the home"

    This is in the first 8 sentences only.

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  3. #13
    Insert Witty Title Here Veteran Poster
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    Default Re: Is Mia Isabella Retired?

    Anyone can do an amateur analysis. Remember she's still quite young. Those aren't signs of psychological issues, but of someone young and lonely. Talk to most 25 year olds and they all sound like that, convinced they'll be alone forever, or trying to save/be saved by the person they are convinced they want. As they get older and more comfortable in who they are, the feelings of hopelessness fade and they know what they want more.

    Obviously I can't speak for the loneliness of a TS, it may even be worse than the average man or woman. But it's pretty standard in the rest of the population so I don't read too much in to what she put up.

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  4. #14
    5 Star Poster dderek123's Avatar
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    Default Re: Is Mia Isabella Retired?

    Yep that sounds like a young woman in love to me. Not that shocking really.

  5. #15
    The Unit

    Default Re: Is Mia Isabella Retired?

    You people are so naïve. She pulls this crap every year around award season for attention. Her main source of income is prostitution. The few videos she has made are simply advertising to submissive gay men that like to be abused.

    Wendy is right. Look how little Mia has actually done in the 10 years in the business.

    This story of hers is such bull. Sounds like a bad ecstasy trip to me. From her twitter:

    A CAPTIVE SET FREE - a true story about my life behind the cameras with my ex fiance Ty Roderick

    It seems almost as if he had the face of an angel the moment I met him it was like he was meant to save me and I was meant to save him the night I laid in his arms after we shot our first movie together it was the safest we had both felt in a long time. It was apparent that no matter my status as a porn princess at the time and he a young man struggling on his own fighting addiction and trying to survive in the world at that moment we were just two human beings that wanted to be loved. He held my hand and kissed me goodbye that morning as I went off on a two-week filming project in the woods of Oregon with some of your most popular transsexual starlets to date. He called me everyday all day long and I little girl fell in love with his charms two weeks later I was in his arms again he proposed to me and I was his. I wanted him to feel equal so I showed him the truths about the industry so he understood that it was a business and not a lifestyle to be lived and that we could be extremely successful both separately and together and build a wonderful life that would one day include the children that would become my step daughters. I took my vow to be his future wife with the most honorable intentions and prepared to stand by his side through thick and thin. I began to focus on building him a career that would rival my own because his request was that I retire from adult public life because I was his future wife my place was in the home I respected him as my future husband so I began to fade out quietly as we build him up. At the same time I stopped filming I became very requested in the media world interviews books TV and radio shows appearances and began to win awards and this attention caused much anger and resentment in him and a few months into the relationship the abuse began. Verbally mentally and emotionally it began to slowly but surely chip away at me but I was still very confident woman and I challenged him that challenge lead to the first physical act I was in shock it wasn't pain more as it was disbelief that my champion and protector would want to hurt me. I think I became scared when private situations got worse and worse and I would be locked away at home against my will days upon days and told that it wouldn't matter if I was gone because as long as someone tweeted for me and texted my friends and family nobody would be the wiser but this abuse was marked by violent sexual acts a way to completely dominate and submit me and in some strange way because he found pleasure in it so did I because it marked the end of the volital episode "Stockholm Syndrome" when done to me because I sympathized for him and felt when all the abuse was done and sexual violation complete I was told you are my wife and its your duty and I felt that obligation. Many award shows appearances and redcarpets went by where in my ear the most vile things were said and yet I still had to smile for the cameras. I won't go into details due to legal events we don't need people digging for police records and such but even though I stood by him through the worst privately the more popular he became publicly the worse he became internally. Upon moving out to Los Angeles drug use became prevalent in his life he began to escort and use very powerful substances and watching him headed south broke my heart he began to have affairs while I sat at home for days wondering if he would make it back alive I didnt care about the "small" things I just wanted him safe all dignity to the ground and ego aside. I remember having a dinner conversation with one of the most famous porn directors in his industry Chi Chi LaRue years before in vegas and she explained that such an extremely high percentage of the talent pool in gay porn were HIV positive let alone percentage in the community outside of porn. I began to pull myself away from him physically out of fear but I never wanted to leave him because that was the one promise he begged me to honor our whole relationship because everyone had abandoned him so my blind loyalty held me close to him as I watched him abuse himself so that he could abuse me in turn. It was a viscous cycle almost E true hollywood story style yet he easily played the victim convincing unknowing people with his charm until many got to know me and the real story and found the monster lurking within and the truth of his nature. I really had to walk away after being used and abused over and over again even if I loved him. He would shoot all of these movies with the top studios and escort non stop "mostly to feed his addiction" and the next time I would see him every dollar made was gone. I tried to invest in his future to give him a way out I tried to help him financially to keep his independence but ended in me being used and hurt and told I was no longer needed when it was time for him to repay or keep his end of the bargain an awful cat and mouse game we played. He eventually moved on to a situation with a former pornstar friends X lover he was having an affair with the entire time we had rekindled and it made sense as she was a drug addict as well who happily supported a lifestyle of drug use at night and fitness lifestyle by day to mask and create the illusion of healthy living so I walked away wishing him the best as it seemed they fit each others desires. I do not tell the story to cause ill will I tell the story because it is a burden I no longer wish to carry into my love life, into my personal relationships, and into 2014. I say goodbye to all painful memories so that I can truly love with a pure heart we had an incredible journey and everyone that knows us knows how strongly I loved that man and still I do. I hope one day soon he gains full clarity that he needs and fights the demons he has been letting win In his soul since childhood abuses I wish him love and can only hope that one day he will be the angel I met so many years ago I know that it's hard to see your mistakes when you're surrounded by people who enable counterproductive behavior for their own gains. I happily announced my retirement because I have been absent the DVD market and shooting for other companies when I was trying to save my relationship I truly believe that porn was a major factor in what caused our demise as a couple and as friends. One day soon if he is half as powerful as he always made me believe in fear he was he will realize that the attention he is getting is merely adoration for allowing himself to be used by people years down the line he will never see again there is no power in being a product for someones else in the porn world. Gain clarity dear boy own your mistakes stop burning bridges and hurting those who loved you and turn into the man you were meant to be and you will win not just for yourself but for the girls who call you daddy Marie, G & Ara. As for me I walked into the new year a fully realized woman stronger than I ever imagined I could be realizing that I have the most amazing capacity for love after what I have gone through .... and the things I have in store to accomplish in 2014 well you all just have to wait and see. I'm not broken I am more powerful than I have ever realized before. And the true details well beyond this story will change many lives I hope as I set out to create change in the lives of young women having gone through and still surviving the same things I once did

    Sorry folks, this rambling diatribe is very hard to read but gives much insight into the mind of a sociopath.

    Once a shyster always a shyster!

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    Last edited by The Unit; 01-03-2014 at 02:04 PM.

  6. #16
    Senior Member Veteran Poster Rusty Eldora's Avatar
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    Default Re: Is Mia Isabella Retired?

    Quote Originally Posted by RallyCola View Post
    well the scene that just went up has her sporting her latest facial changes so it has to be somewhat recent. it is most likely as wendy said...she has material in the tank awaiting release.

    if she is retired...good luck to her, but again, as i said in the kim bella thread, i won't be surprised if she comes back.
    I think Wendy has it right here, it is always nice to see Wendy's comments as she really seems to have it together, her agency signs such real hotties like Kelli Lox that also seem to be quite together too.

    i too am not surprised when someone "unretires", it happens like half the time.

    Tgirls do face a lot of depression, feeling alone, and other issues - who wouldn't after the battles they have faced with their transition. We can make their life better by promoting acceptance for them in society and being their friends. It is the least we can do after they have brought a lot of pleasure to us.

  7. #17
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    Default Re: Is Mia Isabella Retired?

    Quote Originally Posted by Rusty Eldora View Post
    I think Wendy has it right here, it is always nice to see Wendy's comments as she really seems to have it together, her agency signs such real hotties like Kelli Lox that also seem to be quite together too.

    i too am not surprised when someone "unretires", it happens like half the time.

    Tgirls do face a lot of depression, feeling alone, and other issues - who wouldn't after the battles they have faced with their transition. We can make their life better by promoting acceptance for them in society and being their friends. It is the least we can do after they have brought a lot of pleasure to us.
    I can't agree with this at all. Acceptance is not the answer. Someone is always going to hate you, always. Get over it. Friends? They are nice and all if you are a person who knows how to have relationships. What if you don't? What if you drive all your friends away? Another cause to doubt your worth, and another reason you feel lonely. A lot of this stuff is self-fulfilling prophecies based upon patterns set long ago in childhood, or even young adulthood. I think their life would be better, as all people's lives would be better, if they acknowledged something is wrong.

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  8. #18
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    Default Re: Is Mia Isabella Retired?

    Quote Originally Posted by serial138 View Post
    Anyone can do an amateur analysis. Remember she's still quite young. Those aren't signs of psychological issues, but of someone young and lonely. Talk to most 25 year olds and they all sound like that, convinced they'll be alone forever, or trying to save/be saved by the person they are convinced they want. As they get older and more comfortable in who they are, the feelings of hopelessness fade and they know what they want more.

    Obviously I can't speak for the loneliness of a TS, it may even be worse than the average man or woman. But it's pretty standard in the rest of the population so I don't read too much in to what she put up.
    I also can't agree with this at all. No, getting involved with abusive heroin addicts and marrying them after two weeks is not normal. Yes, it is a clear sign of psychological issues. America is filled with dysfunctional families, I have $100 Miss Isabella came from one. The White Knight fantasy only exists in America, and you can blame Disney. I doubt someone with a clear sign of an affinity towards plastic surgery will be getting comfortable in her own skin for a while.

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  9. #19
    The Unit

    Default Re: Is Mia Isabella Retired?

    Bravo, algebra1900, Bravo. You are right on the money!

  10. #20
    Insert Witty Title Here Veteran Poster
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    Default Re: Is Mia Isabella Retired?

    Quote Originally Posted by algebra1900 View Post
    I also can't agree with this at all. No, getting involved with abusive heroin addicts and marrying them after two weeks is not normal. Yes, it is a clear sign of psychological issues. America is filled with dysfunctional families, I have $100 Miss Isabella came from one. The White Knight fantasy only exists in America, and you can blame Disney. I doubt someone with a clear sign of an affinity towards plastic surgery will be getting comfortable in her own skin for a while.
    Even if she didn't come from a broken family, she still faces societal pressures you cannot even imagine. The fact that she chose a fellow "outcast" is not surprising at all.

    As for your contention that she obviously has issues because of who she dated, tell that to Sarah Jessica Parker. She dated Robert Downey Junior while he was a raging drug addict. Tell that to Sharon Osborne, or any of the other millions of women that have dated less than perfect men and tried to change/help them. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. But that isn't a reflection on the woman, they all do it! Women love bad boys, and then they grow up. She'll probably do the same.

    I'm not denying she could be a raving lunatic herself, I've met her once so I can't and will not judge. But I also don't jump to conclusions based off someone's past. We all have them, most of us have a lot of poor decisions and big mistakes in them. Live and learn.

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