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Thread: Satanism

  1. #91
    Hung Angel Platinum Poster trish's Avatar
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    Default Re: Satanism

    We've talked in this forum about Frank Tipler's Omega-Point theory of god. It's a perfect example of a consistent mathematical model with dubious application. Neither mathematics nor physics settles the question, "Is the Omega-Point God." Mathematics does tell us that even in models where the Omega-Point 'exists' it exists as an abstract idealization - not a physical point or object. Physics may eventually be able to tell us whether or not our universe is such a model. But the question "Do I want to interpret the Omega-Point as God?" is in the end, either a question for theologians, or a personal question for someone in a position to assess the literature.

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    "...I no longer believe that people's secrets are defined and communicable, or their feelings full-blown and easy to recognize."_Alice Munro, Chaddeleys and Flemings.

    "...the order in creation which you see is that which you have put there, like a string in a maze, so that you shall not lose your way". _Judge Holden, Cormac McCarthy's, BLOOD MERIDIAN.

  2. #92
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    Default Re: Satanism

    Scrape away the glossy religiosity and you discover that 'Satanism' has a place in European society as a challenge to an austere Christianity of priests preaching hell fire and damnation for sinners. The moral education of children into the evils of sin and temptation is presented as 'love for God' but in more practical terms was designed to prevent young people from being naughty, where this would mean lying, stealing, getting drunk, taking drugs and having sex before marriage.

    This suffocating scaffold of moral laws created within Christian societies an underground resistance of naughty boys and girls who did want to get drunk and have sex before marriage, and thus one sees a sophisticated attempt to enshrine the glorious pleasures of the here and now into a religion diametrically opposed to Christianity, in which sin is preferred to piety, damnation preferred to salvation -for who wants their permanent orgy to end?

    Two writers encapsulate this concept -in the 19th century Charles Baudelaire became famous as an uncontrollable hedonist, soaked in dope, obsessed with a black prostitute to whom he dedicated a cycle of poems, a dandy, a connoisseur of art and music -in his poem, designed to shock, Les Litanies de Satan there is this telling couplet:

    Toi qui fais au proscrit ce regard calme et haut
    Qui damne tout un peuple autour d'un échafaud.

    Ô Satan, prends pitié de ma longue misère!

    You, who gives the outcast the calm and haughty hold
    he glares on the crowd around his scaffold

    O Satan, have pity on my long misery!

    In the 20th century, Jean Genet, born to a prostitute, fostered out, a petty thief imprisoned for the first time at the age of 15, became a writer whose novels subvert the Christian scaffold of moral law, notably with its presentation of petty crime and homosexual sex as a natural expression of the 'outcasts' of society who not only refuse to obey the rules, but delight in breaking them. In The Thief's Journal there is a passage in which Genet's description of the moment he steals is presented as being equivalent to ejaculation, that he feels at his most human when he is breaking human laws, stealing another human's property, violating his space.

    In his later work, one that has alienated even his most ardent fans, Funeral Rites, he obsesses over the uniform of a Nazi SS officer as an object of sexual desire [Visconti also did this in his awful film The Damned], but the intention always was to provoke, though in his best works, Miracle of the Rose, The Thief's Journal, Our Lady of the Flowers, and Querelle of Brest, he does it with a language as illuminating and exquisite as the poetry of Baudelaire.

    Both also have that key component of modernism in literature -the city as the locus of pleasure, particularly if the pleasure is illegal. To someone born in a small town or village, the city offers anonymity, the opportunity to sin, and to do so without punishment unless you are unlucky enough to be caught in flagrante delicto -indeed, Genet was thrown out of the Foreign Legion when he was discovered having sex with another man.

    So all this panoply of religion and ritual is really just an elaborate cover for a simple desire to get laid and smoke a joint without caring what mum and dad, the local priest or law enforcement think. So many people do it, of all ages, you could get the impression that Satan is now as irrelevant as Jesus.

    But don't tell Mr Sessions that, as he reverses the relaxation of sentencing for drug crimes that his predecessor Eric Holder introduced, determined to go back to 1986 and the ratching up of sentences for possession of narcotics, and throw even more Black and Latino Americans in prison.

    Satan is back on the agenda, and he has a stool in the White House.

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    Last edited by Stavros; 08-21-2017 at 03:40 PM.

  3. #93
    Eurotrash! Platinum Poster Jericho's Avatar
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    Default Re: Satanism

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavros View Post
    Satan is back on the agenda, and he has a stool in the White House.
    Would that be...No, nevermind!

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    I hate being bipolar...It's fucking ace!

  4. #94
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    Default Re: Satanism

    Quote Originally Posted by hippifried View Post


  5. #95
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    Default Re: Satanism

    I can’t help but think people who say they are Satanists just want a little love and a lot of attention.

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  6. #96
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    Default Re: Satanism

    Someone is asking a few spiritual questions from the board. I cannot give direct answers because of major stuff going on behind the scenes and the Goddess in charge of this is not on this world or a known portion of the astral plane for reasons.

    The answer to your primary question is no. For reasons above which will become very apparent next year. You are thinking in terms of this week where those upstairs are plotting on 5, 10, and 20 year timelines. So long as it does not affect the long-term timelines the issue is manageable and will clear itself up eventually. Just work through or around it. Contact Zeus for further information. He does not want you straying off path while a certain Goddess is off planet.

    Certain occult oils will not be working the same due to a recent change in the meta. Too many individuals had uncontrolled access to certain spiritual and occult oils and were abusing them necessitating a change in the way they work. No excuses on the changes. Multiple deities approved the changes. Not even open for discussion. Instead of escalation, try dispute resolution. The changes are permanent. I have the same problem. People would rather fight over petty crap than discuss solutions to problems choosing to escalate when conversation will resolve the difference. I get forced to escalate when people refuse to listen which makes everyone angry. If we only decided that the process does not own us but rather step outside the box for a moment to take a fresh view.

    In terms of what is happening in Hollywood and the adult side of the business, contact Persephone directly. She can handle it better from down below.

    Have fun everyone!!!

    Born of a broken man, but not a broken man
    Born of a broken man, never a broken man

    Latrodectus mactans

  7. #97
    Eurotrash! Platinum Poster Jericho's Avatar
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    Default Re: Satanism

    Quote Originally Posted by zerrrr View Post
    Certain occult oils will not be working the same due to a recent change in the meta.
    Feeling you, bro.
    Thos cunts at Nutella changed the recipe, too!

    4 out of 4 members liked this post.
    I hate being bipolar...It's fucking ace!

  8. #98
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    Default Re: Satanism

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    World Class Asshole

  9. #99
    Senior Member Veteran Poster
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    Default Re: Satanism

    Quote Originally Posted by Jericho View Post
    Feeling you, bro.
    Thos cunts at Nutella changed the recipe, too!
    Still tastes and looks like shit though

  10. #100
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    Default Re: Satanism

    Satanic Prayers for Devotion

    Satanic Prayer as a Spiritual Tool

    Here are some prayers for Satan for you to use in your time of need. This essay is for those who want to develop a spiritual relationship with Satan through the devotional act of prayer. For Spiritual Satanists, prayer can help to connect you with the force of Satan. Prayer allows you to have a personal relationship with Satan that you can work on every day, both in the ritual room, and outside of ritual work.
    Satanic devotional prayer can be a useful tool in your spiritual journey in Satanism. Anyone with a sincere desire to get closer to Satan can pray to him. All it takes is a heartfelt motivation to reach out to his force and make it a part of you. Hopefully these prayers for Satan can help you in your situation.
    There are no set rules in Spiritual Satanism that state that prayer to Satan is required. But if you do chose to pray you have an opportunity to bond with Satan in a personal way. When a prayer is said to Satan, it is not just said with words; it is felt with the heart as well. Prayer is a form of communication with the spiritually divine.
    Prayer can be considered without devotion. Satanic prayer can be used as a spiritual tool without having the need to worship Satan. In this way you can remain independent while still having the spiritual connection that you need to feel close to Satan.

    How to Pray to Satan

    Praying to Satan is not complicated. All you have to do is say the words not just in your mind but in your heart. Reaching out to Satan in this way allows you to have a spiritual connection. When you pray to Satan you are speaking to him and his force, not just at him. Your words are not lost; Satan knows what is in your heart.
    Prayer is best done in a quiet place, away from anyone who might interrupt you. Your prayer does not have to be done in your ritual chamber. Take a few moments beforehand to focus and think and feel why you are about to pray.
    When is the right time to pray to Satan?

    Prayer can be used to strengthen your bond with Satan. It can be used to give you personal strength or when you are seeking reassurance or comfort. It can also be used to give you clarity in a situation or to receive guidance. Prayer can be done outside of the ritual chamber at any time you feel it is necessary.
    If daily devotional prayer interests you, this Satanic prayer may be used during a moment when you have time alone to be with Satan. In this prayer you align yourself with the forces of Satan, Lucifer, Belial and Lilith.

    Prayers for Satan

    Prayer for The Praise of Satan’s Kingdom

    Praise, Hail Satan!
    Glory be to Satan the Father of the Earth
    and to Lucifer our guiding light
    and to Belial who walks between worlds
    and to Lilith the queen of the night
    As it was in the void of the beginning
    Is now, and ever shall be, Satan’s kingdom without End
    so it is done.

    Satanist’s Creed

    The Satanist’s Creed is another prayer that you can use for devotion or praise for Satan. This prayer seeks to establish your devotion to Satan. This prayer can also be said after you complete your Pact with Satan, to affirm your relationship with Satan.
    I believe in the force of Satan
    The father of the void
    Ruler of the earth king of the world,
    And in Lucifer, the guiding light and the morning star above.
    And Lilith, who seeded the world with her creation
    I believe I am my own church
    I hold the spirit of Satan within my heart;
    I was born without the stain of sin
    my spirit is one with Satan
    As it is now and ever will be,
    So it is done.

    Prayer to Satan for Power

    Use this prayer in your time of need, when you feel that you need to be empowered by the spirit of Satan.
    Satan, grant me the power to be strong in spirit
    Grant me the ability to see what is right for me
    Grant me the wisdom to understand your ways
    Grant me the knowledge to empower myself
    Power in the name of Satan to break the bonds that hold me back
    Power in the name of Satan to overcome my weaknesses
    Power in the name of Satan to be strong within
    Grant me the ability to know what is right for me
    Grant me the vision to have wisdom in your ways
    I accept your guidance and wisdom
    In the name of Satan

    Prayer to Satan for Money

    Satan is the god of the material world, so why not ask for assistance? While you could also use magic for the same purpose, perhaps this prayer will help as well.
    Satan thank you for the riches you have brought to me
    Bring me victory in my desire to grow in riches
    O, Satan, ruler of the material world
    bring your abundance and mercy
    grant me that which I desire
    Fill me with your power and spirit

    Satan’s Prayer

    A popular prayer that has been interpreted among Satanists for many years.
    Our Father
    Who art in Hell
    Cursed be thy name
    Thy kingdom upon earth has come
    Thy will be done in hell as it is on earth
    Grant us your power and might
    And lead us into temptation
    Deliver us unto evil
    Thine is the kingdom of earth
    The power and the glory
    Forever and ever
    So it is done.
    Satanic Prayer Aligns you with the Force of Satan

    Prayer can be a useful tool in your relationship with Satan. All you have to do is make a conscious effort to reach out and Satan will listen. Prayers for Satan really work. But consider that prayer is so much more than just asking for things; it is a spiritual communication between you and Satan, and your opportunity to grow closer to Satan every day.

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