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Thread: Cheerios Ad

  1. #21
    Silver Poster hippifried's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cheerios Ad

    Awwww... Poor downtrodden klan/nazis got their feelings hurt by the big bad meanies who think they're full of shit & just don't care about mixing the gene pool. Boo hoo hoo... Well, I'm fresh out of sympathy for insecure fools & their irrational fears.

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  2. #22
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: Cheerios Ad

    Absolutely right, Hippifried!

  3. #23
    LOVER OF BIG ASS Platinum Poster youngblood61's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cheerios Ad


  4. #24
    Platinum Poster MacShreach's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cheerios Ad

    Quote Originally Posted by Willie Escalade View Post
    Of course the ad isn't racist. Plenty of those now-removed YouTube comments were though. And if one often reads comments on YouTube and Yahoo, you'll know what I'm talking about.
    There seems to be a special category of moron that hangs around YouTube making the stupidest comments imaginable. Maybe the same ones who spend the rest of their loser lives on Yahoo Answers trying to make the world believe they actually knew something once...

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  5. #25
    Senior Member Junior Poster Amy Gray's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cheerios Ad

    What I find interesting is that I can actually think of a number of interracial couples I've seen on TV shows but virtually none on ads. It's funny that there would be such a discrepancy from advertisements and general television. I also think it's funny that the same sex couples I see on TV are very often interracial.

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  6. #26
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    Default Re: Cheerios Ad

    Quote Originally Posted by Amy Gray View Post
    What I find interesting is that I can actually think of a number of interracial couples I've seen on TV shows but virtually none on ads. It's funny that there would be such a discrepancy from advertisements and general television. I also think it's funny that the same sex couples I see on TV are very often interracial.
    In tv shows, Amy? I don't think I watch enough tv to know. But Hollywood is not showing that much opening either, to my knowledge. Seems quite bad to me.

  7. #27
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    Default Re: Cheerios Ad

    Once again people here need to get out of attack mode and try to THINK about other peoples points of view!! The "shoved down my throat" guy picked a poor choice of words, but I get the sentiment. I don't have problem with interracial couples-- hell i ALWAYS date outside my race, BUT you have to wonder what the ACTUAL purpose of the ad was. It really does seem they had an agenda beyond selling Cheerios. There was no mistake or accident in casting---they chose to portray an interracial relationship for a reason and it's hard to believe that reason was to sell cereal... unless interracial families have a propensity to buy more cereal than anyone else. As a thinker, I wonder why they did it.
    I also think the negative reaction is a non-story, like 95% of the stuff reported these days. Yes there were negative comments, but there always is on YouTube. People do it for shits and giggles. I don't think the PERCENTAGE of people saying negative things compared to those who were supportive is out of whack and is fairly representative of society. I think there's an entire generation of "new hippies" that live in a fantasy world of rainbows and cotton candy, but the truth is you can't please everybody and that should be ok.

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  8. #28
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    Default Re: Cheerios Ad

    Quote Originally Posted by sucka4chix View Post
    Once again people here need to get out of attack mode and try to THINK about other peoples points of view!! The "shoved down my throat" guy picked a poor choice of words, but I get the sentiment. I don't have problem with interracial couples-- hell i ALWAYS date outside my race, BUT you have to wonder what the ACTUAL purpose of the ad was. It really does seem they had an agenda beyond selling Cheerios. There was no mistake or accident in casting---they chose to portray an interracial relationship for a reason and it's hard to believe that reason was to sell cereal... unless interracial families have a propensity to buy more cereal than anyone else. As a thinker, I wonder why they did it.
    Why would this even be a question if you weren’t narrow minded in the first place? That’s the question. If you didn’t think in the first place: “interracial couple? there’s something suspicious there! they want to convince me of something”, why would you even make anything of the skin pigment of the people in the ad? You really don’t even see your own attitude about this? Why would you suspect Cherios to “have an agenda beyond selling” cereals just because the actors don’t have the skin pigment you think they should have? You’re implying that “unless interracial families have a propensity to buy more cereal than anyone else”, they should not have put an “interracial” couple in the ad. Why? Why would their skin pigment make any difference?

    Now, I'm sorry but there’s no justification to think like that, man! None. Your own reaction to this is not much better than that of those who are making these shitty comments on Youtube. An attitude such as yours is precisely what creates the situation in wish such people feel justified to make these comments. How can you not see that?

  9. #29
    Platinum Poster flabbybody's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cheerios Ad

    first time I saw the commercial I remember being annoyed that a dumb kid would pour cereal on her dad when he's snoozing on the couch. I'm not a fan of using cutsie children in TV ads.

    maybe I'm truly enlightened. I never noticed the family was multiracial til I saw this thread.

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  10. #30
    Junior Poster Sulka_bewitched_me's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cheerios Ad

    Quote Originally Posted by MacShreach View Post
    There seems to be a special category of moron that hangs around YouTube making the stupidest comments imaginable. Maybe the same ones who spend the rest of their loser lives on Yahoo Answers trying to make the world believe they actually knew something once...
    Or HungAngels................

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