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  1. #11
    5 Star Poster south ov da border's Avatar
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    Default Re: What food or drinks contain female hormone?

    from my basic understanding is that a lot of food additives and synthetics along with BPA contain estrogen like hormones. And the fact that we don't get enough spread of vitamins and minerals don't promote our body to make what is needed and therefore we store and get altered by the estrogen.

    This is a very basic explanation of what I've been dealing with in my weight loss. I noticed that my body took on feminine characteristics and now that I've ditched most of the culprits and have taken efforts to detox crap foods and replace the vitamins and minerals I can SEE how my body changed. I still got a little boob action going on, but that will go away more as I continue to lose and tone. I'm down 100 lbs since May.

    and from my understanding SOY is a crap food and was used by Asian cultures to castrate their cheating husbands over time by adding it to their food during preparation. MSG is also used to cover up spoiled foods and "other" meats from being tasted. YUCK

    too much french fries, not enough shakes...

  2. #12
    Platinum Poster natina's Avatar
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    Default Re: What food or drinks contain female hormone?

    MANY PLASTICS LEECH A CHEMICAL that converts to estrogen in the male body.

    many plastic drinking containers are only suppose to be used once. after that they break down enough to allow the chemical to get released.

    BPA causes lower sperm count and increased female hormone levels in men

    Phthalate warning: Medications contain chemicals that "feminize" unborn baby boys

    Learn more:

    Estrogenic Foods to Avoid

    The Chemical Feminization and Emasculation of Men

    Men: Don’t Be a Victim of the “Feminization Epidemic”


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    Last edited by natina; 03-13-2013 at 05:57 AM.

  3. #13
    Professional Poster
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    Default Re: What food or drinks contain female hormone?

    Yes. Soy and plastic are part of the sinister plot to emasculate the populace. And damn soy is in everything! I just went shopping and put back everything I used to buy because it had soy! Guess I'll be killing and cooking my own food from now on!

    "I don't see it that way. I see it as a complete and total betrayal of my testicles!"

  4. #14
    Platinum Poster robertlouis's Avatar
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    Default Re: What food or drinks contain female hormone?

    A lot of the beef raised in the US is pumped so full of a cocktail of hormones that there's no saying just what you're consuming in your steak. I won't eat beef in America unless I'm satisfied that it's organic. And that's not because I'm worried about oestrogen - it's the thought of not knowing what hormones are going into the meat.

    Mind you, here in the UK right now we're into serious penis enlargement with all the horse DNA that's been slipping into the food chain.

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  5. #15

    Default Re: What food or drinks contain female hormone?

    Quote Originally Posted by natina View Post
    some things turn into estrogen once consumed in your body.

    male belly fat raise estrogen levels in males, non exercise are a lazy male is a feminine male.

    Is Your Testosterone Turning into Estrogen?

    Everyone converts testosterone into estrogen


    Foods with Estrogen

    Aug 18, 2011 | By Janet Contursi Janet Contursi has a Ph.D. in anthropology from the University of Minnesota and has been a freelance writer for over 23 years. Her articles have appeared in professional journals, magazines, newspapers and on the web. Contursi has a Master Herbalist diploma from the American College of Healthcare and Sciences. Her interests are the environment, herbal medicine and forensic science.

    Photo Credit Keith Brofsky/Stockbyte/Getty Images Estrogen is a female hormone involved in a range of bodily functions, including reproduction, maintaining muscle mass, maintaining skin tone and bone strength, and increasing good cholesterol. Estrogen may also be associated with certain diseases, such as estrogen-dependent breast cancer and endometriosis. Certain herbs and foods have estrogen-like qualities. Consult your health care provider before using alternative therapies containing estrogen.
    Plant Actions

    Plants with estrogen-like qualities contain chemicals that can bind to estrogen receptors in your body and mimic the hormone. These chemicals, known as phytoestrogens, are found in three major chemical classes: isoflavones, lignans and coumestans. The amount of estrogen you receive may depend on the concentration of phytoestrogens in herbal preparations and the amount of estrogenic foods you eat. Check with a qualified practitioner for advice about dosage and preparation of foods and herbs with estrogen-like qualities.
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    Red Clover

    Red clover, or Trifolium pratense, is a small perennial with purple flowers. Traditional healers use it to treat irregular menstruation, infertility, bronchitis, ulcers and asthma. Red clover is rich in isoflavones, such as irilone and pratensein, which have estrogen-like effects. In her 2009 book, "The Holistic Herbal Directory," herbal consultant Penelope Ody notes that, because of its estrogenic action, red clover may be an effective menopausal remedy. Do not use this herb if you are trying to conceive, as it may have a contraceptive effect.

    Soybeans are a legume cultivated throughout East Asia. They are a staple protein food in many Asian societies and are used in tofu, pastes, beans, sprouts, flours and textured vegetable protein substitutes for meat. Soybeans contain the isoflavones known as genistein and daidzein. In their 2009 book, "Medicinal Plants of the World," botanist Ben-Erik van Wyk and biologist Michael Wink explain that these isoflavones bind to estrogen receptors and can modify estrogen-related genes. Do not consume large amounts of soybeans or soy products if you have an estrogen-dependent disorder.
    Black Cohosh

    Black cohosh, Cimicifuga racemosa, is a tall perennial with spikes of white flowers. Herbalists use the rhizomes and roots to treat menstrual and menopausal problems. Herbal consultant Penelope Ody states that this herb is strongly estrogenic and may be helpful for treating PMS. In their 2001 book, "Herbal Remedies," naturopathic doctors Asa Hershoff and Andrea Rotelli note that black cohosh normalizes estrogen levels and optimizes your body's use of estrogen. Botanist Ben-Erik van Wyk and biologist Michael Wink state that the estrogen-like action is likely due to the isoflavonoids and triterpenoids, which bind to estrogen receptors in your body. Do not use this herb if you have a hormone-dependent disease.

    Read more:

    The Estrogenic Effects of Lavender Oil

    Tree oils cause breast growth in males,Breast+Growth/?a=s

    I feel like I'm getting a Peggy lee lesson. Good info. Greetings to Peggy where ever you are.

  6. #16
    General Dick Suction Veteran Poster Ms.Stepford's Avatar
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    Default Re: What food or drinks contain female hormone?

    Nothing in food is going to grant the feminization of actual HRT.

    Also, if you are on HRT, phytoestrogens are going to compete with the effective estrogen for receptor sites, from what I understand.

  7. #17
    flexible transsexual Junior Poster sophiebendable's Avatar
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    Default Re: What food or drinks contain female hormone?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ms.Stepford View Post
    Nothing in food is going to grant the feminization of actual HRT.

    Also, if you are on HRT, phytoestrogens are going to compete with the effective estrogen for receptor sites, from what I understand.

  8. #18
    Junior Poster
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    Default Re: What food or drinks contain female hormone?

    The beer ...

  9. #19
    GOD Emperor of Mankind Platinum Poster LibertyHarkness's Avatar
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    Default Re: What food or drinks contain female hormone?

    pregnant mare piss is a good source of estrogen

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  10. #20
    Silver Poster fred41's Avatar
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    Default Re: What food or drinks contain female hormone?

    Quote Originally Posted by LibertyHarkness View Post
    pregnant mare piss is a good source of estrogen
    Really?! Damn, now I gotta give that up.

    ...and it went so well with grandma's meatloaf.

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