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  1. #111
    I've done my service Platinum Poster Willie Escalade's Avatar
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    Default Re: New stuff from Tara Emory

    Tara, have you ever thought about doing a coffee table book? I'm sure Taschen would LOVE to work with you.

    And the blonde look is HOT.

    William Escalade is no more. He's done his service to the site.

  2. #112
    Senior Member Professional Poster up_for_it's Avatar
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    Default Re: New stuff from Tara Emory

    Great photos Tara!! I read somewhere that you make your own outfits, they're really great looking, and I admire your DIY ethic. What happens to them after the shoot? Do you keep all of them, given them away or sell them, or do you recycle the materials. Just wondering how much studio space all that stuff takes up.

  3. #113
    Veteran Poster Tara Emory's Avatar
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    Default Re: New stuff from Tara Emory

    The stuff takes up a bit of studio space, and i tend to re-use outfits for shoots (with little tweaks), ot they do in fact wear out. I also wear them at fetish clubs and events.

    As far as doing a book for TASCHEN- someone should tell them that. I was under an impression they weren't into trannies. I've always wanted to take my cream de la creme of my pictures and make a full print bound magazine or hardcover book out of them, but costs have always gotten in the way.

    Anyone who has any pull with publishers, let me know!


  4. #114
    Veteran Poster Tara Emory's Avatar
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    Default Re: New stuff from Tara Emory

    I just looked all over Taschen's website. I'm not even sure how to even take the first step in figuring out who to contact.


  5. #115
    seamonkey Junior Poster
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    Default Re: New stuff from Tara Emory

    Quote Originally Posted by Tara Emory View Post
    I just looked all over Taschen's website. I'm not even sure how to even take the first step in figuring out who to contact.

    Generally, you need an agent to represent you to publishers. Most literary agents in the US are located in and around NYC, which is where the US publishing biz is also generally located. An agent will know how to make contact with both domestic and foreign publishers and try to sell them the book.

    It requires some work but if you can make up a proposal/treatment for a book, that will help in locating an agent and, subsequently, a publisher. But a small, open access version of your website can also serve this need.

    I wish I could help in locating possible agents, but I've never been involved at that level, only as an editor. It's kind of a longshot but attending the annual Book Expo America (BEA) might prove fruitful since both agents and publishers also attend. Its like going to a Star Trek convention for publishing (without the costumes). Taaschen had a large booth at one I attended many years ago. Its a good way to learn how the publishing biz works.

    Last edited by seamonkey; 06-20-2013 at 08:16 AM.

  6. #116
    Platinum Poster CORVETTEDUDE's Avatar
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    Default Re: New stuff from Tara Emory

    Tara Baby, you are simply one of the Hottest creatures on this or any other planet!!! Soooo Frickin' Beautiful!!!

  7. #117
    Junior Poster
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    Default Re: New stuff from Tara Emory

    Tara these two layouts are just wonderful. Things tingle when you gaze directly into the camera.

  8. #118
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    Default Re: New stuff from Tara Emory

    Quote Originally Posted by seamonkey View Post
    Generally, you need an agent to represent you to publishers...
    I can see that for people planning on writing lots of books, but for someone with a one-off idea whose primary business is different, it seems hard to believe that two-tier quest would be worth the time.

  9. #119
    seamonkey Junior Poster
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    Default Re: New stuff from Tara Emory

    Quote Originally Posted by scroller View Post
    I can see that for people planning on writing lots of books, but for someone with a one-off idea whose primary business is different, it seems hard to believe that two-tier quest would be worth the time.
    That's a valid point, but that leaves the only option to self-publish, which means she has to do much of the work herself or hire people to do it for her, and have the cash flow to pay them. Print-on-demand makes it feasible to produce a book but not have to pay for printing a stock of books. There are still the various production costs for editing, design & layout, proofreading, etc. and time spent managing the process. Even on a shoestring budget, you may be considering $10,000 or more in production costs for a full color photograph-heavy book. The more you scrimp on production, the greater the risk of producing a low-quality book that people won't want to buy. A publisher would absorb all these costs and the risks.

    Print publishing in general has been a flat industry for almost 20 years now, with some exceptions in genres such as comics thriving and growing. I don't know how well sexually-oriented books are doing.
    One could try using a cloud funded approach, as with Kickstarter, to raise the money for a self-published book.The first step is for Tara to decide how badly she wants to do a book. It will take a lot of commitment and initiative to get it completed. Frankly, the risks are high.

  10. #120
    Malkavian Sex Vampire Junior Poster Janette Voerman's Avatar
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    Default Re: New stuff from Tara Emory

    Let me say it again - just fantastically awesome!!!!!!!!! makeup just super!!!!!!!!!!! a high class is felt!!!!!!!!!!

    LOVE Liberty Harkness
    Liberty Harkness is the BEST

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