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Thread: Election

  1. #1

    Post Election

    What do think about the presidental election?

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  2. #2
    Platinum Poster Ben's Avatar
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    Default Re: Election

    Quote Originally Posted by forever knight View Post
    What do think about the presidental election?
    Not keen on either Party... but the Dems are more moderate.
    Not entirely sure where Romney stands on anything. He'll simply say anything.
    Is Romney principled?
    Not even sure why he's pursuing the presidency. He has all the money in the whirling world.
    And Obama isn't much better. But, in my opinion, slightly better.
    Anyway, this may be the difference between the two: Romney doesn't live in the real world. And Obama lives somewhere in the real world.
    By real world I mean: being realistic about climate change.
    I mean, without a natural environment, well, there is no so-called culture, no economy, no nothing.
    People, 100 years from now, will not care if Obama or Romney won the White House in 2012.
    They'll be concerned about: do we have clean water to drink, clean air to breathe etc., etc., etc.
    I mean, we're leaving a terrible legacy for future generations.

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