Quote Originally Posted by Ben View Post
On Ron Paul, well, I have mixed feelings. On certain things I agree with him. On others, well, not so much.
He's very good with respect to foreign policy.... Even on foreign aid. And it's true: we send money overseas to enrich very rich dictators. That's true. Sad, but true. All our money, sadly, isn't helping starving children.
And Ron Paul has always had a sensible approach to the so-called "War" on drugs. Why not have a war on dandruff and alcohol?
As Paul has stated: it's a health issue. And it is.
I mean, nicotine is bad. As is caffeine. Um, pollution, too, isn't good for one's health.... But oil companies have power. It's about power: who has it, who doesn't.
And, too, a lot of the illicit drug money is laundered through the big banks. Ya wanna stop drugs: throw bankers in prison!
You're right, on foreign policy and drug policy Ron Paul makes a lot of sense. And you gotta respect his unwillingness to pander. But he's a total kook on domestic and monetary policy. And the sad thing is that you had to listen to a kook to hear anything halfway sane at the Republican debates.

Btw is caffeine really that bad? Cuz if so I'm screwed.