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  1. #21
    onmyknees Platinum Poster onmyknees's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why Vote Third Party?

    Quote Originally Posted by Prospero View Post
    Other differences too Ben. Like the likelihood that the GOP will introduce more tax breaks for the rich and would scrap affordable health care. To name just two.
    And yes judging by Romney's daft remarks in the past 24 hours considerably more hawkish.

    Your routine is tired and boring, and frankly devoid of facts.

    Fact...If Barry's tax the rich scheme makes it through Congress,(and it won't) the revenue realized will fund the government at it's current spending level for 8 days. That's 8 days. Even Warren Buffet admitted it's Bullshit, but you keep on clinging to that narrative. It's about spending, stupid.

    Fact....Liberals definition of "rich" is individuals making 200K and couples making 250K, but they never tell you that.. In NY that's a high school principal and a union sanitation worker. Even Nicki Minaj gets that.

    Fact....When the top income-tax rate was as high as 70% in the 1970s, the top 1% paid about 19% of all federal income taxes. At the current rate of 35% the top 1% pay just under 40% of all income taxes.
    Fact...Romney's Tax plan is revenue neutral...that is to say he lowers the withholding rate, but eliminates many of the typical deductions wealthy people take advantage of.

    Fact.......when JFK and Reagan cut the tax rates, revenues to the treasury increased. Google the Obama/Clinton debate and Charlie Gibson as he posed that reality to Barry in their debate. Even Barry had to adknowledged it, then quickly called it a question of "fairness"

    Why do you continue to traffic in lame untruths ? You may not be a dumb guy, but what else are we to think when your posts sound like a campaign commercial that needs to be fact checked ?

    Last edited by onmyknees; 09-15-2012 at 04:48 AM.

  2. #22
    Professional Poster BluegrassCat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why Vote Third Party?

    Quote Originally Posted by prospero View Post
    Like the likelihood that the GOP will introduce more tax breaks for the rich and would scrap affordable health care. To name just two.
    Quote Originally Posted by onmyknees View Post
    Your routine is tired and boring, and frankly devoid of facts.
    Mitt Romney: "Number one, I said that we’re going to cut taxes on everyone across the country by 20 percent, including the top 1 percent. So that’s number one."

    Mitt Romney: "Well of course I’m going to repeal Obamacare, I’ve said that on the campaign trail, I think, every single day."

    Fact: OMK is a crazy liar and buffoon.

  3. #23
    Bella Doll Platinum Poster BellaBellucci's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why Vote Third Party?

    Arguing about partisan politics, boys? I guess you missed the point.


  4. #24
    5 Star Poster GrimFusion's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why Vote Third Party?

    Bella's right. The bickering is pointless because as a Republican, you can find just as many faults with Obama and his previous four years of presidency as any Democrat can researching Romney. Neither choice is a good choice, and voting shouldn't boil down to picking the lesser of two crappy candidates.

  5. #25
    Senior Member Platinum Poster Prospero's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why Vote Third Party?

    I agree up to a point Grim. However it is about preventing power being attained by a party who will really do grievous harm to the poor in your country, to your economy and to your country's already damaged image and role in the world. And quite possibly spark a terrible new war across the Mid east and further afield. There are profound differences actually. This talk veers dangerously close the 1960s notion that politics doesn't matter - and that brought you Nixon and thousands of deaths in Vietnam (and watergate etc etc etc).

  6. #26
    5 Star Poster GrimFusion's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why Vote Third Party?

    Quote Originally Posted by Prospero View Post
    I agree up to a point Grim. However it is about preventing power being attained by a party who will really do grievous harm to the poor in your country, to your economy and to your country's already damaged image and role in the world. And quite possibly spark a terrible new war across the Mid east and further afield. There are profound differences actually. This talk veers dangerously close the 1960s notion that politics doesn't matter - and that brought you Nixon and thousands of deaths in Vietnam (and watergate etc etc etc).
    I agree, and I'm not saying voting is pointless or that politics simply don't matter, but who do you rightfully vote for when the president re-elect has already proven he has no intention of fulfilling his campaign promises or working in the interests of the American people and the only other option is a candidate who seems interested in ignoring the needs of a vast majority of Americans and favors an economic recovery plan that has been proven time and time again to fail.

    There's simply "no better option", but voters are getting too caught up in attacking the opposite party candidate and defending their own to realize it. I'm a registered Democrat, but I find myself agreeing with many of the claims made against Obama by the Republican party. I simply fail to see why Republicans would support Romney in the first place considering the vast majority of Republican voters admit they would like to see further corporate regulation and smaller government. Romney is NOT going to provide that.

    You're entirely right, though; Prospero. This campaign does mirror the Nixon/Humphrey election in 1968 with one very large exception. Back then, it was the Republicans who ran on an anti-war campaign and the Democrats who supported Linden B. Johnson's foreign affairs policies. Nixon was elected on his platform of improving relations with Vietnam and ending the war. Once he became president, he did the opposite... kinda like Obama.

    History tends to repeat itself and much like the American public in the 1960's and 1970's, there's a general mistrust of all presidential candidates and politicians which eventually resulted in impeachment and the American people finally woke up, began holding their elected officials responsible, and presidential candidates improved. I think the last two decades have seen a rebound of the degeneration of American politics, and no matter who is elected, if our country continues to suffer under new policies, impeachment and a renewal of American political standards is simply an eventuality.

    So, basically; a positive out of the negative. Since neither presidential candidate is a good option, we're either going to end up suffering through another four years of ho-hum inaction or end up with a president who abuses their power by working against the common interests of the American people and their campaign promises. If the latter occurs, I look forward to the fall-out because it'll necessitate improvement.

    Last edited by GrimFusion; 09-20-2012 at 04:07 PM.

  7. #27
    Senior Member Platinum Poster Prospero's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why Vote Third Party?

    A pretty bleak posititon you outline there Grim.

    I think that you overlook the very real barriers thrown up by the most partisan GOP America has ever seen to Obama achieving anything. Without that sweeping result for the Republicans in the mid term election Obama might well have been able to engineer a greater economic recovery than has been possible.

    You all should never forget that it was Bush and his policies - domestic and overseas - for eight years that were the prime creators of the mess. The Republicans since have blocked all attempts to sort it out. This mess is NOT due to Obama and the Democrats.

    Also I don't think it quite fair to suggest that Obama and Nixon share a trait in worsening the wars. Obama has failed to close Guantanamo true. But he has brought the troops home from Iraq. He has helped overturn the dictatorship of Gaddafy (a genuine Arab revolt unlike the engineered overthrow of Saddam). He has given weight to the ousting of Mubarak (again a genuine Arab revolt). And he has set out a timetable for the withdrawal of forces in Afghanistan.

  8. #28
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    Default Re: Why Vote Third Party?

    Quote Originally Posted by GrimFusion View Post
    Since neither presidential candidate is a good option, we're either going to end up suffering through another four years of ho-hum inaction or end up with a president who abuses their power by working against the common interests of the American people and their campaign promises. If the latter occurs, I look forward to the fall-out because it'll necessitate improvement.
    If the election is a gonna be a close call, given those options you should vote for the lesser of two evils. In the latter you'd have to wait 4 years before any improvement is necessitated, by which time more damage could have been commited than simple 'inaction'.

    Personally I don't see how anyone could argue that Obama has achieved nothing in his presidency though. Are Americans that impatient? You seem to expect immediate results, and if they're not seen you'll flip back to the other side. 4 years is not a long time to fix the kind of economic state the world is currently in...

  9. #29
    Silver Poster fred41's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why Vote Third Party?

    If you side strongly with one candidate over all means vote for that candidate...but in some states it's fine to vote for third party candidates you can side with. I live in N.Y....Obama will get two or more votes for every one of Romney's. It's a done deal. The Electoral Votes here are going to Obama anyway.

  10. #30
    Platinum Poster Ben's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why Vote Third Party?

    Abby Martin asks 'What is the real choice between Obama & Romney'?

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