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  1. #1451
    Senior Member Platinum Poster giovanni_hotel's Avatar
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    Default Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    I call it a murder because I'm not a judge or attorney.
    In the real world, when you kill an unarmed teen smaller than you because you were fighting in altercation you could have avoided, where I'm from they call it murder.

    Keep sticking up for you boy, though. Just minding his own business and this magical negro falls out of the sky with a machete, about to decapitate Zimmerman AND take his pistol, until lucky George reluctantly shot him to save his own pitiful life.

    GTFOH with that BS.

    It was murder.

  2. #1452
    Banned - Long overdue. Junior Poster
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    Default Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    Quote Originally Posted by giovanni_hotel View Post
    I call it a murder because I'm not a judge or attorney.
    In the real world, when you kill an unarmed teen smaller than you because you were fighting in altercation you could have avoided, where I'm from they call it murder.

    Keep sticking up for you boy, though. Just minding his own business and this magical negro falls out of the sky with a machete, about to decapitate Zimmerman AND take his pistol, until lucky George reluctantly shot him to save his own pitiful life.

    GTFOH with that BS.

    It was murder.
    "Where I'm from they call it murder..." lol. If Zimmerman wanted to murder Travon why bother with all of the rough stuff? Why bother with getting your head smacked into the ground and a broken nose? I'd say Zimmerman isn't very good at executing a murder (please pardon the pun) if that was what he was really after. If you're going to murder somebody then murder them.

    My guess is Zimmerman (unwisely) confronted Martin about his actions (skittles and tea my fucking ass). Martin got defensive and then aggressive. A fight ensued, one where Martin was getting the better of Zimmerman (age and weight doesn't have anything to do with who is a better figher). Zimmerman probably then pulled out his gun and shot Martin.

    Avoidable? Yes. Unfortunate? Yes. Murder? Highly, highly unlikely. Manslaugher? Perhaps...

    Zimmerman isn't my 'boy', but Travon should't be anybodies boy either. Quit painting him out to be some kind of innocent choir-boy. The kid was a punk and he was heading down the wrong path. That doesn't mean he 'deserved' to die that day but enough already with the act.

  3. #1453
    Platinum Poster natina's Avatar
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  4. #1454
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    Lol, this is a quote from the article...

    Trayvon was 6-foot-3, 140 pounds, a former Optimist League football player with a narrow frame and a voracious appetite. He wanted to fly or fix planes, struggled in chemistry, loved sports video games and went to New York for the first time two summers ago, seeing the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty and a Broadway musical, The Addams Family. He hoped to attend the University of Miami or Florida A&M University, enamored by both schools’ bright orange and green hues.

    That's how I picked my college. I picked the one whose colors I was enamored with. But there's more.....

    Also known as “Slimm”, he had a girlfriend and spent endless hours talking or texting on his cell phone. Other times he was quiet, listening to the soundtrack of R&B, reggae, rap and gospel music flowing through his ear buds or watching half-hour re-runs of Martin, his favorite show.

    It doesn't sound like he spent endless hours studying, which is what you typically need to do to get A's and B's (trust me on this one). Let's continue..

    He was doing average in school, a little bit better when he was at Carol City and then I had him transferred,’’ she said this week. “I thought Krop was a better school and I wanted a different environment for him. My oldest son has graduated from there.’’

    Average is not A's and B's. Average is C.

    Math was his favorite subject, according to one of his Carol City teachers, Ashley Gantt . She taught his sophomore year English honors class where the curriculum included works such as T he Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

    If Math was his favorite subject why would he struggle with Chemistry? Doesn't make sense....Plus, if you're an average student what are you doing in English honors class? Doesn't make sense...

    “He was just a sweet kid, she said. “He got As and Bs. If he received a C on an assignment, it was because he was just being a kid that day. He was very smart.”

    Contradictions, contradictions. Previously the article said he was an average student who struggled with Chemistry. Now we learn that he was very smart and got As and Bs, and favored Math and took English honors classes.

    Students at Carol City, some who now wear Trayvon memorial buttons, have compared his death to that of Emmett Till, the 14-year-old African-American boy from Chicago, who went to visit family in Mississippi and never returned. Emmett Till was pulled from his bed, beaten to death and dumped in a river for allegedly whistling at a white woman, one of the nation’s most famous civil rights cases., the two cases are absolutely nothing alike. How do people come up with this shit? I'm calling bullshit on this and on the stupid people who work at and/or go to this school.

    For Gantt, Trayvon’s death has become a teachable moment, telling her students: “You have to know what your rights are. You can wear a hoodie and walk into a gated community … you have the right to do that and not be profiled.”
    He wants people to know something about his childhood friend: “He wasn’t threatening. There was no reason for George Zimmerman to pull out a gun and kill him. He was too peaceful for that.”

    Why would Zimmerman beat himself up then? Just so he had an excuse to shoot Travon? Seems to be an awful lot of trouble to go through in order to have an excuse to shoot somebody. And while this article deliberately tries to paint Travon in a positive light, any reporter coudl equally do so of Zimmerman by interviewing people who know him as character witnesses. Of course they would all say "Zimmerman would never shoot somebody without reason" and "Zimmerman was a good man who never went out of his way to find trouble"... It's so easy it shouldn't even be called reporting. It should be called "any moron can write an article that will make one side of the story look better than the other". Which side of the story do you think the Miami Herald is going to come down on? Seriously...

  5. #1455
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    Default Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    Trayvon Martin is not on trial, how he performed in school and whether or not this teenager preferred listening to music rather than reading Einstein is also not relevant, but it says a lot about your own mind set that instead of focusing on the act that ended his life and the role played by Florida law and law enforcement, you have a burning need to blame the victim. So, Professor, what were you doing when you were a teenager?

  6. #1456
    Platinum Poster natina's Avatar
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    Post Shooting of Trayvon Martin Wikipedia

  7. #1457
    I've done my service Platinum Poster Willie Escalade's Avatar
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    Default Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    146 pages...of something non-TS related. I never thought I'd see that day...

    William Escalade is no more. He's done his service to the site.

  8. #1458
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    Default Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavros View Post
    Trayvon Martin is not on trial, how he performed in school and whether or not this teenager preferred listening to music rather than reading Einstein is also not relevant, but it says a lot about your own mind set that instead of focusing on the act that ended his life and the role played by Florida law and law enforcement, you have a burning need to blame the victim. So, Professor, what were you doing when you were a teenager?
    Trayvon Martin is on trial. Because there are no witnesses who saw the start of the fight. The prosecution and the defense are both going to try and show the state of mind of GZ and TM to paint a picture of what might have happened during those missing two minutes that aren't on tape.

    And that's not unusual at all in any murder trial. State of mind is what makes the difference between murder and manslaughter. And what makes the difference between a crime and self-defense.

    Both of their facebook pages will come into evidence. Both of their disciplinary/criminal histories will come into evidence. Etc. It's standard operating procedure in a murder trial.

  9. #1459
    Senior Member Platinum Poster giovanni_hotel's Avatar
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    Default Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    Quote Originally Posted by hard4janira View Post
    "Where I'm from they call it murder..." lol. If Zimmerman wanted to murder Travon why bother with all of the rough stuff? Why bother with getting your head smacked into the ground and a broken nose? I'd say Zimmerman isn't very good at executing a murder (please pardon the pun) if that was what he was really after. If you're going to murder somebody then murder them.

    My guess is Zimmerman (unwisely) confronted Martin about his actions (skittles and tea my fucking ass). Martin got defensive and then aggressive. A fight ensued, one where Martin was getting the better of Zimmerman (age and weight doesn't have anything to do with who is a better figher). Zimmerman probably then pulled out his gun and shot Martin.

    Avoidable? Yes. Unfortunate? Yes. Murder? Highly, highly unlikely. Manslaugher? Perhaps...

    Zimmerman isn't my 'boy', but Travon should't be anybodies boy either. Quit painting him out to be some kind of innocent choir-boy. The kid was a punk and he was heading down the wrong path. That doesn't mean he 'deserved' to die that day but enough already with the act.
    This is what you don't get. We beef online and you talk a lot of mad shit coming off like an interwebz Charles Bronson, but here's the thing; if both you and I were walking down opposite sides of the sidewalk at night IRL, me wearing shades and a ski cap, you dressed however but packing concealed, THERE WOULD BE VIRTUALLY NO CHANCE THAT THERE WOULD BE A VIOLENT CONFRONTATION BETWEEN US.

    You don't know me, I don't know you. But it's doubtful you would all of sudden turn around and start following me back to my car and start interrogating me about who I was/what I was doing here, etc. Also because I wouldn't answer you. And it's very unlikely I would jump you for the hell of it if you kept walking past me without saying a word.

    When two people are exercising their lawful right to walk the fucking streets, and some nobody asshole takes it upon himself to question that right, whatever happens after the fact is the fault of the person who initiates a confrontation.

    George may have been within his rights to question Trayvon, however Trayvon was within his right to think I'm not saying shit to this asshole because he has not legal authority to question me.

    Anyway you wanna cut this, Zimmerman is at fault.
    As for the state prosecutor taking on this case, I think she has broader sentencing discretion than only a 2nd degree murder conviction. I too think the most likely outcome is a manslaughter conviction not knowing all the evidence she's going to present at trial.

    Just remember manslaughter is a legal term of art; it's based on how successful a case is argued in court and how persuaded the jury is.

    You can convicted of manslaughter and still be guilty of murder.
    George Zimmerman murdered that kid for no good damn reason, other than the fact that George was scared of a bloody nose.

    No, Zimmerman was scared at first, then he got ANGRY. And when his anger took over, he shot Trayvon dead at point blank range all because George Zimmerman thought he looked suspicious. Every assumption he made was wrong in this incident. Nothing Zimmerman did was justified in the least.

    Sorry, but that poco loco is a murderer.

  10. #1460
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    Default Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    Quote Originally Posted by Queens Guy View Post
    Trayvon Martin is on trial. Because there are no witnesses who saw the start of the fight. The prosecution and the defense are both going to try and show the state of mind of GZ and TM to paint a picture of what might have happened during those missing two minutes that aren't on tape.

    And that's not unusual at all in any murder trial. State of mind is what makes the difference between murder and manslaughter. And what makes the difference between a crime and self-defense.

    Both of their facebook pages will come into evidence. Both of their disciplinary/criminal histories will come into evidence. Etc. It's standard operating procedure in a murder trial.
    In a way I see your point; in the UK Zimmerman's previous record, if he had one, would not be admissable evidence in court, he can only be tried on the event that happened which led to Martin's death; I think Martin's past however could be evidence. In past cases, where for example a woman has killed an abusive husband, the evidence against the murdered person is crucial to explain why the woman committted the act. It could be that he was her 4th husband and she killed the other three, but the court would not know that. I don't know if Zimmerman's past is protected in a Florida court in this way. What I find depressing is that people have decided they know what kind of teenager Trayvon Martin was, without ever having met him, and judging him on something superficial like facebook. If his character is on trial, I assume the defence will therefore call character witnesses. But for people on Hungangels to set themselves up as psychologists I think weakens the argument, since we still do not have a definitive account of what happened that night and may never have one that satisfied everyone.

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