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  1. #1471
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    Default Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    Quote Originally Posted by giovanni_hotel View Post
    BOTH would look more like his son.
    Are you serious, or is one of them Chinese??
    I damn well know the Prez wouldn't raise a kid that would go to Airborne school. I can guarantee you of that.

  2. #1472
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    Default Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    Quote Originally Posted by hard4janira View Post
    Dude, what do you think a jury is going to have to do? Why is that depressig? Seems that this would be the case in any trial where one person was killed.
    The jury has to listen to the evidence presented in court about the events that happened that night, it has no business listening to allegations about Zimmerman's or Martin's past. I would have thought this an elementary part of the law in the US as it is in the UK. You and other posters are making value judgements about people you have never met because it suits you to depict Trayvon Martin (or George Zimmerman) as in some way guilty, of whatever it is you think they are guilty of. Zimmerman, I assume, must prove that he believed his life was in danger in order for the 'Stand Your Ground' law to be met. What he or Martin did before that night is irrelevant.

  3. #1473
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    Default Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavros View Post
    In a way I see your point; in the UK Zimmerman's previous record, if he had one, would not be admissable evidence in court, he can only be tried on the event that happened which led to Martin's death; I think Martin's past however could be evidence. In past cases, where for example a woman has killed an abusive husband, the evidence against the murdered person is crucial to explain why the woman committted the act. It could be that he was her 4th husband and she killed the other three, but the court would not know that. I don't know if Zimmerman's past is protected in a Florida court in this way. What I find depressing is that people have decided they know what kind of teenager Trayvon Martin was, without ever having met him, and judging him on something superficial like facebook. If his character is on trial, I assume the defence will therefore call character witnesses. But for people on Hungangels to set themselves up as psychologists I think weakens the argument, since we still do not have a definitive account of what happened that night and may never have one that satisfied everyone.

    Stavros, I must stand corrected. You are right. Like the UK, prior criminal history is not admissible in US courts, either. Unless the defendant or his lawyer 'leaves the door open'. He certainly can't say 'I've never been in any kind of trouble before.', when he has been in trouble before. I'm not a trial attorney, by any means, but there might be a few more ways for the defense to 'leave the door open' for the other side to bring up the subject.

    I think both sides will call character witnesses, and they will be cross-examined. All the eye and ear witnesses will be called to the stand, those that have recanted their previous statements and those who have haven't changed their stories. They'll get cross-examined, too.

    I know which way I'm leaning in this case, but I know there may be evidence that can convince me to change my mind..

  4. #1474
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    Default Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavros View Post
    The jury has to listen to the evidence presented in court about the events that happened that night, it has no business listening to allegations about Zimmerman's or Martin's past. I would have thought this an elementary part of the law in the US as it is in the UK. You and other posters are making value judgements about people you have never met because it suits you to depict Trayvon Martin (or George Zimmerman) as in some way guilty, of whatever it is you think they are guilty of. Zimmerman, I assume, must prove that he believed his life was in danger in order for the 'Stand Your Ground' law to be met. What he or Martin did before that night is irrelevant.
    You're missing the point. You're point was that people shouldn't have to judge Martin because they've never had a chance to meet him. Well, a Jury is going to have to do exactly that. That was my only point.

    And thank you for pointing out BOTH sides of the story. Whether you like it or not Zimmerman is being tried in the media over here. If you don't have ABC, NBC, CBS, or MSNBC then you won't know what I am talking about. ABC even doctored audiotape of Zimmerman in order to sway public opinion (the producer was fired). Now everybody is doing thier best to 'prove' that Zimmerman is some kind of racist because of things he said in a previous job. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. If you're going to character assasinate Zimmerman then the same should be done to Martin. What people should be doing (but are not) is letting the legal system take it's course and a jury decide the outcome. But they're not.

  5. #1475
    Racist Asshole ... I'm Banned! Professional Poster
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    Default Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    Quote Originally Posted by natina View Post


    what do you think?

    article below

    Why don't you stop posting this garbage? Zimmerman is not going to be convicted of murder. Our president, and our Attorney General pressured the prosecutor to bypass the Grand Jury who would have thrown this case out the moment it was presented to them, but neither of them have the last say on this matter. This whole thing is going to flop flat on its face in the end, and Zimmerman will walk. It was a fight, and stupid little 6'2" Treyvon lost. Tough shit, and fuck Treyvon if he wants to walk around in his community acting like a god-damned thug and jumping on a neighborhood watch captain. Neighborhood watch captain's are not illegal in this nation. Treyvon picked that fight, and he lost. His problem. Now he can push daisies from now on for acting like a dick.

  6. #1476
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    Default Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    Quote Originally Posted by natina View Post
    I highlighted the facts for you,there in bold

    Think of the Whitest person you know: someone with blond hair, blue eyes and almost translucent skin,

    not a drop of Black ancestry in them. Now think of the darkest person you know: someone richly endowed

    with traditional African features, not even a drop of White ancestry in their past. Well, guess what?

    Scientists now trace the origins of both of these people-and of all human beings who have ever

    walked the face of the earth-to Black Africa, to the region around what is now Ethiopia. As

    Spencer Wells, the director of National Geographic's massive Genographic Project, puts it: "Our

    species evolved in Africa, and a subset of Africans left that continent around 50,000 years ago to

    populate the rest of the world. Our earliest ancestors probably looked very much like modern


    This would have been news to "Bull" Connor and Orval Faubus and countless other racists from our past. It is

    also news to most of our
    Yeah, and now I think of the blackest people in my neighborhood who walk around acting like complete shitheads to everyone around them; talking shit, lipping off to people, breaking into people's cars, committing home invasions, armed robberies, and on my police scanner the description always comes back as “black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male black male”

    Even just last night while I was working, a black guy kidnapped a white woman at knife-point, put her in her car, and now no one knows what happened to that woman today. Just like Zimmerman said, “They always get away.”

  7. #1477
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    Default Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    Quote Originally Posted by natina View Post
    by Falrune

    Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 1:08 am

    Race is an old concept that should probably be discarded. It was

    created by people who had a very limited knowledge of their world. If you

    look at any genetic map (mitochondrial or Y chromosome DNA), you can

    see there is no biological basis for the idea of a white or black or asian


    Here's a nice map
    Race should be discarded? Tell that to the fucking niggers.

  8. #1478
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    Default Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    Quote Originally Posted by AmyDaly View Post
    I am not one who buys in to this whole everything is racist excuse that we hear these days, but I think its absolutely true that police profile black people. Same with Latinos. I don't think its right to racially profile, but I can see why they do it. Look at how supportive the black community was of profiling Arabs at the airport though. Why were they supportive? Because its pretty much only been Arabs hijacking and trying to blow up planes. I am not saying that all blacks and latinos are worthy of being profiled, but most of the gang activity that happens in this country involves black and Latino gangs. Just like most of the terrorism that has happened has came from Arabs. If you are dressing or acting like the stereotype of a black or Latino gang member, you are likely to get harassed. Just like when you see an Arab with a turban at the airport, everyone is going to profile them. Same thing goes here with the cops and profiling blacks and latinos. I am not trying to justify it. I am just saying that I think this is why it happens.
    I'll follow up on this. There absolutley, positively nothing wrong with profiling. Racial profiling is simply one aspect of it (age, gender, sexuality, religious backround, socioeconomic background are also considered when profiling).

    I remember the Atlanta child murder case in Atlanta back in the 80's. A serial killer was plucking off black children in the inner city. Of course, profiling was relatively new at the time and nobody knew about it. Of course, all of the black leaders got in an uproar because they were just CONVINCED that the murders were racially motivated. Everybody was wound up tighter than a drum while the police and the media started looking for white supremacists who might be involved. Of course, the murders continued. Eventually, the FBI got involved and they brought profiling to the table. It didn't take long for the FBI to determine that the crimes were sexual in nature and that they were likely being commited by a black male.

    Oh lord, you should have heard howls of indignation and protest when this information came to light. Naturally with the FBI's help they nabbed the perpetrator and the murders stopped.

    Profiling (including racial profiling) is an extremely valuable and accurate technique of narrowing down a list of suspects. It should be used at every available opportunity.

  9. #1479
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    Default Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    Quote Originally Posted by natina View Post



    I have no White Collar Crime in my community. All I have is Nigger Crime.

  10. #1480
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    Default Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    Quote Originally Posted by natina View Post
    mtDNA: ‘Caucasian Eve’ Had Only Six Daughters

    Over 90% of all Caucasoids – people native to Europe, North Africa and the Middle East – are descendants of the same 6 women who lived 20,000 to 30,000 years ago.
    Their mtDNA (maternal line) haplogroups are H, J, K, T, V and U. All of them came from haplogroup R, which originated somewhere between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. That region is known as Caucasus, which is why white people are referred to as Caucasians.
    East Asian haplogroups B and F, as well as the Pacific haplogroup P also derived from R, but due to the vast geographic separation from the above 6 haplogroups, they became vastly different.
    There’re also some white people belonging to haplogroup X (and a small number of I and W), which is why BRYAN SYKES referred to Caucasoid mtDNA as having descended from the 7 daughters of Eve.
    But as I explained, I don’t believe it to be accurate because X is a near-universal haplogroup that is found in small numbers throughout much of the world, including among Amerindians, Pakistanis and others. It is therefore more an international haplogroup than a Caucasian one.
    X originated in Iran or Turkmenistan, and not in the Caucasus. It is part of the haplogroup IWX and is related to haplotype R only because both IWX and R descended from haplotype N 30,000 to 55,000 years ago.
    There are similarly 9 women who are the ancestors of all Japanese people, and 4 women (haplogroups A2, B2, C1 and D1) are the ancestors of nearly all American Indians (and most of the remaining are descendants of haplogroup X).
    This how mtDNA developed since the first humans left Africa. (You have to adjust your eyes because this map has Africa on top.)

    proven with DNA EVIDENCE

    CAUCASIAN people are part of the Haplogroups.

    Think of the Whitest person you know: someone with blond hair, blue eyes and almost translucent skin, not a drop of Black ancestry in them. Now think of the darkest person you know: someone richly endowed with traditional African features, not even a drop of White ancestry in their past. Well, guess what? Scientists now trace the origins of both of these people-and of all human beings who have ever walked the face of the earth-to Black Africa, to the region around what is now Ethiopia. As Spencer Wells, the director of National Geographic's massive Genographic Project, puts it: "Our species evolved in Africa, and a subset of Africans left that continent around 50,000 years ago to populate the rest of the world. Our earliest ancestors probably looked very much like modern Africans."
    This would have been news to "Bull" Connor and Orval Faubus and countless other racists from our past. It is also news to most of our White brothers and sisters today. But it is an undeniable fact. We are all, in a very real sense, "Africans." The only question is how recently did our ancestors leave the Motherland? For the 35 million of us who are African- Americans-and for Black people in the Caribbean and Latin America-the answer is: very recently.

    The first enslaved Africans arrived in the United States in the 17th century. So, in historical terms, our ancestors arrived here from Africa virtually "yesterday." This means that we are among the oldest Americans; but it also means that our relation to our African ancestors is recent.
    This also means that we have many genetic "cousins" walking around the African continent today-a fact that has long obsessed me. Like 130 million other people, I watched every episode of Alex Haley's Roots when it first aired in 1977. And like many other African-Americans, I have yearned ever since to trace my own roots, to identify where in Africa my own ancestors came from, what tribe they were part of. Why is it important to do this? Two reasons. First, almost as soon as an African-American steps off a plane in Africa, he can't help but realize how "African" our people still are. Despite the horrors of the slave trade, African slaves brought their culture with them: their music, dances, religious beliefs, the way they cooked food, the way they walked, the way they lived--and loved--even the way they buried their dead. And many of these customs and traditions have been preserved, or subtly transformed, by our African- American ancestors. Indeed, if you go to a dance club in Africa, attend church, or eat a meal with an African family, you will be surprised at how much you can feel right at home, as if you have just met long lost relatives. The feeling is uncanny-and intensely pleasurable.

    But there is another, perhaps more powerful, reason to trace one's African ancestry. For centuries, racists attempted to prevent us from connecting with our past. The entire system of slavery was dedicated to preventing us from preserving any memories of Africa, our ancestors' tribal identities, the languages we spoke there, the customs we practiced, the gods that we worshipped, even our African names. Slavery was a carefully conceived effort to rob our people of all family ties and the most basic sense of self-knowledge. Slave owners didn't want their slaves building family trees. They didn't want them to marry or maintain deep, abiding relations with their mothers and fathers, their grandparents or their siblings. They wanted them to feel no bonds of kinship, especially to Africa or to other Africans. Why? Because a family unit is a bond-and an extended family is a larger bond-and out of such bonds, loyalty and resistance are built. And the last thing in the world slave owners wanted was resistance from our ancestors who were slaves. Slave owners wanted our ancestors to think of themselves as nameless objects of property, plain and simple, like a chicken or a cow.
    I am convinced that this still impacts our people today, crippling our ability to know ourselves by connecting with our family's past in the way that so many White Americans can. Ignorance and misunderstanding of our own history have served as a limitation on what we can achieve. We have internalized generations of doubt and fears about who we are as a people and what we can accomplish, just as White racists wanted us to do. And we continue to pay a terrible price for this.
    Carter G. Woodson, the father of African-American history, famously wrote that a people cannot determine their future if they are ignorant of their past. This is why Malcolm Little took as his surname the letter "X"--which marked the hidden past of our people back through slavery to Africa, the past that racists sought to deny us. Malcolm wanted that "X" to serve as a constant reminder that it was our people's mission to fill in the blank slate that was the African-American collective past, the details of which, down to our family trees and our individual tribal origins, had been robbed or hidden from us. I believe that this is as true and necessary today as it has ever been, especially given our high school drop-out and teen-pregnancy rates.

    Fortunately, something magical is happening in the African-American community today: Many of us are now using genealogy to trace our family trees on this side of the Atlantic, back deep into slavery. And then, when the paper trail ends and we have exhausted our sources, we are starting to look at something that our ancestors from Africa brought with them that not even the slave trade could take away: their distinctive strands of DNA. Because their DNA has been passed down to us-their direct descendants-it can serve as a key to unlocking our African past.
    With cells collected from the insides of our mouths, geneticists can analyze small sections of our genetic material that form distinctive sequences known as "haplotypes," which can then be compared to DNA samples taken from people on the African continent. The process is a bit like matching fingerprints on CSI. A match between our DNA and the DNA from a person from Africa means that we have possibly found someone with whom we share a common ancestor, someone from our same "tribe"-be it Igbo or Yoruba, Fulani or Mende. Such a match can reveal an ethnic identity that has been lost for centuries, since the dreadful Middle Passage.
    I would urge anyone who is interested to try and trace their family back to Africa, through genealogical research and DNA testing. There are several tests available, and each is surprisingly inexpensive, often less than a pair of designer sneakers. The test you choose to take depends on whether you are male or female, how much you can afford and what you want to find out. For example, to learn something about your father's line (if you are a male) or your mother's ancestral line (if you are male or female), you can take a lineage test. This test analyzes small portions of DNA that are passed down, virtually unchanged (like a genetic fingerprint), from father to son, and mother to child. Because these small sections of your DNA do not recombine from one generation to the next, they become "markers of descent," which scientists use to determine ancestry shared by a group, such as a tribe or an ethnic group. We have all heard of "paternity tests." Well, in a similar way, these single-marker tests can solve genealogical mysteries by verifying if two individuals are related. When tracing your African tribal ancestry, they can also suggest your ancestral origins back to Africa, telling you where your female ancestors or your male ancestors originated-long before they were captured as slaves.

    Keep in mind that this process is still in its infancy. The available DNA data is not by any means complete, and these tests will not yield the names of any of the individuals on our distant family trees-just the general geographic areas in which our ancestors lived. Sometimes the tests yield multiple exact tribal matches, making it necessary for historians to interpret the most plausible result., which I co-founded with FamilyTreeDNA, offers this service. And sometimes you will discover that your DNA can be traced to a White ancestor, especially on your father's side, because some masters raped their female slaves. About 30 percent of us have White male ancestors.
    Yet learning even these bare facts can be enormously satisfying. Receiving the results in the mail, and sharing them with your family and friends, is one of the most exciting experiences an African-American can have. I know it has been for me, and for my friends such as Oprah Winfrey and Chris Tucker, who appeared in my PBS program, African American Lives (part two in the series appears on PBS in February).
    Of course, it can be painful. When one discovers the identity of an ancestor who lived as a slave, one necessarily is forced to relive the brutal details of the slave past, a past that our ancestors experienced not as we do through history books or films, but in their everyday lives. But I believe we must get past this pain. If we want to go forward as a people, we need to be able to understand where we came from. We need to get ourselves grounded, and the process starts by grounding ourselves in our own family's extended past, our own genealogical "invisible network," like that cell phone ad says. This process is so nourishing because it can enable a person to feel the inimitable sense of connection, of belonging that can only be found by unearthing the branches of your family tree, your very own roots, roots that extend back through the slave past directly into the verdant soil of Africa.

    You know what Natina? I can't tell if you're white, black or whatever the hell you are. I have black neighbors who work for a living, and they hate the low-rent thug niggers in our community who commit armed robberies, talk shit to people, and commit home invasions, and shooting at the cops on near daily basis because they want to “Get minez”. Quote unquote, their words when I ask.

    There! Write your little thesis Harry Potter Novel on that!

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