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  1. #41
    Hung Angel Platinum Poster trish's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why is Newt Gingrich waging class warfare?

    Thank you for the correction. This from Wikipedia (the everyman's research tool)

    In 1984, Jackie Gingrich told The Washington Post that the divorce was a "complete surprise" to her. According to Jackie, in September 1980, Gingrich and their children visited her while she was in the hospital, recovering from surgery, and Gingrich wanted to discuss the terms of their divorce.[138] Gingrich has disputed that account.[139] In 2011 their daughter, Jackie Gingrich Cushman, said that it was her mother who requested the divorce, that it happened prior to the hospital stay, and that Gingrich's visit was for the purpose of bringing the couple's children to see their mother, not to discuss the divorce.[140]
    In consilience, I'll remove the attachment and keep the text.

    "...I no longer believe that people's secrets are defined and communicable, or their feelings full-blown and easy to recognize."_Alice Munro, Chaddeleys and Flemings.

    "...the order in creation which you see is that which you have put there, like a string in a maze, so that you shall not lose your way". _Judge Holden, Cormac McCarthy's, BLOOD MERIDIAN.

  2. #42
    onmyknees Platinum Poster onmyknees's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why is Newt Gingrich waging class warfare?

    Quote Originally Posted by fred41 View Post

    ...and for those that don't know: she's still alive today, it was a benign tumor.
    What????? Sorry Fred. I'm not buyin' it. I read it in the NY Times and saw it on MSNBC. They said it....and therefore it has to be true. He left his dying, cancer ridden wife ....that's all there is to it.

  3. #43
    Silver Poster fred41's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why is Newt Gingrich waging class warfare?

    Quote Originally Posted by onmyknees View Post
    What????? Sorry Fred. I'm not buyin' it. I read it in the NY Times and saw it on MSNBC. They said it....and therefore it has to be true. He left his dying, cancer ridden wife ....that's all there is to it.
    ...well to be fair...Ms. Collins didn't quite say that in NY Times piece that was quoted.

    ...but to be honest, I've always hated Gail Collins...starting way back, when she used to write regularly for the Daily News.

  4. #44
    Hung Angel Platinum Poster trish's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why is Newt Gingrich waging class warfare?

    Here is what Gail say's in her piece...
    Beyond the hypocrisy of this sort of behavior from a guy who wants to protect the sanctity of holy matrimony from gay couples, there also seems to be a streak of almost crazed self-absorption that runs through the Newt saga. Who would ditch a spouse of 18 years in a phone call? Shortly after she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis? And, of course, he broke up with his first wife while she was battling cancer. Do you see a theme developing here? This is the same guy who proudly announced “I think grandiose thoughts” during the last debate.
    The actual scenario is more like: Newt's first wife, Jackie, was possibly battling cancer. Surgery revealed the tumor was benign, so it turned out to be a good time to spring a divorce on her. Gail should be ashamed of herself for getting the facts so wrong.

    Last edited by trish; 01-22-2012 at 03:45 AM.
    "...I no longer believe that people's secrets are defined and communicable, or their feelings full-blown and easy to recognize."_Alice Munro, Chaddeleys and Flemings.

    "...the order in creation which you see is that which you have put there, like a string in a maze, so that you shall not lose your way". _Judge Holden, Cormac McCarthy's, BLOOD MERIDIAN.

  5. #45
    onmyknees Platinum Poster onmyknees's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why is Newt Gingrich waging class warfare?

    Quote Originally Posted by trish View Post
    Here is what Gail say's in her piece...The actual scenario is more like: Newt's first wife, Jackie, was possibly battling cancer. Surgery revealed the tumor was benign, so it turned out to be a good time to spring a divorce on her. Gail should be ashamed of herself for getting the facts so wrong.

    I missed Grandma Collin's piece. What was I thinking? Tell me...was there any mention of a blue dress in her article...?

  6. #46
    Hung Angel Platinum Poster trish's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why is Newt Gingrich waging class warfare?

    Quote Originally Posted by onmyknees View Post

    I missed Grandma Collin's piece. What was I thinking? Tell me...was there any mention of a blue dress in her article...?
    Well that just proves you respond to posts without reading them and their accompanying links. Thanks for being a asshole, loser.

    "...I no longer believe that people's secrets are defined and communicable, or their feelings full-blown and easy to recognize."_Alice Munro, Chaddeleys and Flemings.

    "...the order in creation which you see is that which you have put there, like a string in a maze, so that you shall not lose your way". _Judge Holden, Cormac McCarthy's, BLOOD MERIDIAN.

  7. #47
    Senior Member Platinum Poster giovanni_hotel's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why is Newt Gingrich waging class warfare?

    What happened to the 'Family Values' party?

    Or does that only count when a Democratic POTUS is caught inserting cigars into his intern???

    Winning SC wins nothing. It's a back water state and doesn't reflect the USA.

    If Newt wins FLA, then Houston we have a problem....for the GOP.

  8. #48
    Platinum Poster Ben's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why is Newt Gingrich waging class warfare?

    Nightline's Pointless Interview With Marianne Gingrich:

  9. #49
    Silver Poster hippifried's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why is Newt Gingrich waging class warfare?

    Newt Gingrich wasn't removed as Speaker of the house because he was a philanderer. He resigned because they (the Republicans) were about to boot him for being a crook. Nobody cares where his dick goes or has gone except as an example of the hypocracy in just one set of his lies. You guys are focused on the wrong shit.

    "You can pick your friends & you can pick your nose, but you can't wipe your friends off on your saddle."
    ~ Kinky Friedman ~

  10. #50
    Hung Angel Platinum Poster trish's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why is Newt Gingrich waging class warfare?

    Marianne was being kind when she portrayed Newt's proposition as an offer to open up their marriage. But Newt was simply asking if Marianne would be okay with Newt keeping a mistress. Would she be okay with having a sister wife, as it were. I don't believe for a minute that Newt would've been okay with Marianne screwing around with other men, which would be allowed in an open marriage.

    But really, I don't care if our leaders indulge in open marriages, plural marriages, have mistresses or smear peanut butter on their ass-cracks to be licked by Irish-setters. They can ruin as many blue dresses as they can afford to have dry-cleaned. That's their business and their private lives. But then they can't pretend to be the family values candidate, the defend marriage candidate or the I'm-right-with-God-and-the-others aren't candidate. Newt doesn't believe any of that shit he preaches about the sanctity of marriage or the Christian foundation of the Nation. Anyone who believes he's sincere about these issues is being played like a Gingrich wife. His own example is more corrosive to the institution of marriage than the old orthodox Mormon institution of plural wives. Like I said, I'm okay with that. I've been intimate with a number of unhappily married, unfaithful men. But then they never ask me for any character references either.

    As hippie says, it's not where he puts his dick; his unsuitability stems from the fact that he is a dick.

    Last edited by trish; 01-22-2012 at 09:23 AM.
    "...I no longer believe that people's secrets are defined and communicable, or their feelings full-blown and easy to recognize."_Alice Munro, Chaddeleys and Flemings.

    "...the order in creation which you see is that which you have put there, like a string in a maze, so that you shall not lose your way". _Judge Holden, Cormac McCarthy's, BLOOD MERIDIAN.

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