Some of the things I have learned lately, mostly education done by this site.

That guys comment about other guys too much on this site.

That there are some fine TG’s in this world.

That I knew Debra was fake.

That love can be painful and messy, but necessary.

That this site has some very funny and interesting folks

That I post drunk way too many times

That some folks taste in music is very strange and peculiar

That Adele is the new Aretha

That porn nominations, while helpful to the pocket and the fame, are stupid, pointless, and fake.

That one person’s idea of a fun night might be fucking a man wearing a wig with a rather large dildo or fist up the ass.

That Angelina Torres is one fine woman

That hotel maids are getting more fuckable every day.

That most of feuds/flames and animosity on this forum are caused by personal jealously and not by real personal harm

That some of the female posters here have the greatest personalities and funny /cute side of them that I genuinely adore. I would name them, but see above

That there is not a porn site, or really any Internet Silcc69 has not visited or been a member. I am more scared of him than the federal government eye in the sky.

That my non-court ordered anger management class ‘blanket of love” philosophy actually works.

What have you other cockettes and cockhounds learned?