Has anybody else noticed that all the text on the blog roll is deformed?
body { font-family: Cantarell, Candara, Verdana, sans-serif; }
I don't know who the site designer is, but it looks like the theme scripts were copied or purchased from here, and the designer decided to substitute their own fonts.
If a user doesn't have the first font mentioned on the list, the site tries displaying the second. If the second font isn't installed, it'll try the third. If the third isn't installed, the browser tries substituting an installed font of the same family.
While the blog front page probably looks completely awesome on the designer's PC (because they have Cantarell and Candara installed) the rest of us see the site in either crappy Verdana or some substituted sans-serif font that just doesn't scale well.

That likely wouldn't be a big deal if common pt sizes were assigned to the text, but then I see this nightmare:
Font-size: 8.3544303797468pt? Seriously? Why not just round down to 8pt? If you're going to get THAT specific, use EM values; not PT values.