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  1. #41
    Rookie Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vicki Richter
    I think the hormones thing is an excuse to misbehave or mistreat people. This one girl told her guy that she needed space because of the hormones. She blamed mistreating him on the hormones... I am sure that isn't uncommon. I mean it is very easy to say, "Oh I'm normal, it's just that I take hormones". Most of these girls are whack already. They post pictures of people urinating and say things like "drinky drinky"... I mean don't blame the hormones for obvious insanity or an inability to be stable.
    GG have been blaming PMS for everything from Suicide to Murder so it is quite possible that hormones could be an issue.

    My best friend transitioned in her early 20's and was treated like shite by the women at work " You can't use the ladies toilets you are a guy" and she didn't want to use the Gents because she was a woman. So any time she need to go, she had to get in the lift go 10 floors down to street level and across the road to the Public female toilets where no one recognised her. At that time in her life she was feeling very suicidal because she was stuck between the world of being a female in her heart and mind but too many people knew her as "Steve"

    She changed jobs and now 15 years later is more passable than most GG's I know. Very few people in her current workplace know her "past" and she is now very happy and well adjusted....thanks to years of therapy and lots of good friends around her. Without that she may not have been around.

    I see the TG/TS society right now as being like the gay society of the earlier 80's. Back then, as long as you weren't a screaming queen and didn't run around saying I like poking it into men's bottoms, society kinda let you be who you wanted, as the children of the 80's grew up we learned (I hope) more acceptance and thanks to many activists and strides within t gay community society managed to (in some cases) accept people for being gay. The TG/S community is kinda at the...well if you actually look like a woman then...TV shows are certainly showing more with Miriam (I didn't say I liked her it just said what she is) Maurie Povich, Movies like Girl Interrupted, The Crying Game etc all gradually leading society along the path of acceptance. Given time I hope there will be the same acceptance for TS/TG's as there are for gays..... Imagine all the life at peace...

    For Genuine TS/TG Dating

  2. #42
    5 Star Poster
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    It's not so much the hormones so much as how you dose them.

    PMS sucks for a lot of reasons that aren't hormonal... Cramping... bleeding... discomfort... inconvenience... at some levels - embarassment can be a factor...

    I mean you can't equate a TS dosing hormones to PMS.

    I'm sorry to hear about your friend's bathroom situation that would definitely be sucky. Very good note overall.

  3. #43
    Veteran Poster rick_932's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SexxxyJade
    Also, if we as TS ( and others in the gay community) reach out and accept one another, love one another, and be there for one another, instead of always trying to get ahead of each other, and down grade the next girl, then maybe we just might overcome societies hold on us. Lets do it one.
    i couldnt have said this better myself. this applies to any group

    New Orleans, no place like home.

  4. #44
    Platinum Poster BeardedOne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MystiquEvolution
    Actually I have done this before. Back in 2001 I went through a major breakup...
    Yah, my breakDOWN was caused by a breakUP too. Funny how that works. I seemed to fare pretty well at the start (Early '98 ), even having a couple of lighthearted misadventures (One with an old flame, another with a new), but then all the little lights in my brain started to flicker and dim and I just shut down for a couple of years. I can't honestly say that I've fully recovered, but I don't let it get to me as much as I used to (And I'm quick to point fingers now, rather than play the 'What'd =I= do?' self-blame game anymore).

    After the first year of doldrums I went out and bought a new car (My first truly NEW car) and what eventually became known as my 'therapy house'. The latter had enough projects revolving in and around it that I eventually got lost in home-work and just plain forgot how lonely and miserable I'd become. Then the stray cats began to land on the porch and I had new responsibilities to fill the void (One of them is pigging out on fresh food as I type this).

    If you need any spare cats....

    "In times of universal deceit, telling the truth will be a revolutionary act." - George Orwell

  5. #45
    Veteran Poster
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    The self medicating thing is huge. So many girls get thier hormones on the street, through friends and such. Also a lot of girls go to doctors that know very little about hormones.

    Had an ex who was prone to act up worse than any PMSing GG that I dated, once she got in a car accident and basically forced to see a doctor she got linked up with a doctor that specialized in transgendered women and hormones. It was like having a new woman.

    So ladies be careful of where you get your 'mones and who you have treating you. Thoe are not to be played with just to get titties and soft skin.

  6. #46
    Platinum Poster BeardedOne's Avatar
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    I already have one cat and don't want him to get jealous.

    *Side note ~ If you have ever seen The Simpsons, I'm not trying to end up like the crazy cat
    I know all about cats and jealousy. The alpha stray burst into the house the other morning, made rounds of the kitchen and then ran back onto the porch with an I-bet-it's-just-warm-enough-for-me-in-there attitude that really torqued off the indoor cat. She's been all up in my face for the whole day with her I'm-so-much-cuddlier-than-he-is 'tude (She knows I'm talking about her, too. Meeping at me from under the desk at this very moment).

    We had a real-life 'crazy cat lady' in one of the university neighborhoods when I was still living in Boston. You could look into the townhouse as you walked by and there would be at least a dozen lounging around on the stoop and in the entry hall. I can only imagine how many more there might have been inside the house.

    Thought: Are there crazy cat =guys=? You never hear of them. Mayhaps I will be the first.

    "In times of universal deceit, telling the truth will be a revolutionary act." - George Orwell

  7. #47
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