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  1. #11
    A Very Grooby Guy Platinum Poster GroobySteven's Avatar
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    Jul 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by yourdaddy
    Where are chefmike, felicia pussy, and trogdor tonight? seanchai, the English lover should give the European slant on this.
    Personally, I'm not sure what you're talking about or how it relates to me. I've never made any postings about political affiliations and impeachments, just because you want to be me, Yourdaddy, it doesn't mean you have to bring me into everything.
    Anyway, as you're sitting in the trailer wondering what happened to your sad, tragic little life and who else to blame, I'll be taking Allanah, Gia, Buddy Wood, Tony Vee, Frank and a few more to dinner in Vegas where we've had a very successful convention.

  2. #12


    Interesting that someone who steps up and lectures others about history would be so wholly ignorant of history himself.

    The modern Democratic Party was born in 1832 when Andrew Jackson transformed the Democratic-Republican party, established by Thomas Jefferson during Washington's administration to oppose the Alexander Hamilton's Federalist party, into the Democratic party.

    The modern Republican party was born in 1854 as a result of the Kansas-Nebraska Act and stood on a platform of limited expansion of slavery.

    The modern Deomcratic party has its roots in Jefferson's Democratic-Republican party--not the Federalist party, which ceased to exist after the War of 1812.

    And furthermore, anyone who equates an early 19th century impeachment to anything happening in today's world is so historically and politically ignorant as to be worthy of hearty ridicule.

    Now, isn't Lilienne HOT!!!

  3. #13
    Professional Poster
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    Lilienne is indeed a hotty!

  4. #14
    5 Star Poster Felicia Katt's Avatar
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    Yourdaddy, Impeachment is the process by which a legislative body formally levels charges against a high official of government. Impeachment does not necessarily mean removal from office; it comprises only a formal statement of charges, akin to an indictment in criminal law, and thus is only the first step towards possible removal.

    You are correct that only 16 Federal officials have been been impeached. However, 12 of those 16 were judical officers, and therefore not really members of a political party.

    Clinton was impeached by a Republican dominated House of Representatives. There were considerable questions as to whether the charges against him were actually high crimes and misdemeanours. He was acquitted in the Senate. Polls indicated a substantial majority of Amercans disappoved of the whole process as an overally partisan one. Clinton continued to have high job approval ratings during and after the impeachment proceedings.

    Andrew Johnson, who was Lincoln's vice president was impeached, but was acquitted at trial in the Senate. He was a Democrat but was picked by the Republicans. He drew their ire, however, when he vetoed their efforts to pass laws to grossly restrict the slaves just liberated by the Civil War

    The other 2, besides Clinton and Johnson were a senator and cabinet member

    The senator was William Blount. He is listed as being a Democratic Republican. He was acquitted.

    The cabinet member was William Belknap, who was a civil war hero and Grant's Secretary of war, so part of a Republican Administration. Belknap also was acquitted.

    Articles of Impeachment were approved by a House Committee against Nixon who was a Republican. . He resigned before they were voted on by the whole House and before his inevitable conviction in the Senate. He is the only president to resign in disgrace. His vice president Spiro Agnew also resigned in disgrace. Only one other vice president, John C Calhoun, who was a Democrat, resigned.

    Not sure what the point of this whole topic was, but hate to see the facts misrepresented so badly. And Yourdaddy, you didn't have to post 4 times to get a response, just one erroneous one would have sufficed. But I was having a nice dinner with some friends.


  5. #15
    Junior Poster
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    You know, youdumm... I mean yourdaddy, it doesn't mean shit if you ask me. Believe me, if Old Abe had known the way of his party now, he'd probably wish he let the Confederacy go in peace. Party affiliation doesn't mean shit as is the case with Andrew Johnson, Lincoln's VP and successor to the presidency. He was a Democrat by party affiliation, but you line him up with any Democrat of modern time and he'd be Republican through and through. I'd suggest you read some more. People like you are what's wrong with this country.

  6. #16

    Default Re: Since 1797 16 Federal officials impeached...NO REPUBLICA

    Quote Originally Posted by yourdaddy
    So what's your point? Are you trying to imply that this has anything to do with the current Delay/Libby investigations?

  7. #17
    Platinum Poster BeardedOne's Avatar
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    Wasn't Andrew Johnson a Republican?

    "In times of universal deceit, telling the truth will be a revolutionary act." - George Orwell

  8. #18
    Rookie Poster
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    Sorry if this comes as a shock to some of you people but GWB does not call the shots. He heeds to the wishes and sways to the will of the global elitists which themselves, stage terrorism, invoke fear, profit from war, pharmacueticals and corporate swindeling; and a pluthera of other evil deeds. Bush is a virtual puppet and a spokesperson for those who really call the shots. You people argue about Bush Vs. Kerry and R's Vs. D's... the grim truth of the matter is that the 2004 Presidential elections were staged and that there is so much corruption involved in both sides that it is bursting from the seams. True democracy is seemingly being buried deeper and deeper everyday. Only the citizens of this country can demand and re-enstate true democracy by voicing the outrage. Remember, giving up civil rights does not lead to liberty, but only leads to tyranny. Stand up, do the research, take time and think about where this fear and war-mongering will bring us humans in the long run. Check out Watch with a open heart and mind. There I said it...

    There is no good and no bad - but thinking makes it so...

  9. #19
    Professional Poster
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    Burninating the country side.


    Quote Originally Posted by T-chaser
    Sorry if this comes as a shock to some of you people but GWB does not call the shots. He heeds to the wishes and sways to the will of the global elitists which themselves, stage terrorism, invoke fear, profit from war, pharmacueticals and corporate swindeling; and a pluthera of other evil deeds. Bush is a virtual puppet and a spokesperson for those who really call the shots. You people argue about Bush Vs. Kerry and R's Vs. D's... the grim truth of the matter is that the 2004 Presidential elections were staged and that there is so much corruption involved in both sides that it is bursting from the seams. True democracy is seemingly being buried deeper and deeper everyday. Only the citizens of this country can demand and re-enstate true democracy by voicing the outrage. Remember, giving up civil rights does not lead to liberty, but only leads to tyranny. Stand up, do the research, take time and think about where this fear and war-mongering will bring us humans in the long run. Check out Watch with a open heart and mind. There I said it...

    *walks in, peasents running away on fire*

    Excellent post, friend.

    It always seems a little odd, and sad, how the despite Dubya's pathetically low approval rating, we still have this retarded hillbilly puppet and his corporate string pullers in office. We are the bosses, not them, we pay these stupid ass taxes for all of them to do not agree on anything apart from, "Let's all go on vacation and raise our salaries......again," and hearing about these new ways of getting protection, though we loose stuff such as certain rights, liberties and so on. Seems that politics, apart from meterology, is one of the few jobs you can't get fired from if you fuck up, which is what's happening now, and been happening for a long time.

    Seems like if you talk bad about america, you're labeled as an anti-american person, a terrorist, or someone who hates freedom ( Remember what happened to the Dixie Chicks? ). But talking smack about your country, its policy, and its officals somehow makes you a villian in here, unless of course that someone is a rich, powerful person in industry talking smack about the little guy, the peons or underlings trying to move foreward.

    Hell, me talking shit about Dubya and Corporate america is more patriotic than you'll ever realize.

    and by the way.......there is nothing patriotic about the patriot act or phone tapping, unless you really like George Orwell. :P

    And, yourdaddy, I'm really touched that you mentioned me. I did not know you cared so much Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go hug some oak trees

    Burninating the country side, burninating the peasants. Burninating all the people in their thatched roof cottages....THATCHED ROOF COTTAGES!!!!!

  10. #20
    Platinum Poster
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    The United States of kiss-my-ass


    Quote Originally Posted by yourdaddy
    Hey, if i'm wrong, tell me. I'll admit it. Where are our little liberal friends?
    Yes, you've been schooled once again. As per your usual modus operandi, when confronted with the facts, you'll ignore the fact you were proven wrong again and say that you were just kidding. That you just wanted to piss the "libs' off...uh huh

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