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  1. #11
    Professional Poster scubaman's Avatar
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    Default Re: what is a GIX? DEFINE GIX

    I'm disappointed. I expected more by now

    "Do you remember V. P. Dick Cheney "
    'YES, I DO. I use to call him 'TAINT'.
    "Taint? Why did you call him that?"
    'Because in every picture he was between Bush and Colin'

  2. #12
    Gold Poster peggygee's Avatar
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    Default Re: what is a GIX? DEFINE GIX

    Though I don't know him other than through the forum, he has always
    struck me as a nice, respectful young man.

    We have a mutual friend, and he's got one of my sigs in his sig, so he
    get's maor kool points from me.

  3. #13
    Eurotrash! Platinum Poster Jericho's Avatar
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    Default Re: what is a GIX? DEFINE GIX

    How we became white people

    Part of complete coverage on
    Census: Who Am I?

    How we became white people
    By Christian Lander, Special to CNNApril 30, 2010 10:44 a.m. EDT

    Editor's note: America's 300 million-plus people are declaring their identity in the 2010 census. This piece is part of a special series on in which people describe how they see their own identity. Christian Lander is a writer living in Los Angeles. His book "Stuff White People Like" is published by Random House.

    (CNN) -- I am white. I know that's a terribly big surprise, considering that I write a blog called Stuff White People Like, but I mean it, I'm white.

    Like really white.

    I'm not attempting to assert some sort of superiority through my whiteness; quite the opposite actually. Thanks to my liberal upbringing, I am imbued with the appropriate amount of guilt and shame about my ancestors and their actions in the New World.

    Even in my home, I can't offer a blanket to a nonwhite friend without the fear that they will look at me and say "no smallpox on this right?" A joke, but I still want to apologize.

    I'm a white male. I belong to a group that pretty much always been able to own land and to vote. I'm more or less from the kind that grabbed power somewhere after the fall of Rome and never let go. In other words, I'm the kind of white guy that has never experienced any real oppression.

    Although I guess my ancestors technically left England because of some religious persecution and in spite of a rough boat ride and a rough first Thanksgiving, it's safe to say it worked out pretty well. Unless you got one of those aforementioned blankets.

    But in addition to being white and having ancestors on the Mayflower, I'm also Canadian. Yes, I know that might actually make me more white than before, but it also technically makes me an immigrant to this country.

    Still, I am loath to call myself an immigrant because I don't want to demean the very real, very difficult challenges faced by immigrants to this country who have had to overcome differences in language, culture and distance from their families. I would say my biggest hardship has been trying to find Ketchup Chips.

    But in the eyes of the U.S. government, I am an immigrant, the same as someone from China, Mexico or India. I would not be in this country had I not met my wife in graduate school, and I am thankful every day for her and the opportunity to live in the United States.

    So when the census came around, I was absolutely thrilled. I've lived in the United States for eight years (four of them as a graduate student), and in that time, I have never been able to vote or access any public services. The census meant I was going to be counted, I was going to be a part of American history. A good part, not that blanket part.

    When the form arrived, I scanned the options and quickly checked "white." I would have checked "Canadian" but that option wasn't anywhere to be found. There it was, I was a white American, or technically a white American Permanent Resident. But then I started thinking about what it really means to be a white American.

    As long as America has been around, I would have been considered white. I would have checked the same box in the 1790 census, had my relatives decided to stay on their land instead of moving to Canada to stay loyal to the King of England. But not everyone who checked that box on the census has always been considered white. Irish, Italian, Jewish, German and Eastern European have all been considered not white. or at the very least "not American."

    All of these groups came to America amid widespread discrimination, and yet through the process of assimilation and Americanization, the status of white was slowly conferred upon them (read "The History of White People" or "How the Irish Became White" for actual, intelligent research on how this happened).

    And with this new-found white status also came the status of "ethnically American." Of course, a lot of people will say that there is no such thing as an ethnic American and that everyone who becomes a citizen is an American. And this is true to the letter of the law, but if we consider the popular perception of immigration and the American dream, to say that white skin has nothing to do with it would be complete folly.

    In the popular myth, immigrants arrive as huddled masses yearning to be free and most of the women wear scarves around their head. They move to the Lower East Side or some other suitably "ethnic" community, they change a last name, they learn English and within one generation they are welcomed into the country as ethnic Americans and granted that wonderful privilege of checking the white box on the census.

    The reality is that America has a long history of welcoming immigrants who will never be able to check that white box on the census, and unfortunately that means America also has a long history of discrimination against those people regardless of their status in the country. Just one example would be the treatment of Japanese-Americans during World War II contrasted against the treatment of German-Americans.

    But all of that was in the past right? Well, ask yourself this: Who is more likely to get pulled over and forced to show his papers in Arizona today? A first generation Canadian immigrant, or a 10th generation Mexican-American?

    What I hope this census will force the country to deal with is the fact that white immigrants like me will never again make up the majority of people that come to this country. America is not getting whiter, it will never get whiter. Well, unless we start handing those blankets out again.

    The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Christian Lander.

    there are several installments

    Black in Latin America

    Black in Latin America is the third of a trilogy that began in 1999 with the broadcast of Professor Gates?s first series for public television, Wonders of the African World , an exploration of the relationship between Africa and the New World, a story he continued in 2004 with America Beyond the Color Line , a report on the lives of modern-day African Americans. Black In Latin America ,
    premiering nationally Tuesdays April 19, 26 and May 3, 10, 2011 at 8
    p.m. (ET) on PBS (check local listings), examines how Africa and Europe
    came together to create the rich cultures of Latin America and the
    Caribbean. Watch preview

    talks about white violence because of the coping factor

    Has Black Friday arrived in America? If so, are you prepared?

    Actually, if you're a "white" American, there's a good chance that you're less prepared than other Americans. Emotionally that, is. And mentally. Maybe even physically.

    As is so often the case, Tim Wise has explained well this common symptom of learning to be white:

    Racism and white privilege/supremacy generates a mindset of entitlement among those in the dominant group. This entitlement mentality can prove dangerous, whenever the expectations of a member of the group are frustrated. Principally this is because such persons develop very weak coping skills as a result of never having to overcome the obstacles that oppressed folks deal with every day and MUST conquer in order to survive.

    So, as a result, it is the privileged (the beneficiaries of racism, and also, it should be pointed out, the class system) who are ill-prepared for setback: the loss of a job, stocks taking a nose-dive (who were the folks jumping out the windows in the great depression–not poor folks and folks of color, but rich whites who couldn’t handle being broke!) Likewise, if you look at the various personal pathologies that tend to be disproportionate in the white community (and upper middle class for that matter), they are interesting in that they all are about control–controlling one’s anxiety, emotional pain, or controlling and dominating others–like suicide, substance abuse, eating disorders, self-injury/mutilation, serial killing and mass murder (as opposed to just regular one-on-one homicide), sexual sadism killings, etc.

    Not knowing how the world works is dangerous. White privilege and racism allow the dominant group to live in a bubble of unreality. Most days that’s no big deal I suppose. But every now and then reality intrudes on you and if you haven’t been expecting it, the trauma is magnified. So, when 9/11 happened, millions of whites were running around saying “why do they hate us?” because whites have never had to see our nation the way others do–we’ve been able to live in la-la land.

    But folks of color didn’t say this, because those without privilege HAVE to know what others think about them. Not to do so is to be in perpetual danger. So whites flipped out, and by virtue of being unprepared, pushed for a policy response (war) that folks of color were HIGHLY skeptical of from the beginning. But whites, enthralled by our sense of righteousness (itself a manifestation of privilege), pushed forward, convinced that the war in Iraq would go swimmingly. How’s that working out?
    In other words, racism and privilege generate mentalities and policies that are dysfunctional, even deadly for whites as with folks of color. Folks of color are the first victims, to be sure, and the worst. But as someone else said, what goes around. . .
    Privilege creates a false sense of security. Being the dominant group can set you up for a fall, can prevent you from building up the coping skills needed to deal with setback, because so often those skills are ones you just don't need.
    Until you do, that is.

    [This quotation is adapted from two sources: a comment Tim Wise wrote at Resist Racism, and one of his books, White Like Me: Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son. Lyrics for Steely Dan's song "Black Friday"]

    This is a clip from The Pathology of Privilege: Racism, White Denial & the Costs of Inequality, the newly released video from the Media Education Foundation. The video is of a speech given by Tim Wise at Mt. Holyoke College, October 1, 2007.

    The Pathology of Privilege: Racism, White Denial & the Costs of Inequality

    more complete video but has relatedlinks/urls and related to more of his speakings/lectures

    Tim Wise-institutional racism, labor, prison education

    affirmative action /school bias white people have affimative action to

    “Colorblindness,” “Illuminated Individualism,” Poor Whites, and Mad Men: The Tim Wise Interview, Part 1

    Attached Images:

    I hate being bipolar...It's fucking ace!

  4. #14
    Eurotrash! Platinum Poster Jericho's Avatar
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    Corner booth at the Titty Twister

    Default Re: what is a GIX? DEFINE GIX

    How we became white people

    Part of complete coverage on
    Census: Who Am I?

    How we became white people
    By Christian Lander, Special to CNNApril 30, 2010 10:44 a.m. EDT

    Editor's note: America's 300 million-plus people are declaring their identity in the 2010 census. This piece is part of a special series on in which people describe how they see their own identity. Christian Lander is a writer living in Los Angeles. His book "Stuff White People Like" is published by Random House.

    (CNN) -- I am white. I know that's a terribly big surprise, considering that I write a blog called Stuff White People Like, but I mean it, I'm white.

    Like really white.

    I'm not attempting to assert some sort of superiority through my whiteness; quite the opposite actually. Thanks to my liberal upbringing, I am imbued with the appropriate amount of guilt and shame about my ancestors and their actions in the New World.

    Even in my home, I can't offer a blanket to a nonwhite friend without the fear that they will look at me and say "no smallpox on this right?" A joke, but I still want to apologize.

    I'm a white male. I belong to a group that pretty much always been able to own land and to vote. I'm more or less from the kind that grabbed power somewhere after the fall of Rome and never let go. In other words, I'm the kind of white guy that has never experienced any real oppression.

    Although I guess my ancestors technically left England because of some religious persecution and in spite of a rough boat ride and a rough first Thanksgiving, it's safe to say it worked out pretty well. Unless you got one of those aforementioned blankets.

    But in addition to being white and having ancestors on the Mayflower, I'm also Canadian. Yes, I know that might actually make me more white than before, but it also technically makes me an immigrant to this country.

    Still, I am loath to call myself an immigrant because I don't want to demean the very real, very difficult challenges faced by immigrants to this country who have had to overcome differences in language, culture and distance from their families. I would say my biggest hardship has been trying to find Ketchup Chips.

    But in the eyes of the U.S. government, I am an immigrant, the same as someone from China, Mexico or India. I would not be in this country had I not met my wife in graduate school, and I am thankful every day for her and the opportunity to live in the United States.

    So when the census came around, I was absolutely thrilled. I've lived in the United States for eight years (four of them as a graduate student), and in that time, I have never been able to vote or access any public services. The census meant I was going to be counted, I was going to be a part of American history. A good part, not that blanket part.

    When the form arrived, I scanned the options and quickly checked "white." I would have checked "Canadian" but that option wasn't anywhere to be found. There it was, I was a white American, or technically a white American Permanent Resident. But then I started thinking about what it really means to be a white American.

    As long as America has been around, I would have been considered white. I would have checked the same box in the 1790 census, had my relatives decided to stay on their land instead of moving to Canada to stay loyal to the King of England. But not everyone who checked that box on the census has always been considered white. Irish, Italian, Jewish, German and Eastern European have all been considered not white. or at the very least "not American."

    All of these groups came to America amid widespread discrimination, and yet through the process of assimilation and Americanization, the status of white was slowly conferred upon them (read "The History of White People" or "How the Irish Became White" for actual, intelligent research on how this happened).

    And with this new-found white status also came the status of "ethnically American." Of course, a lot of people will say that there is no such thing as an ethnic American and that everyone who becomes a citizen is an American. And this is true to the letter of the law, but if we consider the popular perception of immigration and the American dream, to say that white skin has nothing to do with it would be complete folly.

    In the popular myth, immigrants arrive as huddled masses yearning to be free and most of the women wear scarves around their head. They move to the Lower East Side or some other suitably "ethnic" community, they change a last name, they learn English and within one generation they are welcomed into the country as ethnic Americans and granted that wonderful privilege of checking the white box on the census.

    The reality is that America has a long history of welcoming immigrants who will never be able to check that white box on the census, and unfortunately that means America also has a long history of discrimination against those people regardless of their status in the country. Just one example would be the treatment of Japanese-Americans during World War II contrasted against the treatment of German-Americans.

    But all of that was in the past right? Well, ask yourself this: Who is more likely to get pulled over and forced to show his papers in Arizona today? A first generation Canadian immigrant, or a 10th generation Mexican-American?

    What I hope this census will force the country to deal with is the fact that white immigrants like me will never again make up the majority of people that come to this country. America is not getting whiter, it will never get whiter. Well, unless we start handing those blankets out again.

    The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Christian Lander.

    there are several installments

    Black in Latin America

    Black in Latin America is the third of a trilogy that began in 1999 with the broadcast of Professor Gates?s first series for public television, Wonders of the African World , an exploration of the relationship between Africa and the New World, a story he continued in 2004 with America Beyond the Color Line , a report on the lives of modern-day African Americans. Black In Latin America ,
    premiering nationally Tuesdays April 19, 26 and May 3, 10, 2011 at 8
    p.m. (ET) on PBS (check local listings), examines how Africa and Europe
    came together to create the rich cultures of Latin America and the
    Caribbean. Watch preview

    talks about white violence because of the coping factor

    Has Black Friday arrived in America? If so, are you prepared?

    Actually, if you're a "white" American, there's a good chance that you're less prepared than other Americans. Emotionally that, is. And mentally. Maybe even physically.

    As is so often the case, Tim Wise has explained well this common symptom of learning to be white:

    Racism and white privilege/supremacy generates a mindset of entitlement among those in the dominant group. This entitlement mentality can prove dangerous, whenever the expectations of a member of the group are frustrated. Principally this is because such persons develop very weak coping skills as a result of never having to overcome the obstacles that oppressed folks deal with every day and MUST conquer in order to survive.

    So, as a result, it is the privileged (the beneficiaries of racism, and also, it should be pointed out, the class system) who are ill-prepared for setback: the loss of a job, stocks taking a nose-dive (who were the folks jumping out the windows in the great depression–not poor folks and folks of color, but rich whites who couldn’t handle being broke!) Likewise, if you look at the various personal pathologies that tend to be disproportionate in the white community (and upper middle class for that matter), they are interesting in that they all are about control–controlling one’s anxiety, emotional pain, or controlling and dominating others–like suicide, substance abuse, eating disorders, self-injury/mutilation, serial killing and mass murder (as opposed to just regular one-on-one homicide), sexual sadism killings, etc.

    Not knowing how the world works is dangerous. White privilege and racism allow the dominant group to live in a bubble of unreality. Most days that’s no big deal I suppose. But every now and then reality intrudes on you and if you haven’t been expecting it, the trauma is magnified. So, when 9/11 happened, millions of whites were running around saying “why do they hate us?” because whites have never had to see our nation the way others do–we’ve been able to live in la-la land.

    But folks of color didn’t say this, because those without privilege HAVE to know what others think about them. Not to do so is to be in perpetual danger. So whites flipped out, and by virtue of being unprepared, pushed for a policy response (war) that folks of color were HIGHLY skeptical of from the beginning. But whites, enthralled by our sense of righteousness (itself a manifestation of privilege), pushed forward, convinced that the war in Iraq would go swimmingly. How’s that working out?
    In other words, racism and privilege generate mentalities and policies that are dysfunctional, even deadly for whites as with folks of color. Folks of color are the first victims, to be sure, and the worst. But as someone else said, what goes around. . .
    Privilege creates a false sense of security. Being the dominant group can set you up for a fall, can prevent you from building up the coping skills needed to deal with setback, because so often those skills are ones you just don't need.
    Until you do, that is.

    [This quotation is adapted from two sources: a comment Tim Wise wrote at Resist Racism, and one of his books, White Like Me: Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son. Lyrics for Steely Dan's song "Black Friday"]

    This is a clip from The Pathology of Privilege: Racism, White Denial & the Costs of Inequality, the newly released video from the Media Education Foundation. The video is of a speech given by Tim Wise at Mt. Holyoke College, October 1, 2007.

    The Pathology of Privilege: Racism, White Denial & the Costs of Inequality

    more complete video but has relatedlinks/urls and related to more of his speakings/lectures

    Tim Wise-institutional racism, labor, prison education

    affirmative action /school bias white people have affimative action to

    “Colorblindness,” “Illuminated Individualism,” Poor Whites, and Mad Men: The Tim Wise Interview, Part 1

    Attached Images:

    I hate being bipolar...It's fucking ace!

  5. #15
    5 Star Poster Felicia Katt's Avatar
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    Default Re: what is a GIX? DEFINE GIX

    a good friend who takes photos and teasing equally well.


  6. #16
    Gold Poster
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    Default Re: what is a GIX? DEFINE GIX

    Jericho, what's going on?! You're scaring me! Have you been possessed by Natina?!

  7. #17
    Eurotrash! Platinum Poster Jericho's Avatar
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    Default Re: what is a GIX? DEFINE GIX

    Quote Originally Posted by theone1982 View Post
    Jericho, what's going on?! You're scaring me! Have you been possessed by Natina?!
    Brrrrrrrrrrrr......Perish the fukkin thought!

    I hate being bipolar...It's fucking ace!

  8. #18
    Silver Poster
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    Default Re: what is a GIX? DEFINE GIX

    Yeah Scuba, as attack threads go this one is pretty bad.

    I've neverdone good things
    I've never done bad things
    I've never done anything out of the blue

  9. #19
    onmyknees Platinum Poster onmyknees's Avatar
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    Default Re: what is a GIX? DEFINE GIX

    Quote Originally Posted by ed_jaxon View Post
    The name came from his love of motorcycles. When Jix joined HA as a young teen he had pictures of motorcycles on his walls and lived with his mom. Back in the day he would come in chat wearing his Pajanimals or Underoos and would pretend to be 22.

    Congrats on your first hater thread Jix! You have earned it.

    Didn't know they still considered Jap bikes motorcycles....LMAO. If you're a'll get him off that crotch rocket...Just jokin'...Now that's the start of a hate thread !

    GSXR never got in my shit that I recall, so I have no particular reason to hate on him.

  10. #20
    Platinum Poster BLKGSXR's Avatar
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    Default Re: what is a GIX? DEFINE GIX

    Quote Originally Posted by onmyknees View Post
    Didn't know they still considered Jap bikes motorcycles....LMAO. If you're a'll get him off that crotch rocket...Just jokin'...Now that's the start of a hate thread !

    GSXR never got in my shit that I recall, so I have no particular reason to hate on him.
    My gsxrs been dead for over a year now....No longer truly OWN a bike just borrow my buddies cbr600 alot so I can save a few $$$.

    Living your dream! Just call me your superhero! JIX
    1/3 of the Legendary Trifecta called O ED & the Jizzzyyy...

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