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  1. #11
    Rookie Poster Johnny O's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sarah Fuckin Palin.....

    She couldnt even handle an interview with Katie Couric!!
    All she can do is post on facebook and interview with the bitch Sean Hannity.I cant believe anyone takes her seriously.

  2. #12
    Professional Poster Jackal's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sarah Fuckin Palin.....

    She's a narcissist...everything is about her and if anybody says anything vaguely intelligent(hence, above her realm of understanding), challenging or disagreeing with her is beyond the pale and a threat to America. When a Jewish Democratic congresswoman is shot in the head, she claims to be the victim of the week and a target of a blood libel. Christ, she is an arrogant moron!

  3. #13
    Hung Angel Platinum Poster trish's Avatar
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    The United Fuckin' States of America

    Default Re: Sarah Fuckin Palin.....

    ...and an ignorant moron. She complains her reputation is being "THRASHED" rather than trashed. And she's a lying morn. She complains that the left is misinterpreting her tea-party cry to "take up your arms," and grabs at the first thing that comes to her teensy, feeble, lying mind claiming it means "take up your vote." Yeah, right. Who ever says, "take up your vote?" WTF does that even mean? You can say "take up your markers and vote," or you can say "take up your pens and vote," or even "take up your computers and vote." "Take up your arms" means "take up your arms." Taken literally it is an invocation to violent action, though I presume Sarah never intended to be taken that way. She only endorses the phrase to enhance her persona as a gun toting revolutionary from the wilderness of the starkly stupid. She's not hot, she's to die for.

    "...I no longer believe that people's secrets are defined and communicable, or their feelings full-blown and easy to recognize."_Alice Munro, Chaddeleys and Flemings.

    "...the order in creation which you see is that which you have put there, like a string in a maze, so that you shall not lose your way". _Judge Holden, Cormac McCarthy's, BLOOD MERIDIAN.

  4. #14
    Rookie Poster
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    Default Re: Sarah Fuckin Palin.....

    To be fair, no politician says much of anything that isn't written for them. Never met her myself, but wouldn't want to either. Anyone who kills anything for sport is kinda nuts if you ask me....
    But I think it's said best as:

  5. #15
    onmyknees Platinum Poster onmyknees's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sarah Fuckin Palin.....

    Quote Originally Posted by hippifried View Post
    Why not? Just consulting one bottom feeder about another.
    Moronic...just plain moronic. You and Ben , and others are so blinded by your hate for this woman, you make yourselves sound foolish, spiteful and frankly ignorant and worse than all that.... misogynistic.

    So what is it....her politics? Is it that she won't back down from ignorant haters like you? Yet you all are the first ones to wail or cry racism when the opposition treats Obama unfairly, so besides all the rest of're hypocrites as well. You have an issue with strong assertive conservative women? Surely anyone who compares Joan Rivers to Palin has some serious issues they need to deal with. LMAO

    You may disagree vigorously with her world view, her domestic politics, and her vision...that's your right. But much of the criticism of her is deeper than political, and it says more about her detractors than it does her.
    As is well documented, I disagree with Trish on nearly everything ( but there's always hope for some commonality) but she doesn't engage in this sophomoric , Letterman like Palin bashing . She's straight up in her political criticism of her.

    You're the same parrots that will call for the right wing to cool the heated rhetoric when it hits too close to someone on your side of the aisle, but all bets are off when it comes to Sarah Palin. That's flat out hypocrisy. There are few if any deep thinking responses to Palin's political positions I've read on here. It's all grammar school level garbage. As Burbs has stated....I'm not the biggest most ardent Palin supporter either, but most, if not all of the criticism is cheap and gratuitous and makes you sound like you read The National Enquirer far more than the NY Times or Wall St. Journal. From the moment she stepped on stage as McCain introduced her, there has been a concerted effort not to take her down not on her politics, but on everything else. Ironically...I'm probably more disgusted by what's been done to her more than she herself is. She's far more optimistic than I'd be. My brother lives in the next town over from Wasilla and sees Todd Palin regularly. He tells me they're as decent a family as he's ever met. Not too unlike any family in any neighborhood in any town in the country, but of course if you don't like her politics, I suppose that gives you license to attack her and her family personally.

    But in the's a sport we play in this country. Blood Politics.....destroy the opposition at any cost, by any'll just have to work a lot harder if you're going to tear this one down...she's got more balls than most men I know ! But in the end there's sort of a cosmic an ebb and flow to this sort of politics , and what goes around comes around.

  6. #16
    onmyknees Platinum Poster onmyknees's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sarah Fuckin Palin.....

    Quote Originally Posted by trish View Post
    ...and an ignorant moron. She complains her reputation is being "THRASHED" rather than trashed. And she's a lying morn. She complains that the left is misinterpreting her tea-party cry to "take up your arms," and grabs at the first thing that comes to her teensy, feeble, lying mind claiming it means "take up your vote." Yeah, right. Who ever says, "take up your vote?" WTF does that even mean? You can say "take up your markers and vote," or you can say "take up your pens and vote," or even "take up your computers and vote." "Take up your arms" means "take up your arms." Taken literally it is an invocation to violent action, though I presume Sarah never intended to be taken that way. She only endorses the phrase to enhance her persona as a gun toting revolutionary from the wilderness of the starkly stupid. She's not hot, she's to die for.

    Oops....I take back all those complimentary things I said about you're up to your old tricks.....weaving a narrative out of completely unrelated events to suit your political ajenda. It's political speech Trish not a call to arms for christ sakes !! Only a few "clingers" like you are still trying to make the connection...hey I must have missed that post where you broke ranks with your progressive ilk in an attempt to quell hate speech and took Rep Cohen to task for his vile rant in the wake of Obama's transparent call for civility. What's that?? You never made such a post? No....I didn't think so. Because in the end, you're not interested a cordial political discourse. Sadly you're a political hypocrite with a tin ear, just like the rest of them.... only smarter. Firey rhetoric only disturbs you when it's coming from closed guilty as charged!!!!!!!!!!

    When a guy says..."if they bring a knife, we'll bring a gun"....that's
    hyperbole's not to be taken literally, and it wasn' stop trying to make the case in's intellectually dishonest and politically transparent to most of us.

  7. #17
    Professional Poster Faldur's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sarah Fuckin Palin.....

    It is so hilarious how one Alaskan MILF can get progressives panties in such a bunch. I hope she runs in 2012 just so we can have the comedy relief watching you guys melt down.

  8. #18
    Hung Angel Platinum Poster trish's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sarah Fuckin Palin.....

    It's political speech Trish not a call to arms for christ sakes !!
    There you go really can't keep yourself from drawing a line from Sarah's intention to the attempted assassination in Tucson. I never claimed Palin was calling people to arms. I claim and she admits that she literally used the phrase "call to arms" but meant it as a metaphor. My contention is that literal calls for violence, even if they're intended as metaphors, increase the risk of political violence. My further contention is even if Palin didn't mean the phrase to be taken literally, she herself had no idea how she meant it to be taken. She so stupid, that when asked, all she could come up with is she meant it to be a call to "take up our votes." Take up our votes!!! What kind of English is that???

    Last edited by trish; 01-22-2011 at 07:46 PM.
    "...I no longer believe that people's secrets are defined and communicable, or their feelings full-blown and easy to recognize."_Alice Munro, Chaddeleys and Flemings.

    "...the order in creation which you see is that which you have put there, like a string in a maze, so that you shall not lose your way". _Judge Holden, Cormac McCarthy's, BLOOD MERIDIAN.

  9. #19
    Silver Poster hippifried's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sarah Fuckin Palin.....

    Moronic...just plain moronic. You and Ben , and others are so blinded by your hate for this woman, you make yourselves sound foolish, spiteful and frankly ignorant and worse than all that.... misogynistic.
    Jumpin' to more bizarre conclusions? I wouldn't expect anything else from you. Truth is that aside from a few feelings of ambivalence, I find her uninteresting.

    "You can pick your friends & you can pick your nose, but you can't wipe your friends off on your saddle."
    ~ Kinky Friedman ~

  10. #20
    Platinum Poster Ben's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sarah Fuckin Palin.....

    Quote Originally Posted by onmyknees View Post
    Moronic...just plain moronic. You and Ben , and others are so blinded by your hate for this woman, you make yourselves sound foolish, spiteful and frankly ignorant and worse than all that.... misogynistic.

    So what is it....her politics? Is it that she won't back down from ignorant haters like you? Yet you all are the first ones to wail or cry racism when the opposition treats Obama unfairly, so besides all the rest of're hypocrites as well. You have an issue with strong assertive conservative women? Surely anyone who compares Joan Rivers to Palin has some serious issues they need to deal with. LMAO

    You may disagree vigorously with her world view, her domestic politics, and her vision...that's your right. But much of the criticism of her is deeper than political, and it says more about her detractors than it does her.
    As is well documented, I disagree with Trish on nearly everything ( but there's always hope for some commonality) but she doesn't engage in this sophomoric , Letterman like Palin bashing . She's straight up in her political criticism of her.

    You're the same parrots that will call for the right wing to cool the heated rhetoric when it hits too close to someone on your side of the aisle, but all bets are off when it comes to Sarah Palin. That's flat out hypocrisy. There are few if any deep thinking responses to Palin's political positions I've read on here. It's all grammar school level garbage. As Burbs has stated....I'm not the biggest most ardent Palin supporter either, but most, if not all of the criticism is cheap and gratuitous and makes you sound like you read The National Enquirer far more than the NY Times or Wall St. Journal. From the moment she stepped on stage as McCain introduced her, there has been a concerted effort not to take her down not on her politics, but on everything else. Ironically...I'm probably more disgusted by what's been done to her more than she herself is. She's far more optimistic than I'd be. My brother lives in the next town over from Wasilla and sees Todd Palin regularly. He tells me they're as decent a family as he's ever met. Not too unlike any family in any neighborhood in any town in the country, but of course if you don't like her politics, I suppose that gives you license to attack her and her family personally.

    But in the's a sport we play in this country. Blood Politics.....destroy the opposition at any cost, by any'll just have to work a lot harder if you're going to tear this one down...she's got more balls than most men I know ! But in the end there's sort of a cosmic an ebb and flow to this sort of politics , and what goes around comes around.
    Sarah Palin is providing answers for disenchanted Americans. If you like her, well, that's fine. If you think she'll serve your interests, well, you should support her.
    I think she's a mere PR creation. But I think she's savvy. Her views are too far to the right for me... and too far to the right for the vast majority of Americans.
    The problem with Palin and Bush and Obama and Clinton (Bill and Hillary) is, well, they're to the right of the vast majority of the population. (And we should remember that we don't elect leaders. We should cringe at that notion. We elect representatives.)
    Most Americans, whether they're so-called liberal or conservative, are social democratic. They want universal health care, increased taxes on the rich and corporate sector. Cuts in military spending. This is what Americans want. But we don't live in a meaningful democratic society.
    When Obama talks about how single-payer health care isn't politically possible, well, he means insurance companies and big pharma don't want it.
    I like the likes of Bernie Sanders and Ron Paul. They are at opposite ends of the political spectrum. But they're principled and honest. They care about issues. I mean, there aren't many politicians who are principled and honest and have core values.

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