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  1. #131
    onmyknees Platinum Poster onmyknees's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sarah Fuckin Palin.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Cuchulain View Post
    Once again, the old kneeler accuses me of being an Obama fan, and launches a deluge of CON talking point horseshit. That's ok lad, I know all the spinning you do has left you permanently dizzy. I've gotta say though, pathetic corporate whore that Barry O has turned out to be, I give him kudos for all the hate he generates from the scum down at the chamber of commerce. I guess he's just not ENOUGH of a corporate whore for those pigs - which means that he's not quite the monster that a full-fledged repub would be. Don't give up hope, though. As Obama chases corporate cash for the 2012 elections, he may spend more time on his knees than you do.

    BTW, I doubt your beloved Sarah will actually run. She's just staying visible to keep her speaking fees rolling in.
    I have no particular love for Palin...I explained why I admire her. Is it your misogony or your politics that engenders such hate for her?

    You know you got duped by that fucker were right there with him for all the hope and would have pulled the lever twice for him if you could ain't shittin' anybody here ! And I've explained my screen name multiple times to you, but you obviously don't understand the meaning behind it...or the obvious double entendre ...I realize it's difficult for gullible dupes like you to grasp anything not expressly spelled out to you by Ed Shultz or your other American Idols over at MSNBC, but you must try ....otherwise you remain one of what some call "the uninformed masses" LMAO.

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  2. #132
    onmyknees Platinum Poster onmyknees's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sarah Fuckin Palin.....

    Just for you avid Palin haters...more press fabrications...but don't let the truth get in the way of the narrative spoon fed to you by a lazy, ideological left wing press. They feed you, and you lap it up like puppies. LMAO

    Nile Gardiner

    Nile Gardiner is a Washington-based foreign affairs analyst and political commentator. He appears frequently on American and British television and radio, including Fox News Channel, CNN, BBC, Sky News, and NPR.

    Margaret Thatcher did not ‘snub’ Sarah Palin: The truth about the Iron Lady and the former Governor of Alaska

    By Nile Gardiner World Last updated: June 13th, 2011
    138 Comments Comment on this article

    In the past few days a number of hugely misleading reports have circulated in both Britain and the United States alleging that Margaret Thatcher snubbed Sarah Palin. It all began with a blog post in The Guardian claiming the former prime minister had refused to meet with Mrs. Palin on her upcoming visit to London, on the grounds that she was “unworthy of an audience”, and quoting an anonymous “ally” of Lady Thatcher.
    According to The Guardian, in a piece entitled ‘Margaret Thatcher to Sarah Palin: don’t bother dropping by’:
    Her (Lady Thatcher’s) allies believe that Palin is a frivolous figure who is unworthy of an audience with the Iron Lady. This is what one ally tells me:
    “Lady Thatcher will not be seeing Sarah Palin. That would be belittling for Margaret. Sarah Palin is nuts.”
    This was followed up by another Guardian piece: ‘Sarah Palin snub by Margaret Thatcher aides infuriates US rightwing’, which declared:
    The ally who criticised Palin said the Thatcher circle would not change their minds despite the backlash.
    “Margaret will not be meeting Sarah Palin. If necessary we will make sure that Margaret has an off day when Palin is in London.”
    I have spoken to Lady Thatcher’s Private Office regarding the story, and they confirm that the attack on Sarah Palin definitely did not come from her office, and in no way reflects her views. As a former aide to Margaret Thatcher myself, I can attest that this kind of thinking is entirely alien to her, and that such remarks would never be made by her office. She has always warmly welcomed like-minded figures in the United States, and has in the past met with numerous US presidential candidates and political dignitaries when they have visited London. But at the age of 85 she is now able to receive very few visitors at all.
    There was never any snub of Sarah Palin by Lady Thatcher’s office. However, there has been a great deal of mischief-making and unpleasantness from sections of the liberal press in a vain and futile attempt to use Margaret Thatcher’s name to smear a major US politician.

  3. #133
    Platinum Poster natina's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sarah Fuckin Palin.....

  4. #134
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: Sarah Fuckin Palin.....

    1) Margaret Thatcher has not been active in public for several years, she is struggling with dementia so its rather unfair of people to make claims about her diary appointments, assuming she has any. A low blow if you ask me, for both Palin and Thatcher.

    2) A school report card? Is this what they call scraping the barrel? Have we come to this? Why not judge a politician on how old they were when they first started to walk or talk -with video evidence ratified by an independent third party- but then judge them on what it was they said, and how far they walked. The one who spoke in polysyllables and went five yards instead of two gets the vote? How many college graduates would want to be judged when running for Congress on their first-year essays? Blimey, give it a rest Natina!

  5. #135
    Platinum Poster Ben's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sarah Fuckin Palin.....

  6. #136
    Platinum Poster Ben's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sarah Fuckin Palin.....

  7. #137
    I've done my service Platinum Poster Willie Escalade's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sarah Fuckin Palin.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Ben View Post
    Unfortunately Faux News' ladies are a lot hotter.

    And I would still analize Sarah Palin.

    William Escalade is no more. He's done his service to the site.

  8. #138
    Platinum Poster robertlouis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sarah Fuckin Palin.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Willie Escalade View Post
    Unfortunately Faux News' ladies are a lot hotter.

    And I would still analize Sarah Palin.
    Analysing that woman would keep a whole college of psychologists going for a year or two.

    But pleasures are like poppies spread
    You seize the flow'r, the bloom is shed

  9. #139
    Senior Member Platinum Poster Prospero's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sarah Fuckin Palin.....

    This thread reeks of necrophilia

  10. #140
    Pansexual Couple Rookie Poster LABiM75&StrF51's Avatar
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    Exclamation Re: Sarah Fuckin Palin.....

    ....and none come much more mental
    and lovely
    then SarahPalin.

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