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  1. #21
    Banned again for being a jizzmop, oh well! Gold Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nowhere
    Look, guys who are into tgirls are into both female and male parts (female form, and the c*ck).

    If that isn't the definition of bisexuality, I don't know what is.
    That actually is probably true in many cases with guys on this site. Nothing wrong with that. Personally, I wouldn't french kiss Tom Selleck. If a guy kisses Magnum P.I., he's gay (or possibly bi).

    I only kiss girls. That's all there is to it, as far as I'm concerned.

  2. #22
    Junior Poster
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    I don't get all the angst about sexual orientation on a site that goes by the name hungangels.

    In my humble opinion, this is not very cool.

    It is funny, but not in a good way.

    You never give me your money. You only give me your funny paper.

  3. #23
    Banned again for being a jizzmop, oh well! Gold Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by jmecross2
    I don't get all the angst about sexual orientation on a site that goes by the name hungangels.

    In my humble opinion, this is not very cool.

    It is funny, but not in a good way.
    I believe this poster is the Los Vegas Kidney Thief. I'm just saying.

  4. #24
    Junior Poster
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    I just spent the last week and a half in Vegas, but I don't remember much.

    So maybe you're right.

    You never give me your money. You only give me your funny paper.

  5. #25
    Rookie Poster
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    Being attracted to transsexuals does not make you bisexual. The average person isn't aroused by genitalia. I'm sure there are some people who are, but it's most likely some kind of fetish. I've never been aroused by looking exclusively at genitalia. It's a woman's curves, legs, and their waist-to-hip ratio that makes them attractive. Which is why male homosexuals don't generally find passable transsexuals sexually attractive. I don't think bisexual, homosexual, and heterosexual are necessarily bad "labels" either; they are scientific terms as well that denote which set of aesthetic sexual characteristics a person is attracted to in relation to their own gender. So I think people who know themselves and have an open mind are some of the people that are into transsexuals; they realize it's not the penis that makes them attractive. There are autogynephiles(sp?) that are into transsexuals as well(myself). There are also probably bisexuals who wouldn't mind being with a transsexual because they're attracted to the female form and obviously don't mind a penis, but I've known bisexuals who weren't into transsexuals too. And there is probably the occasionally repressed homosexual male who might be into transsexuals, especially the ones that aren't that passable. There are always exceptions to any rule as well, everyone is different. But anyways, that's my two cents.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by thompsonforsheriff
    Being attracted to transsexuals does not make you bisexual.
    This really doesn't follow. If a man is attracted to an individual who is biologically male — even one with an outwardly feminine appearance — that would then by definition make him either homo- or bi-sexual.

    Also, you submit that the "average person" is not aroused by genitalia; I disagree. If it were just the "curves" we were interested in, none of us would probably be here right now.

  7. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyWalkerBlackLabel
    personally I don't think anyone else on this PLANET has the ability or the right to JUDGE another individual and tell them who or what they are........
    part of the problem with society is that we let groups or individuals mentally staple a label on particular people successfully, that shit needs to stop..............
    if you do a search you'll find similar topics to the one you just posted, though not exactly alike what is interesting is that at times we've had people on this board say to other people "you are this" or "you are that"; and I've always said to myself "who made them GOD???"

    IMO you are who you choose to be, a few sexual experiences of your choosing do not make you anything, it's the choices you make that determine your future that determine who you truly are........

    don't ever let anyone insecure with themselves draw you into their circle of misconception
    Thanks for that JWBL .

    Quote Originally Posted by lar2564
    I was visiting this website under

    It mentioned this and I quote it

    "TS's tell me that most of the guys who contact them are, in fact, bisexual or bi-curious. They say these men are often looking for a same-sex experience but packaged in such a way that they have deniability. They seek to deny (to themselves, probably) that sex with a person who has both tits and a dick is homosexual in nature, when the guy is sucking that dick or getting fucked by it."

    Just wanted to see if many here felt that this is true and what comments people had about it, both tgirls and guys
    I've only chatted with 2 Tgirls online so far so I'm new at this and I'm definitely no expert and have been trying to learn everything about this new world I discovered and I dont' get how those Tgirls I've bumped into online seem so narrow minded in this way that they seem to think any men who almost mentions the word 'penis' is gay while at the same time almost being in denial that they possess one. Its' like they are arguing against any guy being with them which I find really startling. To constantly put down a guy for being with you when you possess a penis is one sure way to drive him away. I dont' know if its a calculated put down or if they cant' help it but mentioning the word gay in every paragraph is like me mentioning the words man , male and gay to describe them. Its an unfair and undeserved label. I seriously doubt if many who come to a place like this are repressed unless they have far worse demons in the closet than being gay.

    Quote Originally Posted by trrlex
    Quote Originally Posted by thompsonforsheriff
    Being attracted to transsexuals does not make you bisexual.
    This really doesn't follow. If a man is attracted to an individual who is biologically male — even one with an outwardly feminine appearance — that would then by definition make him either homo- or bi-sexual.

    Also, you submit that the "average person" is not aroused by genitalia; I disagree. If it were just the "curves" we were interested in, none of us would probably be here right now.
    How are transexuals biologically male if they possess female brains given to them by their genetic make up ? Its a gross oversimplification to call them all biologically male.

  8. #28
    Junior Poster CrazyAboutTGirls's Avatar
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    Ok, firstly, if we are to truly claim (as many do) that a transsexual is a third gender, then, by definition, a male and a transexual relationship is HETEROsexual (ie not the same sex.

    However, that is more of a sneaky lawyers argument than a hard fact.

    Secondly, the truth is, and I believe this is true of 90% of the people on this site and the TS scene in general, is that people who like TS also like women.

    Now I don't buy the closet gay thing, because I don't think there are many gay men out there who are attracted to T-girls.

    I have tried sex with guys, and it did nothing for me, so I'm not in the closet, I tried it, and it didn't turn me on.

    T-girls however, do.

    Labelling people with terms created over 130 years ago (the term homosexual was first used in Austria, 1869) is a bit reductive in relation to the rapidly changing society we live in.

    Essentially 'homosexual' behaviour was rampant in Rome and Ancient Greece, but to label it 'homosexual' is to use 19th century language to describe historical events which have no frame of reference to those modern constructs, it was not seen as a gender identity, a social choice, or anything else 'gay' and 'straight' mean to us today.

    Fundamentally, to use homo, hetero & bi in the myriad sexual world of the 21st century as the only possible permiatations of human sexuality is doing the same thing, but in reverse.

  9. #29
    5 Star Poster tsmandy's Avatar
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    The Bi-sexual test:

    1.You are at an orgy, and another guy starts to fondle your cock, do you

    A. Stick it in his mouth and shoot the moon
    B. Tell him you only like girls

    2. At this same orgy, dudes wife pushes her husband out of the way and tries to sit on your cock, do you:

    A. Grab a condom and some lube?
    B. Tell her to fuck off, you only like tgirls?

    If you answered A both times, then you are probably bi-sexual.

    If you answered B both times, then you only like chicks with dicks and most orgies probably won't be very fun, unless its an orgy of tgirls.

    If you answered B for #1 and A for #2, then you are attracted to women. All mitigating factors aside, you are probably on the hetero end of things.

    As for me, I want it all. With a cherry on top. Please.

  10. #30
    Professional Poster
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    Being attracted to transwomen wether you know she's biologically a male or not its perfectly heterosexual. Who gives a shit if the tgirl is attractive nothing you can think of can change your mind BUT wether you choose to act upon it does mean something. People see flesh, not fucking DNA! So stop with this stupid "she's still biological male and being attracted to her makes you bi or gay" bullshit response because bottom line is that people attracted to the female form is straight, its the attraction to her penis that makes the difference.

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