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  1. #1
    Platinum Poster MrsKellyPierce's Avatar
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    Default I don't get men that like transsexuals?

    So I am going to ask a bunch of questions...we transsexuals get these questions constantly.

    What would it take to settle down with a transsexual woman? =

    And if not settling why can't you be honest that it is just a fantasy and nothing more? Why do men feel telling this lie is okay?

    How do you view yourself?

    Why do you think you like transsexuals?

    When did you start liking transsexuals.

    Are you ashamed after you have sex with a transsexual and why?

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  2. #2
    mmmmm beefy Platinum Poster rockabilly's Avatar
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    Good question ...
    1. Honesty
    2. Commitment
    3. And corny as it sounds ... love.
    I don't see it any differently than settling down w/ a gg.

  3. #3


    Kelly the guy has to accept himself before he can accept the girl. I did that a long time ago and have had some great relations with transgendered girls, everything from dating to being engaged. You got issues with yourself, you are going to transfer those to the girl. But if the guys ever get past all that, and love the girl more than anything, and that means family, friends just might be the best thing they ever imagined.

  4. #4
    Platinum Poster MrsKellyPierce's Avatar
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    I agree with that shemale-411 but neither of you answered my questions :P

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  5. #5
    mmmmm beefy Platinum Poster rockabilly's Avatar
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    Ok you changed the question. mmkay

    Since i see you as women and i'm a man ... I'm straight but don't like being labeled , i like who i like and that's good enough for me.

    I don't know why i'm attracted to tg's , it began in college when i saw pics of Danielle Foxx.
    Have'nt had sex yet but why would i be ashamed if i wanted to do it?

  6. #6


    Women are prettier,and men to me are ugly.But I find male genitals hotter and sexier. When you combine the two, perfection.

  7. #7
    Rookie Poster
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    Default Re: I don't get men that like transsexuals?

    Quote Originally Posted by KellyShore
    So I am going to ask a bunch of questions...we transsexuals get these questions constantly.

    What would it take to settle down with a transsexual woman? =

    And if not settling why can't you be honest that it is just a fantasy and nothing more? Why do men feel telling this lie is okay?

    How do you view yourself?

    Why do you think you like transsexuals?

    When did you start liking transsexuals.

    Are you ashamed after you have sex with a transsexual and why?

    I don't post too often, but I figured this would be a good one to respond to. So, here goes:

    1. I think that my family would have to be comfortable with me dating a TS because if we were to settle down, family would still be in my life. Also, for me and my sanity, she would have to stop escorting (or never have started), and stop any physical relationships with others (ie - non solo porn, and/or cheating). This should be a given because we would both be in a committed relationship.

    2. As for fantasy and admitting it is nothing more, this is different for everyone. I dont feel that my experiences were fantasy, so I dont think I can answer this one too well.

    3. I view myself as a young man that is interested in both GG and TS. I have recently been open to the GG's that I have dated that I also had interest in TS. And the experiences I have had with TS just did not work out due to the second reason in my response to Q1 (and a little of the first part).

    4. I think that the reason I like TS is that there was an immediate attraction when I was first introduced to TS porn. But, the reason I love them is that over the years I have learned about their struggles and that they are people too and that they deserve respect, the same as anyone else. Also, while growing up, I learned to view any TS as a person with feelings and emotions instead of just an object for sexual gratification, the same can be said for my views to GG (just a part of growing up I think).

    5. I would say that I had a genuine interest at about the age of 16 (I'm now 25).

    6. I am not personally ashamed before/during/or after having sex with a TS....However I haven't become comfortable enough with my family to have any long lasting relationship, but that is something that I have to work on.

    That is my perspective on your questions. I hope that helps Kelly.

    The answer is 42

  8. #8
    Silver Poster fred41's Avatar
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    Default Re: I don't get men that like transsexuals?

    Quote Originally Posted by KellyShore
    So I am going to ask a bunch of questions...we transsexuals get these questions constantly.

    What would it take to settle down with a transsexual woman? =

    And if not settling why can't you be honest that it is just a fantasy and nothing more? Why do men feel telling this lie is okay?

    How do you view yourself?

    Why do you think you like transsexuals?

    When did you start liking transsexuals.

    Are you ashamed after you have sex with a transsexual and why?
    1. If by settling down you mean marriage, then- I would have to be ready to get married again..which right now is too soon after my divorce. be married to me , she would have to quit escorting (all the girls I know..or at least most of them ..are escorts). Living together is one thing ..but at least to me..marriage is a deeper, and total at that point she would have to commit to being 100% faithful to me. She also couldn't be involved in pornography.
    2. Doesn't apply since I'm willing to settle at some point.
    3. Usually using a
    4. Probably for the same reasons I like everyone else. Sorry I can't give you a deeper answer than that...I could never be sure my answer was 100% accurate anyway. I will say that at this point in my life I know some of the girls pretty well and am comfortable with them so...that happens to be the dating pool for me.
    5. It was a later on in life thing. I don't psycho-analyze myself over it anymore. It may have just been something new and totally different.
    6. Nope. never been ashamed and never will be. No point in being ashamed for having sex with another consenting adult.

  9. #9
    Platinum Poster MrsKellyPierce's Avatar
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    OOh I like your post MJCHI

    And Fred I don't believe in marriage, I think it ruins the relationship. I think you be committed with out some ring on your finger.

    But thank you to both gentleman for answering honestly and candidly

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  10. #10
    Rookie Poster ScottyBabe's Avatar
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    Default Re: I don't get men that like transsexuals?

    Quote Originally Posted by KellyShore
    So I am going to ask a bunch of questions...we transsexuals get these questions constantly.

    What would it take to settle down with a transsexual woman? =

    And if not settling why can't you be honest that it is just a fantasy and nothing more? Why do men feel telling this lie is okay?

    How do you view yourself?

    Why do you think you like transsexuals?

    When did you start liking transsexuals.

    Are you ashamed after you have sex with a transsexual and why?
    good post kelly,

    1. Not a lot really. if we got on really well and it felt like it was meant to be, then nothing can stop that. so long as we were both faithful and commited, bring it on! i do have a desire to have kids though, but that is no different from settling down with a GG who couldn't have kids. i wouldn't leave because of that. we'd just have to start down the road of adoption etc, which isn't a problem for me.

    2. for me it's not just a fantasy. to me, it's no different than liking/dating/thinking/fucking etc. someone else that you are attracted to. (be it man or woman). i don't lie if someone askes me if i like transsexual the same token though i don't broadcast it because it's my business.

    3. my sexuality doesn't define or influence me or my decisions. i like what i like and i'm happy with that. if anyone has a problem, they can go fvck themselves.

    4. i can't actually answer that i don't think. i just do. same way i like steak or cars or beer or drumming. it just fits me. it isn't something that i think of as wierd or needing to be justified.

    5. since i discovered sexual maturity/porn probably, about the age of 12/13. it's a normal way of life to me and, as i said, not something i think of as "quirky" or "wierd"

    6. never have done, but i had sex with a guy once, the only guy i've ever been attracted to and i never felt bad after that. it was right for me at the time and i would do it again.

    can i ask you though, does it bother you that women like you are objectified so much, or do you get used to the "attention" (even if you feel it's good or bad)?


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