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Thread: "Feel the hate"

  1. #11
    Platinum Poster Silcc69's Avatar
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    Hmm I think Bush hatred was a wee bit more eh?

    Quote Originally Posted by tjinla2001
    I haven't just let a single prostitute cum in my mouth. Hundreds- more likely thousands of transvesites have shot their loads in my mouth. God bless america

  2. #12
    Silver Poster blckhaze's Avatar
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    ummmmm what? sorry. Shes keeping me occupied.


    Ok we leave they get run over
    problem solved


    blckhaze- A quickie in the back of a carriage going around Central park south

    RubyTS- been there done that :P

  3. #13
    Rookie Poster
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    It is a sad but certain fact that every country has its share of young, cocky, uneducated assholes with a limited world view. Israel is no exception. These guys were the Israeli version of redneck peckerheads from Kentucky and Arkansas.

    Luckily, Israel has also given the world great scholars, statesmen, warriors and peacemakers.

    These turds are a disgrace to a vibrant nation with a diverse culture (in fact, a Rabbinical student first told me about Dana International. So there.)

    Shalom, bitches.

  4. #14
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    Obama's foreign policy IS fucked up, as is his economic policy. The guy is a total piece of shit, but so many bet the farm on him, that their is no way for them to save face and call him for what he is.

    I can't say the Republicans have anything MUCH better to offer. Their has been pretty much one good Republican Prez, and that's Reagan. Nixon maybe, but his paranoia ruined him (he had some legit reasons though, they WERE out to get him).

    What we have to choose from in this country is radical leftist, and leftist light, neither works. The bright city on a hill is going dim fast. Europe is a shit hole, and we have gone left of them.

    Our enemies will never like us, and our friends will always resent us. Imagine you live in the trailer park, and someone buys up 50 lots and builds a huge mansion. They drive by in their Beemers, beep and wave at you, go swim in their pool when your AC is out. Do you like them, and feel glad for them. Some of us would, but a good number would be resentful, skeptical, critical. That's U.S. and European relations in a nutshell. Their way leads to dirty faced little kids without full bellies, where meat is a luxury, our way leads to throwing away more meat than the average European eats in a year.

    Now we are sinking to their level, and they are a bit happy to see it, but at the same time the overflow of wealth onto their plates is drying up, so they are skittish. Hmmm, the dilema.

    Bush! Need I say more. Good? Bad? If you think he's bad, their is NO way it could ever be proven to you otherwise. But he wasn't as bad as they made him out to be. He could have cured cancer, aids, and given everyone a million dollars in gold, and the media/pop culture would have continued to slam him. Of course, he didn't! lol Not even close, but he DID manage to keep us from being attacked again, something that Obama will not be able to say, trust me, I know after 20 years in military intelligence. We will be hit within 6 months, and it will make us wish for 9/11.

    Obama has managed to orchestrate a complete brain drain on our intelligence resources. No one wants to be on board when the shit hits the fan.

    Our enemies are not reasonable, they are not the way they are because we made them that way, they are simply murderous pieces of shit, and the only way to win against them is to kill them. PERIOD, END OF STORY! I've personally had the privelage of sending a few to Allah and their 99 Virgins. Hope they are pimply fat assed ones who can't even clean their own ass without the aid of a car wash.

    We have the ability to manufacture something called a neutron radiological device, and they have it so perfected that one city block can be blasted with the equiviliant of 200,000 X-rays, while the next city block gets nothing. It was in fact developed with Israel in mind. It's time to mass produce those mother fuckers, give Israel about 1000 of them, equip Japan with 5 squadron of F-22 Raptors, and basically build up the enemy of our enemies, and let someone else do the fighting for us. This would send both Korea, and the terrorist organizations running away with their tails between their legs.

    Force, power, and the willingness to use it is the best proponent of peace their is.

  5. #15
    5 Star Poster
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    muslims in australia . since the goverment let these shits in they have been nothing but trouble fulling up our jails ,hateing australians ,rapeing australian women ,dealing drugs. they should all be sent back to the scumy heaps of sand where they come from and all the do gooders with them

    live with honour

  6. #16
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    And ya know, why do so many have to live up to all the stereotypes of being _________ (insert whatever). Just because I love to suck dicks attached to gorgeous transexual, am willing to take them in my ass, and actually enjoy it, would be called gay by many (who cares, I am what I am, but I don't like bold faced all out boys, so I think I'm not), does not mean I have to be a cool aid drinking leftest lib. I have a brain, can see when something works, can study our history, and see what our founding fathers intended. AND SO CAN YOU!

    The biggest defence of what we are is a limited Republic without the authority to tell us what we can, and can not fucking do, that is rolling in prosperity due to lack of taxation, and some tough love on the poor so they will get off their fucking asses and fend for themselves. THAT'S THE REAL AMERICA, the one that used to shine. Where we took care of each other, instead of being numbed out with 999 chanels of pure shit and the internet, while the gova ment sent out it's checks. We were GREAT, when we were what we were, and will will not be GREAT doing what we are doing.

  7. #17
    Platinum Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by russtafa
    muslims in australia . since the goverment let these shits in they have been nothing but trouble fulling up our jails ,hateing australians ,rapeing australian women ,dealing drugs. they should all be sent back to the scumy heaps of sand where they come from and all the do gooders with them

    Its their imaginary friend telling them that everything they do is justified in the name of him.

  8. #18
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    1st of all, I have a bunch of good loving caring awsome Muslim friends, THAT is the norm in their culture, they are everything we USED to be, family taking care of family, making sacrafices in order to succeed. The bad ones are 15% of the overall. I'd n ever group them all in one box. But that 15% is A LOT! Amazingly, if we WERE stronger, the other 85% would come out of the woodwork and stand up. But they can't, they are scared, and they should be, we have a history of starting shit and not backing it up due to political reasons.

    Iraq was a different Iraq back in 91. When they ordered us to stand down (a big mistake) we were close enough to Bagdad to see the city lights. As we pulled back out, the Republican guard was right behind us, killing all those were were prepared to accept our liberation openly. I know, I heard the gunshots myself. I had parents trying to hand me their babies so I could take them somewhere safe, and I had to force them to take them back. I heard people screaming as they were mowed down.

    I have Collin Powell to thank for those fucking nightmares!

  9. #19
    Platinum Poster
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    WOW.. God is good

  10. #20
    Platinum Poster flabbybody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Helvis2012
    Never satisfied. The only reason Israel exists is because the US subsidizes their whole existence. Maybe it's time to let these assholes begin relying solely ion themselves. We need health care, education opportunities among many other programs we could afford if we weren't sending billions to these ungrateful fucks.

    In any case, the people in the video are not only ignorant but they all seem to be racist pigs.

    Your tax dollars at work......bravo!
    the Israelis have this attitude that massive economic and military US aid is a God given right and of course American Jews show blind obedience to Pro Israeli rhetoric. To hear those racist Zioist clowns verbally run down Obama in a ghetto disrespectful tone pisses me off.

    But the fact is the USA and Israel have a common enemy in the radical Islamic terrorists. so that makes us uneasy allies

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