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Thread: CANADA

  1. #31
    Junior Poster
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    whats with the kanuck pride going on ?
    canada is just a big cold state who doesnt know it yet

  2. #32
    Junior Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by marissaazts
    whats with the kanuck pride going on ?
    canada is just a big cold state who doesnt know it yet
    Hey! Leave the guys from North Montana alone!

  3. #33
    Platinum Poster BeardedOne's Avatar
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    "The beaver is a truly proud and noble animal!"

    I agree, and I sure do like beavers.

    "In times of universal deceit, telling the truth will be a revolutionary act." - George Orwell

  4. #34
    Rookie Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quiet Reflections
    Quote Originally Posted by BeardedOne
    I really like Canadia and in defense of their beer I have to ask if the naysayers had REAL Labatts or Moosehead (Or Steam Whistle or any of the other local brews)? The US varieties of said beers are not the same and the only truth to the words "Imported from Canada" may be the basic recipe and the trademaked names. Step across the border and try the genuine animal.

    Also, wasn't Antonio Meiucci (Inventor of the telephone) Italian? Or was he also from Canadia?
    I have been to Canada and had the beer and was not impressed. I'm not just speaking from pride I've got the experience to back it up too. If you like it thats cool some people swear by Coors and Pabst too.
    Labatt and Molson are Canada's Coors and Pabst. Please don't judge our beer by the evil twosome. WHere our beer really shines is on the microbrew side of things.

  5. #35
    Veteran Poster
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    Sure, that's a rosy picture you paint when you only mention the 'good' stuff created by the canucks.

    What about the bad stuff?

    Sars flu, telemarketing, e-mail spams, aids, etc., were also creted by canadians.

    You are cordially invited to toss my salad

  6. #36
    Professional Poster tao1kiku's Avatar
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    "Sars flu, telemarketing, e-mail spams, aids, etc., were also creted by canadians."

    OMG! I really hope you are joking! AIDS created by Canadians? SARS created in/by Canada?

    Anywho. From the thread there are obvously some well informed, some ill informed and some down right slack jawed slope headed drooling responses.

    We are a different country, similar to our breathern to the south. We have some better things that the USA, the USA has some better things than us.

    Celebrate the good differences and learn from the bad.

  7. #37
    Rookie Poster
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    United Kingdom


    Quote Originally Posted by freak
    Quote Originally Posted by Kareninfife
    Quote Originally Posted by freak
    Canada has one thing going for it, it has it big brother down below its' border to protect it. With out the US someone would have come over and kicked the shit out of them hosers, eh.
    And just like the little brother they are trying to claim what the big brother did and has. They just can not live up to or fill the shoes of the big brother.

    Just don't tell the Vietnamese, Grenadians, Somalis etc., etc., that - they will laugh their heads off. The last war the Americans ever won was the American Civil War - and that was a close run thing - could have gone either way. The Canadians would be better asking the Walrusses in the Artic to look after them. The Yankistanis are getting well gubbed in Iraq and Afghanistan against CIVILIANS !!!!!!!

    The US protects you, the English are the US allies.
    So go get the only thing that England has that is any good, a plate or fish and chips.
    The reason the US didn't "win" was because they failed to finish because of pressure from the allies.
    Did you forget WW1-2, with out the US you would be speaking Japanese or German right now.
    You also forgot to mention Desert Storm.
    I do believe Grenada was overtaken, Grenada isn't that the country that the UK lost control over in 1974? As for Somalia, that was a UN mission where the UK was involved but since the US is the power house they must except all responsibility for there allies incompetence (that is the UK).

    The Yanks couln't fight their way out of a wet paper bag. In the UK military the general opinion is a load of quite good kit operated by absolute MORONS and HILL-BILLIES mostly used for F****** their mothers, sisters, brothers etc.

    Get real the US got WELL GUBBED by the Vietnamese Army which travelled by bicycle and in virtually every theatre that the "fought". Please name ONE war (apart from the American Civil War) that America has managed to win on their own???

    US military personnel are so obese they can hardly get their trousers on in the morning.

    The US Miltiary manuals are written so that they can be read by the average European 10 year old - FACT !!!!!

    Also, MORON, learn some geography. The United Kingdom is actually made up of FOUR countries of which England is only one.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by envivision
    Sure, that's a rosy picture you paint when you only mention the 'good' stuff created by the canucks.

    What about the bad stuff?

    Sars flu, telemarketing, e-mail spams, aids, etc., were also creted by canadians.
    Why do you have to rain on their parade? How about letting everyone have pride in their own country? I don't know why people are threatened when other people just show they're proud of who they are. The US is not made worse by Canada having positive aspects of itself, genius.

  9. #39
    Vasto Lorde Gold Poster Quiet Reflections's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nowhere
    Quote Originally Posted by envivision
    Sure, that's a rosy picture you paint when you only mention the 'good' stuff created by the canucks.

    What about the bad stuff?

    Sars flu, telemarketing, e-mail spams, aids, etc., were also creted by canadians.
    Why do you have to rain on their parade? How about letting everyone have pride in their own country? I don't know why people are threatened when other people just show they're proud of who they are. The US is not made worse by Canada having positive aspects of itself, genius.
    its funny that you say that because the minute anyone is proud to be an American there are countless people calling Americans violent, racist, monsters, etc.

    "If you think that pride is about nationality, you're wrong" ~NOFX~

  10. #40
    Gold Poster SarahG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kareninfife
    Please name ONE war (apart from the American Civil War) that America has managed to win on their own???
    Spanish-American War.

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    With all of its misery and wretched lies
    If we're dead when tomorrow's gone
    The Big Machine will just move on
    Still we cling afraid we'll fall
    Clinging like the memory which haunts us all

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