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  1. #31
    5 Star Poster
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    Last edited by justatransgirl; 04-28-2010 at 09:48 AM.

  2. #32
    5 Star Poster Merkurie's Avatar
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    For instance, I see alot of troubled families everyday, and all the time when a small boy 3-5 yrs old cries or shows emothion or seeks a hug or anything the "daddy" will yell at him to "man up" or some such comment. I see delightfull little children turn into sullen withdrawn 7 and 8yr olds and thugged up preteens all the time.

    All Im saying is we have such a macho culture that we dont know how any individual would develop without the social pressure to act like a man or else.

  3. #33
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    If they dont, they live LIKE males

  4. #34
    5 Star Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by Celeste
    If they dont, they live LIKE males
    Interesting do you know from experience.

  5. #35
    Gold Poster peggygee's Avatar
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    In the hearts of the kind, and in the fears of the wicked.


    Quote Originally Posted by Tiffany Anne
    Quote Originally Posted by peggygee
    Thanks for the post Peggy.. Very interesting!
    Quote Originally Posted by justatransgirl
    Very informative post Peggygee, thank you.
    Thanks ladies, hope that it was helpful.

  6. #36
    Veteran Poster
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    Yeah I do If they don tlive like males... they sure do LOOK like males... either way YOU FAILED

  7. #37
    Professional Poster
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    I personally think that if they 'go back', they weren't TS to begin with. Maybe a femme gay boy or whatever. If someone is truly TS, their essence is just going to gravitate away from the masculine side (unless they're FTM, of course) no matter what they do, and they will only feel right if they are where they should be.

    Maybe a late transitioner might 'go back' upon realizing that no surgery will change the extreme masculization their body can't undo, but then I think most late transitioners aren't even TS, and just fetishistic transvestites taking one degree further, telling themselves they're "TS," going along with what I said in the beginning.

  8. #38
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    Things are a bit more complex than that. The idea of the true transsexual who would rather die than live a single day as a male if it would save their skin is a myth. The question is there anything in that persons life that is actually more important to them than their identity? Is there anything in that persons life more important than their self expression? Sometimes the answer is yes.

    For those who transition latter often it's family life. For those who are younger and stupider it can be safety, or the possibility of loosing all or most of their non transgender, queer friends (there were times and places where gay and lesbians did not want to associate with us TS's at all.) It's always personal and particular to a individual when they do that.

    For example one person who did this, young, who you would not think was ugly or anything like that. Told me that she reverted to male for a time because she had never lived as a male and wanted to be 100% sure she could not be happy that way. (Nobody any of you would know of.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Celeste
    Yeah I do If they don tlive like males... they sure do LOOK like males... either way YOU FAILED
    right I am just a big ol failure at living like or looking like a male.

  9. #39
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    For example one person who did this, young, who you would not think was ugly or anything like that. Told me that she reverted to male for a time because she had never lived as a male and wanted to be 100% sure she could not be happy that way. (Nobody any of you would know of.)
    I did that once...sorta, I was male at one time meaning that I did go through a male puberty but that seemed like such a lifetime ago(really wasn't) and at the time when I thought that i was unable to afford hormones so I thought "Ok lets try being a guy and try to remember how that feels." it turned out to be a very horrible experience mentally and physically hell I blew my lid and burst out crying when I noticed the hair on my face coming in thicker and faster never ever had to shave more than twice a week before going off the mones course the shaving incident was just the culmination of an emotional buildup bound to overflow at some point and so I went back on hormones.

    While your here check out my transgender comic Between the Lines

  10. #40
    Platinum Poster MacShreach's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nowhere
    I think most late transitioners aren't even TS, and just fetishistic transvestites taking one degree further, telling themselves they're "TS," going along with what I said in the beginning.
    This provoked me to come out of lurk here for the first in a long time. I was about to give you a MacRoasting for your "shades-of-Jurassic-Clarke, come-back-Ray-Blanchard-all-is-forgiven" BS but, under the influence of people better and gentler (and better looking) than I, I am trying not to do things like that.

    This extract may interest you:

    Jonathan C. Goddard, MD, a urologist at University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust in the U.K, was quoted as discovering the following in a study of post-operative transwomen:

    The study analyzed the early results of 222 patients who had a male-to-female sex change operation between 1994 and 2004. Seventy of these sex change patients were also contacted an average of three years later to obtain long-term follow-up information.

    The men ranged in age from 19 to 76 with an average age of 43.
    Nine out of 10 of the sex change patients had a clitoris and vagina created during the

    The results showed that 88 percent of sex change patients were happy with the initial results at their first follow-up appointment. Among those contacted about three years later, 76 percent said the cosmetic results were acceptable.

    Researchers also found that among those contacted for follow-up:

    # 23% of the patients had, or were having, regular vaginal intercourse.

    # 61% were happy with the depth of their vagina.

    # 98% had a sensitive clitoris.

    # 48% were able to achieve clitoral orgasm.

    (I apologise for the use of inappropriate pronouns in this extract.)

    Note my bold-- the average age was forty-three, yet the surgeries were all recent. Other sources also indicate that in fact the average age of women undergoing GRS is forty plus 2.5 years for the second and again for every further child. Why? Because in Anglo-Saxon cultures, transsexual women typically displace and over-compensate-- that is, they try to play the man role as hard as they can. Many marry young and have children young, so by the time they reach 40 the first child is independent; add 2.5 years for each after that. It is very typical that at this point, once parental duties are done, the woman can no longer put off looking after her own interests any longer and transitions. Try to remember that we are talking about women here--and women do not typically abandon their children (I know most men don't either, but it is statistically much more common.)

    Coincidentally, the study shows (as many others also have) that by far the majority of transwomen women regard their transition as successful and are happy with their surgery. GRS, in even the most conservative studies, has a success rate, measured in patient contentment and functionality, of better than 80%. This is a really good success rate, but it does mean that up to 1 in 5 transwomen may have problems and of those, some, certainly, do retransition. But it is a very small percentage of the whole.

    Now I have no beef with anyone who says a large percentage of transgender people are not transsexual; this is manifestly true and was recognised by Benjamin. And I am not in a position to comment as to the reasons for retransitioning, either amongst post-op or pre or non-op women, though it is certainly interesting. (And there have been thought-provoking comments here.) Your comment about femme gay boys is probably true in some cases.

    But to write off all women who transition in later life as sexual fetishists, as you did, after the sacrifice many have made in keeping their dysphoria at bay until the parental obligations that they, perhaps rashly, entered into in their youth, were properly discharged, is downright offensive, and you really do owe them a sincere apology for that statement.

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