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  1. #31
    5 Star Poster
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    A question without answer i read in Vanguard News Network:

    What a Jewy thing to do. Did you know that the Geneva Conventions - which Israel ratified in 1951 - prohibit using military force against civilians? But then, when you’re a Jew, rules don’t apply to you.

  2. #32
    Rookie Poster
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    I don't post much but. If Hamas laid down its rockets and quit firing, made not threat against Isreal the fighting would end. If Isreal laid down its arm and stopped fighting Hamas would kill every jew they could. I could be wrong but i doubt it.
    It is sad to see civilian deaths on either side. When you have a group who dresses like the civilian and hides amongst them it is going to happen. It happens when you have two uniformed armies. God be with the wounded and their families on both sides

    just another girl trying to get by in the world

  3. #33
    Banned again for being a jizzmop, oh well! Gold Poster
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    Well, it's 6pm Sunday right now in Jerusalem. If anyone reading this forum happens to be in Gaza (and isn't a bad guy) you should get the hell out now. I suspect in around 10 hours or so a massive beatdown is going to occur.

    Adios, Hamas.

  4. #34
    Veteran Poster Tepres's Avatar
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    It's only fair to show the other side's point of view.

    ...stir it up and pass it around.

  5. #35
    Rookie Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by seanchai
    Try talking to some of the British forces when the IRA was killing women and children (and soldiers) - and funds were being collected for the IRA on the streets of NYC.

    Try talking to the German occupying army when the French Resistance were killing and bombing their soldiers.

    Try talking to a Vietnam vet when the Vietcong were killing their friends.

    I'm not making direct comparisons between these conflicts but my point is, obviously the IDF has a skewered view - and the Palestinians a different one. Yet many innocents are being caught in the middle and the strikes that Israel have taken seem to be taking down more innocents, than legitimate targets.
    A little restraint.

    Arnie, it's got ZERO to do with being leftist - that's a pathetic and sad comment for people who don't want to see innocent civilians caught in the crossfire of any war. Absolutely pathetic and shows your ignorance.
    I agree there are two sides to every story, I'm not disputing that at all. And I do think it's terrible that civilians are getting caught up in the mess however to purely blame Israel for the conflict is just wrong. Israel fires sound bombs before the actual missle attacks to warn civilians, not only that, the amount of aid and emergency supplies they are sending into Gaza has increased since they started the campaign, it's Hamas taking control of the shipments and refusing to allow the civilians to have access.

    Overall, I'm tired of people defending the Palestinian government who don't allow basic human rights to many members of it's population.

  6. #36
    Rookie Poster
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    hamas has been bombing civilians since june when they violated the cease fire. where is the outrage against terrorism? if any of you think that only nazis died in german, you are niaive. war is horrible, but inevitable. isreal is not innocent either, they have treated the palestinians like dirt since the inception of isreal.

  7. #37
    Silver Poster fred41's Avatar
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    Right now that video link everyone is looking at (unless it was changed) shows kids blown up when a "Hamas" truck blew up during a parade several years ago.

    Israel has to take the offensive here and blow up supply lines , weapons depots...and military instalations in the Gaza strip NOW...before the rockets become more and more sophisticated and targeting becomes more accurate. It's unfortunate that civilians sometimes die..but it's impossible to avoid when the enemy is so deeply entrenched in civilian areas.

    If Israel were to wait until they took huge civilian losses because Hamas weapons were more sophisticated..would everyone be happy then because then you could sit back and say .."Now there's a fair fight!! go at it boys"...There isn't a single ally in the middle east that Israel could turn to for help in a war. They are surrounded by countries that for political or ideological reasons want them destroyed..or at the very least, wouldn't care less if they were.

    If that was the home some of you were living in that were threatened by rockets...I don't think you'd care how strong your government response was.

  8. #38
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    Raw; (2005) Hamas Weapons Parade Accident Kills 15, including kids

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    Hamas parades weapons in Gaza, they blow up, killing 15, including kids
    By israelinsider staff and partners September 23, 2005

    Dead and wounded at the Hamas rally. Parading homemade weapons can be dangerous. (AP)

    A pickup truck carrying masked militants blew up at a Hamas rally on Friday, killing at least 15 Palestinians and wounding 80, The PA Interior Ministry confirmed More...

    Witnesses said the truck carried homemade weapons, and Palestinian security officials said the blast apparently was caused by the mishandling of weapons. Hamas blamed Israel, saying Israeli aircraft flew overhead during the rally. Israel denied it was involved.

    Seven of the wounded were in serious condition, hospital doctors said.

    The rally was held in the Jebaliya refugee camp. Witnesses said participants crowded around the pickup truck carrying militants when the explosion went off. The witnesses said the truck carried homemade weapons.

    One man, who only gave his first name, Hussam, said he helped pull three men out of the pickup, two dead and one man who was still alive, but had a leg severed. The side of the pickup was charred.

    The witness said he saw five dead children nearby. Dozens of children were wounded in the blast. The Hamas military wing, Izzedine al Qassam, is popular with youngsters. When the pickup with the gunmen arrived at the rally, many children crowded around the vehicle.

    After the blast, men carried bloody body parts and lifeless bodies wrapped in blankets to nearby cars.

    The dead and wounded were taken to nearby hospitals. Doctors initally said they had a total of 56 wounded at two hospitals, but Hamas later revised the figure to 45 wounded. The toll was later revised upward again on Saturday, to 140.

    At Shifa, doctors had to treat patients on the floor of the emergency room because they ran out of beds. Masked Hamas men wheeled in casualties, including children.

  9. #39
    Silver Poster
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    Since it´s obvious that both sides have nothing to offer but propaganda, hate, racism and violence, you guys shouldn´t take sides. The Hamas is a fascist movement whose ideology traces back to the early 20th century. But only the Hamas targeting Israeli civilians and soldiers is not the whole truth.

  10. #40

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    North Carolina


    The thing about it is Israel is the good guy to think that Obama is gonna do anything to stop Israel from defending itself is ridiculous Israel will do whatever it sees fit in order to defend itself have you forgotten that it is surrounded by people who see them as little more that walking sh*t and will do all in their power o take them out. Anyone who watches bodies being carried out of rubble should (1) remember that this is war although it is unfortunate the innocent do die I feel for the families of the victims but it is something that happens that is what makes war so horrible (2) question the source why are they only showing bloody children and women what about innocent men i'm sure their dying just as much it's all propaganda their showing these images because it builds support for a terrorist organization which as inflicted more than 458 (as of last night) casualties on the Israeli people. I support Israel because if you don't stand up to the bully your gonna be his b*tch the rest of your life


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