The last two weeks I have had to avoid the instinct to throw up as I see the sorry bastard CEO's and top management of Ford and GM pine for billions.Their sorry asses could not run a fever,yet they want the American taxpaper to pay for their horrendous attempts at constructing a marketable product.I say SCREW Ford and GM.Only if they fire ALL of their management,marketing people,and engineers and replace them with Toyota and Honda management would I give them a cent.I do not blame the rank and file worker for the dilemma these two companies face.The UAW (unemployed auto workers) think Pelosi,soon to be Pres Obama and others owe them the shirt off their backs.No damn way.The UAW sucks as well.Who should the US govt bail out next Studebaker,Circuit City,Linens and Things?A good test for the new administration will be to see how many of the top brass at AIG,Wachovia,(and a multitude of insurance,bank,and investment firms ) are sentenced under the RICO statutes.