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  1. #31
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    Once again I say, think many girls have the same deluded ideas about jail/prison as they do about womanhood. Speaking with or (god forbid), being arrested and locked-up will quickly disabuse anyone of any fancy notions.

    Long story short, if you think LE does not like gays and transgendered persons, much less criminals, corrections aren't that thrilled with them either. Consider also their ranks are filled from the same pool of applicants as LE, so you aren't going to have many enlightened souls. Make their job difficult while you are inside, and they can make yours VERY difficult.

    Escorting and what not has become so widespread in the TS community, that many girls assume or even think that LE and the courts have the same sort of generous attitude, and nothing could be farther from the truth.

    Time and time again have sat in various NYC courts and watched other low level offenders (smoking a joint on the street, having an opened can of beer or booze on the street, and so forth), get their charges either outright dismissed or six month conditional discharge (where if one is not arrested again in six months, the charges are dismissed and case sealed), where hoes most always get jail time, fines and community service.

    Worse, allot of girls enter the system with no legal representation on retainer, or don't even know of an attorney to contact, thus rely on the public defenders office. Knowing nothing about how the system works is a huge disadvantage.

    For instance many think just because they are arrested on minor charges, they can plead "not guilty" and will be allowed to go home and await trial. While that is true in theory, the courts can impose bail, which in NYS can be up to 4K for low level crimes. As many girls have found out, just because you have that money stashed under your mattress or in the bank does not mean the court will accept it. Most all states require bail money to be from legitimate sources. So if the DA can prove one has no visable means of support, and that those funds likely have come from prossing, then you are out of luck. Think you can simply say "my uncle gave it to me", think again. Judge will simply ask you to state on the record the source of funds, and probably may verify your story.

    Yes, jails and prisons have improved much over the years, but that has brought about it's own backlash, which means the general population has little sympathy for those incarcerated or have been. Reasoning goes this is the USofA, and persons not guilty of a crime do not go to jail/prison, ergo you must have been guilty of SOMETHING and got what you deserved.

    The United States has the largest prison population in the Western world. That does not even include various local jails.

    Obviously the longer one is incarcerated, the more it can change you, but locking up first time minor offenders with career criminals, in some cases violent criminals does not provide the sort of "rehabilitation" the powers that be think it does.

  2. #32
    Gold Poster SarahG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shining Star
    Think it would allcome down to what is between one's legs. The potential for disaster by putting any sort of "male" (pardon the term), in a true female population, out weights the emotional concerns of the trannine being with men.

    A "male" in a women's lock-up would be just as much a target or perhaps sought after as a "female" in the male section. Consider also there are just as many females that "hate" trannies as males, so things might not be any easier on that side of the fence. At least in the male population a trannie can find a husband for protection. A pre-op trannie whose member does not function is of no use to any woman, thus has little or no bargining power.

    For the most part it is all going to boil down to gender as defined by visable sexual organs down below. Even if a six-foot two linebacker post-op was put in to lock-up, despite her apperance, she is not going to go in with the male population, because she has a vagina. Either she will go with the females, or other arrangements will have to be made.
    Generally, I agree completely with the above. "Other arrangements" is what I propose is the better solution (although there probably is no perfect solution...).

    There are many pre-op trannies running around with various IDs saying female, but that hasn't stopped them from being listed as "male" by the court and correctional system. .
    I agree with most of this, but what TS Jamie was talking about, was a slightly different situation.

    It is one thing if you get papers that say female by "fooling" some lowly paid DMV worker with a letter from the surgeon who did your orchi (or living in a state like Texas that lets preops have female DL's). In the Texas example, your DL may say female, but the state of texas defines sex status based on BLOOD only (meaning XX = female for life, XY = male for life). I don't know if its corrections policy, or the state law itself but I do know that Texas will IGNORE your legal sex status and go by genitalia in determining what place to put an inmate.

    But this is a bit different...

    Its another thing entirely because in this case, the state actually SAYS with a court order, that you're legally female (meaning a judge looked over the facts and made a decision in the matter).... in California things are a bit odd in terms of the legal definition of sex, I don't know all the case law here but basically you don't have to have SRS to be legally female in California. So if you go before the judge, get the court order- you're female as far as CA is concerned and, afaik, that applies to everything in CA's domain (state taxes, IDs, BCs, marriages, the works).

    Someone would have to do the research but it would come down to three possibilities that I can think of:
    1- CA state law requires genitalia to dictate what prison type you go to (male or female)
    2-CA state law does not mention genitalia but states legal sex status determines what type of prison you go to.
    3- CA state law says nothing in the matter, but corrections gets to decide policy matters themselves and can do whatever they want as long as its legal.

    If its #1, it won't matter what the state of CA thinks, you'd be going to the male prison if preop.

    If its #3, the law doesn't play a role in what prison you go to, and if corrections says you're going to the male prison- then that's where you are going.

    If its #2, then it could be taken up in the courts in which case they will either A- agree and send you to the female prison, B- disagree clarify what the law means (meaning #2 would turn into #1- the judge would basically say "well, i hear your case but the law here actually means that you have to go to the male prison even if another judge says you are female), or C- the court will look at the situation and overturn the existing court order and say you are legally male because you have no vagina.

    Personally, I don't bet- ever. But if I were the type to bet on stuff, I would bet on 2-C if gambling on how this would play out.

    And maybe its easier to withdraw from life
    With all of its misery and wretched lies
    If we're dead when tomorrow's gone
    The Big Machine will just move on
    Still we cling afraid we'll fall
    Clinging like the memory which haunts us all

  3. #33
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    I am willing to join Nefertiti,Priscilla Dandara and Fabiane Spears in a cell this weekend to find out what indeed happens.

  4. #34
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    Speaking for myself, don't know what all the fuss is about. If one were going to spend any significant amount of time behind bars, would much prefer to be with the "male' population than females.

    As lesbian behaviour holds no interest, neither does any sort of sexual activity with females, don't see any point of being locked up 24/7 with them.

    Finally don't know what some people think is so vastly better or different in a female lock-up verus male. It's not like they are serving tea and cakes in the afternoon, and spend days doing embroidery. Nor is it like some sort of sorority house full of "nice' young ladies. It's a LOCK-UP, only difference is the inmates are female. And these days females can be just a violent thuggish as any man, even worse. There are females out there that will do a beat down or pop a cap into you for nothing more than a Happy Meal. Heck they may even do it for free if the mood strikes them. As a trannie you haven't much to offer such a girl, she may not even "like" you on principle despite your having a vagina and being "hot" looking. Indeed she may kick your ass every chance she gets because you are perpertrating and or because you are a "freak" far as she's concerned.

    Remember the same streets that produce male thugs today, are producing the same females, so wouldn't get your hopes up that there is going to be any "lady like" behaviour in a female lock-up.


  5. #35
    5 Star Poster RubyTS's Avatar
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    i've been to rykers island in NY a few times before i really knew what i was doing. They put you with the men unless u have had your SRS. They give u the option of going to PC (Protective custody) which is not worth it because trannies have lots of power in jail, and protective custody is lonely/ Ive never been but i hear they keep u in a cell alone most of the day.

    I was in a dorm with about 50 guys. I have a huge mouth so if someone says something stupid i usually entertain myself with backtalk. Jail is very gang organized and the particular gangs stick together.

    I remember the last time there was a blk guy who was so upset that i was in that dorm and was ranting about not wanting "homo's" around him. I went off tellin him that i dont wana be there anymore than he dont want me there but he's gonna have to shut up n deal w it, its jail not a vacation. He tried to get loud with me but a bunch of admirers shut it down real quick. A hhispanic guy came over and gave me a cigarette and told me i should move my bed and they would protect me. I got up and him and 4 other hispanics took everything out of my locker and threw it on my mattress, then lifted my mattress and moved it to the other side of the dorm. I sat on my new bed while they all surrounded me. One massaging my feet, another my back and playing with my hair, and 2 telling me how beautiful i am. The fifth was offerring me coffee and cakes. I turned around and smiled at the blk guy who was hating on me. He never bothered me after that. The spanish guys were in a gang that does not discriminate called Neta. The blk guy was blood, and there were tons of crypts and latin kings.

    I had sex several times while in jail. I had a "husband" eho worked in the mess hall (kitchen) and would send for me everyday pretending i worked with him. (He had a lot of pull in jail.) We would fuck all the time in the kitchen. It was caught on camera and i hear they had a lot of fun watching it after i got out. He would sell sugar and trade for cigarettes. He gave me packs and stuffed my suit with junk food to take back to my dorm and made me promise not to share with anyone because IT WAS FOR ME. He was very sweet i'll never forget him. Huge cock too!

    I had to shower next to men who woulld jerk off while watching me lather my body and i had to deal with a lot of hate from the female CO's. They hated me wearing tank tops because guys would all stare at my nipples.

    All in all... jail was fun for me and im sure \this other girl is having a vacation paid for by the state right now!

  6. #36
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    im surprised you left, sounds like they where treating you like a princess!

    Like a blind man at an orgy, I was going to have to feel my way around.

  7. #37
    5 Star Poster RubyTS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space_Cowboy
    im surprised you left, sounds like they where treating you like a princess!
    lol. it was a very interesting experience. That was only the first time. The last time i was actually locked up with DMX the rapper. He was trying to have sex with me but we were in seperate dorms. I ran into an ex boyfriend of mine who became close friends with DMX and they were trying to arrange a dorm transfer. They wanted to run a train on me lol. I was up for it, until i witnessed DMX getting a SEVERE beatdown on the way to the mess hall. I felt so bad for him. The would terrorize him everyday. I dunno y either, but the beatdown i witnessed was because supposedly he didnt want to move his bed. On some simple shyt... i guess just to b able to say that they did. Jail is a lot rougher on the guys

  8. #38
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    As they say in "Shawshank Redemption" " Get busy living, or get busy dying". *LOL*

    Once you are incarerated, you have two choices, can make the best of things and your time goes rather "well" (whatever that may mean), or try to fight things and see how far that gets you.

    Previous poster has the right idea. I mean what else is one going to do? You are where you are and things is what they is, so make up your mind to it and make the best of things.

    Yes, from what one has heard, femmy gays and trannies do have "power" in lock-ups. Why bother beating down and raping some guy when someone is willing to have sex with you and is good at what they are doing. A very pretty trannie must be worth her weight in gold, and with the protection of a husband and or various gangs at her back, no one is likely to bother her.

    Girl, how many times have you been to Rikers? And how many more do you intend to go? *LOL*

  9. #39
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    I imagine your stay in jail was very short. Did you have access to hormones while you were in there? The guys treated you nice because you are a beautiful woman but what if you had to serve a long sentence and didn't have access to hormones, makeup, and other necessities needed to stay looking beautiful. Eventually that nice treatment would change into something horrible as your outward appearance starts to change.

    Quote Originally Posted by RubyTS
    Quote Originally Posted by Space_Cowboy
    im surprised you left, sounds like they where treating you like a princess!
    lol. it was a very interesting experience. That was only the first time. The last time i was actually locked up with DMX the rapper. He was trying to have sex with me but we were in seperate dorms. I ran into an ex boyfriend of mine who became close friends with DMX and they were trying to arrange a dorm transfer. They wanted to run a train on me lol. I was up for it, until i witnessed DMX getting a SEVERE beatdown on the way to the mess hall. I felt so bad for him. The would terrorize him everyday. I dunno y either, but the beatdown i witnessed was because supposedly he didnt want to move his bed. On some simple shyt... i guess just to b able to say that they did. Jail is a lot rougher on the guys

  10. #40
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    Kira; I would love to be in prison with you....

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