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Thread: Gas Prices

  1. #1

    Default Gas Prices

    This has to end. I'm not looking forward to heating bills this winter.

  2. #2
    Junior Poster
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    think about us brits... its around $8 (quick calculation) for petrol

  3. #3
    A Very Grooby Guy Platinum Poster GroobySteven's Avatar
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    Put the prices of gas up and use the tax to educate drivers on how to drive. Everywhere else in the world pays more for gas than the US whose citizens whinge everytime the price rises a little - which allows their politicians to go to war, purely to gain control of gas (and therefore their citizens).
    If every 17 yr old didnŽt seem to be driving a rice burner and used public transport, weŽd be in a lot better shape.

  4. #4
    Junior Poster joyboy123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chica
    think about us brits... its around $8 (quick calculation) for petrol
    At least you guys have cars that get some sort of gas mileage. The cars here get lousy gas mileage and people are addicted to driving gas guzzling SUVs. Things probably won't change until gas is over $5 a gallon.

    "Friends don't let friends drink and post"

  5. #5
    Professional Poster
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    Shit! Gas was cheaper when Sadam Hussain was in power

  6. #6
    Junior Poster Jack59's Avatar
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    But you don't understand. The big Oil companies had the biggest profits in their histories last year.

    And 2005's profits will be even bigger.

    btw you do realize that something like 50% of those prices is federal state and local taxes, don't you?

  7. #7
    Platinum Poster JohnnyWalkerBlackLabel's Avatar
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    Default ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    Quote Originally Posted by seanchai
    Put the prices of gas up and use the tax to educate drivers on how to drive. Everywhere else in the world pays more for gas than the US whose citizens whinge everytime the price rises a little - which allows their politicians to go to war, purely to gain control of gas (and therefore their citizens).
    If every 17 yr old didnŽt seem to be driving a rice burner and used public transport, weŽd be in a lot better shape.
    no politician is going to war, nor are their

    the govt. has NO CONTROL over the oil industry, think about this for a second, they have the right to ask you to open your bag at a train station to check for bombs, to check your car when entering a garage to check for bombs, to facilitate you in a holding environment for weeks maybe even months depending on what country you previously lived in, but they can't control rising price of oil?!?

    I know this country was created on the idea of freedom & opportunity but this is just going too far. The problem isn't the Saudi's primarily it's the public relations we have with many other countries that is killing us at the gas pump. Venezuela has been threatening to stop oil shipments to the U.S. and instead of fixing that public relation problem we let "Curious George" the monkey's father fly in & out of the Middle East strengthening his contacts so that his family will be financially secure for decades to come.

    Also, yes it's true that European countries pay well over double what we pay for gas at the pump, but they woke up years ago and every time I go over there I'm usually running around in a diesel vehicle. The U.S. is the only insane place in the world that I know of that sells diesel fuel for the same price as premium gas. And in Germany BMW has just initiated powering a few of their vehicles off of Hydrogen. Not test cars for the next 20 years like the American companies do before they put it on a showroom, but actual you pay, you drive away with cars that can be refilled locally at a Hydrogen filling station.

    Sad part is we can complain til the sun comes up. Once the price goes up like this it will never come down. Makes you really wanna smack some of those geniuses that voted the monkey back into office so his administration could focus on "gay marriages" rather than the rising costs of a necessity.

    snɯıʇdo snʇoʇ soʌ oloʌ

  8. #8
    Junior Poster
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    There's nothing wrong IMHO with going to war for oil, it's a resource we need in order to live. However, the war in Iraq was quite obviously not a war for oil - this is obvious every time we go to the pump.

    Europeans who pay more money for fuel make me chuckle sometimes. They often act as if they drive fuel efficient cars for altruistic and not purely economic reasons. The cost of their fuel is not additional cost of the product itself, it's the taxes added to it by the government. I'm not knocking this practice as I think we should consider it ourselves in order to discourage the level of consumption, but don't be deluded into thinking that Europeans drive smaller cars because they love the environment so much.

  9. #9
    Junior Poster
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    it would be nice if individuals would excercise a little personal responsiblity.

    we certainly don't have a good track record with accountability though. look how fat we are! we're gluttons for food and gas. pretty bad food at that!

  10. #10
    Junior Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by tslvrnyc
    There's nothing wrong IMHO with going to war for oil, it's a resource we need in order to live. However, the war in Iraq was quite obviously not a war for oil - this is obvious every time we go to the pump.
    tslvrnyc, you are very naive. You are thinking like a patriotic person or a strategic thinker. Yes if say Bill Clinton or even Richard Nixon, went to war with a country like Iraq over oil, it would be to make sure the US had access to that country's oil.

    Chimp George did go to war over oil -- but to turn the Iraq oil fields and industry over to his cronies, including VP Cheney's company, Halliburton. Cheney's company is the number 1 contractor earning billions in Iraq.

    The goal of the war was not to give America Iraq's oil, it was to give the oil to the chimp's friends and cronies.

    Chimp george is thrilled that gas is approaching $3 gallon and wants it to go higher, much higher, and that the oil companies are making record profits. Even though they don't even know what to do with all the money they are flooded with, chimp george just enacted a so called "energy bill" that give them yet more cash, free, just literally checks from the govt, like anyone's grandma on social security, except billions.

    Read. Learn. Bush is on record years ago saying the price of gas needed to be much higher. He got exactly what he was after -- and you're paying for it at the pump.

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