Post: Two Pinocchios For McCain Campaign's "Guilt by Association" Video. "A McCain campaign video released today hits the 'guilt by association' theme that has become a prominent part of GOP attacks on Barack Obama during the final weeks of an increasingly vituperative presidential election campaign. It baldly accuses the Illinois senator of 'lying' about his connection with Ayers, a former Weather Underground leader turned education professor. True or false? ... The McCain campaign is distorting the Obama-Ayers relationship, and exaggerating their closeness. There is no evidence that Obama has 'lied' about his dealings with Ayers." [Washington Post Fact Checker blog, 10/11/08:]

CNN Fact Check: Barack Obama Would Not Fine Businesses over Health Care. "At a campaign event Thursday, October 9, in Waukesha, Wisconsin, Republican presidential nominee Sen. John McCain criticized Democratic opponent Sen. Barack Obama's health-care plan. 'Under his plan, he will fine employers who don't offer health insurance to put their employees in government health care. He'll fine them,' McCain said. 'You know what that does? That costs jobs. That costs jobs for small business people in America.' McCain's suggestion that Obama's plan would impact small businesses is wrong. 'Small businesses will be exempt from this requirement,' Obama's Web site says. The Verdict: False. McCain calling the plan's payment a fine is at odds with his own Web site, which calls it a tax. Obama's campaign says small businesses would be exempt from the plan." [CNN, 10/10/08:]

CNN: McCain's Subprime Lending Attack is "Misleading," Takes Obama's Words Out of Context. "In a campaign speech Wednesday, October 8, in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain questioned Democratic opponent Sen. Barack Obama's foresight on the role of the troubled subprime lending sector in the recent financial crisis. 'As recently as September of last year, he said that subprime loans had been — quote — a good idea,' McCain said. McCain is citing a statement Obama made during a September 17, 2007, speech in New York. While the words he quotes are technically accurate, McCain is taking them out of context from a statement that actually was criticizing abuses in the subprime sector ... The Verdict: Misleading. Obama did say subprime lending 'started off as a good idea,' but he was criticizing abuses in the sector. Based on his statements, he did not think they were a good idea last September, as McCain suggests." [, 10/8/08:]