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  1. #41
    Silver Poster
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    thank you all

  2. #42
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    not here

    Default Re: Ok

    lmao nevermind

  3. #43
    Junior Poster
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    I actually follow a diet called the "Warrior Diet", since it fits my lifestyle and circadian clock. I am a noctural person inherently, so not eating at night is tough for me. For people that have lifestyles where they're out late or just plain night people, this is a great diet. I've never been fat, but I wanted to get shredded at about 5-7% bodyfat and I'm about 8-9% now (down from 14% bodyfat).

    Essentially, this diet involves a partial, early to midday fast, eating primarily room temperature foods. I eat fruit, hardboiled eggs, protein/fruit smoothies etc, until dinner time. Then you can eat a large dinner without gluttoning out. Usually I'm so busy ripping and running during the day, I sometimes forget to eat. You do have to eat periodically to keep your metabolism moving earlier in the day, just not heavy, protein ladden cooked meals. I like to relax at night and whine down, so that's when eating becomes a little more tempting. However, this diet works best for people with an active lifestyle earlier in the day and preferably those who workout like myself. My favorite old-school bodybuilder (Serge Nubret) used this diet, that's how I found out about it. He'd workout for hours just nibbling and snacking on little things throughout the day to keep up his energy, then eat a huge dinner at night. However, this cat lifted weights like 2-3 hours a day, so his body soaked all those excess calories up at night. Exercise will really allow you go cheat occasionally and not pay The Piper. This diet is perfect for me and I bought the book on Amazon.

    Another diet for those who have problems with food and caloric restriction is called "food separation". This is where you don't mix macronutrients. You alternate one meal of protein and fat (i.e steak and eggs) with one meal of carbs (i.e rice & beans or pasta with natural tomato sauce). The thing that makes this diet a little tough, is that the food should be as natural as possible. Real meats, eggs, dairy contain protein and fat inherently. These quasi-meats in the frozen food section contain sugar and other preservatives, that will make this diet ineffective. It's hard for your body to burn substances that aren't natural, since your body doesn't recognize them. That's one of the main reason we're so much fatter today, than our ancestors were 100 years ago, along with sedentary lifestyles and larger food portions (i.e Supersize Me). The only foods available back then were natural foods for the most part. The food separation diet does work, but you must plan your meals in advance. Fast food restaurants aren't conducive to dividing natural carbs from natural proteins/fats. The only food that naturally contains carbs and protein together inherently, is beans/legumes. And unlike the Warrior Diet which promotes fruit consumption, since fruit is very sugary (even though it's naturally occuring sugar unlike cookies and cakes), it does cause problems with minor weight gain and water retention, so fruit consumption is to be minimized if you partake in the food seperation diet. If you do eat fruit, try fruits without a lot of sugar like berries (straw, blue, rasberry) or green apples.

    Mimi, if you aren't really disciplined and can't keep to a rigid workout schedule, a great weight loss supplement (or so I heard) is called "Alli". A 30 day supply cost about $30-40. They sell it in GNC and most large chain drug stores like CVS, Eckerds, Rite Aid etc. Since, you are only trying to lose 10-20 lbs, it shouldn't take more than 60 days. It basically metabolizes the fat you eat, so that it passes thru your body waste, instead of storing on your body. However, this can be bad if you eat something really fatty, as it might cause uncontrollable runs (diarrhea) and "accidents", which is not a good look. I would shut myself in the house for two days, to see how my body reacted to this supplement first, before venturing out in public and experiencing an "incident". The winter is coming up, so chilling out one weekend indoors, shouldn't be hard. I do a 3-day cleansing fast and take a colon cleansing product called Colonix, so I try to stay inside at least the first 2 days to avoid any "problems", LOL. Hydroxycut and Xenadrine make great fat burners, but they are caffeine laced stimulants, that elevate body temperature and may give you a jittery feeling, when you start taking them. These definitely work if the "Alli" side effects seem too daunting, but I highly recommend getting checked out by a physician, especially for any cardiovascular problems before taking a fat burner.

    Amazon has a explanation of the product "Alli" and about 212 user comments giving their unbiased testimonials, good and bad. You can also research Hydroxycut and Xenadrine on Amazon also.

    P.S: Like Melissa Carter said, you need to try to get a sound 6-8 hours of sleep. The lack of good sleep is one of the main causes of weight gain among active people. I'm so busy trying to work my businesses and become independently wealthy, while maintaining my 9-5 (for now), that it's hard for me to get more than 4-5 hours during the weekday. So, I just accept and understand that my fat loss goals will be hampered a bit by this and just charge it to the game.

  4. #44
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    Someone in the fitness industry recently told me that sometimes when we think we are hungry we are actual thirsty and dehydrated and just need a drink of water......I thought I would pass it along

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrendaQG
    The advice Luna and Allanah gave you is right on the money. "Lifestyle change" does not have to mean joining the gym. Most people don't stick to that anyway. You could try something as simple as walking where ever you want to go. Limit your calories eaten to just enough to cover what they call your "basal metabolic rate" (BMR). The BMR is the # of calories you would need to take in just to maintain your weight if you were totally idle ( like in a coma or something). If you eat that amount you will not feel hungry and you will loose weight just by burning the calories you burn through daily activity.

    There is no magic bullet, no specific kind of food to stay away from. It's all about calories in vs calories out. Eat less do more and you will loose weight, slowly. The same weight you gained it.

    Last but not least when last I saw you I thought you looked thick, womanly. You would have to gain 20-30 lbs before you were truly fat.
    Brenda, while what you're saying is right theoretically, exercise is still very important when trying to lose weight healthily. Oprah speaks about this ALL THE TIME. It increases your resting heart rate (this is why some skinny people get winded easily and some overweight people don't), build lean muscle mass and stimulates your metabolism. All three factors accelerate weight loss versus trying to diet the weight off using the classic "Less in (food), More Out (fat)" approach. Caloric restriction without cardio and resistance training promotes muscle catabolism, which is the breakdown of lean muscle tissue. The more muscle you possess, the more fat you burn in a resting state. That is why those huge bodybuilders eat like pigs and still stay relatively lean, even in spite of the rampant use of anabolic steroids, growth hormone and fat loss pharmaceuticals like Clenbuterol, when in contest mode.

  6. #46


    Quote Originally Posted by Tanuki
    its predominantly an emotional thing.. meditation works. yoga is good for it. You gotta travel in your mind to a good place and your health will follow.

    i hope ur joking, otherwise, ur retarded

  7. #47
    Junior Poster
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    New York


    Quote Originally Posted by NYTSJulie
    Someone in the fitness industry recently told me that sometimes when we think we are hungry we are actual thirsty and dehydrated and just need a drink of water......I thought I would pass it along
    This is true at times. That is why drinking at least 8+ glasses of water of a day is imperative for anyone trying to lose weight or just live a healthy lifestyle period. Also, a good tip is to eats lots of salads and drink lots of water with them, because they both synergistically give you a full feeling without hardly any calories consumed. Some people do complain, that lettuce makes them feel gassy though. Also, make sure you don't put all kinds of crap in your salads and use fatty dressings like Ranch or French. If you must use them, use the fat free products. Good ole (olive) oil & vinegar or balsamic vinagrette is the the most natural, healthy salad dressing anyway.

    P.S: That nutjob Britney Spears lost a lot of her weight, according to her, by cutting all those Starbucks Frappacinos she was drinking. Just a word to the wise. Try an Ice Coffee instead with artificial sweetner or Stevia, which is natural (I carry a few in my bookbag.)

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