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  1. #31
    Junior Poster
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    Sterile is not the same as being infertile or past childbearing years.

    Once one is sterile, either physically or chemically induced, it is often permanent. Though some techniques like tube tying and vasectomies "can" be reversed, the success rate is very low. A woman still may be able to carry a fertilised egg, implanted into her uterus to a full term foetus; however for a man things are a bit tricky.

    Female hormones taken in the proper dose long enough will cause sterility in a man. While there is a chance a low sperm count will remain during hormone therapy and perhaps after hormones are discontinued, again, odds are very long indeed. I'm not saying it cannot happen, just the chances are very low of producing the amounts of quality sperm for normal reproduction.

    Basically female hormones given to males causes cells within the testis to shut down. Shut down long enough they begin to atrophy (shrink), to the point that even when normal testosterone levels return they cannot "awaken". This affect can vary, but keep in mind a young TS who starts hormones before puberty has completed runs the risk of more damage than say a fully grown man.

    Adoption is a whole other can of worms and yes is becoming harder for all, including "white straight wealthy couples", and for good reasons; way to many horror stories about children being abused, even when adopted by so called "perfect" people. States are now doing everything they can to make sure those who get their hands on children are totally correct.

    Also regarding adoption, there are far too many couples, singles, etc chasing a small prime pool, white healthy infants and small children. Due to abortion and birth control, there simply aren't scores of such children filling orphanages anymore. Private adoptions for such children can be an emotional landmine and very expensive. This has lead to the growth of various reproduction services, which fulfil a specific need.

    Not all states ban gays and or singles from adopting. While some states may not allow gays to adopt as a married couple would, some do, others will allow any single person to adopt long as they meet the qualifications.

    The opening up of adoption (if you will), is in response to the large pool of children/infants that are in state care, and not always wanted by "wealthy white couples". That is minority children, older children and children with disabilities. Ironically gays are some of the first to step up and adopt these children that "no one else wants".

    Methinks what gets the Christian Right and others upset about in-vitro and other reproductive services, is that they are loosing control over who gets to have a child. States can pass all the laws they want to stop gays or others some people think shouldn't have children, but places like California have pretty liberal laws regarding "baby making". To the point couples (gay and straight), as well as singles (again, gay and straight), long as they can pass muster and have the finances to pay, can go through with the thing.

    Think trannies would pose a problem for such services if the girl was non-op and or living as sort of in between. Could see how it might be seen as a person who has not sorted their own life out, thus perhaps not a best candidate for "motherhood" at this time. OTHO now that gays are marrying in droves there has been an up-tick in reproductive services in Mass. and probably soon California, so we could see this played out soon enough.

    As for fertility clinics "playing god", picking what your future child may look like is something all men and women do when they choose partners for reproduction. It is part of nature's programming. Don't see anything wrong with sitting down looking though a book of pictures, versus going to a bar, beach or other public gathering and meeting someone whom you choose to marry and or reproduce with.

  2. #32
    Gold Poster SarahG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shining Star
    Adoption is a whole other can of worms and yes is becoming harder for all, including "white straight wealthy couples", and for good reasons; way to many horror stories about children being abused, even when adopted by so called "perfect" people. States are now doing everything they can to make sure those who get their hands on children are totally correct.
    I guess the million dollar question there is which is statistically worse, leaving kids in the hands of the state or tougher screening (knowing it will keep even a few good parents from adopting). There has been some particularly bad foster care stories in my area of late, nothing to get into national news afaik, but nothing inspiring.

    And maybe its easier to withdraw from life
    With all of its misery and wretched lies
    If we're dead when tomorrow's gone
    The Big Machine will just move on
    Still we cling afraid we'll fall
    Clinging like the memory which haunts us all

  3. #33
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    Default Re: Are TG's by nature Anti-Feminists?

    Quote Originally Posted by AllanahStarrNYC
    that are are anti gay, vote agaisnt gay and trans rights, PREACH SODDOM AND GAMORRAH YET ARE FAGS.

    I bet you watched Palin's speech last night with a 10" black butt plug in your ass.

    SO when you want to address your hyprocrosy- then you come talk to me.



    Get out of your closet darling.
    It is funny how people on HA Forum will scream and hiss that they are not gay.
    Transwomen are not gay. Neither are the admirers!
    Doesn't everyone know this!?!
    People who say otherwise have been banned.

    But as soon as there is an opportunity to label a HA Forum member with unpopular political opinions as gay, well then of course he is gay!
    Doesn't everyone know this!


    Ron Paul in 2008.

  4. #34
    5 Star Poster tsmandy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by the_corner
    Is it wrong... if... after reading all of this thread, I feel kind of attracted to Mandy?

    Nothing more attractive than a beautiful intelligent girl.
    aww shucks....

  5. #35
    Professional Poster
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    Personally as a Dutch guy I would feel very sorry if you all would get stuck with Palin. I think she's pretty hot in a MILF kind of way but that's it. I mean being pro-hunting and anti-pornography that doesn't go with everything I believe in!

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