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  1. #1
    Platinum Poster thx1138's Avatar
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    Oct 2007

    Default Olbermann, Turley on the impeachment of GWB

    If I got a dime every time I read an ad with purloined photos I could retire right now. Andenzi, izimvo zakho ziyaba.

  2. #2
    Veteran Poster Cuchulain's Avatar
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    A tip o' the hat to the worthy Mr. Olbermann. He's still the only television newsman willing to talk about this issue with more than a quick sentence or two. In recent months, many anchors, reporters and producers from main stream TV news have admitted that they dropped the ball leading up to the invasion of Iraq. Yet they remain silent about all the OTHER crimes of the Bush/Cheney gang.

    Congressman take an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution. IMO they abrogate that oath by refusing to impeach the imperial crooks in the White House. Only a few mavericks like Dennis Kucinich and Rob Wexler of Florida have taken up the battle. Pelosi and company say privately that they can't win an impeachment and fear that such a move would backfire on them in the '08 elections. They may be right about that. It didn't take much to upset the system of checks and balances our Founding Fathers put in place, did it?

    Democracy can't survive without a strong free press. Members of the press are our watchdogs. They have a responsibility to hold politician's feet to the fire. If they had been doing their job the public would be screaming for impeachment. But god forbid they should offend their huge corporate advertisers - Big oil, pharma, defense contractors and the insurance industry - who have Bush in their pocket.

    American Democracy is in bad shape these days, and most people don't even see it. The future looks grim.

  3. #3
    Rookie Poster
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    Nov 2007


    Olbermann, always has and always will throw down hard on George W. It is somewhat refreshing.

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