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  1. #81
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: Hillary Clinton: I Used to Love Her

    Quote Originally Posted by hippifried View Post
    Hey Stavros:
    You left out her stint in the Senate.
    At least with Hillary, nobody can whine later that they didn't know what they were getting. You know... The way all the so called "progressives" (still don't know what that means) did when President Obama wouldn't jump through their hoops and carry out their agenda. With everybody else, especially Donald Trump, predicting what they might do in the White House is a crapshoot at best.

    Anyway... You need to get some waffles before the Flems shut down the Chunnel & won't let you into Belgium.
    Hippifried I accept all your points bar one. Is it not the case that Mrs Clinton represents 'business a usual' which means the Democrats have to be forced to commit to 'liberal' social policies where their voter base is 'gung-ho' for it? Is it not indeed Obama's cautious approach to policy that has enabled him to appeal to a broad range of voters as a 'steady hand' on the wheel where, for example, Donald Trump is seen as the equivalent of a drunk driver?

    I don't agree Belgium will refuse me entry in the unlikely even of my wanting to visit -how will I afford the trip?- ; and anyway and hard though it might be to believe, I have never eaten a waffle. And last but not least, be wary of referring to Belgians as 'Flems' as half of them are Walloons...

  2. #82
    Silver Poster hippifried's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hillary Clinton: I Used to Love Her

    Okay, I stand corrected. Flems & Loons from now on. Wouldn't wanna leave anybody out of the insult pot.

    Waffles are just pancakes, but the waffle iron cooks them evenly throughout. Should be able to get one cheap once the pound deflates.

    I've never said that Sen. Clinton is in anyone's pocket or that she wouldn't at least try to be as liberally progressive as Presidents Clinton and Obama, or even more so. I read her healthcare report back in '94. I know what kind of careful thought she'd bring to the White House. I also know she's not a raving fanatic like... Well, like every Republican that's tossed their hat in the ring the last two presidential elections. I'd like nothing better than to see that asswipe Trump lose all 50 States to the bitch of his nightmares. I want a President who can & will think, without all that anti-Keynesian Austrian economic theology and klan/nazi mumbo jumbo clouding and pushing aside good judgment. Is that too much to ask? I think not.

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  3. #83
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    Default Re: Hillary Clinton: I Used to Love Her

    This week I have been watching the Trump Convention in Cleveland, courtesy of the BBC Parliament Channel here in the UK, and I must say that I wonder if a line of decency has been crossed. Some of you may dismiss the vitriolic abuse of Mrs Clinton as part of the 'rough and tumble' of politics and argue that if a candidate is not robust enough to handle public criticism, even abuse, they should probably not be in politics. I am also not in a position to know if the kind of material that has been put on sale in Cleveland matches in levels of abuse what might have been available at Democrat Party conventions in the past.

    However, free speech, even in the USA does have limits, and the case of Al Baldasaro, the Veteran who advises Trump, exposes the limit. Baldasaro has been recorded as saying on radio that Mrs Clinton should be put in front of a firing squad and executed for 'treason'. In spite of being documented fact, Baldasaro denied saying it, claimed it was a distortion of the liberal media and went further: “Should I give up my freedom of speech and worry that I’m going to hurt somebody’s feelings?"

    But if the record is correct, and this is the crucial point, Baldasaro has not potentially hurt Mrs Clinton's feelings, he appears to have advocated causing her real, physical harm, and that surely is not just illegal, but the line that is crossed when free speech ceases to be part of freedom because it takes that freedom away from someone else, in this case a named individual.
    Nor is this the only case, as a delegate from West Virginia, Michael Folk tweeted at Mrs Clinton “You should be tried for treason, murder and crimes against the U.S. Constitution… then hung on the Mall in Washington, D.C.”

    The rule of law should be important at all times, yet again and again at the Trump Convention the delegates have chanted 'Lock her up' and Chris Christie led a mock 'trial' at which Mrs Clinton was found 'guilty' of all charges without any evidence being presented to the court or the woman in question being asked to answer the charges. Well, political theatre this might be, but in the context of t-shirts and lapel badges on sale in Cleveland that do not just abuse Mrs Clinton because she is a Democrat but because she is a woman, and in a context where the Trump delegation in Congress has refused to maintain the integrity of the Supreme Court by accepting President Obama's nominee to replace Justice Scalia you could argue that the US is on a slippery slope where law and order is replaced by lynch mobs, the police kill citizens, and citizens kill the police.

    And before anyone insists this really is just political theatre, the sobering fact is that when, a month ago, Thomas Mair appeared in court accused of the murder of Labour Member of Parliament Jo Cox, he gave his name as 'Death to traitors, freedom for Britain'.

    One can only hope responsible people take action to stop this before it is too late.

    Links -Al Baldasaro comments-

    The tweet quoted by Michael Folk-

    Last edited by Stavros; 07-21-2016 at 02:27 PM.

  4. #84
    Senior Member Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Hillary Clinton: I Used to Love Her

    One can only hope responsible people take action to stop this before it is too late

    You said a mouthful Stavros!!!
    ha ha, we value our free speech over here, so if the Republicans call for Hillary's death and prosecution, that's nothing new. In the past they have wanted to dig up dead politicians and put them on trial. Mudslinging is an American Tradition.
    The way I see it, it all comes down to THE SITUATION- do you want to be on top of it,....or under it.
    Who will guide the American ship through dangerous waters?
    Hillary has an ARMY of kollegeedukated Democrats in Ohio, Florida, Virginia, Colorado.....AKA the swing states. These are always the deciders of the electoral college . THESE are the responsible people you're looking for, and they will save the World from our own worst enemy, the Donald. And his kids.
    Bet the House on Hillary to WIN.
    This shit about Hillary lying and all....The Republicans have had two years as the majority in the House and Senate, they've spent the entire time digging 20 feet deep to find dirt on Hillary and they got nothing. If I am facing 8 years in prison, I WANT my attorney to lie, cheat, steal, whatever, to keep me out of the slammer.
    If the Republicans unearthed the truth that politicians and lawyers LIE LIKE DOGS.........hey man,.....bulletin......

    I'm very excited about the Republicans finally playing their last card-the race card.
    I am very excited about Roger Ailes being booted out of the Fox Propaganda channel.
    I'm not quite ready to bet on Democrats retaking the House and Senate.
    But from a reality standpoint, Hillary is having multiple orgasms right now.
    I'll bet her seat is wet when she stands up.
    But if she had a heart attack in the White House and Tim Kaine stepped in, that would be OK with me....
    I'm a UNION MAN.....all the way
    haw haw haw!

    World Class Asshole

  5. #85
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    Default Re: Hillary Clinton: I Used to Love Her

    Not to side track it, but its all the name, we just voted in a name up here in Canada, I have accepted a lot of money in firearms will go bye bye and our country in general will lose LOTS of money , thanks to ridiculous plans that never actually involve direct economy growth.

    Its just a name, Justin trudeau , I had never seen so many countries take interest in our voting until he came along, pretty boy with a name, snowboard instructor/drama teacher.... now PM . Sweet resume bro, I mean I wouldnt trust a drama teacher/snowboard instructor to run a small business.. Or even be a Foreman, nevermind the leader of a nation. He is there because his father was our leader 30 or 40 years ago, and its the only reason, thats when our FIRST huge gun grab happened too

    Clinton is similar, but I find worse. I have known her to be manipulating and slimy for years. the ONLY reason she is anything close to where she is and how she gets away with shit is because she is married to Bill Clinton, probably the only reason she stayed with him too. She has totally mutated over the last 8 years too, I find her to be very slimy.
    "If she cant please her own husband, how is she going to please you America?"

    And seriously, I hate the "The evil that you know" Argument, its what people said up here, "At least we know what we are getting into" Because you dont, you have NO IDEA what Hilary will actually do. Our PM promised that we would be 10 billion in dept at the end of his 4 year run... "Hey at least we knew what we were getting into" They say. Wow. and he already passed the 10 billion he promised, its looking like it will be closer to 200 billion unless he ditches his drastic green plan. But even if you know Hilary is gonna keep the same shitty plan, I mean fuck, do you take your kid back to a babysitter that beats them because you dont want to try someone new?

    Oh and I am pretty sure, that sadly, Hilary is going to be the next president.

    Last edited by BCboyCOMINGatYA!; 07-21-2016 at 05:10 PM.

  6. #86
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    Default Re: Hillary Clinton: I Used to Love Her

    Quote Originally Posted by BCboyCOMINGatYA! View Post
    "If she cant please her own husband, how is she going to please you America?"
    This has to be the dumbest, most misogynistic statement I've heard this week.

  7. #87
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    Default Re: Hillary Clinton: I Used to Love Her

    Quote Originally Posted by broncofan View Post
    This has to be the dumbest, most misogynistic statement I've heard this week.
    I know right? ITs the one great thing I can take from this entire election process, that Trump ACTUALLY used that line. Lol.

  8. #88
    Platinum Poster martin48's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hillary Clinton: I Used to Love Her

    No, I get it With Hillary we all get a fuck. With Trump we all get fucked

    Quote Originally Posted by broncofan View Post
    This has to be the dumbest, most misogynistic statement I've heard this week.

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  9. #89
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    Default Re: Hillary Clinton: I Used to Love Her

    Hey, Buttslinger, you do realize the dems only want your vote and the union's money? They do not care about hard working people other than to stay in power. W

  10. #90
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    Default Re: Hillary Clinton: I Used to Love Her

    Oops, was not done and hit the wrong buttton. As I was saying, what they want is a country full of dependents. And if that's what we get, it will lead to the end of the USA as a strong nation and world leader. At that point, your union won't matter any way. And I grew up in a union family and have watched the middle class get more destroyed each year.

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