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  1. #11
    Junior Poster
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    Default Re: Life sucks then you die!

    Quote Originally Posted by TheOne1
    Quote Originally Posted by bat1
    at the age of 47 now all I see in the future is paying higher taxas, gas
    going to $5.00 a gallon, a pizza hitting $30.00 bucks, a movie
    ticket at $15.00 bucks each and my pay staying the same
    or going down...what a shitty life! people steal to eat or
    sell weed big deal! there's a reason behide everything no matter
    what it what does america do? the answer is build more Prisons
    too control you! to watch every move you make! that's america answer
    to have you controlled totally by guards with guns many people
    are losing there jobs these days.. good people what are they to do
    now? Are more harder laws the answer? to america it's more prisons
    it's the easy way .. society loves the easy way out! just look around
    these days theres more cops around then ever! even the internet now is closley watched all your sites are being recorded. In school? look around cameras everywhere ...your being watched! even walking the streets cameras fliming you.. on top of street signs too your controlled no matter where you are! watch your back somebody
    is watching you!...
    there is another side to everything.. if we didn't have internet monitoring, the prison system, advanced cameras in public places, and harder laws.. more criminals, child rapists, etc, would be out on the street where your children are playing, or if you want less police, what will happen when five calls to the police tie up man power, and your getting robbed with a gun to your head, and the dispatcher says; "im sorry, we are low on manpower, i'll call you back"
    if people want to be more free in the society, and not be slightly monitored, AND have to obey laws, you must live with the fact that all people are not good people, and when they commit a crime via the internet, then people will be screaming "why wasn't this child predator banned from the internet?", or when your house is broken into by a person that has broke into 25 houses previously, wouldn't you like to know there are stricter laws for repeat offenders..?
    Not a surprising response considering all of the negativity you guys are seeing, hearing, and talking about on a daily basis. I mean the media just bombards you folks with this stuff, so of course your response is to be afraid. Be afraid of all of the bad people that are right around the corner waiting to get you. My 2 cents...there has always been good and bad. Even in the 50's people were still killed, murdered etc. Is the answer to give govt more power over us, to protect us? Seems nonsensical considering that eventually we will just all be in camps and the only citizens will be the cops and military.

    Why isn't everyone trying to find out why? Why have things gotten to this point...when and how did it get to this point. Otherwise we are treating the symptoms. We are just putting out fires, here and there as they start but not looking to find out what started these fires and how to prevent them. Until people back there take a good look at themselves and go into some real reflection, things will continue to get worse. I am sad to say that I gave up on the U.S. which is why I left. Most people may think that is a cowardly, unpatriotic thing to do...well I am not much for these romantic ideas of going down with the ship whatever the cost. People do not want to wake up, and once you reach that point there isn't much else you can do.

    "None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."

  2. #12
    Professional Poster
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Burninating the country side.

    Default Re: Life sucks then you die!

    Quote Originally Posted by dgtlmstry
    Quote Originally Posted by TheOne1
    Quote Originally Posted by bat1
    at the age of 47 now all I see in the future is paying higher taxas, gas
    going to $5.00 a gallon, a pizza hitting $30.00 bucks, a movie
    ticket at $15.00 bucks each and my pay staying the same
    or going down...what a shitty life! people steal to eat or
    sell weed big deal! there's a reason behide everything no matter
    what it what does america do? the answer is build more Prisons
    too control you! to watch every move you make! that's america answer
    to have you controlled totally by guards with guns many people
    are losing there jobs these days.. good people what are they to do
    now? Are more harder laws the answer? to america it's more prisons
    it's the easy way .. society loves the easy way out! just look around
    these days theres more cops around then ever! even the internet now is closley watched all your sites are being recorded. In school? look around cameras everywhere ...your being watched! even walking the streets cameras fliming you.. on top of street signs too your controlled no matter where you are! watch your back somebody
    is watching you!...
    there is another side to everything.. if we didn't have internet monitoring, the prison system, advanced cameras in public places, and harder laws.. more criminals, child rapists, etc, would be out on the street where your children are playing, or if you want less police, what will happen when five calls to the police tie up man power, and your getting robbed with a gun to your head, and the dispatcher says; "im sorry, we are low on manpower, i'll call you back"
    if people want to be more free in the society, and not be slightly monitored, AND have to obey laws, you must live with the fact that all people are not good people, and when they commit a crime via the internet, then people will be screaming "why wasn't this child predator banned from the internet?", or when your house is broken into by a person that has broke into 25 houses previously, wouldn't you like to know there are stricter laws for repeat offenders..?
    Not a surprising response considering all of the negativity you guys are seeing, hearing, and talking about on a daily basis. I mean the media just bombards you folks with this stuff, so of course your response is to be afraid. Be afraid of all of the bad people that are right around the corner waiting to get you. My 2 cents...there has always been good and bad. Even in the 50's people were still killed, murdered etc. Is the answer to give govt more power over us, to protect us? Seems nonsensical considering that eventually we will just all be in camps and the only citizens will be the cops and military.

    Why isn't everyone trying to find out why? Why have things gotten to this point...when and how did it get to this point. Otherwise we are treating the symptoms. We are just putting out fires, here and there as they start but not looking to find out what started these fires and how to prevent them. Until people back there take a good look at themselves and go into some real reflection, things will continue to get worse. I am sad to say that I gave up on the U.S. which is why I left. Most people may think that is a cowardly, unpatriotic thing to do...well I am not much for these romantic ideas of going down with the ship whatever the cost. People do not want to wake up, and once you reach that point there isn't much else you can do.
    Good repsonce, dude. Seems no one cares so long as they have their beer, smokes, and reality TV. Also, I never watched TV for news anymore, since they just shove negativity and, in my opinion, propoganda down everyone's throats. And with police over here in michigan acting worse than the folks they are supposed to protect us from ( look at Detroit with the Kwami Kilpattrick scandel still going and the police department firing and threatening police who try to shed light on the case, as well as the tasering, and the injuries/death/collateral damage cause by the high speed chases Detroit's famous for. ), as well as our illustrious president and his administration doing everything the opposite of what the people and many of congress wants. With the failing Dollar ( I smell Ameros showing up within the next 10 years ), jobs constantly going overseas and exporting the products and services back to us to save corporations' profits, drug companies selling us their poisons at insane costs, the cost of living going up, and going from one country to another to spread "freedom", yet ours are being picked away a piece at a time, I'm pretty gotta say that America, and soon the North American Union they want to make so badly, is gonna be like be the 4th Reich at this rate.

    I can see the goose-stepping and drum beats in my eyes already.

    Burninating the country side, burninating the peasants. Burninating all the people in their thatched roof cottages....THATCHED ROOF COTTAGES!!!!!

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