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  1. #51
    Veteran Poster AsiaMei's Avatar
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    got this off another board ...

    Heres something that you should also know that has not been posted. This article was also printed in the Daily News.

    ex-con who stabbed transgendered prostitute knew she was a he

    Tuesday, February 12th 2008, 4:00 AM

    The ex-con who stabbed a Bronx prostitute to death had known the transgendered victim for months, police sources said Monday, casting into doubt the alleged killer's claim that he never knew she was biologically a he.

    Steve McMillan, 37, was arraigned Monday on murder and weapons charges and remanded to jail without bail for killing Talib Stewart, 25, who went by the name Sanesha.

    "According to our information, he had known the victim for a long time," the source said. "They had been seen together."

    After the Saturday morning slaying in the victim's Beaumont Ave. apartment in East Tremont, McMillan told cops he flew into a rage when he learned Stewart's gender. But two sources said Monday that the two had known each other since McMillan got out of state prison in 2007 after serving eight years on a Westchester County drug conviction.

    Prosecutors allege McMillan stabbed Stewart in the neck and chest. There were also defensive wounds on Stewart's hands, a police source said.

    The source said the statuesque Stewart had been arrested for prostitution four or five times.

    Neighbors placed candles in front of the building in the victim's memory Monday

  2. #52
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    This guy needs to be locked up for the rest of his life. Everyone knows god damn well he knew what he was getting into with this girl. His defense that he did not know is a bunch of bullshit. He knew she was a t-girl and he had no problem having sex with her until he dumped his load. Then he felt guilty as all hell and freaked out and killed her. Sounds like second degree murder to me. That's just my humble opinion, but I'll bet my last dollar that's what really happened.

    An amature does it till they get it right,
    A professional does it till they can't get it wrong.

  3. #53
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    Very sad, but sadly not a rare occurance. At least this poor girl was found in her own home, thus making an ID was easy so her friends and family will have some peace. Also LE found the person and now the legal system will have to grind it's wheels.

    As for the accused going down for murder, highly doubt it. As most anyone who knows anything about the criminal justice/court system in NYS can tell you, most all crimes are pleaded down one or two levels, and indeed criminals are always over and under charged. Proving murder and getting a jury to convict, even when DAs present a strong case. Heck, just a few months ago a man in LI got manslaughter for killing his next door neighboor and her head was found in the trunk of his car.

    Jury trails are long and very expensive, which is the reason so many accused are offered plea deals in the first place. One must also consider the family of the victim. Sadly her entire life will be held out in court for the world to see. Not just being a trannie, but her criminal record (if any), lifestyle, the entire 99 yards. While this shouldn't make any difference most of us would think, sadly not everyone shares that view, and a potential jury pool might contain enough persons who feel trannies, gays, and or "working" persons, get what they deserve.

    Can you imagine the girl's family and friends having to wait months for a trail, then sit through a long trial where the victum's life is smeared all over the place, then have the jury come back with not guilty verdicts to the most serious charges, and or worse; all of them?

    News Media Reporting of Transgender Issues:

    Initial media reports on crime scenes come from information provided by LE either on the scene or through the NYPD's press office. The NYPD has never been known to have much love for gays, trannies, or prossies for that matter. If a person is found dead, they will go with what biology they see, and or information gathered at the scene or elsewhere. In this case, because of the girl's previous LE contact, they may have her address (if her priors were busts out of the same location), and "knew" who she was. When pre-ops are taken into NYPD custody, they are labeled as "men" but indications are made regarding transgender. The later is more to prevent lawsuits and move the girl into protective custody, but she will still be in the male section of jail.

    As for the media in general, some tend to be more sensitive than others. While most will not report a trans-woman or trans-male as simply "male" or "female", the best will simply say "transgendered female/male". Again if a person is totally passing and has ID in their new gender, then unless someone "outs" them or in the case of say a murder or death where the medical examiner's office is called in, sleeping dogs will lie, so to speak.

    Sadly more women and girls are killed by men they know than total strangers. Sadder still women are being snatched off the streets and from their beds, never to be heard from again, or found dead.

    Thing about indoor sex workers, and or those who pick up dates on the Internet or even in bars, there is a feeling amoung some in society that what happens to them is their own fault. Indeed many victums feel this way and this clouds their view about reporting crime against them. Many trannies who are working are victums of crimes ranging from physical abuse to robbery and most do not report. True LE has not been known to be the most kind towards such persons when they report crimes against them, but that is their job.

    Think those who are working are leery of bringing too much attention to themselves, hence do not report crimes agianst them. Just the standard query line from LE is enough to shake some person's boots: The first questions are going to be did the victum know the person. How did they gain access, and so on. Best advice is the one we are given as children: do not go anywhere with strangers, nor allow them into your home.

    Men "Freaking" Out:

    Sadly that happens all to often as well, and as usual it is the "woman" who lead the man to "stray" or do something he didn't want to do.

    Am willing to bet most of us girls have been there in one form or another. One meets a guy, even a very hot looking guy, and things go on from there. Sex could be that day or even weeks later, and by all accounts the man in really into things and you, only afterwards things begin to change. If one is lucky things stop at the "does this make me gay", questioning, and one can get the dude out the door. Other times things start to get really strange, and one starts getting really bad vibes. Hopefully again one can steer the guy to the door/get out before things start getting ugly.

    What is really weird about those sort of situations, is they normally involve men one really wasn't trying to bother with. You know, they either sweated you at a club, or chatted you up on the street, and quite honestly you almost passed them up (see, instinct was telling you something), but they would keep on pestering you, so you let your guard down.


  4. #54
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    I knew Neisha Personally.... She Lived Down the block me when i lived in Little Italy... She was such a Sweet n Lovely person... i found this out on Sunday on my way back from a friends house... she was a Bronx Tgirl Mostly.... Actually i really dont have Much words b/c im still in Shock... This lady was my HomeGirl... My Pplz...She Help me in the Beginin of my Transition n my Name change.... I think its horrible how the first Article the Daily News wrote on her.... regardless of wat she was a person n a sweet person... i believe he knew her situation b/c as said in other post in this topic he was in Jail for 8yrs n any1 that was in jail knows wat a tranny looks like sounds like n etc.... when i spoke 2 her neighbor n he explained the noises that he heard.... from wat he thinks they had a problem he tried 2 control the situation with over powerin her but 1 thing neisha was some1 who held hers down n gave him the 1-2-3 ( Meanin she kicked his ass alittle) n he stabbed her....

    Neisha is/was a Beautiful Person n she will 4ever hold a spot in many peoples lives n hearts!

    R.I.P Neish Luv u!

  5. #55
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    Some hobbies are more hazardous than others... but it doesn't give a loser a reason to kill someone. He could have just gone home and curled up in the fetal position for a few weeks and drank some brews and just tell himself he will do a better inspection next time. Unless the Bronx will demand labeling on hookers in the future.
    Really sad...

  6. #56
    Silver Poster slinky's Avatar
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    What's the opposite of "admirer"?


    the more I hear about this, it sounds like it has little to do with transsexualism or prostitution: it sounds like a nasty fight between 2 people that probably had nothing to do with either of those subjects, and he just used the first excuse he could come up with when 5-0 collared him. Maybe he was trying to rip her off and she wasn't having that.

    Just because you don't know about it, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist:

  7. #57
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    I'm very sorry to hear about her death. That is a terrible tragedy and my thoughts and prayers go out to her family. I hope the criminal is locked away for the rest of his life. Also I can't help but feel angry towards the media for her portrayal. I understand that not everyone knows or can differentiate between CD/TS/TG and other gender identities. But in a situation like this, in the biggest city in the US they should know the difference. It is un-excusable in my mind.

  8. #58
    Junior Poster
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    opps again

    The best woman is a tranny.

    If u got the dime I got the time.



  9. #59
    Junior Poster
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    The best woman is a tranny.

    If u got the dime I got the time.



  10. #60
    Junior Poster
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    Jul 2005


    fyi for girls thats escorting its good to have a verizon telephone where u can get first and last name of person who is calling usally ask their sign so ill know around about what month they was born and how old..that way i can do a background check of who is coming to see me..these are simple ways to protect your self from guys that are really ,,,,we need to protect our selves from guys like this no matter where or how u meet them..this is y business do background checks and we should to i do guys that come see me for security ..its various sites out their for each state where u can do a look up for a person u are meeting or getting to know..its very important..

    my heart goes out to her family what a tragady

    Identifying and Location Information
    As of 02/17/08 DIN (Department Identification Number) 99R3610
    Inmate Name MCMILLAN, STEVE
    Sex MALE
    Date of Birth 09/05/1970
    Race / Ethnicity BLACK
    Custody Status DISCHARGED
    Housing Releasing Facility DOWNSTATE
    Date Received (Original) 06/17/1999
    Date Received (Current) 10/25/2007
    Admission Type
    County of Commitment WESTCHESTER
    Latest Release Date / Type (Released Inmates Only) 11/16/07 DISCH - MAXIMUM EXPIRATION
    Aggregate Minimum Sentence 003 Years, 06 Months, 00 Days
    Aggregate Maximum Sentence 007 Years, 00 Months, 00 Days
    Earliest Release Date
    Earliest Release Type
    Parole Hearing Date
    Parole Hearing Type FULL MAXIMUM
    Parole Eligibility Date 02/23/2002
    Conditional Release Date NONE
    Maximum Expiration Date 11/16/2007
    Maximum Expiration Date for Parole Supervision
    Post Release Supervision Maximum Expiration Date
    Parole Board Discharge Date

    The best woman is a tranny.

    If u got the dime I got the time.



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