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    Default hormonal imbalance

    Here's a story I found on in transgender section under "shemale"

    I wish I could find more stories like this, I like when the main character becomes a tranny/girl by accident or has some sort of mix-up with hormones.. well without further ado here's the story:

    Hormonal Imbalance

    by Leigh de Santa Fe

    At breakfast his mother said, "Dennis, I think it's time to get your
    hair cut."

    "Mom, I got my hair cut last week."

    "It couldn't have been last week, honey. It's already over your ears."

    "No way, Mom. I just got it cut."

    "No arguing at the breakfast table," his father said from behind a

    Dennis stomped out. In Geometry his voice cracked in the middle of an
    answer which broke up the whole class including the teacher. Dennis
    blushed but he recovered quickly.

    Nothing happened the next day but on Wednesday as he stepped out of the
    shower in the locker room, his chest felt sore. And seemed swollen.
    He could actually feel loose flesh around his nipples. He put it out
    of his mind but the next morning, alone in the bathroom, he examined
    himself in the mirror. Not only was his chest swollen but the nipples
    were larger. They looked like small pegs. The circles around them had
    turned a deep, reddish brown and were enlarged as well.

    "I have cancer," he thought as beads of sweat broke out on his brow.
    He became so obsessed that he didn't even notice that it had been four
    days since he'd last shaved.

    He buried his fears, dressed and rushed down to the breakfast table.

    "Dennis, didn't I tell you to get your hair cut on Monday," his mother
    said irritated.

    "I told you, mom. I went to the mall last Friday."

    "Come with me right now."

    She led him into the bathroom and said, "It couldn't have been last
    week, honey. Look, it's way past your collar."

    A lump grew in his throat but he managed to squeak out, "Okay. Okay."

    He cut gym that day and went to the library. Pouring over a fat
    medical textbook he could find nothing that would account for the
    swelling in his chest. "This has got to be some kind of weird mumps,"
    he thought.

    After school he met his swim team buddy Jim in the hall. "Aren't you
    going to practice?" he asked.

    Dennis turned red. "No, I can't today."

    "Why not?"

    "I have to get a haircut."

    "That's a lame excuse. Coach'll be pissed. You okay? You don't look
    so hot."

    "I'm fine," Dennis said, walking toward his locker.

    "Gained some weight in your butt, dude," Jim called after him.

    Dennis instinctively put his hands on his buttocks and Jim's laughter
    echoed down the hall. Jim was right, Dennis thought, "Everything about
    my body is changing." He walked home, so engrossed in contemplation
    that when his girlfriend Debby called out to him, he just kept on

    "Hey, didn't you hear me?"

    "What, oh, Hi."

    "Is something wrong Dennis?"

    "No, nothing's wrong," he said, his voice cracking.

    "You've been doing that a lot lately. I thought your voice already

    "Look nothing's wrong, okay." Just as he reached the last syllable it
    cracked again and Debby suppressed her laughter because the look in his
    eye was murderous.

    "Look I've got to get a haircut now. I'll see you tomorrow," he said
    trying hard not to let his voice crack again.

    "Sure. Call me. Bye."

    He ran off toward the mall.

    When he finally got home, he raced to the bathroom and stripped off his
    shirt. His hands felt his chest. The soft flesh hung out into space
    about an inch. The nipples were larger and the aureoles were now three
    inches across and reddish brown. He could never go back to the swim
    team now. Not like this. He stood for a moment wondering if he should
    tell his parents when he noticed his hair. He'd just gotten it cut and
    it was over his ears again. "It some gland thing," he thought. "I've
    got tropical gland disease." Then he noticed his beard or rather he
    noticed his beard hadn't grown in a week. In fact, his cheeks were
    devoid of even the peach fuzz stubble that grew between shaves.
    Instead they were smooth and pink. He ran to his room.

    At dinner he wore a bulky sweater to hide his swelling chest. No one
    seemed to notice and afterwards he went to his room and shut the door.
    Around nine his mom knocked to say goodnight. He sat at his desk
    pretending to study. "Everything all right, honey."

    "Yeah, sure. Why?"

    "No reason. Hey, will you promise me to get your hair cut tomorrow?"
    she said as she closed the door.

    The next day at school his voice cracked so many times that he stopped
    talking altogether. On the way home, Debby knew something was wrong.

    "What the matter with you lately, Dennis? You're so sulky and weird."

    "Nothing's the matter, okay? I've just been studying really hard." His
    voice cracked midway through the sentence and stayed in the upper

    "Is your voice getting higher? I thought it was supposed get lower."

    "Debby, can I tell you something?"

    "Sure, Dennis. What is it?"

    He blurted out all the strange changes that were taking place in his
    body. "I want to see," she said. They ran to her house and Debby
    pulled him up the stairs. When they were alone in her room she said,
    "Well, take your shirt off."

    "Promise you won't laugh," he said.

    "I won't. Just take your shirt off and show me."

    Dennis unbuttoned his shirt slowly and then peeled off his T-shirt. He
    couldn't look at her.

    She said nothing but her silence spoke volumes.

    "What's wrong with me, Debby?"

    Her eyes were traveling down from Dennis's chest to his waist.

    "Dennis, take off your pants too."


    "Just do it, okay."

    He kicked his tennis shoes off and dropped his jeans.

    Debby gasped. "Oh, my God."

    "What? What is it?" he yelled.

    "Your, uh, your butt."

    "What about it?"

    "It's bigger too," she said haltingly. "Look!" she said, opening the
    door to her closet and pointing at the full length mirror.

    Dennis looked over his shoulder into the mirror and for the first time
    all the puzzle pieces in place fell into place. His jockey shorts were
    stretched tightly over his bottom and he knew instantly why none of his
    pants seemed to fit anymore. His waist had narrowed as well.

    "You look kind of ... like a ..."

    "Like a what," his voice cracked.

    "Like a girl."

    "What do you mean?"

    "I mean, your body looks ... well, rounder and softer. What about
    down there?" she said, pointing to Dennis's groin.

    "It's the same. If anything it's bigger," Dennis said softly.

    "That's interesting," Debby said with a sly grin but he was too
    distraught to respond.

    "What's happening to me, Debby?" he said as he pulled his clothes on.

    "I don't know but it's really weird," she said, noticing for the first
    time how tight his jeans were.

    The next few days Dennis developed strategies for hiding the changes in
    his body. He combed his hair straight back with gel and he wore
    sweaters and his largest jeans. He put two pairs of socks on so his
    daintier feet fit into his shoes and he stopped talking except for
    tightly controlled monosyllabic responses. He tried to keep his
    emotions in check but whenever he was alone he wept uncontrollably. At
    night he'd go into the bathroom and take off all his clothes, examining
    his body for any retreat of the symptoms. There were none. His hair
    now fell just past his shoulders. Tying it back in a ponytail helped
    but it wasn't just longer, it was thicker. It didn't look like a boy's
    ponytail at all.

    His face was changing too. His beard had stopped growing but now his
    features seemed to have grown softer. The jawline seemed redrawn and
    his lips were fuller. Even his lashes seemed darker, longer. He noted
    each alteration with increasing fear.

    His penis, on the other hand, was the only part of his masculinity that
    wasn't in retreat. Instead it seemed to be a mocking holdout against
    the onslaught of feminine changes, competing with his breasts for rapid

    Every morning he prepared himself for school with an increasingly
    sophisticated set of rituals designed to hide his form, his figure, his
    face but he knew his efforts were meeting with less and less success.

    One day a substitute teacher in his English class was going down the
    roster of names on a seating chart and matching them with the students.
    "Denise Johnson," he said looking at Dennis. No one even giggled and
    Dennis sat in silent mortification.

    He had avoided Debby for a few days now but on the way home she caught
    up to him.

    "Hi, Dennis."

    "Hi," he said, his voice a breathy whisper.

    "How've you been?"

    "Okay, I guess." He was fighting back tears.

    "I like your hair like that."

    He was silent.



    "Maybe it's time you told you're parents."

    "Tell them what," he lashed out. "That I'm turning into a girl?"

    "No!" she said, "Tell them that ... tell them that there's something
    wrong with your glands or something. I don't know."

    "It's getting worse. I can't button my pants all the way. I cut my
    hair every night and in the morning it's longer and thicker than ever.
    This morning I had to tape my ... breasts so that they wouldn't show.
    I had to quit the swim team... " he broke off.

    Debby reached out to hold him but he pulled away. He didn't want
    anybody touching him. He didn't want her to feel how soft he'd become.

    That night when he mother came in to say goodnight he looked up from
    his textbook, his eyes glistening.

    "Are you crying, Dennis? What's wrong, honey?"

    "Mom, I'm ... uh. Mom?"

    "What is it, baby?"

    "Something weird is happening to my body." He broke down and blurted
    out the whole incredible story. She asked him to take his shirt off.
    He did and a look of panic crossed her face.

    "Baby, oh, honey, everything's going to be alright. In the morning,
    I'll take you Dr. Felder and we'll figure out what's happening.

    "Don't tell Dad."

    "Why not?"

    "I don't know. Just don't tell him. Okay?

    "Alright, honey. For now. Till we see what Dr. Felder has to say."

    The next day Dennis and his mother waited silently in the Dr. Felder's
    office. Finally, a nurse emerged and beckoned to Dennis. Seeing the
    fear in his eyes said, "Your first exam is always the hardest," she
    said reassuringly. She led him back to another waiting room. "If
    you'll just take your clothes off, Denise, and jump up here, the doctor
    will be in shortly." Dennis looked at his feet.

    "Could you ask my mother to come in too?" he said.

    The nurse hesitated, sensed his fear and said, "Of course."

    He undressed, covering his privates with his t-shirt and eased himself
    up on the examination table. He tried not to notice his bust but it
    was impossible. They were so large, he thought. Why did they have to
    be so large? The doctor and his mother came in.

    "Now, young lady, what's the problem?"

    "The problem, Dr. Felder, is that this is my son," his mother said.

    An hour later Dennis and his mother drove home in silence. Finally she

    "I've got to tell your father."


    "Because he's got to know."

    "But why, mom?"

    "Because he's going to find out."

    "No, he won't. I'll hide it. I've hidden it so far."

    "You're not going to hide it because you can't hide anymore, Dennis."

    "What do you mean?"

    "I mean, that for the short term, till we figure out what's going on, I
    want you to start..."

    "No," he cut her off. "I won't do that! I'll never do that!" he
    screamed in his unfamiliar soprano.

    "Dennis, look at yourself. Your clothes don't fit. You can't hide
    your . . chest. You're ... you're a 36 C cup," she said as the
    tears began to fall down her cheeks as well. "And you don't look ..."

    "Like a boy?"

    "Yes, you don't. Not right now. As soon as we figure this thing out
    we'll go back. You'll go back. I promise."

    "No, mom. I can't do that. Everybody will know."

    "Honey, I know it's hard but you won't have to go right back to school.
    We'll take some time. Time to adjust. Time to figure it all out."

    "But Mom, someday I'll have to go back and when I do everybody will
    stare at me. They'll laugh at me."

    "Honey, they're already staring."

    When they car drove up the drive, Dennis jumped out and ran up to his
    room and locked the door. When his father got home he could hear the
    fighting. Harsh words of disbelief and then the pounding of feet
    coming up the stairs.

    "Dennis, I want to talk to you."

    Dennis took off his shirt and laid it on the bed.

    "Dennis, open the door please.

    He pulled his pants down past his thighs and stepped out of them.

    "Right now, Dennis."

    He took the rubber band off his hair and shook his head. Then he
    unlocked the door.

    "My God!"

    "Dad, what's happening to me?" he cried.

    His mother appeared in the doorway behind his father. She ran to him.
    "Oh, my poor baby," she said, cradling him in her arms.

    Fifteen minutes later, after the tears had come and gone and come again
    his father said, "Your mother has a plan. She thinks you should ..."


    "Dennis, it's best this way. For now. For this period. As soon as
    its over, we'll go back to the way things were."

    "Dad, don't let me do that!"

    "Dennis," his father's voice broke now too, "you've got to try it and
    that's it."

    "Let's go to bed now and see if you don't feel differently in the

    They left him alone and after three hours of staring at the ceiling he
    finally drifted into troubled sleep.

    For three days Dennis stayed in his room. His mother brought him his
    meals in silence and he stayed in bed and thought and slept. At times
    he would drift into strange dreams and wake up coiled in his auburn
    hair. His body ached from the changes and he slept a lot. He used the
    bathroom only when no one was around. An scratchy old bathrobe was the
    only thing he wore. He avoided his image in mirrors.

    Changes continued to transform his body. If he didn't tie it back with
    a rubber band, his hair fell forward and surrounded his face like
    leaves from a flourishing vine. He stopped sleeping on his stomach
    because it hurt his chest and his back ached from the new top

    At times he would lie in bed and run his hands up and down the sides of
    his body, feeling its contours, the softness, the fresh hills and
    valleys that had grown during the night. He avoided touching his chest
    because that was too painful, both to the touch and to his bewildered
    psyche. When his robe irritated his nipples he put on a t-shirt but
    found that the jiggling of his breasts beneath the taut fabric only
    directed his attention to his enlarged bust. Jockey shorts were out
    for similar reasons. Pants were out of the question. He went back to
    wearing the robe.

    At times his father or mother would drop by and try to talk to him but
    he remained steadfast in his silence and after a while they went away.
    It was enough that he ate. Debby came by one day. He refused to talk
    to her as well so she left his homework assignments outside the door
    and said she come back the next day to pick up his homework. Dennis
    didn't touch it and the next day she tried to talk to him again.

    "Dennis, it's me."

    Dennis leaned against the door. His heart was pounding.

    "Dennis, let me in. I just want to talk."

    "Please go away," he said softly. It was the first words he'd spoken
    in 72 hours. His voice had crept up another octave and he bit his lip
    in shame.

    "Dennis, you can't stay in there forever. Let me in. Please."

    "Come back tomorrow. Okay?" Dennis said.



    "Okay. See you tomorrow. Bye." He listened to her footfalls down the
    stairs and then walked to the edge of window and watched her leave the
    yard. When she reached the gate she turned and looked up. He darted
    back into the shadows.

    The next day she came back.

    "Dennis, can I come in?"

    "The door's not locked."

    Debby opened the door slowly. Dennis had his back turned to her and
    was looking out the window. He wore the bathrobe tightly wrapped
    around his body. His hair was pulled back in a ponytail that fell to
    the middle of his back.


    He turned around and studied her face as she tried to contain her

    "I haven't looked in a mirror in 5 days. Have I changed a lot?"

    "Well ..." she swallowed, "yes, since I last saw you but that was a
    long time ago," she added hastily.

    "A week."

    "Yeah, I guess so." Her eyes fell from his chest to his hips and then
    to the walls of his room. "How are you?"

    "Oh, I'm fine. I'm great. Another week and I'll be ready for my deb

    Debby walked to the bed and sat down.

    "What are you going to do?"

    "I don't know. What would you do? What can I do?"

    "Well, your mother ..."

    "What did she say?"

    "Nothing! She just thought that, for now anyhow, you could..."

    "Could what?"

    "I don't know!"

    "Debby, I can't do that!"

    "Why not?"

    "Because ... I'm a boy. I'm a boy. I'm a boy," his voice cracked and
    he fell on the bed sobbing. She reached out to comfort him but his
    robe had fallen open and she stopped for a moment to stare at his
    bosom. His breasts were now bigger than hers.

    "Dennis, show me. Show me your body."


    She held him close. "Come on now. I'm your ... friend. You can show

    He sat up next to her. His hair had come undone and framed his face
    with disheveled curls. He drew his robe together tightly.

    "Look, I'll show you mine and you can show me yours. Okay?" Before he
    could answer she stood up and pulled off her sweater. She was wearing
    a black bra.

    "I can't do this."

    "Come on. I showed you mine," she said, pulling up off the bed.

    "I'm naked."

    "Okay. Okay. Here." She unhooked the bra in front and slipped it off.

    "Now you," she said, tugging at the robe. He let it fall to the floor.

    "Oh God, Dennis," she said as her eyes quickly took in his widened
    hips, his narrowed waist and the breasts which bounced only inches from
    hers. She looked into his eyes. They were filling with tears. She
    hugged him.

    The door opened and his mother appeared in doorway. Debby pulled away
    quickly. Dennis drew his arms up over his chest.

    "That's okay, Debby." His mother looked at Dennis. "We're all girls
    here now."


    "Oh baby, I'm sorry but you've got to face facts. Look at yourself,
    honey. Something has happened."

    Dennis turned away.

    "Just try it for a little while. Here in your room. You don't have to
    go out. Debby can help you. I'll go away. Just try ..."

    "Try what?" he said.

    His mother bit her lip.

    "Try being a girl," Debby said. "You might even like it."

    "Oh, God! Now you're both against me."

    "Dennis, Debby wants to help you and so do I."

    "Help me what?"


    Debby put her arm around his waist. "It's not that bad. I'll help

    "I don't know," he moaned. "What do you want me to do?"

    His mother approached him tentatively and put her arm around him too.

    "Just ... just try some clothes on. That's all. Here. In your room.
    You don't have to go out. No one will see you but us."

    "No one. Not even Dad?"

    "Not even Dad."

    "What clothes?"

    Dennis's mother glanced at Debby and smiled. "Whatever you want,
    honey. You can start with jeans and a ... blouse."

    "I think you should start with a bra," Debby blurted out. "A bra that

    His mother's face lit up. "I'll see if I can find something." She
    dashed out of the room and came back immediately.

    "Where'd you get this?" Dennis said. "It still has the tag on it."

    "Well, I just thought ..."

    "You bought this for me, didn't you?"

    "Just try it on," Debby said, putting his arms through the straps.
    "It's hooks in front. Try hooking it yourself."

    "You bought this for me," he said as his hands fumbled for a moment and
    then his breasts were captive in the lacy white cups.

    "It's perfect," Debby said.

    He looked down at his chest and saw the deep crack of cleavage. It was
    a revelation. Much more shocking that a simple mirror reflection, he
    could now see and feel his girlhood in three dimensions. The
    juxtaposition of his pliant flesh and the female garment met at more
    than simple juncture of skin and fabric. They were joined now in some
    synapse in his brain. A mindset was incubating.

    "I want to see," Dennis said, heading for the bathroom. His mother
    stopped him.

    "Not yet. Put these on first," she said, handing him a pair of beige
    cotton panties. He turned away and stepped into them. The fabric
    stretched over his buttocks like a second skin. But in front his cock
    struggled against containment. Debby and his mother looked askance as
    he bounded past them to the bathroom, the final strands of hair
    unraveling from the make-shift ponytail.

    When his mother and Debby caught up with him he was turning to examine
    his profile in the mirror. Tears streaked his face.

    Debby started to speak but Dennis's mother stopped her.

    "I'm so big. I'm so big," he gasped, his fingers grazing the surface
    of his bra cups. "You're not big. You're perfect."

    "But I'm so ... " He looked at his body. It was so different. So
    womanly. He had cleavage. Clouds of auburn hair unfurled around his
    face and fell past the cups of his brassiere.

    He turned to the women. "I am a girl now, aren't I?" he said in a
    frightened whisper.

    "Almost," Debby said.

    Every day for the rest of the week Debby arrived at the Johnson house
    at four o'clock with clothes for Dennis. She began with old jeans and
    sweaters which he would try on. One day she brought in large shopping

    "Now don't freak out, okay?"

    "Have I freaked out yet?" Dennis said petulantly. He sat on the bed,
    legs crossed in a distinctly unmasculine way and wearing only his bra
    and panties. His hair was pulled back in the familiar pony tail but a
    careful observer could see that his bangs were ever so slightly teased.

    "Okay, but this is different," she said as she pulled a baby blue
    taffeta prom dress out of the bag.

    "What's that?"

    "A prom dress."

    "Oh, God," he said, falling back on the bed in excited giggles.

    "You promised."

    "I can't wear that."

    "Why not?"

    "It's too ... too much."

    Debby put the dress up against her body and strutted around as though
    she just arrived at the ball. Then she turned to Dennis, "Aren't you
    curious to see what a real dress feels like?"

    "Yes, but I'm scared."

    "Scared of what?"

    "Scared that I'll like it too much."

    "Well, you're supposed to like it."

    "But what if tomorrow my breasts go away and everything changes back?"

    Debby rolled her eyes. "Come on, get up. I want to see how it fits
    you." Dennis obliged and she held the dress up to his body. "You'll
    have to wear a different bra. The straps'll show. Here," she said,
    pulling a strapless longline bra out of the bag.

    "Oh, I'll never get this on," Dennis said, looking at all the hooks in

    "I'll help you. Now, take off your bra and put this on." Dennis gave
    her a withering look and slid off his old brassiere and Debby helped
    him hook the eyes on the longline.

    "Ooo la la," Debby said when he turned around to face her. The bra
    pushed his breasts up and squeezed them together creating generous
    cleavage. Dennis blushed.

    Debby now pulled a powder blue tricot half slip out of the bag and
    said, "Now, put this on."

    Dennis pulled the slip on and swooned a little as the deliciously cool
    fabric grazed his naked thighs. His mouth went dry as he anticipated
    wearing his first dress.

    "Are you ready, Cinderella?"

    Dennis's dainty foot trembled as he stepped into the rustling heap of
    blue. A moment later he was twirling around the room, the enormous
    hoop of his skirts floating out from his body like a swinging bell.
    Shoulder-framing gathers of soft taffeta met at his decolletage in
    swirl of baby blue that looked like a cinnamon role.

    "Don't you want to see yourself?" Debby said, rushing him toward the

    "Yes, but ..." His father had still not seen wearing a bra and panties,
    let alone a dress. The last thing Dennis wanted was to surprise him in
    this big, poufy prom gown that displayed his gorgeous bosom
    unashamedly. And yet, he was terribly curious about how he looked.
    Debby's face waited expectantly for his nod and even the sound of the
    rustling taffeta seemed to urge him on. He relented. "Okay, let's go,
    but watch the stair."

    Debby opened the door and looked both ways while Dennis picked up his
    cascading skirt.

    The reflection literally took his breath away. He was lovely and so
    demure. He loved the way the shoulders tapered to frame his
    decolletage. A new emotion was stirring down deep inside, an emotion
    that confused and frightened him. He was almost proud.

    As he turned this way and that to view his profile Debby also noticed
    the first signs of a feminine vanity creeping into his demeanor. She
    was dying to undo his ponytail and brush his hair out and Dennis must
    have been thinking along similar lines because after observing himself
    for a long moment he discarded the rubber band and shook his head. The
    long auburn waves, free at last, framed his face with a kittenish
    dishevelment that literally forced his face into a pouty sultriness.

    He turned to Debby. "I look really good, don't I?"

    "Really good?"

    He blushed deeply. "I mean, do I look okay?" he said, painfully aware
    she had caught him basking in the ecstasy of feminine conceit.

    "Yes, you're gorgeous. Now let me brush your hair out."

    Dennis smiled and sat down on the edge of the tub like a princess
    awaiting her chambermaid. The brush moved through his tangled curls
    reluctantly at first but soon Debby's hand pushed down easily and the
    snarls resolved into a smooth cascade of mahogany, the strands aligned
    like exquisite wood grain. It felt so wonderful he wanted to purr.

    "I've been wanting to do this for weeks," Debby said.


    "Yes, weeks. It's a sin to have hair this beautiful and not brush it.
    In fact, it's a sin not to have it styled."

    Dennis turned to look at her. "But I can't do that. I'd have to leave
    my room."

    "So, you're going to stay in your room forever, Rapunzel?"

    "I'd like to. I'd like to have you come brush my hair every day and
    talk to me and bring me ..."


    "Yes. And we could be together like we used to be."

    "We'll never be like we used to be."

    Dennis folded his hands in a sea of blue taffeta. "I know."

    Debby glanced in the mirror and caught Dennis's eyes.

    "You know, there's one thing I can't show you here that's absolutely


    "Shopping at the mall," Debby laughed. "Why don't we go out together
    to the mall tomorrow. You need to get some things that fit. You'll
    love it."

    Dennis was skeptical. "What would I wear?"

    Debby smiled. She knew he was ready. "Anything you want, princess."
    The next day was Saturday. Dennis got up at dawn and was already
    possessed by the question of what he would wear on his mall spree. He
    also had to get out of the house without seeing his father. Around
    nine o'clock his mother knocked on the door and delivered his
    breakfast. "You okay, honey?" she said.

    He turned to her and smiled. "Yes, I guess. I'm supposed to go to the
    mall today with Debby."

    "That's great!" she said. "What are you going to ..."

    "I don't know."

    "What's wrong with jeans and a sweater?"

    "Mom!" he said with exasperation, "It's not what I'm going to wear.
    It's wearing a bra and stuff out there," Dennis said. He turned his
    head to the window, creating a curvy cameo against the blue sky. His
    mother put her arm around his waist.

    "It'll be fine. No one will ever suspect."

    He spun out of her grasp. "No will ever suspect what?" he demanded.

    She stepped back in alarm for a brief moment. Then regaining her
    composure she said deliberately, "That you're not a girl."

    "Even though I look like one?"

    "Yes, a very lovely girl," she added.

    Tears welled up in his eyes and he said, "I'm scared, mommy." She
    hugged him.

    "I know, honey. I know. It'll be fine. Everything will be fine."

    An hour later the door opened and Dennis emerged like a shy butterfly.
    He wore his old jean jacket over a tight black turtleneck sweater and a
    pair of girls' jeans that Debby had brought him. The jeans were so
    tight that the outline of the credit card his mother gave him was
    clearly visible in his back pocket. Furthermore, his sweater
    accentuated his bust in a way that both embarrassed and excited him.
    His mother had brushed his hair out and pulled it back in a ponytail,
    tying it up high on his head in a more feminine way. Dennis protested
    but secretly he liked the way it made him look cute and little

    They drove to the mall in silence. Dennis looked out the window and
    played with the end of his ponytail. When they arrived his mother
    said, "You'll be fine. Try to have fun with it." Dennis made an effort
    to smile. She watched him walk across the parking lot, losing track of
    him as he blended into a crowd of teenage girls headed for the mall.

    Dennis arrived at the appointed meeting place early and sat down on a
    bench to wait. His breasts felt bigger and more conspicuous than ever
    and he unconsciously began to hunch over to hide his curvy, new figure.
    When he saw Debby walking across the mall he straightened up a little.

    "Hi," Debby said quietly.


    "You look great."

    "Thanks." He blushed. "Everything feels so ... tight."

    "That's because it is, dear. And that's why we're here. Are you

    "Not really."

    "Come on, let's go get you a bra that fits." She pulled him up off the
    bench and they headed off to the lingerie department at Dillards.

    Debby took Dennis back to the dressing rooms, and said, "Wait here.
    I'll be back."

    He sat down and fidgeted, trying not to feel like this was the oddest
    thing he'd ever done, trying not to listen to the sounds of dressing
    dropping and bras hooking.

    Soon Debby returned with several bras, slips and even a garter belt.
    When Dennis rolled his eyes she said, "You might like it, you know.
    Now take off your sweater."

    He spent the rest of the afternoon taking off his clothes and trying on
    others. Debby was having a great time selecting things and then having
    him model them for her. Soon he forgot who he was and where he was and
    began to look forward to trying on the pretty blouses and skirts that
    Debby handed him.

    By two o'clock he had discarded the turtleneck and jeans and was
    wearing black tights, a black denim skirt and a white blouse with
    puffed sleeves and a plunging neckline. By three o'clock he had
    replaced his mother's low pumps with a pair of shiny black heels and he
    carried a small brown leather purse.

    He felt more at ease in his new role now and even a little proud of his
    figure which Debby never stopped praising. "You're such a fox," she'd
    say or with mock envy "You're so stacked. I wish I had your figure."
    Dennis couldn't help grinning when he heard these compliments. Even
    though he felt comfortable walking along side Debby in his new skirt
    and blouse, he found it difficult to take the larger step of enjoying
    his femininity. Debbie sensed that this shyness might be shed if he
    could see his feminine loveliness reflected, not in a mirror but in the
    eyes of his beholders.

    "How about a makeover?" she suggested as they strolled through the
    cosmetic section. Dennis hesitated and then thought why not. Moments
    later an attractive young redhead in a cream colored lab coat was
    daubing bright colors on his cheek and speaking in low soothing tones
    about contrast and shade. Dennis found himself enjoying the attention.
    Especially when Carole the cosmetician praised his cheekbones or his
    aquiline nose. When she finished he swooned at the luscious girl who
    stared back at him in the circular mirror. Carole had uncovered or
    rather created a glittering creature with her brushes and paint and
    Dennis was amazed at this new level of transformation. He was barely
    begun to admire himself when Debbie said, "Let's get your hair done

    Dennis went pale beneath his blusher. "Oh, I don't know. Can't I just
    leave it the way it is."

    "Your hair is lovely but it needs to be trained. Just like your
    breasts need a bra for support, your hair needs to be ... tamed."

    "Tamed how?"

    "You'll see. Come on," she said, taking him by the arm and leading him
    into Hair Designs.

    When he left the salon an hour and a half later the ambisextrous pony
    tail was gone but you couldn't really call what replaced it tame. The
    hairdresser, obviously delighted to get her hands on Dennis's thick,
    abundant hair, had taken this raw rapunzel and worked his hair into a
    frothy bouffant. Parted on one side it now sinuously fell over his
    face in a dramatic cascade which culminated at his shoulders in a
    thick, bouncing wave.

    Dennis was mortified when he saw what had been done to him. Debby
    couldn't stop laughing. He looked as though he should be wrapped in
    ermine and carrying a chihuahua, a soap opera vixen at a supermarket
    opening. It was the worst possible outcome: big, starlet hair which
    called attention to his burgeoning femininity. In fact, it was the
    perfect complement to his glamorous makeover and a small part of his
    girlish self was celebrating. The rest of him found his new look, like
    his pouffy coif, to be an unwieldy burden, top heavy with sex.

    "You look faaabulous," Debby said over and over in her best Fernando
    Lamas ooze. People were staring at him. He could feel heads turning
    as he walked past. And when they reached a knot of teenage boys his
    composure, already on shaky ground, completely abandoned him and
    suddenly he was a teenage girl, giggling with nervous energy,
    embarrassed and proud of his beauty, knowing and innocent. It was as
    though he'd been handed a scepter that had compelling power but he had
    no idea how to control it. And so he passed through the crowded mall
    causing small whirlwinds of sexual confusion in his wake.

    The two girls made their way out into the silent twilight and fell
    silent themselves. Dennis felt his nipples stiffen in the October
    chill. He drew the jean jacket tighter.

    "How are you going to get all this stuff home?" Debby said finally.

    "I guess I should call my mom but I don't really want to."

    "Why not?"

    "I don't know. She's never seen me like this."

    "Yeah. Well, I could call my mom, I guess."

    "Does she know?"

    "Not exactly."

    "What's that supposed to mean?"

    "She knows."

    "Oh, great."

    "Hey, it's not a big deal."

    Dennis exhaled a bitter laugh. "Okay, well let's go call her."

    Debby's mother was not discreet. She gawked, she stared, even her
    silence was uncomfortably intrusive and Dennis was glad when they
    dropped him off at home. He gathered up all his purchases and went up
    the walk. His mother opened the door.

    "Is that you?"

    "Yes," Dennis said, bowing his head so that his bounteous hair shrouded
    his face in shadow.

    "Let me take a look at you. Oh my God!" She reached out to hug him but
    he pulled away. "What's the matter, honey?"

    He ran past her up the stairs to his room. When he got there he was
    shocked to find the room had been transformed. Gone were the beige
    curtains, the brown bedspread and the dresser he'd had since childhood.
    In their place, were pink draperies, a chenille bedspread and a vanity
    replete with a tableful of cosmetics. A long, rectangular mirror
    encircled by tiny bulbs completed the picture. A note was taped on the
    mirror. It read: "For our new daughter, Mom and Dad."

    Dennis didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He did neither. Instead
    the girl in the mirror beckoned. Finally alone, she demanded his
    undivided attention. The androgynous jean jacket fell to the floor
    like a discarded husk and her delicate hands covered her decolletage.
    It was a gesture of instinctive modesty. Head tipped forward in shy
    retreat of her own loveliness, hair spilling over her naked shoulders,
    she resembled a little girl simultaneously chastened and adored for
    wearing Mommy's good blouse. A mischievous smile now overtook her
    diffidence and she swiveled in a three quarter turn to see just how big
    her hair was in back and how much space her breasts displaced in
    profile. The small smile turned big as she took note of her own
    womanly grandiosity. Hands went to hips next and back arched, trailing
    her mane down to her waist. The little girl had disappeared. A
    starlet was emerging.

    "Dennis!" his mother called from behind him.

    He wheeled around and felt the free fall of his hair over one shoulder.
    The little girl suddenly returned, blushing crimson.

    "Are you okay, honey?" she said, unable to conceal an amused smile.

    Dennis looked down. His mother gave him hug and it crossed his mind
    that his breasts were bigger than her's. "I'm so proud of you," she
    said softly. Dennis pushed her away.

    "Let's see what you got," she said, trying to break the tension.

    "Maybe later. I think I'd like to be alone."

    "Don't you want to show your dad ..."


    "Dennis, you've got to face him sometime. You can't hide up here for
    the rest of your life."

    His glittering eyes flickered with a laser beam of hatred and his
    mother beat a hasty retreat. He locked the door, stripped his clothes
    off and looked at his body in the full-length mirror his parents had
    installed on the back of his door. His body was a conundrum with its
    voluptuous curves and a big cock swaying between his legs. He touched
    it. Not with the manly intent of his pre- girl years but daintily,
    gingerly, as though it were a foreign part of his body, an incongruous
    artifact of a forgotten time. Amazingly, it sprang to life in his
    delicate hand and the sight of his nodding tool in concert with his
    swaying breasts aroused him. He began to play with his image in the
    mirror. Legs spread and pelvis thrust out, he proffered his stiff rod
    with one hand and gathered up a shock of brunette hair with the other
    while his lips pouted with babydoll insouciance. It was an arresting
    image and one filled with coarse sensuality. Suddenly a wave of
    enormous shame mingled with a knowledge of raw, unbridled power swept
    over him and he lay down on the pink bedspread to catch his breath.
    His head was swimming with strange hormonal drumbeats and even though
    the blood drained from his cock, his mind retained the image of the
    lusty androgyne for a long time after.

    "Dinner's ready, hon," his mom called out from behind the door.

    Dennis stood up and turned to look at himself once again. A strange
    and mischievous smile overtook his mouth and he picked up his bra and
    twirled it around his finger. Then he put the bra and panties back on,
    tucking his maleness demurely between his legs. Pawing through the
    bags from the mall he selected the tightest jeans and a red sweater
    with pearl buttons that celebrated his new convexity to stunning
    effect. For shoes he chose a pair of black heels with ankle straps.
    Glancing in the mirror he smiled at his kitten- with-a-whip look,
    freshened up his lipstick, brushed his bounteous hair over his
    shoulders and bounced down the stairs to dinner.

    His mother raised an eyebrow as he plopped into his customary seat. He
    smiled back at her, spreading his napkin over his lap with careful good
    little girl aplomb. When his father finally emerged from his own
    hiding place he turned white at the image of his son, whom he had last
    seen in uncomfortable transition, as a red lipped little hussy
    flaunting her breasts like Lana Turner.

    "What's the matter, Dad?" Dennis said in a breathy, Marilynesque
    whisper. "I thought you wanted this," he said, resting his hands
    modestly over his breasts.

    His father struggled with his emotions for a moment and then sat
    silently, a frozen smile fixed on his face.

    "Dennis went ..."

    "I'm Denise now, Mom."

    She nodded in his direction. "Denise went to the mall today."

    "Oh," his father said, trying to seem interested.

    "He ... she bought all kinds of stuff ... on your credit card."


    They ate in silence. Denise watched them carefully. They didn't look
    up once for 10 minutes.

    "Look! My nipples are hard," Denise finally said, nonchalantly
    breaking the silence. "What causes that, I wonder?" he said, throwing
    his shoulders back to emphasize his bust. His parents looked up for a
    moment and then down immediately at their plates. He toyed with a
    strand of spaghetti for a long moment and then said, "Look, I'm a girl
    now. You'd better get used to it because I have." He got up suddenly
    and went back to his room.

    "What was that all about?" his father said.

    "I don't know," his mother said.

    "Maybe you'd better go see if he's ... she's alright."

    "Why don't you. I think that little performance was for your benefit."

    "What do I say?"

    "Just accept her."

    "But she's so ... whory."

    "Have you looked around lately? That's the way girls are these days."

    "It's hard to adjust to him that way."

    "Her. And you'll just have to try."

    He got up and walked slowly up the stairs.

    "Denise, uh sorry, Denise," he called out. When no response came, he
    tried the doorknob and finding it unlocked he opened the door a crack
    and poked his head in. Denise was sitting at his new vanity. The
    sweater and jeans were gone. He wore only a black brassiere, panties
    and heels. His hair was piled up on his head casually in Gibson girl
    splendor. He turned to look at his father. In his hand he held a
    mascara brush. "Hi, Daddy," he said with a coy smile.

    His father eyes dropped to Denise's expansive cleavage and he withdrew
    hastily. "Sorry, I thought you were ..."

    "Dressed," Denise finished. "But, Daddy, I am."

    Hiding behind the door, his father grew purple with embarrassment and

    "Listen, Daddy, I'm not what I was. Physically or any other way. I'm
    your little girl now with not so little breasts. And I'm pretty and I
    like it. So you better get used to me this way because I'm not
    changing back again." Slowly the door closed and Denise smiled into the
    mirror for a moment before resuming the brush strokes of his mascara.

    * * *

    On Sunday Denise went over to Debbie's and the two spent the entire
    afternoon trying on clothes and making up. He was an avid student,
    absorbing as much information as he could about make up, clothes and
    hair. Debbie was surprised at the new lack of self-consciousness about
    his femaleness. Though late in the afternoon, as Debbie fussed over
    his hair, he admitted that he was worried about school.


    "Why? I left there six weeks ago as a boy and now I returning with
    this?" he said, pointing to the the frothy pile of curls atop his head.
    "And these," he said, cupping his breasts.

    "But everyone knows something happened to you."

    "They do?"

    "Well, yes. I mean, it was happening before you left, you know."

    "What are they saying about me?"

    Debbie stopped teasing his hair for a moment. Their eyes met in the
    mirror. "They're saying you're a girl now, a beautiful girl."

    "How do they know that though?"

    "I told them," Debbie blurted out.

    "What did you say?"

    "I said that your body had changed and that you and your parents
    decided it was best if you started wearing ... girls' clothes for a

    Debbie's matter of factness made Denise blush.

    "And I said that you were really pretty."

    Denise sighed, his bosom heaving beneath his blouse. "Do you really
    think I'm pretty, Debbie?"

    "Shut up, big tits and let me finish your hair."

    "I hate that word."

    "What? Tits?"

    "Yes. Do you really think my breasts are big?"

    "Oh, you just want to hear me say it. Yes, of course they're big. 36
    C cup is big, darling. The boys are going to love you."

    Denise looked up at the mirror. "No, they won't. They'll think, 'He's
    a boy who looks like a girl.'"

    "How long do you think that will last?"

    "Well, I'm not a complete girl, you know."

    "They won't be seeing that though, will they. And besides how will
    they know it's still there?"

    Denise smiled at his reflection. "It's kind of like being a spy. Like
    Mata Hari," he said, covering his face like a veil with a thick coil of
    brunette curls. Debbie casually recaptured them and resumed brushing.

    "At least you won't have to take P.E. anymore."

    * * *

    The next day Denise and his parents met with the school counselor, Mr.
    Belson and the school nurse, Miss Ashley, to talk about "Denise's"
    return to school. Denise wore a long sleeve ribbed knit dress that
    revealed the contours of his new topography with such drama that Mr.
    Belson had trouble looking at the statuesque young tart without staring
    in awe. It pleased Denise no end to see that the slightest shifts in
    his posture reverberated throughout Mr. Belson's libido like tiny
    seismic disturbances.

    "Denise seems to be adjusting to her new role very well," Mr. Belson
    said, looking first at Denise's father who shifted uncomfortably in his
    seat and then at his mother who beamed with pride at her son's beauty
    and finally at Denise himself whose demure lips opened and seemed to
    Mr. Belson to mouth the words, "Fuck me." Belson turned crimson and
    then said, "Well, I guess that's it unless you have anything else, Miss

    "I'm just wondering what bathroom Denise will use," Miss Ashley said
    matter of factly.

    "Well, I, uh," Belson stumbled.

    "Why can't he use the girls' bathroom?" Denise's mother asked

    "She could but I'm afraid of what would happen if she was ...
    indiscreet," Miss Ashley said, politely correcting his mother's slip.

    "Denise is a lady," his mother insisted. His father winced.

    "Well, I'm sure she is but some of the students know that Denise is not
    . . completely feminine. I would hate to put her in an awkward

    "Why don't we try it for a while and see how it goes," Mr. Belson

    Miss Ashley sighed and retreated. The meeting was over.

    That night Denise stared at the ceiling and thought about Mr. Belson.
    "How nervous he was. He couldn't take his eyes off my breasts. I
    controlled him just by touching my hair or shifting in my chair. These
    are powerful," he thought to himself as he cupped his heavy bosom in
    his hands. He decided to experiment more with his new powers and when
    he appeared at the breakfast table in the morning, his clothes were
    even more provocative. He wore an ultratight v-neck red sweater and
    designer jeans which left nothing to the imagination. He hair was tied
    high up on his head and bounced merrily against his back in a thick
    spring-loaded ponytail. His adorable bangs belied his tantalizing
    couture. He chose the brightest red lipstick he could find and his
    alabaster cheeks were brushed dramatically with pale rose blush. He
    was ready to turn heads.

    First class was English with Mr. Bostick. The usual preclass din was
    in full sway until he appeared in the doorway. Then the heads not only
    turned, jaws dropped and tongues fell out as the prettiest boy in
    school took his old seat. He waited for Mr. Bostick to make a speech
    about his return and it seemed as though that might have been the
    teacher's plan until he'd seen the statuesque boy's transformation. He
    was literally speechless before such a bewitching metamorphosis.
    Denise breathed a sigh of relief (an event followed by every male in
    the room) and felt secure in the knowledge that his imposing beauty had
    helped him escape an embarrassing situation.

    The rest of his classes followed a similar pattern. The few who
    weren't aware that he'd left school weeks earlier as a boy were soon
    apprised of the fact and turned to stare with undisguised wonder. He
    smiled politely at the girls and suggestively at the boys and basked in
    the reflected heat generated by his homecoming. No one talked to him
    between classes and he spoke to no one until he saw Debbie in the halls
    between classes.

    "How's it going?"

    "Not too bad, I guess. Everyone thinks I'm a martian but I don't

    "You're too beautiful. That's the problem. They can't believe someone
    with a set like yours was a boy a few weeks ago."

    Denise smiled. "Gotta go."


    He walked down the corridor feeling the tightness of his sweater
    against his breasts, the swish of his pant legs and the clicking of his
    heels. He felt good. He felt alive. This feeling stopped abruptly
    when he pushed the heavy door into the girls' bathroom. A mangy
    quartet of tough girls fixing their hair and makeup turned to look at
    him. He smiled and went into a stall and shut the door. Like most
    stall doors the lock hadn't functioned in years and only gravity kept
    it shut.

    They girls resumed their conversation in stage whispers.

    "I don't think he looks that great."

    "His bra's gotta be padded."

    "I heard he still had his dick."

    "He's probably standing over the john right now."

    "Hey, leave the seat down, will ya?" Laughter. They moved to the front
    of his stall and began whispering in earnest.

    "Hey, Denise."


    "We want to see it."


    "Come on, Denise, we're all girls here right?"

    Denise tried to move his knee against the door but it was too late. As
    the door flew back he stood up hastily and made a futile effort to pull
    up his jeans.

    "Oh gross!"

    "It's huge!"

    Denise tried to cover himself but it was too late. He burst out crying
    and made the impromptu decision to cover his face rather than his
    privates. It was a bad decision. One of the girls had a polaroid
    camera and flashed a quick snap of the pretty girl and the
    unquestionably large remnant of her manhood.

    "You won't be so haughty after this gets around, Big Dick."

    "See if his tits are real," one of the girls said. Another girl
    responded by ripping Denise's sweater open, exposing his pert 36 C cup
    breasts bouncing in a lacy black brassiere.

    The camera whined again capturing the conundrum of Denise's body and
    her anguish at its rude exposure. Denise took his hands from his face
    to scream at his antagonists but that only served their interests
    better when a third picture was snapped that showed the pretty girl
    with the bouncing ponytail revealed, cock flopping and cleavage

    This was the picture that went into wide circulation throughout the
    school the next day, reaching Mr. Belson's desk sometime in the late
    afternoon. It was a crude xerox of a xerox but Denise was still
    clearly recognizable. Curiously, his look of anger had mutated in the
    copy machine into cartoonish surprise giving the photo the look of a
    burlesque postcard, the kind where an airbrushed cutie loses her
    bathrobe to an obliging gust of wind. The fact that much more was
    revealed than a pair of white buns added a certain piquancy. What
    remained in the viewer's mind after the picture was gone was the
    magnitude of both his male and female attributes and, of course, his
    stunning face.

    The next day when Mr. Belson called Denise into his office he expected
    a somewhat chastened version of the vixen he'd met at the parent
    conference. He was surprised to find that Denise was unrepentant. He
    wore a scooped-neck leotard that exploited the fulsome beauty of his
    bust and a denim sheath skirt fit tightly around his derriere. He wore
    his hair down and it framed his face in soft waves of kittenish
    abandon. There was nothing about him that suggested he had a secret
    surprise in his panties or that the humiliating events of the past two
    days had daunted his hussy image.

    "You don't seem bothered by this, Denise," he said, holding the picture

    "I am but I can't let it show or it will only get worse."

    "So you hide your true feelings."

    "I suppose."

    "Is that wise?"

    Denise looked into his eyes. "Mr. Belson, I know I'm a girl now. I
    have breasts and a girl's figure. I also happen to have a penis. Now
    everyone knows it. It's not a big deal."

    Belson stared in awe at the lovely boy/girl's insouciance. Then he
    looked down at the key in his hand and said, "Well, I don't think it's
    wise to use the girls' bathrooms anymore. I'm going to give you the
    key to the faculty bathroom. Do me and yourself a favor and keep the
    door locked from now on."

    Denise took the key and headed for the door. He turned round as he
    touched the doorknob and said "Don't worry about me, Mr. Belson. I
    know what I am."

    Yes, you're a slut, Belson thought as the pretty boy/girl left.

    The next few days were difficult ones for Denise as her notorious
    picture circulated throughout the whole school. Taunts of "Big Dick"
    and "Cock Girl" were whispered behind her back in the corridors and her
    old friends, including Debbie, were embarrassed to be seen with her.
    She didn't seem to mind much during school but at night, as she sat
    before her vanity, she would burst into tears when she scanned her
    lovely image in the mirror and saw her big cock resting peacefully
    beneath her tricot panties like a python in repose.

    Nevertheless she was determined not to back down and each day her
    provocative clothes reflected a "Take No Prisoners" attitude that did
    little to let the controversy around her subside. One day she arrived
    at first period English class in a bustier and short black skirt with a
    bolero jacket that mitigated her delicious cleavage but not by much.

    "Denise, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to go home and
    change," the principal had said after calling her into his office.


    "I think that's fairly obvious," he said, uncomfortably.

    "Not to me."

    "You can't come to school dressed like Madonna and expect to get away
    with it."

    "You don't have to worry about the boys. Not one has even spoken to me
    since I've come back to school."

    "It's not just the boys, Denise. It's ... everyone," he said, letting
    his own eyes drop for a moment to savor those milk white doves cupped
    in black underwired lace. "You're here to learn not to ... parade
    around in your underwear."

    When his mother pulled up to take him home she feigned shock by his
    brazenness. "Denise, you've got to tone down. For goodness sake, you
    look like a whore," she said laughing but Denise could tell she took
    great pride in his "stop a train" figure.

    When they got home he changed into a tight black sweater. "That's
    better," she smiled. "Much more ladylike." In fact, it was even more
    tantalizing than the bustier but it didn't get him kicked out of

    * * *

    Belson stood relieving himself in the faculty bathroom when the door
    lock clicked and the knob turned. He glanced over to see Denise
    closing the door behind her.

    "What are you doing in here?" he yelled.

    "Don't worry, I locked the door," she said, sidling up to him at the
    next urinal and unzipping her jeans. He looked straight ahead, his
    face a pinkish white as she made water next to him and the perfume of
    her hair filled his nostrils.

    "Am I embarrassing you, Mr. Belson?" she said huskily.

    He stood silently as she studied his face. He could feel her eyes
    shifting down to his cock, examining it. After what seemed like an
    eternity he finished, zipped up his pants and turned toward the exit.
    But Denise turned and stopped him. Her pink nailed fingers shook her
    big cock in his direction

    "Look at it, Mr. Belson. I know you've wanted it since that first
    meeting. Go ahead. It's not a snake. It won't bite."

    "Get out of my way, you little slut."

    "Look at it," she screamed.

    He glanced down.

    "That's it. Not so hard, was it? But it could be. Here, touch it."
    She reached out and grabbed his hand and placed it on the large tube of
    flesh. His hand curled around it like a tendril on a vine.

    He looked at her. She was never more captivating. The soft brunette
    hair that framed her face, the thick bangs that fell just above her
    wide eyes, the lovely innocence of her white skin belied the power of
    her spell, the cruel womanliness of her demands. She was irresistible.
    A wave of yielding weakness passed through him with a visible tremor
    and pulling her thick root like a handle, he drew her close and kissed
    her lips.

    As they kissed, she unzipped his pants and her hand slid through the
    opening to retrieve his cock. It was hard. She was not surprised.

    She pulled back and smiled at him. "Do you want me?" she asked, in a
    husky babydoll whisper.

    He said nothing but buried his head in her thick hair till he reached
    her neck and let his tongue answer with a long kiss that made its way
    from her neck to her mouth.

    "Suck me, baby," she said.

    Now he pulled back and looked at her with faint apprehension. "You do
    what I tell you, baby," she said, in a soothing maternal voice.

    He sank to his knees and looked up at her in helpless supplication.
    She smiled down at him and hoisted her tube top and bra up over her
    breasts, letting them sway above him like dark shadows. She smiled
    again. "Go ahead, baby."

    She guided her big cock to his mouth and drew it across his lips a few
    times before they opened and opened and opened and soon it was
    glistening and gliding, in and out across his tongue, down his throat,
    over his lips and back, swelling with each stroke until it threatened
    to choke him.

    As he fell into the rhythm of the trancelike motion, Denise turned
    toward the mirror and studied this strange tableau vivant. Her body
    now arched over the supplicant, hands against the tiled wall, breasts
    spiraling over him like heavy fruit and he below, shaking the tree by
    its thick trunk with drunken abandon. The thrust of her round, white
    buttocks; the dark, shimmering hair falling around her head, shaking
    with each lunge; the pouting, mocking lips, the raw, redness of her
    glistening cock. Were these the devices that pumped the blood to her
    groin or was it Belson's unschooled lips, his untalented tongue? No,
    it was her and her alone. The juicy vision of her contradictions, the
    crucifying beauty of her womanly body and her red male member, the
    sweetness of her face and the cruelty of her desire, the mingling of
    innocent youth with ravenous lust. The puppet Belson. She smiled at
    the ease with which she pulled his strings and her triumphant smile
    unexpectedly brought forth the streaming, white gism that flowed out
    the sides of his mouth and spurted into his damp hair and fell to the
    tiles in clotted, milky drops. Before the last spunk was spilled
    Denise pulled away from Belson to face the mirror and grasping her cock
    with both hands, she took aim at her own deliciously bawdy image. A
    final shot, issuing from deep within her groin, arced and hit the
    mirror, clouding the reflection of her face with hot, white cum.

  2. #2
    Rookie Poster
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    Oct 2007


    grade a stuff

  3. #3
    Rookie Poster
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    Dec 2007


    Thats Grade A Material right their.....


    It would have been loads better if it didnt end like that ........

    Started off amazing..... Got even better in the middle and then at the end all went down hill...

    Could have been a part 2 to this story and made it carry on through chapters as i found it an amazing read!


    I wish my body did that without hormones or anything.... Just wake up one day and my body is forming into a female!

    Hate my male body

  4. #4
    Professional Poster
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    Jan 2007


    One of the best introductions I've ever read in an erotic story, but one of the worst endings.
    To begin with, you almost believe it is true. The explanation for the guys changes is a little far out, but his reactions to everything makes it trustworthy and you start to get sympathy for him.
    Unfortunately, as the story progress, it seems the author got to excited about getting the main character to do something dirty and everything just develops to fast. From being reluctant and very against the whole idea of even wearing a bra, he suddenly turns into being the school's biggest whore! That's just not trustworthy!
    Had the story taken another direction from about midway, and developed a little slower, I think the overall impression would have been better and there would have been material for a sequel.

  5. #5
    Junior Member Rookie Poster
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    Default Re: hormonal imbalance

    Quote Originally Posted by KraftedFlavour View Post
    Here's a story I found on in transgender section under "shemale"

    I wish I could find more stories like this, I like when the main character becomes a tranny/girl by accident or has some sort of mix-up with hormones.. well without further ado here's the story:

    Hormonal Imbalance

    by Leigh de Santa Fe

    At breakfast his mother said, "Dennis, I think it's time to get your
    hair cut."

    "Mom, I got my hair cut last week."

    "It couldn't have been last week, honey. It's already over your ears."

    "No way, Mom. I just got it cut."

    "No arguing at the breakfast table," his father said from behind a

    Dennis stomped out. In Geometry his voice cracked in the middle of an
    answer which broke up the whole class including the teacher. Dennis
    blushed but he recovered quickly.

    Nothing happened the next day but on Wednesday as he stepped out of the
    shower in the locker room, his chest felt sore. And seemed swollen.
    He could actually feel loose flesh around his nipples. He put it out
    of his mind but the next morning, alone in the bathroom, he examined
    himself in the mirror. Not only was his chest swollen but the nipples
    were larger. They looked like small pegs. The circles around them had
    turned a deep, reddish brown and were enlarged as well.

    "I have cancer," he thought as beads of sweat broke out on his brow.
    He became so obsessed that he didn't even notice that it had been four
    days since he'd last shaved.

    He buried his fears, dressed and rushed down to the breakfast table.

    "Dennis, didn't I tell you to get your hair cut on Monday," his mother
    said irritated.

    "I told you, mom. I went to the mall last Friday."

    "Come with me right now."

    She led him into the bathroom and said, "It couldn't have been last
    week, honey. Look, it's way past your collar."

    A lump grew in his throat but he managed to squeak out, "Okay. Okay."

    He cut gym that day and went to the library. Pouring over a fat
    medical textbook he could find nothing that would account for the
    swelling in his chest. "This has got to be some kind of weird mumps,"
    he thought.

    After school he met his swim team buddy Jim in the hall. "Aren't you
    going to practice?" he asked.

    Dennis turned red. "No, I can't today."

    "Why not?"

    "I have to get a haircut."

    "That's a lame excuse. Coach'll be pissed. You okay? You don't look
    so hot."

    "I'm fine," Dennis said, walking toward his locker.

    "Gained some weight in your butt, dude," Jim called after him.

    Dennis instinctively put his hands on his buttocks and Jim's laughter
    echoed down the hall. Jim was right, Dennis thought, "Everything about
    my body is changing." He walked home, so engrossed in contemplation
    that when his girlfriend Debby called out to him, he just kept on

    "Hey, didn't you hear me?"

    "What, oh, Hi."

    "Is something wrong Dennis?"

    "No, nothing's wrong," he said, his voice cracking.

    "You've been doing that a lot lately. I thought your voice already

    "Look nothing's wrong, okay." Just as he reached the last syllable it
    cracked again and Debby suppressed her laughter because the look in his
    eye was murderous.

    "Look I've got to get a haircut now. I'll see you tomorrow," he said
    trying hard not to let his voice crack again.

    "Sure. Call me. Bye."

    He ran off toward the mall.

    When he finally got home, he raced to the bathroom and stripped off his
    shirt. His hands felt his chest. The soft flesh hung out into space
    about an inch. The nipples were larger and the aureoles were now three
    inches across and reddish brown. He could never go back to the swim
    team now. Not like this. He stood for a moment wondering if he should
    tell his parents when he noticed his hair. He'd just gotten it cut and
    it was over his ears again. "It some gland thing," he thought. "I've
    got tropical gland disease." Then he noticed his beard or rather he
    noticed his beard hadn't grown in a week. In fact, his cheeks were
    devoid of even the peach fuzz stubble that grew between shaves.
    Instead they were smooth and pink. He ran to his room.

    At dinner he wore a bulky sweater to hide his swelling chest. No one
    seemed to notice and afterwards he went to his room and shut the door.
    Around nine his mom knocked to say goodnight. He sat at his desk
    pretending to study. "Everything all right, honey."

    "Yeah, sure. Why?"

    "No reason. Hey, will you promise me to get your hair cut tomorrow?"
    she said as she closed the door.

    The next day at school his voice cracked so many times that he stopped
    talking altogether. On the way home, Debby knew something was wrong.

    "What the matter with you lately, Dennis? You're so sulky and weird."

    "Nothing's the matter, okay? I've just been studying really hard." His
    voice cracked midway through the sentence and stayed in the upper

    "Is your voice getting higher? I thought it was supposed get lower."

    "Debby, can I tell you something?"

    "Sure, Dennis. What is it?"

    He blurted out all the strange changes that were taking place in his
    body. "I want to see," she said. They ran to her house and Debby
    pulled him up the stairs. When they were alone in her room she said,
    "Well, take your shirt off."

    "Promise you won't laugh," he said.

    "I won't. Just take your shirt off and show me."

    Dennis unbuttoned his shirt slowly and then peeled off his T-shirt. He
    couldn't look at her.

    She said nothing but her silence spoke volumes.

    "What's wrong with me, Debby?"

    Her eyes were traveling down from Dennis's chest to his waist.

    "Dennis, take off your pants too."


    "Just do it, okay."

    He kicked his tennis shoes off and dropped his jeans.

    Debby gasped. "Oh, my God."

    "What? What is it?" he yelled.

    "Your, uh, your butt."

    "What about it?"

    "It's bigger too," she said haltingly. "Look!" she said, opening the
    door to her closet and pointing at the full length mirror.

    Dennis looked over his shoulder into the mirror and for the first time
    all the puzzle pieces in place fell into place. His jockey shorts were
    stretched tightly over his bottom and he knew instantly why none of his
    pants seemed to fit anymore. His waist had narrowed as well.

    "You look kind of ... like a ..."

    "Like a what," his voice cracked.

    "Like a girl."

    "What do you mean?"

    "I mean, your body looks ... well, rounder and softer. What about
    down there?" she said, pointing to Dennis's groin.

    "It's the same. If anything it's bigger," Dennis said softly.

    "That's interesting," Debby said with a sly grin but he was too
    distraught to respond.

    "What's happening to me, Debby?" he said as he pulled his clothes on.

    "I don't know but it's really weird," she said, noticing for the first
    time how tight his jeans were.

    The next few days Dennis developed strategies for hiding the changes in
    his body. He combed his hair straight back with gel and he wore
    sweaters and his largest jeans. He put two pairs of socks on so his
    daintier feet fit into his shoes and he stopped talking except for
    tightly controlled monosyllabic responses. He tried to keep his
    emotions in check but whenever he was alone he wept uncontrollably. At
    night he'd go into the bathroom and take off all his clothes, examining
    his body for any retreat of the symptoms. There were none. His hair
    now fell just past his shoulders. Tying it back in a ponytail helped
    but it wasn't just longer, it was thicker. It didn't look like a boy's
    ponytail at all.

    His face was changing too. His beard had stopped growing but now his
    features seemed to have grown softer. The jawline seemed redrawn and
    his lips were fuller. Even his lashes seemed darker, longer. He noted
    each alteration with increasing fear.

    His penis, on the other hand, was the only part of his masculinity that
    wasn't in retreat. Instead it seemed to be a mocking holdout against
    the onslaught of feminine changes, competing with his breasts for rapid

    Every morning he prepared himself for school with an increasingly
    sophisticated set of rituals designed to hide his form, his figure, his
    face but he knew his efforts were meeting with less and less success.

    One day a substitute teacher in his English class was going down the
    roster of names on a seating chart and matching them with the students.
    "Denise Johnson," he said looking at Dennis. No one even giggled and
    Dennis sat in silent mortification.

    He had avoided Debby for a few days now but on the way home she caught
    up to him.

    "Hi, Dennis."

    "Hi," he said, his voice a breathy whisper.

    "How've you been?"

    "Okay, I guess." He was fighting back tears.

    "I like your hair like that."

    He was silent.



    "Maybe it's time you told you're parents."

    "Tell them what," he lashed out. "That I'm turning into a girl?"

    "No!" she said, "Tell them that ... tell them that there's something
    wrong with your glands or something. I don't know."

    "It's getting worse. I can't button my pants all the way. I cut my
    hair every night and in the morning it's longer and thicker than ever.
    This morning I had to tape my ... breasts so that they wouldn't show.
    I had to quit the swim team... " he broke off.

    Debby reached out to hold him but he pulled away. He didn't want
    anybody touching him. He didn't want her to feel how soft he'd become.

    That night when he mother came in to say goodnight he looked up from
    his textbook, his eyes glistening.

    "Are you crying, Dennis? What's wrong, honey?"

    "Mom, I'm ... uh. Mom?"

    "What is it, baby?"

    "Something weird is happening to my body." He broke down and blurted
    out the whole incredible story. She asked him to take his shirt off.
    He did and a look of panic crossed her face.

    "Baby, oh, honey, everything's going to be alright. In the morning,
    I'll take you Dr. Felder and we'll figure out what's happening.

    "Don't tell Dad."

    "Why not?"

    "I don't know. Just don't tell him. Okay?

    "Alright, honey. For now. Till we see what Dr. Felder has to say."

    The next day Dennis and his mother waited silently in the Dr. Felder's
    office. Finally, a nurse emerged and beckoned to Dennis. Seeing the
    fear in his eyes said, "Your first exam is always the hardest," she
    said reassuringly. She led him back to another waiting room. "If
    you'll just take your clothes off, Denise, and jump up here, the doctor
    will be in shortly." Dennis looked at his feet.

    "Could you ask my mother to come in too?" he said.

    The nurse hesitated, sensed his fear and said, "Of course."

    He undressed, covering his privates with his t-shirt and eased himself
    up on the examination table. He tried not to notice his bust but it
    was impossible. They were so large, he thought. Why did they have to
    be so large? The doctor and his mother came in.

    "Now, young lady, what's the problem?"

    "The problem, Dr. Felder, is that this is my son," his mother said.

    An hour later Dennis and his mother drove home in silence. Finally she

    "I've got to tell your father."


    "Because he's got to know."

    "But why, mom?"

    "Because he's going to find out."

    "No, he won't. I'll hide it. I've hidden it so far."

    "You're not going to hide it because you can't hide anymore, Dennis."

    "What do you mean?"

    "I mean, that for the short term, till we figure out what's going on, I
    want you to start..."

    "No," he cut her off. "I won't do that! I'll never do that!" he
    screamed in his unfamiliar soprano.

    "Dennis, look at yourself. Your clothes don't fit. You can't hide
    your . . chest. You're ... you're a 36 C cup," she said as the
    tears began to fall down her cheeks as well. "And you don't look ..."

    "Like a boy?"

    "Yes, you don't. Not right now. As soon as we figure this thing out
    we'll go back. You'll go back. I promise."

    "No, mom. I can't do that. Everybody will know."

    "Honey, I know it's hard but you won't have to go right back to school.
    We'll take some time. Time to adjust. Time to figure it all out."

    "But Mom, someday I'll have to go back and when I do everybody will
    stare at me. They'll laugh at me."

    "Honey, they're already staring."

    When they car drove up the drive, Dennis jumped out and ran up to his
    room and locked the door. When his father got home he could hear the
    fighting. Harsh words of disbelief and then the pounding of feet
    coming up the stairs.

    "Dennis, I want to talk to you."

    Dennis took off his shirt and laid it on the bed.

    "Dennis, open the door please.

    He pulled his pants down past his thighs and stepped out of them.

    "Right now, Dennis."

    He took the rubber band off his hair and shook his head. Then he
    unlocked the door.

    "My God!"

    "Dad, what's happening to me?" he cried.

    His mother appeared in the doorway behind his father. She ran to him.
    "Oh, my poor baby," she said, cradling him in her arms.

    Fifteen minutes later, after the tears had come and gone and come again
    his father said, "Your mother has a plan. She thinks you should ..."


    "Dennis, it's best this way. For now. For this period. As soon as
    its over, we'll go back to the way things were."

    "Dad, don't let me do that!"

    "Dennis," his father's voice broke now too, "you've got to try it and
    that's it."

    "Let's go to bed now and see if you don't feel differently in the

    They left him alone and after three hours of staring at the ceiling he
    finally drifted into troubled sleep.

    For three days Dennis stayed in his room. His mother brought him his
    meals in silence and he stayed in bed and thought and slept. At times
    he would drift into strange dreams and wake up coiled in his auburn
    hair. His body ached from the changes and he slept a lot. He used the
    bathroom only when no one was around. An scratchy old bathrobe was the
    only thing he wore. He avoided his image in mirrors.

    Changes continued to transform his body. If he didn't tie it back with
    a rubber band, his hair fell forward and surrounded his face like
    leaves from a flourishing vine. He stopped sleeping on his stomach
    because it hurt his chest and his back ached from the new top

    At times he would lie in bed and run his hands up and down the sides of
    his body, feeling its contours, the softness, the fresh hills and
    valleys that had grown during the night. He avoided touching his chest
    because that was too painful, both to the touch and to his bewildered
    psyche. When his robe irritated his nipples he put on a t-shirt but
    found that the jiggling of his breasts beneath the taut fabric only
    directed his attention to his enlarged bust. Jockey shorts were out
    for similar reasons. Pants were out of the question. He went back to
    wearing the robe.

    At times his father or mother would drop by and try to talk to him but
    he remained steadfast in his silence and after a while they went away.
    It was enough that he ate. Debby came by one day. He refused to talk
    to her as well so she left his homework assignments outside the door
    and said she come back the next day to pick up his homework. Dennis
    didn't touch it and the next day she tried to talk to him again.

    "Dennis, it's me."

    Dennis leaned against the door. His heart was pounding.

    "Dennis, let me in. I just want to talk."

    "Please go away," he said softly. It was the first words he'd spoken
    in 72 hours. His voice had crept up another octave and he bit his lip
    in shame.

    "Dennis, you can't stay in there forever. Let me in. Please."

    "Come back tomorrow. Okay?" Dennis said.



    "Okay. See you tomorrow. Bye." He listened to her footfalls down the
    stairs and then walked to the edge of window and watched her leave the
    yard. When she reached the gate she turned and looked up. He darted
    back into the shadows.

    The next day she came back.

    "Dennis, can I come in?"

    "The door's not locked."

    Debby opened the door slowly. Dennis had his back turned to her and
    was looking out the window. He wore the bathrobe tightly wrapped
    around his body. His hair was pulled back in a ponytail that fell to
    the middle of his back.


    He turned around and studied her face as she tried to contain her

    "I haven't looked in a mirror in 5 days. Have I changed a lot?"

    "Well ..." she swallowed, "yes, since I last saw you but that was a
    long time ago," she added hastily.

    "A week."

    "Yeah, I guess so." Her eyes fell from his chest to his hips and then
    to the walls of his room. "How are you?"

    "Oh, I'm fine. I'm great. Another week and I'll be ready for my deb

    Debby walked to the bed and sat down.

    "What are you going to do?"

    "I don't know. What would you do? What can I do?"

    "Well, your mother ..."

    "What did she say?"

    "Nothing! She just thought that, for now anyhow, you could..."

    "Could what?"

    "I don't know!"

    "Debby, I can't do that!"

    "Why not?"

    "Because ... I'm a boy. I'm a boy. I'm a boy," his voice cracked and
    he fell on the bed sobbing. She reached out to comfort him but his
    robe had fallen open and she stopped for a moment to stare at his
    bosom. His breasts were now bigger than hers.

    "Dennis, show me. Show me your body."


    She held him close. "Come on now. I'm your ... friend. You can show

    He sat up next to her. His hair had come undone and framed his face
    with disheveled curls. He drew his robe together tightly.

    "Look, I'll show you mine and you can show me yours. Okay?" Before he
    could answer she stood up and pulled off her sweater. She was wearing
    a black bra.

    "I can't do this."

    "Come on. I showed you mine," she said, pulling up off the bed.

    "I'm naked."

    "Okay. Okay. Here." She unhooked the bra in front and slipped it off.

    "Now you," she said, tugging at the robe. He let it fall to the floor.

    "Oh God, Dennis," she said as her eyes quickly took in his widened
    hips, his narrowed waist and the breasts which bounced only inches from
    hers. She looked into his eyes. They were filling with tears. She
    hugged him.

    The door opened and his mother appeared in doorway. Debby pulled away
    quickly. Dennis drew his arms up over his chest.

    "That's okay, Debby." His mother looked at Dennis. "We're all girls
    here now."


    "Oh baby, I'm sorry but you've got to face facts. Look at yourself,
    honey. Something has happened."

    Dennis turned away.

    "Just try it for a little while. Here in your room. You don't have to
    go out. Debby can help you. I'll go away. Just try ..."

    "Try what?" he said.

    His mother bit her lip.

    "Try being a girl," Debby said. "You might even like it."

    "Oh, God! Now you're both against me."

    "Dennis, Debby wants to help you and so do I."

    "Help me what?"


    Debby put her arm around his waist. "It's not that bad. I'll help

    "I don't know," he moaned. "What do you want me to do?"

    His mother approached him tentatively and put her arm around him too.

    "Just ... just try some clothes on. That's all. Here. In your room.
    You don't have to go out. No one will see you but us."

    "No one. Not even Dad?"

    "Not even Dad."

    "What clothes?"

    Dennis's mother glanced at Debby and smiled. "Whatever you want,
    honey. You can start with jeans and a ... blouse."

    "I think you should start with a bra," Debby blurted out. "A bra that

    His mother's face lit up. "I'll see if I can find something." She
    dashed out of the room and came back immediately.

    "Where'd you get this?" Dennis said. "It still has the tag on it."

    "Well, I just thought ..."

    "You bought this for me, didn't you?"

    "Just try it on," Debby said, putting his arms through the straps.
    "It's hooks in front. Try hooking it yourself."

    "You bought this for me," he said as his hands fumbled for a moment and
    then his breasts were captive in the lacy white cups.

    "It's perfect," Debby said.

    He looked down at his chest and saw the deep crack of cleavage. It was
    a revelation. Much more shocking that a simple mirror reflection, he
    could now see and feel his girlhood in three dimensions. The
    juxtaposition of his pliant flesh and the female garment met at more
    than simple juncture of skin and fabric. They were joined now in some
    synapse in his brain. A mindset was incubating.

    "I want to see," Dennis said, heading for the bathroom. His mother
    stopped him.

    "Not yet. Put these on first," she said, handing him a pair of beige
    cotton panties. He turned away and stepped into them. The fabric
    stretched over his buttocks like a second skin. But in front his cock
    struggled against containment. Debby and his mother looked askance as
    he bounded past them to the bathroom, the final strands of hair
    unraveling from the make-shift ponytail.

    When his mother and Debby caught up with him he was turning to examine
    his profile in the mirror. Tears streaked his face.

    Debby started to speak but Dennis's mother stopped her.

    "I'm so big. I'm so big," he gasped, his fingers grazing the surface
    of his bra cups. "You're not big. You're perfect."

    "But I'm so ... " He looked at his body. It was so different. So
    womanly. He had cleavage. Clouds of auburn hair unfurled around his
    face and fell past the cups of his brassiere.

    He turned to the women. "I am a girl now, aren't I?" he said in a
    frightened whisper.

    "Almost," Debby said.

    Every day for the rest of the week Debby arrived at the Johnson house
    at four o'clock with clothes for Dennis. She began with old jeans and
    sweaters which he would try on. One day she brought in large shopping

    "Now don't freak out, okay?"

    "Have I freaked out yet?" Dennis said petulantly. He sat on the bed,
    legs crossed in a distinctly unmasculine way and wearing only his bra
    and panties. His hair was pulled back in the familiar pony tail but a
    careful observer could see that his bangs were ever so slightly teased.

    "Okay, but this is different," she said as she pulled a baby blue
    taffeta prom dress out of the bag.

    "What's that?"

    "A prom dress."

    "Oh, God," he said, falling back on the bed in excited giggles.

    "You promised."

    "I can't wear that."

    "Why not?"

    "It's too ... too much."

    Debby put the dress up against her body and strutted around as though
    she just arrived at the ball. Then she turned to Dennis, "Aren't you
    curious to see what a real dress feels like?"

    "Yes, but I'm scared."

    "Scared of what?"

    "Scared that I'll like it too much."

    "Well, you're supposed to like it."

    "But what if tomorrow my breasts go away and everything changes back?"

    Debby rolled her eyes. "Come on, get up. I want to see how it fits
    you." Dennis obliged and she held the dress up to his body. "You'll
    have to wear a different bra. The straps'll show. Here," she said,
    pulling a strapless longline bra out of the bag.

    "Oh, I'll never get this on," Dennis said, looking at all the hooks in

    "I'll help you. Now, take off your bra and put this on." Dennis gave
    her a withering look and slid off his old brassiere and Debby helped
    him hook the eyes on the longline.

    "Ooo la la," Debby said when he turned around to face her. The bra
    pushed his breasts up and squeezed them together creating generous
    cleavage. Dennis blushed.

    Debby now pulled a powder blue tricot half slip out of the bag and
    said, "Now, put this on."

    Dennis pulled the slip on and swooned a little as the deliciously cool
    fabric grazed his naked thighs. His mouth went dry as he anticipated
    wearing his first dress.

    "Are you ready, Cinderella?"

    Dennis's dainty foot trembled as he stepped into the rustling heap of
    blue. A moment later he was twirling around the room, the enormous
    hoop of his skirts floating out from his body like a swinging bell.
    Shoulder-framing gathers of soft taffeta met at his decolletage in
    swirl of baby blue that looked like a cinnamon role.

    "Don't you want to see yourself?" Debby said, rushing him toward the

    "Yes, but ..." His father had still not seen wearing a bra and panties,
    let alone a dress. The last thing Dennis wanted was to surprise him in
    this big, poufy prom gown that displayed his gorgeous bosom
    unashamedly. And yet, he was terribly curious about how he looked.
    Debby's face waited expectantly for his nod and even the sound of the
    rustling taffeta seemed to urge him on. He relented. "Okay, let's go,
    but watch the stair."

    Debby opened the door and looked both ways while Dennis picked up his
    cascading skirt.

    The reflection literally took his breath away. He was lovely and so
    demure. He loved the way the shoulders tapered to frame his
    decolletage. A new emotion was stirring down deep inside, an emotion
    that confused and frightened him. He was almost proud.

    As he turned this way and that to view his profile Debby also noticed
    the first signs of a feminine vanity creeping into his demeanor. She
    was dying to undo his ponytail and brush his hair out and Dennis must
    have been thinking along similar lines because after observing himself
    for a long moment he discarded the rubber band and shook his head. The
    long auburn waves, free at last, framed his face with a kittenish
    dishevelment that literally forced his face into a pouty sultriness.

    He turned to Debby. "I look really good, don't I?"

    "Really good?"

    He blushed deeply. "I mean, do I look okay?" he said, painfully aware
    she had caught him basking in the ecstasy of feminine conceit.

    "Yes, you're gorgeous. Now let me brush your hair out."

    Dennis smiled and sat down on the edge of the tub like a princess
    awaiting her chambermaid. The brush moved through his tangled curls
    reluctantly at first but soon Debby's hand pushed down easily and the
    snarls resolved into a smooth cascade of mahogany, the strands aligned
    like exquisite wood grain. It felt so wonderful he wanted to purr.

    "I've been wanting to do this for weeks," Debby said.


    "Yes, weeks. It's a sin to have hair this beautiful and not brush it.
    In fact, it's a sin not to have it styled."

    Dennis turned to look at her. "But I can't do that. I'd have to leave
    my room."

    "So, you're going to stay in your room forever, Rapunzel?"

    "I'd like to. I'd like to have you come brush my hair every day and
    talk to me and bring me ..."


    "Yes. And we could be together like we used to be."

    "We'll never be like we used to be."

    Dennis folded his hands in a sea of blue taffeta. "I know."

    Debby glanced in the mirror and caught Dennis's eyes.

    "You know, there's one thing I can't show you here that's absolutely


    "Shopping at the mall," Debby laughed. "Why don't we go out together
    to the mall tomorrow. You need to get some things that fit. You'll
    love it."

    Dennis was skeptical. "What would I wear?"

    Debby smiled. She knew he was ready. "Anything you want, princess."
    The next day was Saturday. Dennis got up at dawn and was already
    possessed by the question of what he would wear on his mall spree. He
    also had to get out of the house without seeing his father. Around
    nine o'clock his mother knocked on the door and delivered his
    breakfast. "You okay, honey?" she said.

    He turned to her and smiled. "Yes, I guess. I'm supposed to go to the
    mall today with Debby."

    "That's great!" she said. "What are you going to ..."

    "I don't know."

    "What's wrong with jeans and a sweater?"

    "Mom!" he said with exasperation, "It's not what I'm going to wear.
    It's wearing a bra and stuff out there," Dennis said. He turned his
    head to the window, creating a curvy cameo against the blue sky. His
    mother put her arm around his waist.

    "It'll be fine. No one will ever suspect."

    He spun out of her grasp. "No will ever suspect what?" he demanded.

    She stepped back in alarm for a brief moment. Then regaining her
    composure she said deliberately, "That you're not a girl."

    "Even though I look like one?"

    "Yes, a very lovely girl," she added.

    Tears welled up in his eyes and he said, "I'm scared, mommy." She
    hugged him.

    "I know, honey. I know. It'll be fine. Everything will be fine."

    An hour later the door opened and Dennis emerged like a shy butterfly.
    He wore his old jean jacket over a tight black turtleneck sweater and a
    pair of girls' jeans that Debby had brought him. The jeans were so
    tight that the outline of the credit card his mother gave him was
    clearly visible in his back pocket. Furthermore, his sweater
    accentuated his bust in a way that both embarrassed and excited him.
    His mother had brushed his hair out and pulled it back in a ponytail,
    tying it up high on his head in a more feminine way. Dennis protested
    but secretly he liked the way it made him look cute and little

    They drove to the mall in silence. Dennis looked out the window and
    played with the end of his ponytail. When they arrived his mother
    said, "You'll be fine. Try to have fun with it." Dennis made an effort
    to smile. She watched him walk across the parking lot, losing track of
    him as he blended into a crowd of teenage girls headed for the mall.

    Dennis arrived at the appointed meeting place early and sat down on a
    bench to wait. His breasts felt bigger and more conspicuous than ever
    and he unconsciously began to hunch over to hide his curvy, new figure.
    When he saw Debby walking across the mall he straightened up a little.

    "Hi," Debby said quietly.


    "You look great."

    "Thanks." He blushed. "Everything feels so ... tight."

    "That's because it is, dear. And that's why we're here. Are you

    "Not really."

    "Come on, let's go get you a bra that fits." She pulled him up off the
    bench and they headed off to the lingerie department at Dillards.

    Debby took Dennis back to the dressing rooms, and said, "Wait here.
    I'll be back."

    He sat down and fidgeted, trying not to feel like this was the oddest
    thing he'd ever done, trying not to listen to the sounds of dressing
    dropping and bras hooking.

    Soon Debby returned with several bras, slips and even a garter belt.
    When Dennis rolled his eyes she said, "You might like it, you know.
    Now take off your sweater."

    He spent the rest of the afternoon taking off his clothes and trying on
    others. Debby was having a great time selecting things and then having
    him model them for her. Soon he forgot who he was and where he was and
    began to look forward to trying on the pretty blouses and skirts that
    Debby handed him.

    By two o'clock he had discarded the turtleneck and jeans and was
    wearing black tights, a black denim skirt and a white blouse with
    puffed sleeves and a plunging neckline. By three o'clock he had
    replaced his mother's low pumps with a pair of shiny black heels and he
    carried a small brown leather purse.

    He felt more at ease in his new role now and even a little proud of his
    figure which Debby never stopped praising. "You're such a fox," she'd
    say or with mock envy "You're so stacked. I wish I had your figure."
    Dennis couldn't help grinning when he heard these compliments. Even
    though he felt comfortable walking along side Debby in his new skirt
    and blouse, he found it difficult to take the larger step of enjoying
    his femininity. Debbie sensed that this shyness might be shed if he
    could see his feminine loveliness reflected, not in a mirror but in the
    eyes of his beholders.

    "How about a makeover?" she suggested as they strolled through the
    cosmetic section. Dennis hesitated and then thought why not. Moments
    later an attractive young redhead in a cream colored lab coat was
    daubing bright colors on his cheek and speaking in low soothing tones
    about contrast and shade. Dennis found himself enjoying the attention.
    Especially when Carole the cosmetician praised his cheekbones or his
    aquiline nose. When she finished he swooned at the luscious girl who
    stared back at him in the circular mirror. Carole had uncovered or
    rather created a glittering creature with her brushes and paint and
    Dennis was amazed at this new level of transformation. He was barely
    begun to admire himself when Debbie said, "Let's get your hair done

    Dennis went pale beneath his blusher. "Oh, I don't know. Can't I just
    leave it the way it is."

    "Your hair is lovely but it needs to be trained. Just like your
    breasts need a bra for support, your hair needs to be ... tamed."

    "Tamed how?"

    "You'll see. Come on," she said, taking him by the arm and leading him
    into Hair Designs.

    When he left the salon an hour and a half later the ambisextrous pony
    tail was gone but you couldn't really call what replaced it tame. The
    hairdresser, obviously delighted to get her hands on Dennis's thick,
    abundant hair, had taken this raw rapunzel and worked his hair into a
    frothy bouffant. Parted on one side it now sinuously fell over his
    face in a dramatic cascade which culminated at his shoulders in a
    thick, bouncing wave.

    Dennis was mortified when he saw what had been done to him. Debby
    couldn't stop laughing. He looked as though he should be wrapped in
    ermine and carrying a chihuahua, a soap opera vixen at a supermarket
    opening. It was the worst possible outcome: big, starlet hair which
    called attention to his burgeoning femininity. In fact, it was the
    perfect complement to his glamorous makeover and a small part of his
    girlish self was celebrating. The rest of him found his new look, like
    his pouffy coif, to be an unwieldy burden, top heavy with sex.

    "You look faaabulous," Debby said over and over in her best Fernando
    Lamas ooze. People were staring at him. He could feel heads turning
    as he walked past. And when they reached a knot of teenage boys his
    composure, already on shaky ground, completely abandoned him and
    suddenly he was a teenage girl, giggling with nervous energy,
    embarrassed and proud of his beauty, knowing and innocent. It was as
    though he'd been handed a scepter that had compelling power but he had
    no idea how to control it. And so he passed through the crowded mall
    causing small whirlwinds of sexual confusion in his wake.

    The two girls made their way out into the silent twilight and fell
    silent themselves. Dennis felt his nipples stiffen in the October
    chill. He drew the jean jacket tighter.

    "How are you going to get all this stuff home?" Debby said finally.

    "I guess I should call my mom but I don't really want to."

    "Why not?"

    "I don't know. She's never seen me like this."

    "Yeah. Well, I could call my mom, I guess."

    "Does she know?"

    "Not exactly."

    "What's that supposed to mean?"

    "She knows."

    "Oh, great."

    "Hey, it's not a big deal."

    Dennis exhaled a bitter laugh. "Okay, well let's go call her."

    Debby's mother was not discreet. She gawked, she stared, even her
    silence was uncomfortably intrusive and Dennis was glad when they
    dropped him off at home. He gathered up all his purchases and went up
    the walk. His mother opened the door.

    "Is that you?"

    "Yes," Dennis said, bowing his head so that his bounteous hair shrouded
    his face in shadow.

    "Let me take a look at you. Oh my God!" She reached out to hug him but
    he pulled away. "What's the matter, honey?"

    He ran past her up the stairs to his room. When he got there he was
    shocked to find the room had been transformed. Gone were the beige
    curtains, the brown bedspread and the dresser he'd had since childhood.
    In their place, were pink draperies, a chenille bedspread and a vanity
    replete with a tableful of cosmetics. A long, rectangular mirror
    encircled by tiny bulbs completed the picture. A note was taped on the
    mirror. It read: "For our new daughter, Mom and Dad."

    Dennis didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He did neither. Instead
    the girl in the mirror beckoned. Finally alone, she demanded his
    undivided attention. The androgynous jean jacket fell to the floor
    like a discarded husk and her delicate hands covered her decolletage.
    It was a gesture of instinctive modesty. Head tipped forward in shy
    retreat of her own loveliness, hair spilling over her naked shoulders,
    she resembled a little girl simultaneously chastened and adored for
    wearing Mommy's good blouse. A mischievous smile now overtook her
    diffidence and she swiveled in a three quarter turn to see just how big
    her hair was in back and how much space her breasts displaced in
    profile. The small smile turned big as she took note of her own
    womanly grandiosity. Hands went to hips next and back arched, trailing
    her mane down to her waist. The little girl had disappeared. A
    starlet was emerging.

    "Dennis!" his mother called from behind him.

    He wheeled around and felt the free fall of his hair over one shoulder.
    The little girl suddenly returned, blushing crimson.

    "Are you okay, honey?" she said, unable to conceal an amused smile.

    Dennis looked down. His mother gave him hug and it crossed his mind
    that his breasts were bigger than her's. "I'm so proud of you," she
    said softly. Dennis pushed her away.

    "Let's see what you got," she said, trying to break the tension.

    "Maybe later. I think I'd like to be alone."

    "Don't you want to show your dad ..."


    "Dennis, you've got to face him sometime. You can't hide up here for
    the rest of your life."

    His glittering eyes flickered with a laser beam of hatred and his
    mother beat a hasty retreat. He locked the door, stripped his clothes
    off and looked at his body in the full-length mirror his parents had
    installed on the back of his door. His body was a conundrum with its
    voluptuous curves and a big cock swaying between his legs. He touched
    it. Not with the manly intent of his pre- girl years but daintily,
    gingerly, as though it were a foreign part of his body, an incongruous
    artifact of a forgotten time. Amazingly, it sprang to life in his
    delicate hand and the sight of his nodding tool in concert with his
    swaying breasts aroused him. He began to play with his image in the
    mirror. Legs spread and pelvis thrust out, he proffered his stiff rod
    with one hand and gathered up a shock of brunette hair with the other
    while his lips pouted with babydoll insouciance. It was an arresting
    image and one filled with coarse sensuality. Suddenly a wave of
    enormous shame mingled with a knowledge of raw, unbridled power swept
    over him and he lay down on the pink bedspread to catch his breath.
    His head was swimming with strange hormonal drumbeats and even though
    the blood drained from his cock, his mind retained the image of the
    lusty androgyne for a long time after.

    "Dinner's ready, hon," his mom called out from behind the door.

    Dennis stood up and turned to look at himself once again. A strange
    and mischievous smile overtook his mouth and he picked up his bra and
    twirled it around his finger. Then he put the bra and panties back on,
    tucking his maleness demurely between his legs. Pawing through the
    bags from the mall he selected the tightest jeans and a red sweater
    with pearl buttons that celebrated his new convexity to stunning
    effect. For shoes he chose a pair of black heels with ankle straps.
    Glancing in the mirror he smiled at his kitten- with-a-whip look,
    freshened up his lipstick, brushed his bounteous hair over his
    shoulders and bounced down the stairs to dinner.

    His mother raised an eyebrow as he plopped into his customary seat. He
    smiled back at her, spreading his napkin over his lap with careful good
    little girl aplomb. When his father finally emerged from his own
    hiding place he turned white at the image of his son, whom he had last
    seen in uncomfortable transition, as a red lipped little hussy
    flaunting her breasts like Lana Turner.

    "What's the matter, Dad?" Dennis said in a breathy, Marilynesque
    whisper. "I thought you wanted this," he said, resting his hands
    modestly over his breasts.

    His father struggled with his emotions for a moment and then sat
    silently, a frozen smile fixed on his face.

    "Dennis went ..."

    "I'm Denise now, Mom."

    She nodded in his direction. "Denise went to the mall today."

    "Oh," his father said, trying to seem interested.

    "He ... she bought all kinds of stuff ... on your credit card."


    They ate in silence. Denise watched them carefully. They didn't look
    up once for 10 minutes.

    "Look! My nipples are hard," Denise finally said, nonchalantly
    breaking the silence. "What causes that, I wonder?" he said, throwing
    his shoulders back to emphasize his bust. His parents looked up for a
    moment and then down immediately at their plates. He toyed with a
    strand of spaghetti for a long moment and then said, "Look, I'm a girl
    now. You'd better get used to it because I have." He got up suddenly
    and went back to his room.

    "What was that all about?" his father said.

    "I don't know," his mother said.

    "Maybe you'd better go see if he's ... she's alright."

    "Why don't you. I think that little performance was for your benefit."

    "What do I say?"

    "Just accept her."

    "But she's so ... whory."

    "Have you looked around lately? That's the way girls are these days."

    "It's hard to adjust to him that way."

    "Her. And you'll just have to try."

    He got up and walked slowly up the stairs.

    "Denise, uh sorry, Denise," he called out. When no response came, he
    tried the doorknob and finding it unlocked he opened the door a crack
    and poked his head in. Denise was sitting at his new vanity. The
    sweater and jeans were gone. He wore only a black brassiere, panties
    and heels. His hair was piled up on his head casually in Gibson girl
    splendor. He turned to look at his father. In his hand he held a
    mascara brush. "Hi, Daddy," he said with a coy smile.

    His father eyes dropped to Denise's expansive cleavage and he withdrew
    hastily. "Sorry, I thought you were ..."

    "Dressed," Denise finished. "But, Daddy, I am."

    Hiding behind the door, his father grew purple with embarrassment and

    "Listen, Daddy, I'm not what I was. Physically or any other way. I'm
    your little girl now with not so little breasts. And I'm pretty and I
    like it. So you better get used to me this way because I'm not
    changing back again." Slowly the door closed and Denise smiled into the
    mirror for a moment before resuming the brush strokes of his mascara.

    * * *

    On Sunday Denise went over to Debbie's and the two spent the entire
    afternoon trying on clothes and making up. He was an avid student,
    absorbing as much information as he could about make up, clothes and
    hair. Debbie was surprised at the new lack of self-consciousness about
    his femaleness. Though late in the afternoon, as Debbie fussed over
    his hair, he admitted that he was worried about school.


    "Why? I left there six weeks ago as a boy and now I returning with
    this?" he said, pointing to the the frothy pile of curls atop his head.
    "And these," he said, cupping his breasts.

    "But everyone knows something happened to you."

    "They do?"

    "Well, yes. I mean, it was happening before you left, you know."

    "What are they saying about me?"

    Debbie stopped teasing his hair for a moment. Their eyes met in the
    mirror. "They're saying you're a girl now, a beautiful girl."

    "How do they know that though?"

    "I told them," Debbie blurted out.

    "What did you say?"

    "I said that your body had changed and that you and your parents
    decided it was best if you started wearing ... girls' clothes for a

    Debbie's matter of factness made Denise blush.

    "And I said that you were really pretty."

    Denise sighed, his bosom heaving beneath his blouse. "Do you really
    think I'm pretty, Debbie?"

    "Shut up, big tits and let me finish your hair."

    "I hate that word."

    "What? Tits?"

    "Yes. Do you really think my breasts are big?"

    "Oh, you just want to hear me say it. Yes, of course they're big. 36
    C cup is big, darling. The boys are going to love you."

    Denise looked up at the mirror. "No, they won't. They'll think, 'He's
    a boy who looks like a girl.'"

    "How long do you think that will last?"

    "Well, I'm not a complete girl, you know."

    "They won't be seeing that though, will they. And besides how will
    they know it's still there?"

    Denise smiled at his reflection. "It's kind of like being a spy. Like
    Mata Hari," he said, covering his face like a veil with a thick coil of
    brunette curls. Debbie casually recaptured them and resumed brushing.

    "At least you won't have to take P.E. anymore."

    * * *

    The next day Denise and his parents met with the school counselor, Mr.
    Belson and the school nurse, Miss Ashley, to talk about "Denise's"
    return to school. Denise wore a long sleeve ribbed knit dress that
    revealed the contours of his new topography with such drama that Mr.
    Belson had trouble looking at the statuesque young tart without staring
    in awe. It pleased Denise no end to see that the slightest shifts in
    his posture reverberated throughout Mr. Belson's libido like tiny
    seismic disturbances.

    "Denise seems to be adjusting to her new role very well," Mr. Belson
    said, looking first at Denise's father who shifted uncomfortably in his
    seat and then at his mother who beamed with pride at her son's beauty
    and finally at Denise himself whose demure lips opened and seemed to
    Mr. Belson to mouth the words, "Fuck me." Belson turned crimson and
    then said, "Well, I guess that's it unless you have anything else, Miss

    "I'm just wondering what bathroom Denise will use," Miss Ashley said
    matter of factly.

    "Well, I, uh," Belson stumbled.

    "Why can't he use the girls' bathroom?" Denise's mother asked

    "She could but I'm afraid of what would happen if she was ...
    indiscreet," Miss Ashley said, politely correcting his mother's slip.

    "Denise is a lady," his mother insisted. His father winced.

    "Well, I'm sure she is but some of the students know that Denise is not
    . . completely feminine. I would hate to put her in an awkward

    "Why don't we try it for a while and see how it goes," Mr. Belson

    Miss Ashley sighed and retreated. The meeting was over.

    That night Denise stared at the ceiling and thought about Mr. Belson.
    "How nervous he was. He couldn't take his eyes off my breasts. I
    controlled him just by touching my hair or shifting in my chair. These
    are powerful," he thought to himself as he cupped his heavy bosom in
    his hands. He decided to experiment more with his new powers and when
    he appeared at the breakfast table in the morning, his clothes were
    even more provocative. He wore an ultratight v-neck red sweater and
    designer jeans which left nothing to the imagination. He hair was tied
    high up on his head and bounced merrily against his back in a thick
    spring-loaded ponytail. His adorable bangs belied his tantalizing
    couture. He chose the brightest red lipstick he could find and his
    alabaster cheeks were brushed dramatically with pale rose blush. He
    was ready to turn heads.

    First class was English with Mr. Bostick. The usual preclass din was
    in full sway until he appeared in the doorway. Then the heads not only
    turned, jaws dropped and tongues fell out as the prettiest boy in
    school took his old seat. He waited for Mr. Bostick to make a speech
    about his return and it seemed as though that might have been the
    teacher's plan until he'd seen the statuesque boy's transformation. He
    was literally speechless before such a bewitching metamorphosis.
    Denise breathed a sigh of relief (an event followed by every male in
    the room) and felt secure in the knowledge that his imposing beauty had
    helped him escape an embarrassing situation.

    The rest of his classes followed a similar pattern. The few who
    weren't aware that he'd left school weeks earlier as a boy were soon
    apprised of the fact and turned to stare with undisguised wonder. He
    smiled politely at the girls and suggestively at the boys and basked in
    the reflected heat generated by his homecoming. No one talked to him
    between classes and he spoke to no one until he saw Debbie in the halls
    between classes.

    "How's it going?"

    "Not too bad, I guess. Everyone thinks I'm a martian but I don't

    "You're too beautiful. That's the problem. They can't believe someone
    with a set like yours was a boy a few weeks ago."

    Denise smiled. "Gotta go."


    He walked down the corridor feeling the tightness of his sweater
    against his breasts, the swish of his pant legs and the clicking of his
    heels. He felt good. He felt alive. This feeling stopped abruptly
    when he pushed the heavy door into the girls' bathroom. A mangy
    quartet of tough girls fixing their hair and makeup turned to look at
    him. He smiled and went into a stall and shut the door. Like most
    stall doors the lock hadn't functioned in years and only gravity kept
    it shut.

    They girls resumed their conversation in stage whispers.

    "I don't think he looks that great."

    "His bra's gotta be padded."

    "I heard he still had his dick."

    "He's probably standing over the john right now."

    "Hey, leave the seat down, will ya?" Laughter. They moved to the front
    of his stall and began whispering in earnest.

    "Hey, Denise."


    "We want to see it."


    "Come on, Denise, we're all girls here right?"

    Denise tried to move his knee against the door but it was too late. As
    the door flew back he stood up hastily and made a futile effort to pull
    up his jeans.

    "Oh gross!"

    "It's huge!"

    Denise tried to cover himself but it was too late. He burst out crying
    and made the impromptu decision to cover his face rather than his
    privates. It was a bad decision. One of the girls had a polaroid
    camera and flashed a quick snap of the pretty girl and the
    unquestionably large remnant of her manhood.

    "You won't be so haughty after this gets around, Big Dick."

    "See if his tits are real," one of the girls said. Another girl
    responded by ripping Denise's sweater open, exposing his pert 36 C cup
    breasts bouncing in a lacy black brassiere.

    The camera whined again capturing the conundrum of Denise's body and
    her anguish at its rude exposure. Denise took his hands from his face
    to scream at his antagonists but that only served their interests
    better when a third picture was snapped that showed the pretty girl
    with the bouncing ponytail revealed, cock flopping and cleavage

    This was the picture that went into wide circulation throughout the
    school the next day, reaching Mr. Belson's desk sometime in the late
    afternoon. It was a crude xerox of a xerox but Denise was still
    clearly recognizable. Curiously, his look of anger had mutated in the
    copy machine into cartoonish surprise giving the photo the look of a
    burlesque postcard, the kind where an airbrushed cutie loses her
    bathrobe to an obliging gust of wind. The fact that much more was
    revealed than a pair of white buns added a certain piquancy. What
    remained in the viewer's mind after the picture was gone was the
    magnitude of both his male and female attributes and, of course, his
    stunning face.

    The next day when Mr. Belson called Denise into his office he expected
    a somewhat chastened version of the vixen he'd met at the parent
    conference. He was surprised to find that Denise was unrepentant. He
    wore a scooped-neck leotard that exploited the fulsome beauty of his
    bust and a denim sheath skirt fit tightly around his derriere. He wore
    his hair down and it framed his face in soft waves of kittenish
    abandon. There was nothing about him that suggested he had a secret
    surprise in his panties or that the humiliating events of the past two
    days had daunted his hussy image.

    "You don't seem bothered by this, Denise," he said, holding the picture

    "I am but I can't let it show or it will only get worse."

    "So you hide your true feelings."

    "I suppose."

    "Is that wise?"

    Denise looked into his eyes. "Mr. Belson, I know I'm a girl now. I
    have breasts and a girl's figure. I also happen to have a penis. Now
    everyone knows it. It's not a big deal."

    Belson stared in awe at the lovely boy/girl's insouciance. Then he
    looked down at the key in his hand and said, "Well, I don't think it's
    wise to use the girls' bathrooms anymore. I'm going to give you the
    key to the faculty bathroom. Do me and yourself a favor and keep the
    door locked from now on."

    Denise took the key and headed for the door. He turned round as he
    touched the doorknob and said "Don't worry about me, Mr. Belson. I
    know what I am."

    Yes, you're a slut, Belson thought as the pretty boy/girl left.

    The next few days were difficult ones for Denise as her notorious
    picture circulated throughout the whole school. Taunts of "Big Dick"
    and "Cock Girl" were whispered behind her back in the corridors and her
    old friends, including Debbie, were embarrassed to be seen with her.
    She didn't seem to mind much during school but at night, as she sat
    before her vanity, she would burst into tears when she scanned her
    lovely image in the mirror and saw her big cock resting peacefully
    beneath her tricot panties like a python in repose.

    Nevertheless she was determined not to back down and each day her
    provocative clothes reflected a "Take No Prisoners" attitude that did
    little to let the controversy around her subside. One day she arrived
    at first period English class in a bustier and short black skirt with a
    bolero jacket that mitigated her delicious cleavage but not by much.

    "Denise, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to go home and
    change," the principal had said after calling her into his office.


    "I think that's fairly obvious," he said, uncomfortably.

    "Not to me."

    "You can't come to school dressed like Madonna and expect to get away
    with it."

    "You don't have to worry about the boys. Not one has even spoken to me
    since I've come back to school."

    "It's not just the boys, Denise. It's ... everyone," he said, letting
    his own eyes drop for a moment to savor those milk white doves cupped
    in black underwired lace. "You're here to learn not to ... parade
    around in your underwear."

    When his mother pulled up to take him home she feigned shock by his
    brazenness. "Denise, you've got to tone down. For goodness sake, you
    look like a whore," she said laughing but Denise could tell she took
    great pride in his "stop a train" figure.

    When they got home he changed into a tight black sweater. "That's
    better," she smiled. "Much more ladylike." In fact, it was even more
    tantalizing than the bustier but it didn't get him kicked out of

    * * *

    Belson stood relieving himself in the faculty bathroom when the door
    lock clicked and the knob turned. He glanced over to see Denise
    closing the door behind her.

    "What are you doing in here?" he yelled.

    "Don't worry, I locked the door," she said, sidling up to him at the
    next urinal and unzipping her jeans. He looked straight ahead, his
    face a pinkish white as she made water next to him and the perfume of
    her hair filled his nostrils.

    "Am I embarrassing you, Mr. Belson?" she said huskily.

    He stood silently as she studied his face. He could feel her eyes
    shifting down to his cock, examining it. After what seemed like an
    eternity he finished, zipped up his pants and turned toward the exit.
    But Denise turned and stopped him. Her pink nailed fingers shook her
    big cock in his direction

    "Look at it, Mr. Belson. I know you've wanted it since that first
    meeting. Go ahead. It's not a snake. It won't bite."

    "Get out of my way, you little slut."

    "Look at it," she screamed.

    He glanced down.

    "That's it. Not so hard, was it? But it could be. Here, touch it."
    She reached out and grabbed his hand and placed it on the large tube of
    flesh. His hand curled around it like a tendril on a vine.

    He looked at her. She was never more captivating. The soft brunette
    hair that framed her face, the thick bangs that fell just above her
    wide eyes, the lovely innocence of her white skin belied the power of
    her spell, the cruel womanliness of her demands. She was irresistible.
    A wave of yielding weakness passed through him with a visible tremor
    and pulling her thick root like a handle, he drew her close and kissed
    her lips.

    As they kissed, she unzipped his pants and her hand slid through the
    opening to retrieve his cock. It was hard. She was not surprised.

    She pulled back and smiled at him. "Do you want me?" she asked, in a
    husky babydoll whisper.

    He said nothing but buried his head in her thick hair till he reached
    her neck and let his tongue answer with a long kiss that made its way
    from her neck to her mouth.

    "Suck me, baby," she said.

    Now he pulled back and looked at her with faint apprehension. "You do
    what I tell you, baby," she said, in a soothing maternal voice.

    He sank to his knees and looked up at her in helpless supplication.
    She smiled down at him and hoisted her tube top and bra up over her
    breasts, letting them sway above him like dark shadows. She smiled
    again. "Go ahead, baby."

    She guided her big cock to his mouth and drew it across his lips a few
    times before they opened and opened and opened and soon it was
    glistening and gliding, in and out across his tongue, down his throat,
    over his lips and back, swelling with each stroke until it threatened
    to choke him.

    As he fell into the rhythm of the trancelike motion, Denise turned
    toward the mirror and studied this strange tableau vivant. Her body
    now arched over the supplicant, hands against the tiled wall, breasts
    spiraling over him like heavy fruit and he below, shaking the tree by
    its thick trunk with drunken abandon. The thrust of her round, white
    buttocks; the dark, shimmering hair falling around her head, shaking
    with each lunge; the pouting, mocking lips, the raw, redness of her
    glistening cock. Were these the devices that pumped the blood to her
    groin or was it Belson's unschooled lips, his untalented tongue? No,
    it was her and her alone. The juicy vision of her contradictions, the
    crucifying beauty of her womanly body and her red male member, the
    sweetness of her face and the cruelty of her desire, the mingling of
    innocent youth with ravenous lust. The puppet Belson. She smiled at
    the ease with which she pulled his strings and her triumphant smile
    unexpectedly brought forth the streaming, white gism that flowed out
    the sides of his mouth and spurted into his damp hair and fell to the
    tiles in clotted, milky drops. Before the last spunk was spilled
    Denise pulled away from Belson to face the mirror and grasping her cock
    with both hands, she took aim at her own deliciously bawdy image. A
    final shot, issuing from deep within her groin, arced and hit the
    mirror, clouding the reflection of her face with hot, white cum.
    I want more

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