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  1. #1
    Veteran Poster
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    Default Goodbye... Again...

    Well, after writting the moderators who by the way have been very accomodating to me after my tiff with the whole underage porn thing and my actions after being attacked and ridiculed by the Kitty Porn lovers I have no reason to be part of this board anylonger.

    This has became a free for all, where people are free to insult, trash, pick, harrass and escalade their actions to what happend to me yesturday.

    I requested the moderators take care of this prick, ban him and here is the reply.

    " I sent the prick a warning message, we both agree that phone calls such as that should be handled by the local law enforcement, which seems trivial, but a trace might be exactly what's needed to get him to leave you alone. As far as the forum goes, as much as I hate to say this he hasn't come close to being what this site considers ban material. I will constantly check and most likely delete everything he puts up, I can't do anything about private messages or phone calls. That's the best I can do at the moment. "

    There is nothing law enforcement will do - NOTHING - Trust me, I have had plenty of phone calls like that and also emails. I was not threatened with violence and it is not an ongoing offense by him. They will tell me that once he is in my house and kills me to call 911, that's basically it in a nut shell. Police will not act untill there is a crime commited.

    I think this website has became a way for guys to trash on whoever they want and belittle women as freely as they may want and the moderators do what? Sit back and say " Let them at it - its fun to watch! "

    We constantly have to sit here and read these idiots tell us we are fat, ugly, have big noses, have no inteligence because some of us are sex workers, we aren't worth anything, we are no body... And altho we all know these guys are pricks and don't deserve the time of day - it trully hits a very soft spot.

    We are women, believe you or not, and we deserve the respect just like anyone you meet on the street, if you think we are ugly or stupid. We are humans with feelings and we do not deserve to be ridiculed by you.

    I know alot of you are great guys and all but if you continue to back up these assholes who are allowed to harrass us over and over and over again with no consequence then you are just like them in my book.

    I know this will never happend but I call on the ladies on this board to stand up to these pricks and tell them in a smart way how they make you trully feel, how their words really hurt us and how we will not stand for that kind of harrassment.

    I don't understand how some of you ladies allow yourself to be ridiculed over and over again, but as for me... Sorry...

    This is one of the main reason for me wanting to be more private, and I am trully sorry for having returned here. Trully trully sorry.

    This place has became an ugly war zone!

    PS: To the asshole who called me yesturday - Don't you ever think that this is your doing! This is a collective of continued abuse that I am ashamed of.

    " We always get to the sky but it's never far enough to reach the stars or even a cloud for that matter. Our dreams and hopes are as shallow as a puddle of merky water " . DF

  2. #2
    Platinum Poster MrsKellyPierce's Avatar
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    Chicago, Illinois


    I can agree on a lot of those points, but disagree on taking the site and what someone says on here serious.

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  3. #3
    Junior Poster
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    Default Re: Goodbye... Again...

    Quote Originally Posted by Danielle Foxxx
    Well, after writting the moderators who by the way have been very accomodating to me after my tiff with the whole underage porn thing and my actions after being attacked and ridiculed by the Kitty Porn lovers I have no reason to be part of this board anylonger.

    This has became a free for all, where people are free to insult, trash, pick, harrass and escalade their actions to what happend to me yesturday.

    I requested the moderators take care of this prick, ban him and here is the reply.

    " I sent the prick a warning message, we both agree that phone calls such as that should be handled by the local law enforcement, which seems trivial, but a trace might be exactly what's needed to get him to leave you alone. As far as the forum goes, as much as I hate to say this he hasn't come close to being what this site considers ban material. I will constantly check and most likely delete everything he puts up, I can't do anything about private messages or phone calls. That's the best I can do at the moment. "

    There is nothing law enforcement will do - NOTHING - Trust me, I have had plenty of phone calls like that and also emails. I was not threatened with violence and it is not an ongoing offense by him. They will tell me that once he is in my house and kills me to call 911, that's basically it in a nut shell. Police will not act untill there is a crime commited.

    I think this website has became a way for guys to trash on whoever they want and belittle women as freely as they may want and the moderators do what? Sit back and say " Let them at it - its fun to watch! "

    We constantly have to sit here and read these idiots tell us we are fat, ugly, have big noses, have no inteligence because some of us are sex workers, we aren't worth anything, we are no body... And altho we all know these guys are pricks and don't deserve the time of day - it trully hits a very soft spot.

    We are women, believe you or not, and we deserve the respect just like anyone you meet on the street, if you think we are ugly or stupid. We are humans with feelings and we do not deserve to be ridiculed by you.

    I know alot of you are great guys and all but if you continue to back up these assholes who are allowed to harrass us over and over and over again with no consequence then you are just like them in my book.

    I know this will never happend but I call on the ladies on this board to stand up to these pricks and tell them in a smart way how they make you trully feel, how their words really hurt us and how we will not stand for that kind of harrassment.

    I don't understand how some of you ladies allow yourself to be ridiculed over and over again, but as for me... Sorry...

    This is one of the main reason for me wanting to be more private, and I am trully sorry for having returned here. Trully trully sorry.

    This place has became an ugly war zone!

    PS: To the asshole who called me yesturday - Don't you ever think that this is your doing! This is a collective of continued abuse that I am ashamed of.

  4. #4
    Veteran Poster
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    It's a shame we will loose you again, and I am ashamed that there are men out there who would cause you to have these views. That said, I totally agree with everything you have said, and wish you all the peace you deserve, and should have been able to have here.

    I hope one day that things will change and you will feel able to come back.

    Till then, take care, and enjoy life. x

    Life Is Short.......Live It Naked

  5. #5
    Platinum Poster CORVETTEDUDE's Avatar
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    I agree the site has turned into a trash pile of insults and degraded behavior. Quite honestly, I lay responsibility for regulating the atmosphere and conduct on the site, firmly on the shoulders of the Mods. Gentlemen, if things continue, I believe you will lose your most valued participants...the girls. Should that happen, what purpose does the site serve? Let's get a grip here!!!

  6. #6
    Platinum Poster MrsKellyPierce's Avatar
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    Chicago, Illinois


    Furthermore I think a lot of us girls will miss you, along with your fans. You bring a certain entertainment, quality, and comedy to the board.

    I will say I am glad I found Hung Angels, I have met a couple friends on here, and a very special guy that has helped me out on numerous occassions with out any sexual favors etc. He is my age and cute, so that in itself shows me the kind of man he is and will be to his future wife and kids.

    I think there are a lot of great guys on here, but girls segregate them into just the 'tranny chasers' and cock monglers. A lot of us don't talk to them more than just say a thank you or something to their compliments. But there is a real side there too to them, and they have feelings also.

    It is a two-way street. But anyways Good luck Danielle!

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  7. #7
    Veteran Poster
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    Danni,Remember That All Of The Real Guys On The Board Are Here
    To Defend You.Don't Let Some Moron Drive You Off.That's Exactly What He
    Wants To Do.Don't Let Him Win.We'll Cover Your Back And Take Care Of You.

  8. #8
    Professional Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by KellyShore
    Furthermore I think a lot of us girls will miss you, along with your fans. You bring a certain entertainment, quality, and comedy to the board.

    I will say I am glad I found Hung Angels, I have met a couple friends on here, and a very special guy that has helped me out on numerous occassions with out any sexual favors etc. He is my age and cute, so that in itself shows me the kind of man he is and will be to his future wife and kids.

    I think there are a lot of great guys on here, but girls segregate them into just the 'tranny chasers' and cock monglers. A lot of us don't talk to them more than just say a thank you or something to their compliments. But there is a real side there too to them, and they have feelings also.

    It is a two-way street. But anyways Good luck Danielle!
    Very well said Kel

  9. #9
    Veteran Poster
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    May 2007


    Danni,We Just Devastated ball breaker For Disrespecting Nichole.We
    Won't Let These Shitbags Fuck With You Girls.We Need You Here.Your A
    A Good Person,A Real Character,Funny And Smart.So Please Stay,We Have Your Back.

  10. #10
    Veteran Poster
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    Atlanta, GA


    Im no mod, but Iv ebeen using the internet since like 93, and from the Dial Up BBSs to AOL 2.0 to now, and there is always trash talk. ITs unfortunate about someone calling you up, talking shit, whatever. But you gotta look at it like this. When someone used Yasmine Lee's pic on an escort ad like last week, NOBODY said "DONT CALL THE AD AND HARASS HER" Nobody stood up and said even though the situation is fucked up, dont take it to the next level. Shit, I wont front, I didnt even say, because I really didnt care. You posted something that pissed someone off on the internet and the dickhead called you, yea, its fucked up, but your grown, deal with that shit and keep it moving.

    If you go on any board, people are going to talk shit. Im more than 100% sure that people say fuck me all day every day, but Ive never met them, shit, they dont even know what I look like. But hey, thats life. I think when people sit behind a computer, the world gets smaller and we feel like this shit here matters. It really doesnt. Your situation is a lot more fucked up than mine because its easy for someone to get your number because of your line of work. Cant knock the hustle, do you, I always say that. But just remember its a possibility for someone to send you fucked up VMs.

    Its kinda like this. As someone with a public imagine, a wise business move would be not to be on any forum, dont say shit, and let pics and movies be your face. Thats why most celebs have PR people. So now someone has a reason to dislike you. It aint right, wrong, im not saying none of that shit, but leaving may be your best move, PR wise.

    Calling the police and shit? I might come from a different environment, but that shit aint neccessary. Youve been escorting how long? And never got a fucked up call on your VM? Wait, an ESCORT calling the police for a harrasing call? And how do you explain how he got your number? Ive had my share of fucked up calls and thats never gone through myhead. But everyone is different.

    All I gotta say is do you. Final point

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