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  1. #11
    Veteran Poster
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    Move on. It's Embarasssing.But Shit Happens.It's Happened To Everyone on The Board.You Did The Right Thing

  2. #12
    Junior Poster
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    North-east coast, Australia


    I gave my ex-wife a car, and the crazy beeatch crashed it three times... The lesson I learned is that, in time, the financial loss is insignificant.

    I don't think Chuck's a fool, B1... maybe a hopeless romantic, but we need to experience life and make mistakes. We are all wise in hindsight, but at the time, Chuck loved the girl and treated her very admirably.

    I'm more concerned for the girl. Her actions are not the problem, they are symptoms of something deeper that needs healing...

  3. #13
    Veteran Poster Chuck's Avatar
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    Apr 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by mofungo
    I gave my ex-wife a car, and the crazy beeatch crashed it three times... The lesson I learned is that, in time, the financial loss is insignificant.

    I don't think Chuck's a fool, B1... maybe a hopeless romantic, but we need to experience life and make mistakes. We are all wise in hindsight, but at the time, Chuck loved the girl and treated her very admirably.

    I'm more concerned for the girl. Her actions are not the problem, they are symptoms of something deeper that needs healing...
    And this was someone I have known and shared with for seven years. I would much rather have been carjacked by a stranger at gun point. This really hurts. But as badly as I feel right now I feel a whole lot better than I did when she still had the car. The funny thing is that I don't even need or want this car.

    You are absolutely right. These are symptoms of something deeper that needs healing. Believe it or not I feel badly for her but she's on her own now. On paper what I did looks stupid but I am a hopeless romantic. Don't think I'll be doing that again.

  4. #14
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    maybe I'm wrong, Chuck, but I'd say remain open to this girl... only don't give her the noose she wants to hang herself by. Care for her, if possible, and don't make an enemy of her, but most of all, look after yourself.

    I'm similar to her, Chuck; I mostly hurt those that love me best. She may only be testing you. It's a bloody hard road to travel down, and you may have a hard journey ahead, but stick with it Chucky. I say, If you love the girl, let her make mistakes, but be there for her when she falls.

    Most of all, I'd say think of her as a friend you care about. Don't think of her as a partner; friends first, and the rest will follow if it's appropriate.

    Good luck.

  5. #15
    Professional Poster
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    Damn, that's rough. At least you got your car back, that's the good thing. Sounds like this hit you really hard and that's understandable. You already know this is a really bad situation for you. Now you just have to accept that she's not the same person she was when you were first together. People do change, not always for the better.

    She'll definitely be back. What you decide to do when she does, could really make or break you. I would hold her at a good distance and watch out for those patterns. Don't call her anymore, just wait for her to come to you. But in the meantime, move on with your life.

    Shush girl, shut your lips
    Do the Helen Keller and talk with your hips

  6. #16
    Junior Poster
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    Default Re: TRUE STORY

    Quote Originally Posted by Chuck
    No, not the kind of true story about my first transsexual experience. While those are always good and interesting this one is about how my seven year relationship with a "girl" ended this week. I'll keep it as brief as possible.

    I have been seeing a girl off and on for about seven years. We've had our highs and lows but we always came through it. We have always lived in separate cities, two and a half hours apart. So we never lived together although we have spent holidays and vacations together. She was there for me when I was down and out. I got back on my feet four years ago partly motivated by the desire to win her back. I have a good job in a respectable professional field.

    While I was on my way up, she was on her way down. She got locked up four years ago and did a year in jail. When she came out she was a different person. I didn't feel the love anymore. I felt like I was just being used for the money and security I offered her now that I had a favorable income. I thought I could rekindle that old love.

    After various breakups and reconciliations I decided to make a real commitment to our future together. I bought a new car and entrusted it to her. I wanted her to get back on her feet and feel good about life again. I also knew that this would reveal to me what I really needed to know.

    Well it did. I bought the car one month ago. She disappeared on me two weeks ago. Stopped answering my phone calls and e-mails. Despite all of my pleas, no response. I could not believe it. Did she really think she was going to walk out of my life with my car???

    On my phone messages to her, after a week of not hearing from her, I was genuinely worried. I thought something bad must have happend. On my last six messages (must have been a total of 15) I expressed this concern but also let her know that I might have to call OnStar to locate the car and that she needed to get in touch with me ASAP! The police told me I would have to file an "unauthorized use" complaint which is a step below auto theft. So after 11 days I did, while still leaving her messages informing her of what I was doing. I did this with a heavy heart.

    Just in case something bad had happened to her and she was not receiving any of my messages I figured out the pass code to her voice mail box. I got it in two tries. There were no unheard messages. In other words she was hearing the messaged and just ingnoring me.

    At 2 AM Wednesday morning the police, thanks to OnStar, found the car at her mother's house. Guess who called me right away? Unapologetic she claimed that I gave her the car and that it was hers now. Of course there was no written or legal agreement to this effect. She totally screwed me after seven years and by her tone I could tell that she saw nothing wrong with what she did. I hung up on her, disconnected my answering machine (yes I still have one of those) and have not reconected it or answered my phone since.

    Based on what I said can someone tell me what the fukk just happened?

    Thanks in advance HA. You're the best!
    Good honest post.....

  7. #17
    Junior Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by mofungo
    maybe I'm wrong, Chuck, but I'd say remain open to this girl... only don't give her the noose she wants to hang herself by. Care for her, if possible, and don't make an enemy of her, but most of all, look after yourself.

    I'm similar to her, Chuck; I mostly hurt those that love me best. She may only be testing you. It's a bloody hard road to travel down, and you may have a hard journey ahead, but stick with it Chucky. I say, If you love the girl, let her make mistakes, but be there for her when she falls.

    Most of all, I'd say think of her as a friend you care about. Don't think of her as a partner; friends first, and the rest will follow if it's appropriate.

    Good luck.
    Chuck, don't listen to Mofungo. In fact, let's get an IP trace on mofungo and make sure that Mofungo is not your ex-girlfriend.

    Hurt those who love you best? What kind of horseshit is that? Fucking mongoloids man, seriously.

    There are millions of other girls out there bro, this one tried playing you. Fuck her. You've got like 24,000 days to live and you're worrying about the bitch? Millions out there, no need to worry about just ONE of them. She's not special, she's not "THE ONE". Go live bro.

  8. #18
    Junior Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by KO47
    Chuck, don't listen to Mofungo. In fact, let's get an IP trace on mofungo and make sure that Mofungo is not your ex-girlfriend.
    Hi KO47. Are you somebody?

  9. #19
    Veteran Poster Chuck's Avatar
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    We can disagree on the morals that can be learned from my experience but there is one truth that cannot be argued. OnStar works!!!

    Thanks for all of your words, both kind and harsh. Never thought that HA would be a place where I could share anything more than porn.

  10. #20
    Silver Poster
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    hey Chuck, you never told us.......

    What kind of car is it?

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